Why do men..... ?

So, Bonzi, did you ever think that perhaps your husband would be MUCH more attentive to your needs if you attended to HIS needs once in a while? Instead of running around here, telling us how "selfish" you are, and flirting shamelessly with other men, all the while claiming to be a good Christian person? This is just one reason WHY you cannot buy all the religious garbage people spew. If they believed HALF of the crap they spew, they would not behave or conduct themselves in the manner in which they do . . .

If it was me, I would be EMBARRASSED if my husband or children read my posts.
If she has an affair.

I'm asking her, not you. She already HAS a husband, and you don't need to defend her. She is a 51-year-old woman.

Then you should do it somewhere besides a public forum.

Is something going on between you and the Bonz? :) Why the "white knight" act with another women who is simply asking questions about statements she made? Do you even KNOW this woman? Maybe you are just one of the ones who doesn't like me and thinks I don't have the right to ask questions of people on the forum after they make statements? I don't know but it's fucking weird, and you should probably mind your own fucking business.

As a 51-year-old woman who volunteers this information, she is more than capable of answering questions and defending herself, I think.

LOL! So if I make comments in her favor, there must be something between us? If I had stepped in and joined your side, would that mean something was between you and me? Don't be ridiculous.

What kind of person, joins a forum, makes such statements and then allows strangers to find her (or his) battles, or even answer all of the questions posed to that person? Goodness. It's fucking weird.

I am not fighting her battles. I don't know where you got that. I expressed my opinion of events on these forums.

And speaking of none of my business, why is her behavior any of your business? You make it sound as though you are on some Quest for Truth, when you are simply singling out someone who's behavior does not match yours.
I'm asking her, not you. She already HAS a husband, and you don't need to defend her. She is a 51-year-old woman.

Then you should do it somewhere besides a public forum.

Is something going on between you and the Bonz? :) Why the "white knight" act with another women who is simply asking questions about statements she made? Do you even KNOW this woman? Maybe you are just one of the ones who doesn't like me and thinks I don't have the right to ask questions of people on the forum after they make statements? I don't know but it's fucking weird, and you should probably mind your own fucking business.

As a 51-year-old woman who volunteers this information, she is more than capable of answering questions and defending herself, I think.

LOL! So if I make comments in her favor, there must be something between us? If I had stepped in and joined your side, would that mean something was between you and me? Don't be ridiculous.

What kind of person, joins a forum, makes such statements and then allows strangers to find her (or his) battles, or even answer all of the questions posed to that person? Goodness. It's fucking weird.

I am not fighting her battles. I don't know where you got that. I expressed my opinion of events on these forums.

And speaking of none of my business, why is her behavior any of your business? You make it sound as though you are on some Quest for Truth, when you are simply singling out someone who's behavior does not match yours.

I am on a quest for truth. Her behavior is very perplexing to me. I would like an explanation for all of the contradictions. I mean, if you don't want people questioning you, then don't make such personal statements and threads. When you start threads asking what men what and why this and why that, then you are going to get some responses, questions, comments.
I'm asking her, not you. She already HAS a husband, and you don't need to defend her. She is a 51-year-old woman.

Then you should do it somewhere besides a public forum.

Is something going on between you and the Bonz? :) Why the "white knight" act with another women who is simply asking questions about statements she made? Do you even KNOW this woman? Maybe you are just one of the ones who doesn't like me and thinks I don't have the right to ask questions of people on the forum after they make statements? I don't know but it's fucking weird, and you should probably mind your own fucking business.

As a 51-year-old woman who volunteers this information, she is more than capable of answering questions and defending herself, I think.

LOL! So if I make comments in her favor, there must be something between us? If I had stepped in and joined your side, would that mean something was between you and me? Don't be ridiculous.

What kind of person, joins a forum, makes such statements and then allows strangers to find her (or his) battles, or even answer all of the questions posed to that person? Goodness. It's fucking weird.

I am not fighting her battles. I don't know where you got that. I expressed my opinion of events on these forums.

And speaking of none of my business, why is her behavior any of your business? You make it sound as though you are on some Quest for Truth, when you are simply singling out someone who's behavior does not match yours.

Also, most of the time, I like Bonzi. I notice she goes off the deep end quite a bit of the time, and I am a little concerned. She seems to be on a "self destructive" path.
Interesting exchange... anyway....

No, I am not looking for an affair.
I talk about sex because it's fun, funny and interesting. Something may people enjoy talking about either seriously or in jest, and I like the interaction on the board with others. Many people are quite honest (which I love) and many people are quite humorous (which I also love) .....

I just like it - why? I don't really have any deep thought out psychoanalysis of why I enjoy being on here talking about sex, relationships, philosophies on life, and to some extent movies and music -

I find just being free to say what I feel like saying is nice. To me, what is said and goes on here is not to be taken all that seriously.... but, it is enjoyable and I enjoy many people and what they have to say - including you ChrisL.
Then you should do it somewhere besides a public forum.

Is something going on between you and the Bonz? :) Why the "white knight" act with another women who is simply asking questions about statements she made? Do you even KNOW this woman? Maybe you are just one of the ones who doesn't like me and thinks I don't have the right to ask questions of people on the forum after they make statements? I don't know but it's fucking weird, and you should probably mind your own fucking business.

As a 51-year-old woman who volunteers this information, she is more than capable of answering questions and defending herself, I think.

LOL! So if I make comments in her favor, there must be something between us? If I had stepped in and joined your side, would that mean something was between you and me? Don't be ridiculous.

What kind of person, joins a forum, makes such statements and then allows strangers to find her (or his) battles, or even answer all of the questions posed to that person? Goodness. It's fucking weird.

I am not fighting her battles. I don't know where you got that. I expressed my opinion of events on these forums.

And speaking of none of my business, why is her behavior any of your business? You make it sound as though you are on some Quest for Truth, when you are simply singling out someone who's behavior does not match yours.

Also, most of the time, I like Bonzi. I notice she goes off the deep end quite a bit of the time, and I am a little concerned. She seems to be on a "self destructive" path.

Now you are concerned for her well-being? LMAO!
Interesting exchange... anyway....

No, I am not looking for an affair.
I talk about sex because it's fun, funny and interesting. Something may people enjoy talking about either seriously or in jest, and I like the interaction on the board with others. Many people are quite honest (which I love) and many people are quite humorous (which I also love) .....

But that is not all you do. YOU make personal comments about your dissatisfaction and give the implications to men that you are "looking" for something. Don't be coy with me. I'm not stupid.

I just like it - why? I don't really have any deep thought out psychoanalysis of why I enjoy being on here talking about sex, relationships, philosophies on life, and to some extent movies and music -

If that was all you did, I wouldn't be curious at all. Look how upset you got about BJs the other day?? Don't try to play me. I'm not stupid.

I find just being free to say what I feel like saying is nice. To me, what is said and goes on here is not to be taken all that seriously.... but, it is enjoyable and I enjoy many people and what they have to say - including you ChrisL.

Oh come on! Lol! :lol:
Is something going on between you and the Bonz? :) Why the "white knight" act with another women who is simply asking questions about statements she made? Do you even KNOW this woman? Maybe you are just one of the ones who doesn't like me and thinks I don't have the right to ask questions of people on the forum after they make statements? I don't know but it's fucking weird, and you should probably mind your own fucking business.

As a 51-year-old woman who volunteers this information, she is more than capable of answering questions and defending herself, I think.

LOL! So if I make comments in her favor, there must be something between us? If I had stepped in and joined your side, would that mean something was between you and me? Don't be ridiculous.

What kind of person, joins a forum, makes such statements and then allows strangers to find her (or his) battles, or even answer all of the questions posed to that person? Goodness. It's fucking weird.

I am not fighting her battles. I don't know where you got that. I expressed my opinion of events on these forums.

And speaking of none of my business, why is her behavior any of your business? You make it sound as though you are on some Quest for Truth, when you are simply singling out someone who's behavior does not match yours.

Also, most of the time, I like Bonzi. I notice she goes off the deep end quite a bit of the time, and I am a little concerned. She seems to be on a "self destructive" path.

Now you are concerned for her well-being? LMAO!

Sure I am. If her talk is serious (which she claims it is not - I don't know though), then that is very self-destructive behavior. Don't you agree? I think she seems like a fairly nice person, just confused or unhappy.
Is something going on between you and the Bonz? :) Why the "white knight" act with another women who is simply asking questions about statements she made? Do you even KNOW this woman? Maybe you are just one of the ones who doesn't like me and thinks I don't have the right to ask questions of people on the forum after they make statements? I don't know but it's fucking weird, and you should probably mind your own fucking business.

As a 51-year-old woman who volunteers this information, she is more than capable of answering questions and defending herself, I think.

LOL! So if I make comments in her favor, there must be something between us? If I had stepped in and joined your side, would that mean something was between you and me? Don't be ridiculous.

What kind of person, joins a forum, makes such statements and then allows strangers to find her (or his) battles, or even answer all of the questions posed to that person? Goodness. It's fucking weird.

I am not fighting her battles. I don't know where you got that. I expressed my opinion of events on these forums.

And speaking of none of my business, why is her behavior any of your business? You make it sound as though you are on some Quest for Truth, when you are simply singling out someone who's behavior does not match yours.

Also, most of the time, I like Bonzi. I notice she goes off the deep end quite a bit of the time, and I am a little concerned. She seems to be on a "self destructive" path.

Now you are concerned for her well-being? LMAO!

If you know a person is thinking of doing something self destructive, do you try to talk them out of it? Because really, a married person coming onto a site like this to seek out affairs is NOT going to have a happy ending in all likelihood. I think the goal would be to try to find out what the problem really is and try to solve it, like an adult.
Is something going on between you and the Bonz? :) Why the "white knight" act with another women who is simply asking questions about statements she made? Do you even KNOW this woman? Maybe you are just one of the ones who doesn't like me and thinks I don't have the right to ask questions of people on the forum after they make statements? I don't know but it's fucking weird, and you should probably mind your own fucking business.

As a 51-year-old woman who volunteers this information, she is more than capable of answering questions and defending herself, I think.

LOL! So if I make comments in her favor, there must be something between us? If I had stepped in and joined your side, would that mean something was between you and me? Don't be ridiculous.

What kind of person, joins a forum, makes such statements and then allows strangers to find her (or his) battles, or even answer all of the questions posed to that person? Goodness. It's fucking weird.

I am not fighting her battles. I don't know where you got that. I expressed my opinion of events on these forums.

And speaking of none of my business, why is her behavior any of your business? You make it sound as though you are on some Quest for Truth, when you are simply singling out someone who's behavior does not match yours.

Also, most of the time, I like Bonzi. I notice she goes off the deep end quite a bit of the time, and I am a little concerned. She seems to be on a "self destructive" path.

Now you are concerned for her well-being? LMAO!

And obviously, a person who seems so preoccupied with such things is crying out for help. The people who would want to involve themselves in a "relationship" of any kind with a married person (other than strictly platonic friendship) are not people who really care about that person either. They are using that person's vulnerability and usually have ulterior motives, like, as Daniel would say, "sex for free in these modern times."

I find cheating on your spouse to be a despicable thing. If you are unhappy, you work on it, or you get a divorce. Cheating breaks up families and hurts families. So there.
Well I am not looking for an affair so - but you don't believe that so not sure there is much more to say!

Maybe WinterBorn or someone else is interesting in discussing why I'm here and say what I say.... I've pretty much said all I have to say on the subject....
Well I am not looking for an affair so - but you don't believe that so not sure there is much more to say!

Maybe WinterBorn or someone else is interesting in discussing why I'm here and say what I say.... I've pretty much said all I have to say on the subject....

Well, you've pretty much almost as much as came out and said so on a few occasions now, so what is THAT all about? You just like to have the guys clamoring up to you because they think you're looking? I don't get it. The only thing I can see is that you are lacking that kind of "attention" at home, and that is pretty sad. You deserve to be happy too. If you are looking for that here, I am telling you that this is the WRONG place. Lol. :D
Personally, as a single person, I am totally turned off to flirting here. I'm a single person and I get accused of being this and that all the time for flirting, and I don't and have never said HALF of the things that the Bonz has said! Good grief!
I never have or did care about money. I just want someone that is going to be real, that way I can easily filter out the shit....
women claim that.....

I'm different... if you haven't figured that out by now you are an idiot....
the proof is in the pudding, dear.

I don't promise anything
I don't produce anything

Why don't you just divorce your husband if you hate him so much? Why do you come here looking to cheat? I mean, of course you are going to deny that, but actions speak louder than words, lady.

What is it that you are looking for here? Conversation? Yeah riiiight! Lol.

And where is your little creeper? He's been keeping a "low profile" eh?
I don't think she wants to cheat. She just likes flirting. Exchanging playful banter. No sex......just talk.
I can understand and respect that.
We all have our needs.
I am someone that needs to be single. My husband must really love me :)

You need to be single?

I am just a person more suited for "singleness"......

You're also trouble with a capital "T"

thank you..... :smiliehug: (... and I mean that sincerely... ) it's the best compliment I have had all day.....

I think it means he thinks you are a whore. ;)
women claim that.....

I'm different... if you haven't figured that out by now you are an idiot....
the proof is in the pudding, dear.

I don't promise anything
I don't produce anything

Why don't you just divorce your husband if you hate him so much? Why do you come here looking to cheat? I mean, of course you are going to deny that, but actions speak louder than words, lady.

What is it that you are looking for here? Conversation? Yeah riiiight! Lol.

And where is your little creeper? He's been keeping a "low profile" eh?
I don't think she wants to cheat. She just likes flirting. Exchanging playful banter. No sex......just talk.
I can understand and respect that.

Come on! :lol:
We all have our needs.
I am someone that needs to be single. My husband must really love me :)

I am curious, why do you say you need to be single?

Have you read or digested any of this thread? ;)

So what about it? Do you have something you want to come out and say? We're all waiting . . . What do you think is going to happen if you get the attention you are seeking? Are you going to have an affair? An emotional affair, a physical affair? Both?

To be fair, I have flirted with her and she has not responded with anything inappropriate at all. In fact, she seemed to ignore the flirty parts.

Oh please! If you think this type of behavior is appropriate for a married Christian woman, then . . . I don't know how I could help you. Lol. SOMETHING is the mattr with the woman, obviously.
To be fair, I have flirted with her and she has not responded with anything inappropriate at all. In fact, she seemed to ignore the flirty parts.

Oh please! If you think this type of behavior is appropriate for a married Christian woman, then . . . I don't know how I could help you. Lol. SOMETHING is the mattr with the woman, obviously.

Eh, it seems harmless to me. There are a lot of people on these forums that seem to have something wrong with them.

I'll bet her husband would disagree with you. ;)

If her harmless flirting gets her in the mood for sex, I bet he would be thrilled.

She says she doesn't like sex.
Yes, another way of saying there is no chance for anyone to get anything other than conversation from her.
You need to be single?

I am just a person more suited for "singleness"......

You're also trouble with a capital "T"

thank you..... :smiliehug: (... and I mean that sincerely... ) it's the best compliment I have had all day.....

I think it means he thinks you are a whore. ;)

Seriously? So what if your wife did this online with strange men? Okay with you? I have to say, I've never been with a guy that would have been "okay" with that. :)

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