why do more women lean left than men?

well, the first thing that comes to my mind is that women tend to... I know it's a stereotype but they seem to tend to be more emotional and more "caring" so they gravitate toward the party thatseem to be more caring... which of course, it is total propaganda that that iss the dim party... total propaganda.

It is NOT compasssionate, for example, to make people dependent on govt... That iss probably the LEAST compassionate thing I can think going on vis a vis politics and govt policy..

not to mention it is not compasssionate for the taxpayers... although caring for everyday people "with problems" is a FAR better use of taxpayer money than... choke... paying Congress persons to do virtually nothing... and when they are not doingg nothing... OMG... we wish they were!

but anyhow... yeh.... Women need to wise up.. start using the old noggin rather than the messed up heart...

the Bible says that the human heart is "deceitful above all things and desperately wicked"

so much for basing your decisions on the heart not the head

why do more women lean left than men?​

Women tend to be one issue voters just like all the other compartmentalized factions that vote Mexicrat…they vote on one headline or catch phrase that gets them all giddy inside. Very few vote on actual politics and on the things that will advance and improve our nation in the long term.
Dont worry, some of your right wing governors are bailing you freeloaders out with unemployment if you get let go because you refuse the covid vaccination.
Nope. If let go due to lack of vaccine, there is no unemployment.

Can you collect unemployment if you're fired for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine?​

Not in most states, because if you're dismissed for refusing the COVID vaccine, that would be considered being fired "for cause."
Only if you live in one of the 4 responsible states.
Iowa, Tennessee, Florida and Kansas.
A lot of it is about the abortion issue. Years of propaganda by democrats have convinced young women that it's in their best interests to use abortion as a method of birth control.
Without a doubt. Very sad that killing something for the sake of convenience is considered acceptable to the left. I am pro-choice before another life is introduced, and not after.
Three reasons.
1. Hormones
2. Hormones
3. Hormones
White males are morally inferior. They would starve people just to make a point. They want to make women inferior such as in anti-abortion laws.
Yes, the white male is not only morally inferior, they are the scourge of the universe.

Everything that is wrong in this entire world is all the fault of the terrible white male. He is even totally responsible for Global Warming, our burning cities and plus rising crime and murder rate.

Of course white male Democrats are entirely different and are ashamed of all other white males. That’s why all blacks and Hispanics should always vote for Democrats even if they are white males.

The above is of course a bunch of crap.

Democrats are trying their best to divide our nation into tribes that all hate the white male but vote for white male Democrats like Joe Biden.

When they succeed those white male Democrats sit around tables drinking bourbon and smoking Cuban cigars while laughing at the stupidity of the minority races they have deceived. It’s a great life which is why they never retire. They just use insider trading as a means to become multimillionaires in the stock market and own multiple mansions and yachts.

The female white Democrats are just as bad. Nancy Pelosi is one of the most corrupt politicians in the Swamp.


why do more women lean left than men?​

"I moved on her like a bitch. But I couldn’t get there. And she was married!"

"Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything."
Call me an asshole if you like, I'll take it as a compliment. I think if they did a study of it, women, especially middle-aged+ who are Democrats have never been fucked well in their lives.

I'll swear to it. So the question is, are they Democrat because they've never been fucked right or they've never been fucked right because they're Democrat?
Call me an asshole if you like, I'll take it as a compliment. I think if they did a study of it, women, especially middle-aged+ who are Democrats have never been fucked well in their lives.

I'll swear to it. So the question is, are they Democrat because they've never been fucked right or they've never been fucked right because they're Democrat?
They probably are Democrats because of people like you.
"I moved on her like a bitch. But I couldn’t get there. And she was married!"

"Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything."
There you go, attacking Trump again.

When do you ever attack Democrats?

why do more women lean left than men?​

I didn’t realize it, but apparently women have right legs that are just a bit longer than their left legs?
Three reasons.
1. Hormones
2. Hormones
3. Hormones

1) Some men are much more emotional then most women. I am. Most Stereotypes are very offensive.

2) No Conservative women ever will accept being treated as less then men. Recently Sydney Watson -- a Conservative activist put White Nationalist Nick Fuentes in his place. Sydney Watson stands for Equality of both genders and she defended men in the past. Nick Fuentes believes that women should be subordinate.

3) 99% of Progressive males will accept being viewed as morally inferior species of rapists and oppressors.

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