Why do people buy Obama's BS?

Hmmmm, now you're so upset, you're double posting...I hope you're not getting upset with me:sad: :evil: ...just wanted to educate you on the facts of life junior...:cool:
oh well on to bigger fish..
Now on to the issue of "drunken retard". Drunken would imply that he comes in every night drunk, after a few tall boys. "Retard" in a clinical sense implies that his iq is not above a certain number. That's not true either.
M14 ShooterEntirely? are you sure? They are in fact directly related. There's not one illegal activity that you can name thats' not unethical. The line between being unethical and illegal is a burden of proof.

A foolish assumption on your part (again) it means I can't prove the sun shines to morons..so why waste the effort.

Naw that's alright.goose chases ain't my thing..you do know how to google right? Try it sometime, maybe you'd quit asking stupid questions. I'm not your personal secretary..if you're too dam lazy to research the obvious, then too bad so dad..like you'd believe the truth anyway..

Maybe not, but there are unethical things you can do that are not illegal.

And unethical depends on the person's definition of it, there's no specific meaning. It's the same as "morality."--it's defined differently by each person.

So the fact that you can do unethical things that are not illegal means that they are not the same thing. You almost made a good point, but keep trying...:rofl:
Does anyone on this forum make enough to benefit from Bush's tax cuts for the rich?

If the trickle down theory works, why did Bush Senior have to raise taxes?
Does anyone on this forum make enough to benefit from Bush's tax cuts for the rich?

If the trickle down theory works, why did Bush Senior have to raise taxes?

I definitely can't say that they have................trickle down theories are a myth, nothing trickles down except crap down the pipe IF there's enough pitch!!!!!!!!!:rolleyes:
I note that when we talk about Bush we talk about his OWN actions, when we talk about Obama we talk about his preachers....

Incorrect. We talk about Obama's obvious support for his preacher's views.

I don't recall the conversation being about the "preacher's views" when it's a Republican involved. It's "So-n-so's a fundy Christian trying to legislate his religious morality."

Funny how y'all on the left have a different standard for addressing the religious views of your own.
GunnyLI think Obama (the next president) has denounced his preachers rehtoric right from the start hasn't he? He did a wonderfull job explaining his views on this topic in his speech last week, he also did a wonderfull job at putting his views on racism into prospective....you followers of the drunken retard, just aren't used to someone who can communicate without stuttering, so you missed the issues he was discussing. It's gonna be so cool to have a sober president who has the mental capacity to speak simple English...um er uh er GO OBAMA!!..snort er er um the next president!! er er um yeh

Denouncing his pastor's rhetoric doesn't add up to attending his pastor's sermons for 20 years. You can admire his "wonderful job explaining" that what anyone who cares to look can see isn't in fact what it is, but THAT is just what IT is as well.

What would you know about the mental capacity to speak simple English? You can't even discern the difference between your delusional fantasies, reality, and that sounding like a jr high school cheerleader isn't exactly "in" this season.:rolleyes:

If you did have the mental capacity to speak simple English you would have taken note in the rules that your signature cannot exceed 7 lines of type. So, feel free to see if you can count high enough to accomplish falling in line with it.
Denouncing his pastor's rhetoric doesn't add up to attending his pastor's sermons for 20 years. You can admire his "wonderful job explaining" that what anyone who cares to look can see isn't in fact what it is, but THAT is just what IT is as well.

What would you know about the mental capacity to speak simple English? You can't even discern the difference between your delusional fantasies, reality, and that sounding like a jr high school cheerleader isn't exactly "in" this season.:rolleyes:

If you did have the mental capacity to speak simple English you would have taken note in the rules that your signature cannot exceed 7 lines of type. So, feel free to see if you can count high enough to accomplish falling in line with it.

I am telling you he IS in Junior high.
Obama's gonna do a hell of a job as president, the first thing he should do is pass a law that silverspoon liars from Texas can never be president again....that should pretty well end your reign of terror, the second thing he needs to do is stiffen the penalties for public drunkeness...your hero will have to stay indoors until he's arrested for his war crimes :lol:
It's not a good thing when retards drink...innocent people get killed..just look what happenned in Iraq...:cuckoo:

Hey smartness, Bush was born in New Haven, Connecticut...so he gets his "genes" from there. Think before you speak (type). I think we all get a little less intelligent every time we read one of your posts.
Oh, don;t be so harsh!
Once he gets to middle school, he'll be OK.

LOL...:rofl: yeah I know...but I was always taught that if you're man enough to speak your "mind" that your man enough to take the criticizm for your stupid thoughts/words. lol

It's good he's passionate about politics, but I've yet to see anything actually make sense. It's just emotional garble of someone who thinks they know everything. (not to mention close-minded)
Incorrect. We talk about Obama's obvious support for his preacher's views.

I don't recall the conversation being about the "preacher's views" when it's a Republican involved. It's "So-n-so's a fundy Christian trying to legislate his religious morality."

Funny how y'all on the left have a different standard for addressing the religious views of your own.

I also don't see OBAMA waving his bible around like some batman beacon above gotham like Bush did when pandering to the zealot crowd. In THIS case it's his detractors making an issue out of the preacher... Now, when rev. wright starts insisting that only GOOD christians will vote democrat...

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