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Why do people buy Obama's BS?

Ya, it is ok to talk endlessly about " Bush lied" with no evidence and no context to reality and by lying yourself about facts. But lets not talk about Obama's personal mentor, friend and spiritual leader that is a racist terror supporter that hates the Country. You know the guy he has studied and emulated for 20 YEARS.

Last I checked, there is no one named Bush on the ballot this Presidential election. That woould make any person named such irrelevant to and a deflection from Obama.
M14 ShooterMan, that was an intelligent response, how did ya ever think of it? Thanks..now people see the mentality of what we're dealing with..scary..:cuckoo:
I see you compleyely missed, and failed to address, the part where I said:

"Unless you can show that Congress was not legally elected, your "illegal tax cuts" drivel doesn't have a leg to stand on."

I don't wonder why that is.
That's hilarious (also thats "isn't", remember?)...thanks for the laugh ........

M14 Shooter

That's an assumption on your part..I said the tax cuts are illegal, like alot of things in this criminal adminstration. I'm not basing my opinion on whether congress was legally elected, nor did I ever imply anything close..you did.
Are you saying a legally elected congress is free to break laws, cater to lobbiest or pass bills in the middle of the night?
As far as "drivel" or "partisan spin" are you sure you two clowns sure you wanna go there...How are we coming on finding those wmds we went to war over? or how about that mission accomplished speech your hero gave four thousand dead troops ago? I could write pages of the lies and drivel sold to to American public..let's get real here.:cuckoo:

Find somewhere in our constitution/legislation where it says that cutting taxes is illegal. If you do, I'll buy your position.
M14 Shooter
That's an assumption on your part..I said the tax cuts are illegal
Yes you did. You said the tax cuts were illegal because of 'no taxation without representation'. You were repreented, presuming that you live in one of the United States.

So, again, how are the tax cuts illegal?
HA HA HA HA....that's an oxymoron coming from a proxymoron.

Blunt needs to get off of the blunt(s)

Let's get this straight. Tax cuts are illegal because of 'taxation without representation?'

I bet blunt is a high school junior...if not, than no more intelligent than one.
BrianHNice blur and distract..you go boy...it doesn't, never said it did. It's how you do it that can be illegal..hiding tax breaks in a "jobs creation bill" or a "school hot lunch" program is unethical, (borderline illegal..freud)
There's nothing illegal at all about attaching any tax cut to any bill.
If you think it is illegal, cite the relevant statute.
Then show that this happened.

passing bills in the middle of the night without a debate or even knoweledge of the public is illegal.
If you think it is illegal, cite the relevant statute.
Then show that this happened.

This isn't about cutting taxes, it's about passing legislation and bills in a legal, democratic way
You havent done a thing to show that they have been passed illegally.

And, aside from that...
I dunno what YOU were doing in 2001 and 2003, but I saw LOTS of debate on the tax cuts, as well as the real-time voting results.
BrianHNice blur and distract..you go boy...it doesn't, never said it did. It's how you do it that can be illegal..hiding tax breaks in a "jobs creation bill" or a "school hot lunch" program is unethical, (borderline illegal..freud) ..passing bills in the middle of the night without a debate or even knoweledge of the public is illegal.
This isn't about cutting taxes, it's about passing legislation and bills in a legal, democratic way...something that this administration is completely divorced from, George seriously believes he's a king and we are living in a dictatorship.:cuckoo:
Here's an article on just one aspect of the illegal tax breaks to billionaires..more coming

Oh contrare monfrare...check my post (quoting your statment in bold) it said..."That's an assumption on your part..I said the tax cuts are illegal, like alot of things in this criminal adminstration.
Tell ya what, how about we call the tax breaks "unethical" would that be something that you guys could live with and be proud of?
Hell you've been proud of the unethical war, the deaths of millions of innocent Iraqis ect..this would just give you one more thing to boast about..how the top one percent of Americans raped and bankrupted our economy...good job men!!!

I will say that cutting taxes while increasing government spending is retarded...however, you should do more research about Iraq before throwing emotion-based opinions out there. For example, did you ever see me state that "I am proud of an unethical war?" Most certainly not.
Also research the number of Iraqis killed before we invaded.


This website lists the civilian body count around 80,000 to 90,000.


this, however, lists all deaths at around 1,000,000. This is not a count of Iraqis killed only by American Forces....

Your assertian that our military and war has killed millions may have something to do with the fact that the Iraqis our now fighting each other more brutally now. But then again, Saddam was killing hundreds of thousands of them just because, and they were fighting each other when he was dictator.
Tell ya what, how about we call the tax breaks "unethical" would that be something that you guys could live with and be proud of?
"Unethical" and "illegal" are two entirely different animals.
And your change of terminology is an obvious admission that your "illegal" claims were nothing but bigoted, partisan rantings.

Now, back to your current, revised claim:
Please cite the specific Congressional ethics rule(s) that were violated by the passage of the tax cuts.
M14 ShooterEntirely? are you sure?
Please take the time to look up the definition of those words, and then get back to us.

A foolish assumption on your part (again) it means I can't prove the sun shines to morons..so why waste the effort.
No... the fact that you can't prove your assertion means you can't prove your assertion.
Disagree? Ok then:
Prove your assertions that the tax cuts were illegal.
You'll have to first cite the statustes that were broken.

Naw that's alright.goose chases ain't my thing
Running away, from even your revised assertion?
Thanks for playing, junior. Feel free to try again.
M14 ShooterEntirely? are you sure?
Please take the time to look up the definition of those words, and then get back to us.

A foolish assumption on your part (again) it means I can't prove the sun shines to morons..so why waste the effort.
The fact that you can;t rpove your assertion means you can;t prove your assertion.
Disagree? Ok then:
Prove your assertions that the tax cuts were illegal.
You'll have to first cite the statustes that were broken.

Naw that's alright.goose chases ain't my thing
Running away, I see.
Thanks for playing, junior. Feel free to try again.
Great!! glad to see you finally came to your senses and conceded...:clap2:
Too bad you couldn't have done it in a more intelligent way..but oh well, what do you expect from morons?..hell I'll accept. :lol:
Thank you for illustrating your intellectual cowardice in such a spectacular manner -- it makes it so very easy to decide if there's any reason to waste any more screen space on you.

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