Why do people buy Obama's BS?

Incorrect. We talk about Obama's obvious support for his preacher's views.

I guess he has to shoot Wright to prove to you he doesn't support these views. Maybe a lynching like O'Reilly suggested for Obama's wife.

He wasn't present at the church when those sermons were given.

Hell, when I did attend church, and was married by a Priest I knew for over 10 years, I don't remember much of his sermons.

This is all bullshit and swiftboating. He said he doesn't support them. That is more than McCain has said about Pastor Hagee. Catholic whores and submissive women.

Wright is also an old fart like many of us on these threads. He came from a time when segregation was still real. How the hell do you expect him not to be negatively influenced by this? Obama's grandmother, the typical white person, also came from this era. I don't agree with much of what Wright said, but I can understand where he is coming from.

More fucking swiftboating.
I guess he has to shoot Wright to prove to you he doesn't support these views. Maybe a lynching like O'Reilly suggested for Obama's wife.

He wasn't present at the church when those sermons were given.

Hell, when I did attend church, and was married by a Priest I knew for over 10 years, I don't remember much of his sermons.

This is all bullshit and swiftboating. He said he doesn't support them. That is more than McCain has said about Pastor Hagee. Catholic whores and submissive women.

Wright is also an old fart like many of us on these threads. He came from a time when segregation was still real. How the hell do you expect him not to be negatively influenced by this? Obama's grandmother, the typical white person, also came from this era. I don't agree with much of what Wright said, but I can understand where he is coming from.

More fucking swiftboating.
I don't think so, Obama's embrace of Wright was for political reasons, so is his maintaining it:


...Democrats should now ask themselves how a party of supposed racial transcendence inevitably ended up with primaries predicated along hardening racial lines, and a unity, trans-racial candidate who for twenty years was intimate with a pastor and spiritual advisor who seems to have derided almost everyone and everything, from America, to Italians, to Jews and Israel, to whites and moderate blacks, with serial slurs worthy of a Don Imus or Michael Richards.
NOw that's just silly to deny the silverspoon liar isn't from Texas, hell Barbra killed her freind there in a car wreck in high school. The drunken retard got his first drunk driving ticket there..come on guys..you'll never get away with that one...you liars crack me up...next you're gonna say the drunken retard doesn't own a ranch there right?..
I should expect this out of people who worship a two faced lying sonofabitch who got 4,000 of our troops killed over a pack of lies..what a hero!!..what a leader!!


This shows your inability to think rationally. I don't have to get away with anything.....


I never said he wasn't raised in Texas genius. I said he was born in New Haven Connecticut. And since alcoholism is (can be) a genetic problem, and Bush's genetics stem from New Haven, Conn., your claims are abusrd.

By the way, you think Obama identifies with you? He's just a millionaire as the rest of them....out for himself and the elites. You're poor misled little kid. :cuckoo:
BrianHActually it shows your inability to twist my words

Well I did and you took issue with it, started babbling about where he was born, ect.. so you admit your mistake and I accept your apology...glad we all agree that Bush is a silverspoon, lying bastard from Texas. (oh and thanks for the compliment, I knew you'd see things my way)

:wtf: HAHAHAHAHAHA....you're first statment doesn't even make sense.

What does Texas have to do about anything? So there aren't silverspoon, lying bastards from anywwhere else?

Your words are assinine as they come. You're a close-minded kid with a biased opinion and unable to take responsibility for your own statements. What a loon.:cuckoo:
First off, you're the one emphasizing texas. "Drunken retard from Texas." If you didn't have such a beef with Texas, you should say "Druken Retard" and leave it at that.

Why do you keep accepting an apology that doesn't exist?

You're assuming that I worship Bush...where did your assumption come from? oh that's right, your ass.

You're like a little kid with a bag of crap running around throwin little handfuls on different threads. It must be nice having shit for brains, you'll always have a full bag of turds.

Keep tryin in your attempt to accept a non-existant apology.
And keep trying to assume that what you say makes sense, because, maybe when you graduate junior high, something may come out that makes sense. :doubt: (unlikely though)
I guess he has to shoot Wright to prove to you he doesn't support these views. Maybe a lynching like O'Reilly suggested for Obama's wife.

He wasn't present at the church when those sermons were given.

Hell, when I did attend church, and was married by a Priest I knew for over 10 years, I don't remember much of his sermons.

This is all bullshit and swiftboating. He said he doesn't support them. That is more than McCain has said about Pastor Hagee. Catholic whores and submissive women.

Wright is also an old fart like many of us on these threads. He came from a time when segregation was still real. How the hell do you expect him not to be negatively influenced by this? Obama's grandmother, the typical white person, also came from this era. I don't agree with much of what Wright said, but I can understand where he is coming from.

More fucking swiftboating.
He's been close to Wright. Now it seems the media has picked up on how close he's been to Meeks, another grand fellow around these parts:


Barack Obama’s Latest Pastor Problem: Anti-Gay Rev. James T. Meeks

Article Date: 03/31/2008

By Duane Wells

Just as the dust surrounding Sen. Barack Obama’s long-term association with controversial minister Rev. Jeremiah Wright has begun to settle comes new reports of the democratic presidential hopeful’s connection to another racially divisive public figure—the stridently homophobic Rev. James T. Meeks, an Illinois state senator who also serves as the pastor of Chicago’s 22,000 member strong Salem Baptist Church.

Described in a 2004 Chicago Sun Times article as someone Barack Obama regularly seeks out for “spiritual counsel”, James Meeks, who will serve as an Obama delegate at the 2008 Democratic convention in Denver, is a long-time political ally to the democratic frontrunner....

...Interestingly, the Chicago Sun Times has also reported that both Meeks and Obama share a history of substantial campaign contributions from indicted real estate magnate Tony Rezko.

The problem for Obama is that Rev. James Meeks, like Rev. Jeremiah Wright, preaches a message that appears to be directly at odds with the promise of hope, unity and bridging social, racial and political divisions upon which his campaign is built...
What baffles me is...even if all of this slander is true so what? It doesn't even come close to the psychopath in office now, yet you people worship the tard.

Umm, slander cannot be true, by definition.

I bet you are on Spring Break?
I guess he has to shoot Wright to prove to you he doesn't support these views. Maybe a lynching like O'Reilly suggested for Obama's wife.

He wasn't present at the church when those sermons were given.

Hell, when I did attend church, and was married by a Priest I knew for over 10 years, I don't remember much of his sermons.

This is all bullshit and swiftboating. He said he doesn't support them. That is more than McCain has said about Pastor Hagee. Catholic whores and submissive women.

Wright is also an old fart like many of us on these threads. He came from a time when segregation was still real. How the hell do you expect him not to be negatively influenced by this? Obama's grandmother, the typical white person, also came from this era. I don't agree with much of what Wright said, but I can understand where he is coming from.

More fucking swiftboating.
As I've posted many a time, regarding both this and Ron Paul, I do judge people by the company they keep:


Friends in Low Places [Stephen Spruiell]

I have a piece on the homepage today about the Rezko trial. Here in Chicago, the press has focused more on Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich than Barack Obama. Rezko was a friend and supporter to both men, but he was closer to Blagojevich, and Blagojevich’s name has come up over and over again during the trial. In several cases, Blagojevich was the intended beneficiary of corrupt activities that Rezko and a sleazy fixer named Stuart Levine are alleged to have engaged in:

Prosecutors plan to walk Levine through a description of one such scheme during Tuesday’s testimony. Levine and Rezko are accused of offering Hollywood producer and financier Thomas Rosenberg a choice: Either give them a $2 million bribe, or donate $1.5 million to Blagojevich’s campaign. Rosenberg (ironically, the producer of a film entitled Million Dollar Baby) stood to win a $220 million investment from [the Illinois Teachers’ Retirement System], but he refused to pay up and threatened to go to the feds. Levine got a visit from the government shortly thereafter.​

Obama is thought to have benefited from Rezko’s activities in a similar way, though on a much smaller scale. Levine has testified that he directed the Illinois TRS, of which he was a trustee, to invest $50 million with a firm called Glencoe Capital. In exchange, Levine arranged for himself and Rezko to split a fraudulent $500,000 “finder’s fee.” Rezko allegedly told Levine to route his half to an associate of his named Joseph Aramanda.

According to the indictment against Rezko, Aramanda “used the money… in substantial part for the benefit of Rezko.” To that end, Aramanda received half of the money in March of 2004 and wrote a $10,000 check to Barack Obama’s Senate campaign that same month.

Of course, Obama has donated any and all contributions he received from Aramanda to charity, and he says neither he nor anyone on his campaign had any reason to suspect that Aramanda had obtained the money by fraudulent means. But there’s another twist: Obama’s Senate office awarded Aramanda’s son an internship in the summer of 2005 based on Rezko’s recommendation.

None of this is breaking news, of course, but Levine’s ongoing testimony is exhuming the whole sordid mess and adding new details to Rezko’s saga of alleged kickbacks, extortion and patronage. Assessing it all in light of the controversy over Jeremiah Wright, one gets the impression, taking Obama at his word, that he really didn’t know his “friends” very well at all.
I guess he has to shoot Wright to prove to you he doesn't support these views. Maybe a lynching like O'Reilly suggested for Obama's wife.

He wasn't present at the church when those sermons were given.

Hell, when I did attend church, and was married by a Priest I knew for over 10 years, I don't remember much of his sermons.

This is all bullshit and swiftboating. He said he doesn't support them. That is more than McCain has said about Pastor Hagee. Catholic whores and submissive women.

Wright is also an old fart like many of us on these threads. He came from a time when segregation was still real. How the hell do you expect him not to be negatively influenced by this? Obama's grandmother, the typical white person, also came from this era. I don't agree with much of what Wright said, but I can understand where he is coming from.

More fucking swiftboating.

No, more libs claiming stupidity as a defense.

And I don't think he's that stupid. I've heard him speak, and I've never heard more convoluted, backwards-talking crap in my life. On the one hand he says he's not a liberal, and in the same breath, he says he'll cut $$ support to the military, endanger them and us by pulling them out of Iraq post haste...on the one hand he says he doesn't know what Wright says, on the other hand he has a book which has, as it's TITLE, a quip from one of Wright's speeches.

You really think he doesn't know what the guy preached? Really? Or do you just agree with them?

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