Why do people deny science?

Extreme weather, like all weather is cyclical. The extreme weather we have today is no different than the extreme weather we had in the 50s and 60s. What is different is the amount of damage that extreme weather does. That is an effect of population density, not the strength of the storms.

You bad boy! Stop confusing them with facts! :eek:
sceince means nothing to these people.

they make up the world they want to live in and then pretend its real.

how America created this pack of fools will be written about for generations
Extreme weather, like all weather is cyclical. The extreme weather we have today is no different than the extreme weather we had in the 50s and 60s. What is different is the amount of damage that extreme weather does. That is an effect of population density, not the strength of the storms.

Can you present the opinion of a SINGLE trained physicist who agrees with you?

No, you can't.
Post a list of all the right wing environmental radicals.

I'm waiting. Well maybe it will be here after my morning walk.

I'm not sure what you are looking for here....obviously by far the majority of conservative politicians and political parties around the world accept AGW, just as the majority of conservative scientists do.
In a country where over 90% of citizens support universal background checks, but it fails to pass because well funded corporate lobbyists decide it is not a good idea?
Red herring...Science isn't open to polling or a vote...Well, that is unless you count "peer review" and "consensus".

Have you ever had the curiosity to investigate who funds these so called 'scientists' who deny global warming can be attributed to human greenhouse gas emissions? It is the greenhouse gas emitters.
Yes....How dare people who stand to have their businesses shut down over a hoax fight back?

These are the same 'scientists' and think tanks who offered the same 'scientific' evidence for years that cigarettes don't cause cancer.
Besides being non sequitur, cigarettes don't cause cancer...If they did, the cancer rate amongst cigarette smokers would be far, far higher than it is.

Are you really THAT obtuse???
We already know that you are.
Post a list of all the right wing environmental radicals.

I'm waiting. Well maybe it will be here after my morning walk.

I'm not sure what you are looking for here....obviously by far the majority of conservative politicians and political parties around the world accept AGW, just as the majority of conservative scientists do.
What she's asking for is the conservative analog to EarthFirst!, ELF and other leftist kook quasi-terrorist groups, you dunce.

Hint: There aren't any.
Oddball -

Science isn't open to polling or a vote..

Given you hold a position backed by 0.7% of published and peer-reviewed scientific papers, that is fortunate for you!

However, I do think there is a good reason public opinion went with the 90% and not the 0.7%.

cigarettes don't cause cancer.

The voice of modern scientific opinion speaks!
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Science can be tough for Conservatives. Conservatives by definition eschew change. That's why they are called Conservative. Science is all about gathering knowledge and knowledge is the catalyst of change. Once we figured out how to cook, no one wanted raw meat anymore. Once we had the knowledge of putting one block upon another, no one wanted to live in a cave.

So here's science showing the world that we humans do indeed have the capacity to change the very planet we live on. We have the ability to pump gases into the atmosphere and change the composition of that atmosphere.

Here's the problem: along with a suspicion of knowledge, Conservatives also LOVE corporations. They will do the bidding of corporations as sycophants. Once it is revealed that the hallowed corporations are causing the problem, those very corporations will sound the alarm and get the 'pundits' Conservatives hold in high esteem to tell Conservatives precisely what the Conservatives should do.

Armed with no knowledge, the Conservatives do what they do best: bray and cry and complain that doing anything is useless (just like gun control) and doing anything will cost too much (protecting the corporations). We see science telling us that we must clean up our activities before further damage is done. But Conservatives are not about to 1) accept science and 2) champion anything that costs corporations any money.
Oddball -

Science isn't open to polling or a vote..

Given you hold a position backedby 0.7% of published and perr-reviewed scientific papers, that is fortunate!

However, I do think there is a good reason public opinion went with the 90% and not the 0.7%.
Peer review is a popcorn fart.....100% political.....Just as bullshit as your claimed 90% number.

And that's why fewer and fewer believe you hoaxers...Y'all keep making totally outlandish claims.
Science can be tough for Conservatives. Conservatives by definition eschew change. That's why they are called Conservative. Science is all about gathering knowledge and knowledge is the catalyst of change. Once we figured out how to cook, no one wanted raw meat anymore. Once we had the knowledge of putting one block upon another, no one wanted to live in a cave.

So here's science showing the world that we humans do indeed have the capacity to change the very planet we live on. We have the ability to pump gases into the atmosphere and change the composition of that atmosphere.

Here's the problem: along with a suspicion of knowledge, Conservatives also LOVE corporations. They will do the bidding of corporations as sycophants. Once it is revealed that the hallowed corporations are causing the problem, those very corporations will sound the alarm and get the 'pundits' Conservatives hold in high esteem to tell Conservatives precisely what the Conservatives should do.

Armed with no knowledge, the Conservatives do what they do best: bray and cry and complain that doing anything is useless (just like gun control) and doing anything will cost too much (protecting the corporations). We see science telling us that we must clean up our activities before further damage is done. But Conservatives are not about to 1) accept science and 2) champion anything that costs corporations any money.
Nice hyperbole and stereotyping, dude. :thup:
Science can be tough for Conservatives. Conservatives by definition eschew change. That's why they are called Conservative. Science is all about gathering knowledge and knowledge is the catalyst of change. Once we figured out how to cook, no one wanted raw meat anymore. Once we had the knowledge of putting one block upon another, no one wanted to live in a cave.

So here's science showing the world that we humans do indeed have the capacity to change the very planet we live on. We have the ability to pump gases into the atmosphere and change the composition of that atmosphere.

Here's the problem: along with a suspicion of knowledge, Conservatives also LOVE corporations. They will do the bidding of corporations as sycophants. Once it is revealed that the hallowed corporations are causing the problem, those very corporations will sound the alarm and get the 'pundits' Conservatives hold in high esteem to tell Conservatives precisely what the Conservatives should do.

Armed with no knowledge, the Conservatives do what they do best: bray and cry and complain that doing anything is useless (just like gun control) and doing anything will cost too much (protecting the corporations). We see science telling us that we must clean up our activities before further damage is done. But Conservatives are not about to 1) accept science and 2) champion anything that costs corporations any money.

Those are very, very good points.

I would also add that some conservatives backed the oil companies when oil companies denied climate change - now that all major oil companies have been forced to accept the science and move forwards, some conservatives seem to have forgotten they spent 10 years defending the scientific "research" oil companies paid good money for!

The fact is - at the time companies like Chevron, BP and Mobil admitted that they were responsible for a large proportion of the earth's emissions - the question mark over climate change disappeared forever. It's simply a done deal, and has been for years.
Odball -

Spot the contradiction:

Nice hyperbole and stereotyping, dude

Peer review is a popcorn fart.....100% political.....Just as bullshit as your claimed 90% number.

And that's why fewer and fewer believe you hoaxers...Y'all keep making totally outlandish claims.

Your point here is veryclear: You ignore science, you reject science as a concept, and you hope everyone else rejects science to do. They don't. And that is why you lost this debate.
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Science can be tough for Conservatives. Conservatives by definition eschew change. That's why they are called Conservative. Science is all about gathering knowledge and knowledge is the catalyst of change. Once we figured out how to cook, no one wanted raw meat anymore. Once we had the knowledge of putting one block upon another, no one wanted to live in a cave.

So here's science showing the world that we humans do indeed have the capacity to change the very planet we live on. We have the ability to pump gases into the atmosphere and change the composition of that atmosphere.

Here's the problem: along with a suspicion of knowledge, Conservatives also LOVE corporations. They will do the bidding of corporations as sycophants. Once it is revealed that the hallowed corporations are causing the problem, those very corporations will sound the alarm and get the 'pundits' Conservatives hold in high esteem to tell Conservatives precisely what the Conservatives should do.

Armed with no knowledge, the Conservatives do what they do best: bray and cry and complain that doing anything is useless (just like gun control) and doing anything will cost too much (protecting the corporations). We see science telling us that we must clean up our activities before further damage is done. But Conservatives are not about to 1) accept science and 2) champion anything that costs corporations any money.

Those are very, very good points.

I would also add that some conservatives backed the oil companies when oil companies denied climate change - now that all major oil companies have been forced to accept the science and move forwards, some conservatives seem to have forgotten they spent 10 years defending the scientific "research" oil companies paid good money for!

The fact is - at the time companies like Chevron, BP and Mobil admitted that they were responsible for a large proportion of the earth's emissions - the question mark over climate change disappeared forever. It's simply a done deal, and has been for years.
Yes...How dare people who stand to have their businesses destroyed by a bunch of kook hoaxers take any action to protect their business interests. :rolleyes:
Science can be tough for Conservatives. Conservatives by definition eschew change. That's why they are called Conservative. Science is all about gathering knowledge and knowledge is the catalyst of change. Once we figured out how to cook, no one wanted raw meat anymore. Once we had the knowledge of putting one block upon another, no one wanted to live in a cave.

So here's science showing the world that we humans do indeed have the capacity to change the very planet we live on. We have the ability to pump gases into the atmosphere and change the composition of that atmosphere.

Here's the problem: along with a suspicion of knowledge, Conservatives also LOVE corporations. They will do the bidding of corporations as sycophants. Once it is revealed that the hallowed corporations are causing the problem, those very corporations will sound the alarm and get the 'pundits' Conservatives hold in high esteem to tell Conservatives precisely what the Conservatives should do.

Armed with no knowledge, the Conservatives do what they do best: bray and cry and complain that doing anything is useless (just like gun control) and doing anything will cost too much (protecting the corporations). We see science telling us that we must clean up our activities before further damage is done. But Conservatives are not about to 1) accept science and 2) champion anything that costs corporations any money.

Those are very, very good points.

I would also add that some conservatives backed the oil companies when oil companies denied climate change - now that all major oil companies have been forced to accept the science and move forwards, some conservatives seem to have forgotten they spent 10 years defending the scientific "research" oil companies paid good money for!

The fact is - at the time companies like Chevron, BP and Mobil admitted that they were responsible for a large proportion of the earth's emissions - the question mark over climate change disappeared forever. It's simply a done deal, and has been for years.
Yes...How dare people who stand to have their businesses destroyed by a bunch of kook hoaxers take any action to protect their business interests. :rolleyes:
Claiming "kook hoaxers" is the best way to make a cogent argument if you want to continue to deny science. But there's that pesky science again.
I'm waiting. Well maybe it will be here after my morning walk.

I'm not sure what you are looking for here....obviously by far the majority of conservative politicians and political parties around the world accept AGW, just as the majority of conservative scientists do.
What she's asking for is the conservative analog to EarthFirst!, ELF and other leftist kook quasi-terrorist groups, you dunce.

Hint: There aren't any.

How about the conservative radicals who actually KILL human beings, fish and foul spewing carcinogens, toxins, poisons and other deadly chemicals into our air, lakes and streams?
Odball -

Spot the contradiction:

Nice hyperbole and stereotyping, dude

Peer review is a popcorn fart.....100% political.....Just as bullshit as your claimed 90% number.

And that's why fewer and fewer believe you hoaxers...Y'all keep making totally outlandish claims.
Not contradictory art all...Nosmo's little bigoted missive was rife with sweeping generalizations, hyperbole and stereotypes, while my statement was factual.

That you can't tell your ass from a hole in the ground isn't my problem, tovarich.
Yes...How dare people who stand to have their businesses destroyed by a bunch of kook hoaxers take any action to protect their business interests. :rolleyes:

You misunderstood the point. Try reading it again.

ALL major oil companies have confirmed that human acitivity causes climate change.
I'm not sure what you are looking for here....obviously by far the majority of conservative politicians and political parties around the world accept AGW, just as the majority of conservative scientists do.
What she's asking for is the conservative analog to EarthFirst!, ELF and other leftist kook quasi-terrorist groups, you dunce.

Hint: There aren't any.

How about the conservative radicals who actually KILL human beings, fish and foul spewing carcinogens, toxins, poisons and other deadly chemicals into our air, lakes and streams?
CO2 is neither a carcinogen, toxin, deadly chemical nor poison.....That's why howling moonbats like you need to resort to your demonetization, hyperbole, outlandish claims and smearing of anyone and everyone who dares to tell you go fly a kite.

Grow the fuck up, boy.

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