Why do people hate Liberals?

I am officially sick of all liberals

Yeah, I'm gonna rant. Get over it. Eat the bullets of my word-gun. Prepare to be stereotyped!

These label-happy liberals have me on my last nerve. They go around shaming anyone that even slightly aligns with republicans like it's some sort of religious crusade. Like if you're even slightly republican, it automatically makes you a closed-minded lunatic. Then they turn around and say "If we just look to the almighty government, it can save us!" It's garbage and most liberals half-know it, but their too busy railing against the Right to admit it.


Daily Kos: I am officially sick of all liberals
I am officially sick of all liberals

Yeah, I'm gonna rant. Get over it. Eat the bullets of my word-gun. Prepare to be stereotyped!

These label-happy liberals have me on my last nerve. They go around shaming anyone that even slightly aligns with republicans like it's some sort of religious crusade. Like if you're even slightly republican, it automatically makes you a closed-minded lunatic. Then they turn around and say "If we just look to the almighty government, it can save us!" It's garbage and most liberals half-know it, but their too busy railing against the Right to admit it.


Daily Kos: I am officially sick of all liberals

Don't forget a hillbilly, gun toting racist.
I am officially sick of all liberals

Yeah, I'm gonna rant. Get over it. Eat the bullets of my word-gun. Prepare to be stereotyped!

These label-happy liberals have me on my last nerve. They go around shaming anyone that even slightly aligns with republicans like it's some sort of religious crusade. Like if you're even slightly republican, it automatically makes you a closed-minded lunatic. Then they turn around and say "If we just look to the almighty government, it can save us!" It's garbage and most liberals half-know it, but their too busy railing against the Right to admit it.


Daily Kos: I am officially sick of all liberals

So repubs have never had govt help?
You sound like nothing but a hater, anything else new?
Are you using soft bullets?
I hate Libs because they wade into the stupidist shit, then sit there on their asses for what seems an eternity- all the while maintaining a blissful grin. They just love to ferment in the garden of goop-fuck. And then if anyone so much as opens their mouth in question- BAM out come the guns.

Well, I don't think we will see a stupider post than this.

Perhaps you could name some of the people who fit this description, Mr H, and explain in detail how the have "fermented"?

Well he certainly lacks in the skill of specifics.
I am officially sick of all liberals

Yeah, I'm gonna rant. Get over it. Eat the bullets of my word-gun. Prepare to be stereotyped!

These label-happy liberals have me on my last nerve. They go around shaming anyone that even slightly aligns with republicans like it's some sort of religious crusade. Like if you're even slightly republican, it automatically makes you a closed-minded lunatic. Then they turn around and say "If we just look to the almighty government, it can save us!" It's garbage and most liberals half-know it, but their too busy railing against the Right to admit it.


Daily Kos: I am officially sick of all liberals

So repubs have never had govt help?
You sound like nothing but a hater, anything else new?
Are you using soft bullets?

Can't speak for all republicans or conservatives, as for me, I never had to depend on the government to take care of me.
I am officially sick of all liberals

Yeah, I'm gonna rant. Get over it. Eat the bullets of my word-gun. Prepare to be stereotyped!

These label-happy liberals have me on my last nerve. They go around shaming anyone that even slightly aligns with republicans like it's some sort of religious crusade. Like if you're even slightly republican, it automatically makes you a closed-minded lunatic. Then they turn around and say "If we just look to the almighty government, it can save us!" It's garbage and most liberals half-know it, but their too busy railing against the Right to admit it.


Daily Kos: I am officially sick of all liberals

So repubs have never had govt help?
You sound like nothing but a hater, anything else new?
Are you using soft bullets?

Can't speak for all republicans or conservatives, as for me, I never had to depend on the government to take care of me.

Well the VA takes good care of me, so what's the beef?
I hate Libs because they wade into the stupidist shit, then sit there on their asses for what seems an eternity- all the while maintaining a blissful grin. They just love to ferment in the garden of goop-fuck. And then if anyone so much as opens their mouth in question- BAM out come the guns.

Well, I don't think we will see a stupider post than this.

Perhaps you could name some of the people who fit this description, Mr H, and explain in detail how the have "fermented"?

Quit chopping my posts, you sound-bite whore.
So repubs have never had govt help?
You sound like nothing but a hater, anything else new?
Are you using soft bullets?

Can't speak for all republicans or conservatives, as for me, I never had to depend on the government to take care of me.

Well the VA takes good care of me, so what's the beef?

Where do I begin?


Open Boarders

Higher taxes on the wealthy

High Gas Prices


Skyrocketing Unemployment (which means more on welfare)

Liberals deflecting the important issues with our country and concentrate on gay marriages...gun control....abortion
I am officially sick of all liberals

Yeah, I'm gonna rant. Get over it. Eat the bullets of my word-gun. Prepare to be stereotyped!

These label-happy liberals have me on my last nerve. They go around shaming anyone that even slightly aligns with republicans like it's some sort of religious crusade. Like if you're even slightly republican, it automatically makes you a closed-minded lunatic. Then they turn around and say "If we just look to the almighty government, it can save us!" It's garbage and most liberals half-know it, but their too busy railing against the Right to admit it.


Daily Kos: I am officially sick of all liberals

Did yawl see the lib-tarts attack their own website, that's a hoot...:D
I hate Libs because they wade into the stupidist shit, then sit there on their asses for what seems an eternity- all the while maintaining a blissful grin. They just love to ferment in the garden of goop-fuck. And then if anyone so much as opens their mouth in question- BAM out come the guns.

Well, I don't think we will see a stupider post than this.

Perhaps you could name some of the people who fit this description, Mr H, and explain in detail how the have "fermented"?

Quit chopping my posts, you sound-bite whore.

Yes, I'd be embarrased if I'd posted that garbage as well.

What is it - a quote from an Iron Maiden song?
I hate Libs because they wade into the stupidist shit, then sit there on their asses for what seems an eternity- all the while maintaining a blissful grin. They just love to ferment in the garden of goop-fuck. And then if anyone so much as opens their mouth in question- BAM out come the guns.

Well, I don't think we will see a stupider post than this.

Perhaps you could name some of the people who fit this description, Mr H, and explain in detail how the have "fermented"?

Quit chopping my posts, you sound-bite whore.

Ain't that a bitch, the Mods told me I couldn't chop a
AJ -

You should celebrate the fact that open minded posters will still call 'em as they see 'em and not stick to blinkered party loyalty to think for them.

If conservative posters were more prepared to criticise conservative media, posters and politicians, conservatism would be stronger for it.

btw. I clip posts to save space and make it clearer what exactly I am replying to. Everyone should do it.
The one thing about this board that most baffles me is the incredible depth of hatred and contempt for liberals.

The amount of comments from people suggesting all liberals are stupid, anti-patriotic, dumb...you name it. One even suggested liberals don't know what paragraphs are.

I don't get it. And I don't see anything the like the contempt expressed by liberals towards conservatives.

Firstly, the term "liberal" could be used to describe about half of the planet. Like "leftist", it's a fairly cliched catch-all adjective that have little real meaning. It's just too general to be much use.

Secondly, I've met extremely intelligent people from right across the political spectrum - and as many idiots. I've talked to brilliant facists, idiotic conservatives, intelligent communists and brain-dead centrists. I don't see a pattern there at all.

And lastly, why hate liberals when many of the most successful and celebrated administrations have been liberal ones? Were the governments if Clinton, Wilson, FDR, JFK and Truman really so much worse than conservative governments of similar eras?

The constant attacks on liberals seems to me (as an outsider) just a sign of incredible arrogance and conceit - and I would consider attacks on conservatives the same way.

If there is a REAL reason, with facts, for hating liberals - let's hear about it.

Like with all things; there are hardliners and moderates. Both camps have their share of both here if you ask me and when it comes to policy and rhetoric; I can't tell one from the other. I have TM on ignore as I also have several conservatives on ignore as well. When there is decidedly nothing to learn from someone and they are not entertaining, it's time to move on.

But given that this medium is also largely about entertainment; there is also something to be said for playing to the audience. I think if you're looking for a difference in the two camps that is the only major difference I see. The right wing seems to pride itself on being disgusting to an extent that isn't healthy. And it's not just one or two of the lot but several among them.
10 Differences between Conservatives And Liberals

Conservatives and liberals approach almost every issue with completely different philosophies, underlying assumptions, and methods. That's why it's so hard to find genuine compromise between conservatism and liberalism -- because not only are liberals almost always wrong, their solutions almost always make things worse.

With that in mind, let me take a few moments to explain some of the key differences between liberals and conservative to you.

Bonus) Conservatives believe that judges should act like umpires instead of legislating from the bench. That means that judges should determine whether laws are permissible under the Constitution and settle debates about the meaning of laws, not impose their will based on their ideological leanings. Liberals view judges as a backdoor method of getting unpopular left-leaning legislation passed. They don't want umpires, they want political partisans in black robes who will side with them first and then come up with a rationale to explain it.


10 Differences between Conservatives And Liberals - John Hawkins - [page]



Good thread OP. Good try anyways.

Some good conversation was had for the first few pages.

Fing pisses me off you (OP) know more about these stand by talking points than many here.

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