Why do people hate Liberals?

In 1960, 5 percent of America’s children entered the world without a mother and father married to each other. By 1980 it was 18 percent, and by 2000 it had risen to 33 percent. Today, the number is 41 percent.
You poor, naive ideologue -- both the government and monopoly capitalism pursue a conscious policy to break up the traditional family.

First, they want everybody to be working and exploited by Big Money -- of course, for as low wages as practicable. Having women at home raising children runs counter to their exploitation for corporate profit, so naturally the single-parent agenda has been pursued for decades, aided by the spiffiest, most up-to-date brainwashing techniques.

Apart from the goal of maximum utilization of human production units, destroying the family serves the essential purpose making these human units as weak, defenceless and controllable as possible. The ideal of the modern state and economic apparatus is to deprive their human cattle of as much mutual support as possible -- that means destroying family, friendships, and all other communities. This ideal is exemplified by the traditional Chinese phrase, "a plate of loose sand" -- meaning people deprived of all mutual support and cohesion.

In accordance with George Orwell's principle of New Speak double-talk, the propaganda apparatus of our rulers constantly trumpets the word "community" -- which is the code word for its exact opposite. If you are still so bamboozled by your brainwashed conditioning that you cannot accept what I am writing, undertake an experiment. Wherever in the mass media you find the word "community", and especially where it is most strongly proclaimed, look closely at what is being pushed into your consciousness. You will invariably find that the ultimate goal is to destroy community.

Well said and very true. I would add to this, a 'busyness ethic' that keeps people so occupied with day to day tasks that they have no time to look around to see what's really going on or to work towards a real change.
Because in order for them to conceal their utter contempt for the Constitution and the Rule of Law, they say that the Constitution is a "Living and Breathing document," that the founding fathers "could not have envisioned xyz."

No, the founding fathers and the STATES that RATIFIED, could not have envisioned XYZ, that's why they wrote Article V, which prescribes how the Constitution is to be AMENDED, upon Consent of 3/4 of the STATES.

It doesn't say that Congress or the SCOTUS or the President have the power to change the Constitution.

If you feel the Constitution is "behind the times" then fucking amend it.

There are plenty of good laws on the books that are not constitutional, but I would be perfectly willing to amend the constitution to allow for them.

Also notice that 99% of your Libtard agenda couldn't be enforced without a para-military police force in every town and city. IDEAS SO GOOD THEY'RE MANDATORY AT GUN POINT!



People who can't take responsibility for their own actions generally find someone else to blame, and hate who they've decided to peg, to make themselves feel better, I suppose?

What a perfect description of the current administration and the imbeciles that populate it, especially the dimwit in chief.
So lets talk about hypocrisy of progressives shall we???? Paula Deen said ****** once 27 years ago and gets fired.....Robert Bryd Was in the KKK and wanted to hang black people but they made him a senator till he went to hell ...... Can you see it?

But did he use too much butter in the Senate? That seems to be the thing that really pisses people off.
Because in order for them to conceal their utter contempt for the Constitution and the Rule of Law, they say that the Constitution is a "Living and Breathing document," that the founding fathers "could not have envisioned xyz."

No, the founding fathers and the STATES that RATIFIED, could not have envisioned XYZ, that's why they wrote Article V, which prescribes how the Constitution is to be AMENDED, upon Consent of 3/4 of the STATES.

It doesn't say that Congress or the SCOTUS or the President have the power to change the Constitution.

If you feel the Constitution is "behind the times" then fucking amend it.

There are plenty of good laws on the books that are not constitutional, but I would be perfectly willing to amend the constitution to allow for them.

Also notice that 99% of your Libtard agenda couldn't be enforced without a para-military police force in every town and city. IDEAS SO GOOD THEY'RE MANDATORY AT GUN POINT!




What confuses you here?

The federal government has never been granted the power to obtain warrants to electronic communications in the Fourth Amendment.

I am a strict constructionist. The Constitution must be amended, in an orderly manner, upon the Consent and ratification of the States, before any GOOD law can be enacted that operats outside of the current Constitution.

This is how it should work, instead we have despot judges amending the Constitution anyway they please, although sometimes (rarely) for good reasons. That's the Rule of the Jungle.

My method is the Rule of Law.
The federal government has never been granted the power to obtain warrants to electronic communications in the Fourth Amendment.

I am a strict constructionist. The Constitution must be amended, in an orderly manner, upon the Consent and ratification of the States, before any GOOD law can be enacted that operats outside of the current Constitution.

This is how it should work, instead we have despot judges amending the Constitution anyway they please, although sometimes (rarely) for good reasons. That's the Rule of the Jungle.

My method is the Rule of Law.
You are living in a Dream World.

The simplest way to destroy America's defective Constitution is to get many judges on the bench who support tyranny and the rule of the wealthy and well-connected. These judges know what side their bread is buttered on.

This is what Hitler did -- almost first thing -- get his own guys appointed as judges. Then he could do what he liked -- and it always would be legal.

You are already living in a jungle.

The Constitution is dead -- and it is not coming back.

Get used to it.
The federal government has never been granted the power to obtain warrants to electronic communications in the Fourth Amendment.

I am a strict constructionist. The Constitution must be amended, in an orderly manner, upon the Consent and ratification of the States, before any GOOD law can be enacted that operats outside of the current Constitution.

This is how it should work, instead we have despot judges amending the Constitution anyway they please, although sometimes (rarely) for good reasons. That's the Rule of the Jungle.

My method is the Rule of Law.
You are living in a Dream World.

The simplest way to destroy America's defective Constitution is to get many judges on the bench who support tyranny and the rule of the wealthy and well-connected. These judges know what side their bread is buttered on.

This is what Hitler did -- almost first thing -- get his own guys appointed as judges. Then he could do what he liked -- and it always would be legal.

You are already living in a jungle.

The Constitution is dead -- and it is not coming back.

Get used to it.

What country do you live in, loser?
So lets talk about hypocrisy of progressives shall we???? Paula Deen said ****** once 27 years ago and gets fired.....Robert Bryd Was in the KKK and wanted to hang black people but they made him a senator till he went to hell ...... Can you see it?

But did he use too much butter in the Senate? That seems to be the thing that really pisses people off.

Just disgusting the double standard. Deen is a victim of racism

Welcome to my nightmare
So lets talk about hypocrisy of progressives shall we???? Paula Deen said ****** once 27 years ago and gets fired.....Robert Bryd Was in the KKK and wanted to hang black people but they made him a senator till he went to hell ...... Can you see it?

But did he use too much butter in the Senate? That seems to be the thing that really pisses people off.

Just disgusting the double standard. Deen is a victim of racism

Welcome to my nightmare

What happened to Deen has nothing to do with 'liberals'. Your blame is totally misplaced.
Just disgusting the double standard. Deen is a victim of racism

Welcome to my nightmare

What happened to Deen has nothing to do with 'liberals'. Your blame is totally misplaced.
Really? You dont think show producers and execs are not progressives??? LMAO

Hey turd brain, SPONSORS drive that business, corporate SPONSORS have deemed Deen radioactive. It has NOTHING to do with show producers and execs.
What happened to Deen has nothing to do with 'liberals'. Your blame is totally misplaced.
Really? You dont think show producers and execs are not progressives??? LMAO

Hey turd brain, SPONSORS drive that business, corporate SPONSORS have deemed Deen radioactive. It has NOTHING to do with show producers and execs.

Sponsors didnt bail. By the way which progressive asshat thought court records were a good thing to publish and ruin a life?
Really? You dont think show producers and execs are not progressives??? LMAO

Hey turd brain, SPONSORS drive that business, corporate SPONSORS have deemed Deen radioactive. It has NOTHING to do with show producers and execs.

Sponsors didnt bail. By the way which progressive asshat thought court records were a good thing to publish and ruin a life?

Either you are a liar or an idiot...which one is it?

Paula Deen Dropped By Smithfield Foods

QVC taking 'a pause' on Paula Deen, while three other companies bail

Paula Deen Fired by Target, Home Depot and More

Paula Deen dropped by Walmart
Hey turd brain, SPONSORS drive that business, corporate SPONSORS have deemed Deen radioactive. It has NOTHING to do with show producers and execs.

Sponsors didnt bail. By the way which progressive asshat thought court records were a good thing to publish and ruin a life?

Either you are a liar or an idiot...which one is it?

Paula Deen Dropped By Smithfield Foods

QVC taking 'a pause' on Paula Deen, while three other companies bail

Paula Deen Fired by Target, Home Depot and More

Paula Deen dropped by Walmart

This all occurred AFTER the progressives shit storm.
It's funny to me that this thread continues to pop up.

It's like reasons to hate bed wetters will never run out...
Sponsors didnt bail. By the way which progressive asshat thought court records were a good thing to publish and ruin a life?

Either you are a liar or an idiot...which one is it?

Paula Deen Dropped By Smithfield Foods

QVC taking 'a pause' on Paula Deen, while three other companies bail

Paula Deen Fired by Target, Home Depot and More

Paula Deen dropped by Walmart

This all occurred AFTER the progressives shit storm.

You SAID: Sponsors didnt bail.

NOW, you are whining, making excuses and trying to remove Paula Deen from PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.

Are you saying the media should not have reported this story? Is this Russia??

You SAID: Sponsors didnt bail.

NOW, you are whining, making excuses and trying to remove Paula Deen from PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.

Are you saying the media should not have reported this story? Is this Russia??

Really your point is semantics about time? They bailed because of the progressive machine trying to destroy her life

Welcome to my nightmare
Socialism is a cancer
And cancer is the unrestrained "free enterprise" of a few insanely greedy cells of the body, determined to absorb as much of the resources of the body as they can -- even if they destroy the body, and themselves, in the process.
I don't hate liberals. BTW they are progressives. They just stole the liberal moniker when people realized how nuts progressives were.

I just want them to stop taking my money and interfering in my life. That's all.

So we call ourselves liberals because we're ashamed to use the title progressive?? You know we do have memories and we can remember and I and I'm sure others remember a time when cons used to claim that we called ourselves progressives because we were ashamed to use the title liberal. So no matter what we call ourselves you'll make the exact same claim

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