Why do people hate Liberals?

It may very well be about money, but that is because of the arrogance and intolerance of progressives. Progressives attempt to force everyone to be tolerant, yet they are the most intolerant people on the face of the earth. Corporations realize that progressives will attempt to destroy anyone, everyone and everything that does not succumb to their intolerance.

Yes, there is a huge difference between a liberal and a progressive. Liberals are decent human beings that believe in helping those in need. Progressives are the religious right of the left, are extremely intolerant just as the RR and are vindictive as hell.


Its funny but I would like you to show me the true and intolerance of the so-called religious right.

Welcome to my nightmare

I have not denied the intolerance of the religious right. If you know anything at all about the Gospel, the religious right are today's version of the Pharisees. Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson are prime examples of Religious Right individuals who are intolerant of sinners. These two speak of salvation as if it is something that can be earned and if you are a homosexual, you cannot receive forgiveness of your sins. Jimmy Swaggert is another example. He fell and hopefully received forgiveness for his sins yet before his fall, I believe, he used to preach that all homosexuals were condemned to Hell unless they renounced their lifestyle.

Now, since your post seems to indicate that you believe progressives are tolerant (unless I am mis-reading your meaning) I would love for you to show any semblance of progressive tolerance of those who do not succumb to their PC bullshit.


tell me do you find intolerant to preach against adultery? Or that a man and a woman should stay together provide for the family? or is it all just wrapped up in homosexual marriage? sodomy is a sin. I just don't think they should be punished for believing that's in is a bad thing.

Welcome to my nightmare
Its funny but I would like you to show me the true and intolerance of the so-called religious right.

Welcome to my nightmare

I have not denied the intolerance of the religious right. If you know anything at all about the Gospel, the religious right are today's version of the Pharisees. Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson are prime examples of Religious Right individuals who are intolerant of sinners. These two speak of salvation as if it is something that can be earned and if you are a homosexual, you cannot receive forgiveness of your sins. Jimmy Swaggert is another example. He fell and hopefully received forgiveness for his sins yet before his fall, I believe, he used to preach that all homosexuals were condemned to Hell unless they renounced their lifestyle.

Now, since your post seems to indicate that you believe progressives are tolerant (unless I am mis-reading your meaning) I would love for you to show any semblance of progressive tolerance of those who do not succumb to their PC bullshit.


tell me do you find intolerant to preach against adultery? Or that a man and a woman should stay together provide for the family? or is it all just wrapped up in homosexual marriage? sodomy is a sin. I just don't think they should be punished for believing that's in is a bad thing.

Welcome to my nightmare

I am not certain I understand your questions.

I do not think it is intolerant to preach against sin at all, whether it be adultery, homosexuality, theft, murder, covetousness etc. Where I believe the RR become intolerant is their selective nature of sinfulness and their withholding of salvation (if that were actually possible) to those "sinners". In other words, their attitude that says, "I am a sinner, but my sin is not as bad as yours".

The reason I do not believe it is intolerant to preach against sin is that I believe the Law was designed to show all of us our sinfulness and lead us to salvation rather than hinder us from salvation. Therefore, a homosexual is as elligible to receive salvation as I am. The intolerance comes when one preaches that certain types of sinners, for instance homosexuals, are not elligible for salvation.

I hope that clears things up. I believe the homosexual is no less likely to receive forgiveness than I.

I will say it. The offense happened 27 years ago. And supposedly it has not happened since. You are doggone right they should not have reported it! I despise the word, but I cannot say that in my young and stupid days, I never used it. This is PC hypocrisy at its worst. It is nothing more than a hit piece.

I would not be surprised to find out that if you questioned the progressive moron that broke the story and could somehow get an honest response, you would find he/she has used it in the last 27 years numerous times.


The ONLY ones who have a problem with her comments are SPONSORS. Deen was sued in a public court. If she was concerned about what damage would come out in the lawsuit, she could have settled out of court. Once it goes to the public court system, it becomes public domain. Unless a judge intervenes with a gag order.

THAT is how America works. You can't say you believe in freedom of speech, freedom of the press and liberty, and THEN want America to become Russia.

To add to my last, your statement that she should have settled out of court is akin to saying that the accused should succumb to extortion and be at the mercy of anyone who wants to file a suit against them.

That is ridiculous.


That's fine Immie. But, SHE is the one who is NOW having sponsorship money extorted away from her ventures.
The ONLY ones who have a problem with her comments are SPONSORS. Deen was sued in a public court. If she was concerned about what damage would come out in the lawsuit, she could have settled out of court. Once it goes to the public court system, it becomes public domain. Unless a judge intervenes with a gag order.

THAT is how America works. You can't say you believe in freedom of speech, freedom of the press and liberty, and THEN want America to become Russia.

To add to my last, your statement that she should have settled out of court is akin to saying that the accused should succumb to extortion and be at the mercy of anyone who wants to file a suit against them.

That is ridiculous.


That's fine Immie. But, SHE is the one who is NOW having sponsorship money extorted away from her ventures.

Only because of fear (corporate) and intolerance/hatred (from the left). Now, you can state that you and other progressives have said little if anything at all about The Paula Deen scandal. But, the issue is not what they have said in this case, but rather the threats and actions of the left in the past, for instance, Chik-fil-a. What would be said today if those companies had not dropped Paula Deen?

Chick-fil-A same-sex marriage controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Students at several colleges and universities launched grassroots efforts to ban or remove the company's restaurants from their campuses. On November 3, 2011, the New York University Student Senators Council voted 19 to 4 to retain the Chick-fil-A franchise on campus. This vote came before a petition with over 11,000 signatures opposing its presence on campus was sent to the student council.[36] On February 28, 2012, the Northeastern University (NU) student senate passed a resolution to cancel plans for a Chick-fil-A franchise on campus, stating that "the student body does not support bringing CFA [Chick-fil-A] to campus", and "Student concerns reflected CFA's history of donating to anti-gay organizations." The vote was 31 to 5, with 8 abstaining. The restaurant chain was finalizing a contract to bring it to NU when students protested.[37] Davidson College in North Carolina announced on August 13, 2011 that, in response to a petition which received 500 signatures, the school will stop serving Chick-fil-A on campus at the monthly After Midnight events.[38]

Other forms of protest occurred. Gay rights activists organized a "Kiss Off" to occur on August 3,[39] an event where LGBT individuals would show affection in public,[40] but it attracted smaller than hoped for crowds.[41]

Talk about succumbing to extortion?

I have not denied the intolerance of the religious right. If you know anything at all about the Gospel, the religious right are today's version of the Pharisees. Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson are prime examples of Religious Right individuals who are intolerant of sinners. These two speak of salvation as if it is something that can be earned and if you are a homosexual, you cannot receive forgiveness of your sins. Jimmy Swaggert is another example. He fell and hopefully received forgiveness for his sins yet before his fall, I believe, he used to preach that all homosexuals were condemned to Hell unless they renounced their lifestyle.

Now, since your post seems to indicate that you believe progressives are tolerant (unless I am mis-reading your meaning) I would love for you to show any semblance of progressive tolerance of those who do not succumb to their PC bullshit.


tell me do you find intolerant to preach against adultery? Or that a man and a woman should stay together provide for the family? or is it all just wrapped up in homosexual marriage? sodomy is a sin. I just don't think they should be punished for believing that's in is a bad thing.

Welcome to my nightmare

I am not certain I understand your questions.

I do not think it is intolerant to preach against sin at all, whether it be adultery, homosexuality, theft, murder, covetousness etc. Where I believe the RR become intolerant is their selective nature of sinfulness and their withholding of salvation (if that were actually possible) to those "sinners". In other words, their attitude that says, "I am a sinner, but my sin is not as bad as yours".

The reason I do not believe it is intolerant to preach against sin is that I believe the Law was designed to show all of us our sinfulness and lead us to salvation rather than hinder us from salvation. Therefore, a homosexual is as elligible to receive salvation as I am. The intolerance comes when one preaches that certain types of sinners, for instance homosexuals, are not elligible for salvation.

I hope that clears things up. I believe the homosexual is no less likely to receive forgiveness than I.


I have never seen a Christian go out of their way to destroy a life because of what a person said . I have seen progressives do just that. not believing in homosexual marriage does not make one intolerant. if made legal in a state Christians will not ruin a life. can we say the same for the tolerance of progressives .

Welcome to my nightmare
To add to my last, your statement that she should have settled out of court is akin to saying that the accused should succumb to extortion and be at the mercy of anyone who wants to file a suit against them.

That is ridiculous.


That's fine Immie. But, SHE is the one who is NOW having sponsorship money extorted away from her ventures.

Only because of fear (corporate) and intolerance/hatred (from the left). Now, you can state that you and other progressives have said little if anything at all about The Paula Deen scandal. But, the issue is not what they have said in this case, but rather the threats and actions of the left in the past, for instance, Chik-fil-a. What would be said today if those companies had not dropped Paula Deen?

Chick-fil-A same-sex marriage controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Students at several colleges and universities launched grassroots efforts to ban or remove the company's restaurants from their campuses. On November 3, 2011, the New York University Student Senators Council voted 19 to 4 to retain the Chick-fil-A franchise on campus. This vote came before a petition with over 11,000 signatures opposing its presence on campus was sent to the student council.[36] On February 28, 2012, the Northeastern University (NU) student senate passed a resolution to cancel plans for a Chick-fil-A franchise on campus, stating that "the student body does not support bringing CFA [Chick-fil-A] to campus", and "Student concerns reflected CFA's history of donating to anti-gay organizations." The vote was 31 to 5, with 8 abstaining. The restaurant chain was finalizing a contract to bring it to NU when students protested.[37] Davidson College in North Carolina announced on August 13, 2011 that, in response to a petition which received 500 signatures, the school will stop serving Chick-fil-A on campus at the monthly After Midnight events.[38]

Other forms of protest occurred. Gay rights activists organized a "Kiss Off" to occur on August 3,[39] an event where LGBT individuals would show affection in public,[40] but it attracted smaller than hoped for crowds.[41]

Talk about succumbing to extortion?


Immie, I can't believe you are this blind, are you? Go read on the Paula Deen threads how many conservatives are going to boycott the companies who dropped Paula Deen. But THAT is different??? How about what happened to the Dixie Chicks when they were critical of Bush. You are really conflating blame on ONE group of people who had NOTHING to do with Paula Deen's problems.
While I don't know whether they exist or not, I haven't seen any Paula Deen posts where conservatives are boycotting anything related to this.

But if they are, there is a subtle difference. They would be defending the unethical and wrong treatment of a person over a stupid verbal faux pas that never ever should have become an issue for anybody. That is somewhat different than acting to destroy somebody over a stupid verbal faux pas.
Deen was already on thin ice over her promotion of high fat and sugar diets which are contra-indicated for people at risk of diabetes and heart disease. Then, when she was diagnosed with diabetes, she signed on as a spokesperson for a drug company which sells diabetic supplies, which continuing to promote the high sugar diet.

This woman has been asking for a slap down from her sponsors for a while. Sounds to me like the this latest debacle is just an excuse for corporations who would have dumped her over the diabetes issue, but wanted to see how that the diabetic thing played out before making a decision.
tell me do you find intolerant to preach against adultery? Or that a man and a woman should stay together provide for the family? or is it all just wrapped up in homosexual marriage? sodomy is a sin. I just don't think they should be punished for believing that's in is a bad thing.

Welcome to my nightmare

I am not certain I understand your questions.

I do not think it is intolerant to preach against sin at all, whether it be adultery, homosexuality, theft, murder, covetousness etc. Where I believe the RR become intolerant is their selective nature of sinfulness and their withholding of salvation (if that were actually possible) to those "sinners". In other words, their attitude that says, "I am a sinner, but my sin is not as bad as yours".

The reason I do not believe it is intolerant to preach against sin is that I believe the Law was designed to show all of us our sinfulness and lead us to salvation rather than hinder us from salvation. Therefore, a homosexual is as elligible to receive salvation as I am. The intolerance comes when one preaches that certain types of sinners, for instance homosexuals, are not elligible for salvation.

I hope that clears things up. I believe the homosexual is no less likely to receive forgiveness than I.


I have never seen a Christian go out of their way to destroy a life because of what a person said . I have seen progressives do just that. not believing in homosexual marriage does not make one intolerant. if made legal in a state Christians will not ruin a life. can we say the same for the tolerance of progressives .

Welcome to my nightmare

No we cannot.

As for the Religious Right, I do not think they are out to destroy anyone's life, but neither were the Pharisees.

I do not believe in homosexual marriage. Marriage is a rite of the church. On the other hand, I do believe in the separation of church and state as well as the idea that the state should treat all citizens equally. Therefore, I support state sanctioned civil unions and church sanctioned marriage.

That's fine Immie. But, SHE is the one who is NOW having sponsorship money extorted away from her ventures.

Only because of fear (corporate) and intolerance/hatred (from the left). Now, you can state that you and other progressives have said little if anything at all about The Paula Deen scandal. But, the issue is not what they have said in this case, but rather the threats and actions of the left in the past, for instance, Chik-fil-a. What would be said today if those companies had not dropped Paula Deen?

Chick-fil-A same-sex marriage controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Students at several colleges and universities launched grassroots efforts to ban or remove the company's restaurants from their campuses. On November 3, 2011, the New York University Student Senators Council voted 19 to 4 to retain the Chick-fil-A franchise on campus. This vote came before a petition with over 11,000 signatures opposing its presence on campus was sent to the student council.[36] On February 28, 2012, the Northeastern University (NU) student senate passed a resolution to cancel plans for a Chick-fil-A franchise on campus, stating that "the student body does not support bringing CFA [Chick-fil-A] to campus", and "Student concerns reflected CFA's history of donating to anti-gay organizations." The vote was 31 to 5, with 8 abstaining. The restaurant chain was finalizing a contract to bring it to NU when students protested.[37] Davidson College in North Carolina announced on August 13, 2011 that, in response to a petition which received 500 signatures, the school will stop serving Chick-fil-A on campus at the monthly After Midnight events.[38]

Other forms of protest occurred. Gay rights activists organized a "Kiss Off" to occur on August 3,[39] an event where LGBT individuals would show affection in public,[40] but it attracted smaller than hoped for crowds.[41]

Talk about succumbing to extortion?


Immie, I can't believe you are this blind, are you? Go read on the Paula Deen threads how many conservatives are going to boycott the companies who dropped Paula Deen. But THAT is different??? How about what happened to the Dixie Chicks when they were critical of Bush. You are really conflating blame on ONE group of people who had NOTHING to do with Paula Deen's problems.

I have not read any of those threads. As far as I know this thread is the only one I have participated in that has discussed the issue. I do not doubt what you say, but I challenge you to find anything that I have said that denies extreme conservatives are different than progressives. In fact, I have repeatedly stated that they too are intolerant.

And one more thing, bfgrn, I tend to really, really dislike the attitudes of the extreme right. I just tend to dislike the same from the left. I won't read the jerks from the right because they disgust me. I will on occasion read the extreme left.

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Here we are in the midst of the Greatest Mass Extinction since the end of the dinosaurs, and all you characters can cram into your tiny brains is worrying about the trivia of sexual preferences.

The human race is SO DOOMED!!! · ·

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Deen was already on thin ice over her promotion of high fat and sugar diets which are contra-indicated for people at risk of diabetes and heart disease. Then, when she was diagnosed with diabetes, she signed on as a spokesperson for a drug company which sells diabetic supplies, which continuing to promote the high sugar diet.

This woman has been asking for a slap down from her sponsors for a while. Sounds to me like the this latest debacle is just an excuse for corporations who would have dumped her over the diabetes issue, but wanted to see how that the diabetic thing played out before making a decision.

She deserves it cause she likes sugar???? :cuckoo:

Here we are in the midst of the Greatest Mass Extinction since the end of the dinosaurs, and all you characters can cram into your tiny brains is worrying about the trivia of sexual preferences.

The human race is SO DOOMED!!! · ·


Um how does homosexuals help the species from becoming extinct?
Only because of fear (corporate) and intolerance/hatred (from the left). Now, you can state that you and other progressives have said little if anything at all about The Paula Deen scandal. But, the issue is not what they have said in this case, but rather the threats and actions of the left in the past, for instance, Chik-fil-a. What would be said today if those companies had not dropped Paula Deen?

Chick-fil-A same-sex marriage controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Talk about succumbing to extortion?


Immie, I can't believe you are this blind, are you? Go read on the Paula Deen threads how many conservatives are going to boycott the companies who dropped Paula Deen. But THAT is different??? How about what happened to the Dixie Chicks when they were critical of Bush. You are really conflating blame on ONE group of people who had NOTHING to do with Paula Deen's problems.

I have not read any of those threads. As far as I know this thread is the only one I have participated in that has discussed the issue. I do not doubt what you say, but I challenge you to find anything that I have said that denies extreme conservatives are different than progressives. In fact, I have repeatedly stated that they too are intolerant.

And one more thing, bfgrn, I tend to really, really dislike the attitudes of the extreme right. I just tend to dislike the same from the left. I won't read the jerks from the right because they disgust me. I will on occasion read the extreme left.

Conservatives are for more freedom progressives are for less...... They are very fucking different.
Immie, I can't believe you are this blind, are you? Go read on the Paula Deen threads how many conservatives are going to boycott the companies who dropped Paula Deen. But THAT is different??? How about what happened to the Dixie Chicks when they were critical of Bush. You are really conflating blame on ONE group of people who had NOTHING to do with Paula Deen's problems.

I have not read any of those threads. As far as I know this thread is the only one I have participated in that has discussed the issue. I do not doubt what you say, but I challenge you to find anything that I have said that denies extreme conservatives are different than progressives. In fact, I have repeatedly stated that they too are intolerant.

And one more thing, bfgrn, I tend to really, really dislike the attitudes of the extreme right. I just tend to dislike the same from the left. I won't read the jerks from the right because they disgust me. I will on occasion read the extreme left.

Conservatives are for more freedom progressives are for less...... They are very fucking different.

Yea, ask the Dixie Chicks...
I have not read any of those threads. As far as I know this thread is the only one I have participated in that has discussed the issue. I do not doubt what you say, but I challenge you to find anything that I have said that denies extreme conservatives are different than progressives. In fact, I have repeatedly stated that they too are intolerant.

And one more thing, bfgrn, I tend to really, really dislike the attitudes of the extreme right. I just tend to dislike the same from the left. I won't read the jerks from the right because they disgust me. I will on occasion read the extreme left.

Conservatives are for more freedom progressives are for less...... They are very fucking different.

Yea, ask the Dixie Chicks...

Calling someone a stupid bitch for what they say is not the same as saying they cant say that...... Progressives silence free speech conservatives tell you what they think of what you said.
Immie, I can't believe you are this blind, are you? Go read on the Paula Deen threads how many conservatives are going to boycott the companies who dropped Paula Deen. But THAT is different??? How about what happened to the Dixie Chicks when they were critical of Bush. You are really conflating blame on ONE group of people who had NOTHING to do with Paula Deen's problems.

I have not read any of those threads. As far as I know this thread is the only one I have participated in that has discussed the issue. I do not doubt what you say, but I challenge you to find anything that I have said that denies extreme conservatives are different than progressives. In fact, I have repeatedly stated that they too are intolerant.

And one more thing, bfgrn, I tend to really, really dislike the attitudes of the extreme right. I just tend to dislike the same from the left. I won't read the jerks from the right because they disgust me. I will on occasion read the extreme left.

Conservatives are for more freedom progressives are for less...... They are very fucking different.

Define "conservative".

If you are talking about the far right, I would disagree. If you are talking about middle of the road conservatives, I would agree.

An example would be the Patriot Act, brought to us by the supposedly, and I emphasize supposedly, conservative Bush Administration. There is no way in hell anyone can claim that promotes "more rights". Obamacare is another example. I hear tale that most of the major provisions of that accursed legislation came directly from the pens of supposedly conservative Republicans. Again, no way in hell that promotes more rights. Bush promoted the NSA wiretapping for our own good.

When you look at the two extremes about the only difference that can be found is what rights do they want to take away from us FIRST.

Yes, you have it, I am sick of both parties and their lies. Both unions of professional politicians disgust me.

I have not read any of those threads. As far as I know this thread is the only one I have participated in that has discussed the issue. I do not doubt what you say, but I challenge you to find anything that I have said that denies extreme conservatives are different than progressives. In fact, I have repeatedly stated that they too are intolerant.

And one more thing, bfgrn, I tend to really, really dislike the attitudes of the extreme right. I just tend to dislike the same from the left. I won't read the jerks from the right because they disgust me. I will on occasion read the extreme left.

Conservatives are for more freedom progressives are for less...... They are very fucking different.

Yea, ask the Dixie Chicks...

I hated the Dixie Chicks before Natalie made that comment. I despised their song Good-bye Earl because it made a joke of murder even though Earl deserved what he got. I did not agree with the effort to boycott their music even though I personally turned off my radio in silent protest of their music :). It became a joke with my family about how quickly dad turned the radio off when a Dixie Chicks song came on the air.

But, your example is dead on.

Conservatives are for more freedom progressives are for less...... They are very fucking different.

Yea, ask the Dixie Chicks...

Calling someone a stupid bitch for what they say is not the same as saying they cant say that...... Progressives silence free speech conservatives tell you what they think of what you said.

As far as I know, conservatives succeeded in black-balling, forgive me if that term has racial connotations, I mean nothing disrespectful, the Dixie Chicks from the radio. The station I listen to, WQYK in Tampa, a Clear Channel affiliate, thankfully :) hasn't played one of their songs in years.


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