Why do people hate Liberals?

Well in this area there were no demands for radio stations to stop playing Dixie Chick music that I know of. I don't disbelieve that you observed that in your area. I just did not personally experience it so I don't know whether that was a widespread thing or what. I do know that the liberal (as we define it) European press was cheering them on as were the more rabid of the anti-Bush and/or anti-war protesters here and abroad. Sort of like the same sorts of people were cheering on Jane Fonda during the Vietnam War while others of us despised what she did.

But there is a difference between a personal choice to express our personal disapproval or criticism of somebody's actions and in attempting to destroy that person's reputation, relationships, and livelihood for making a politically incorrect statement. Most especially when no apology is deemed good enough and the mob mentality to attack and demolish continues unabated.

I have no problem with the former and I don't think you do either. And no matter who is doing it, I have a huge problem with the latter and I hope you do too.

You didn't experience it? I have to ask... do you listen to Country Music or that other "stuff". ;) j/k on the "stuff". I generally like all kinds of music, but prefer music that tells a story. Anyway, if you don't listen to CM, then I would expect that you would not have heard the bitching that went on. If you do, when was the last time you heard the chicks on the radio? Think hard!


Since the mid 90's our favorite radio station went all news/talk and doesn't play any music at all. If we listen to music at all on the radio, it will generally be golden oldies or country--both Mr. Foxfyre and I are country fans. But we were never part of the Dixie Chick cult before their "London event" and despite a huge music collection of our own, I don't believe we have ever owned a Dixie Chick song even on a multi-artist album. And I don't recall hearing them on the radio before or since the "London event".

They aren't on the radio these days though because they haven't recorded anything I think since 2005 or so? The last I heard was two or three years ago they were going on tour with the Eagles and Keith Urban. I don't know whether they've done anything since though seems I did read somewhere that the Chicks have a new album out sometime this summer?

But the point is, not I nor anybody I know in real life or in any other medium ever attacked the Dixie Chicks or tried to ruin their career. Their comments in London were inexcusable and I condemned those remarks at the time. But in my conservative soul, those comments didn't damn all that they have ever said or will ever say. I don't really care whether they succeed or fail as they will not have my help either way. And that does not have anything to do with the London event but simply with the fact that I have never been a fan. Nor one out for their blood.

To most liberals, once they damn you, though, you are never to be forgiven anything. You are damned and to be unforgiven forever.

you're not missing much the Dixie Chicks we're not all that good to begin with.

Welcome to my nightmare
Well in this area there were no demands for radio stations to stop playing Dixie Chick music that I know of. I don't disbelieve that you observed that in your area. I just did not personally experience it so I don't know whether that was a widespread thing or what. I do know that the liberal (as we define it) European press was cheering them on as were the more rabid of the anti-Bush and/or anti-war protesters here and abroad. Sort of like the same sorts of people were cheering on Jane Fonda during the Vietnam War while others of us despised what she did.

But there is a difference between a personal choice to express our personal disapproval or criticism of somebody's actions and in attempting to destroy that person's reputation, relationships, and livelihood for making a politically incorrect statement. Most especially when no apology is deemed good enough and the mob mentality to attack and demolish continues unabated.

I have no problem with the former and I don't think you do either. And no matter who is doing it, I have a huge problem with the latter and I hope you do too.

You didn't experience it? I have to ask... do you listen to Country Music or that other "stuff". ;) j/k on the "stuff". I generally like all kinds of music, but prefer music that tells a story. Anyway, if you don't listen to CM, then I would expect that you would not have heard the bitching that went on. If you do, when was the last time you heard the chicks on the radio? Think hard!


Since the mid 90's our favorite radio station went all news/talk and doesn't play any music at all. If we listen to music at all on the radio, it will generally be golden oldies or country--both Mr. Foxfyre and I are country fans. But we were never part of the Dixie Chick cult before their "London event" and despite a huge music collection of our own, I don't believe we have ever owned a Dixie Chick song even on a multi-artist album. And I don't recall hearing them on the radio before or since the "London event".

They aren't on the radio these days though because they haven't recorded anything I think since 2005 or so? The last I heard was two or three years ago they were going on tour with the Eagles and Keith Urban. I don't know whether they've done anything since though seems I did read somewhere that the Chicks have a new album out sometime this summer?

But the point is, not I nor anybody I know in real life or in any other medium ever attacked the Dixie Chicks or tried to ruin their career. Their comments in London were inexcusable and I condemned those remarks at the time. But in my conservative soul, those comments didn't damn all that they have ever said or will ever say. I don't really care whether they succeed or fail as they will not have my help either way. And that does not have anything to do with the London event but simply with the fact that I have never been a fan. Nor one out for their blood.

To most liberals, once they damn you, though, you are never to be forgiven anything. You are damned and to be unforgiven forever.

What difference does when the last recording was made make? The good ones are still played all the time. Of course, the station I listen to only seems to play recent hits. Drives me crazy when I hear the exact same songs on the evening ride home that I heard on the way to work! With all the good music out there, you would think variety would not be such a chore.

The way I remember it, the chicks were clobbered by Bush supporters for Natalie Maines' idiotic statement. They are no longer producing music because of what she said. They had a huge backing until that fateful night. Next day, they were history. I heard Natalie wants to go out on her own. Good luck with that! No one has forgiven or forgotten.

You didn't experience it? I have to ask... do you listen to Country Music or that other "stuff". ;) j/k on the "stuff". I generally like all kinds of music, but prefer music that tells a story. Anyway, if you don't listen to CM, then I would expect that you would not have heard the bitching that went on. If you do, when was the last time you heard the chicks on the radio? Think hard!


Since the mid 90's our favorite radio station went all news/talk and doesn't play any music at all. If we listen to music at all on the radio, it will generally be golden oldies or country--both Mr. Foxfyre and I are country fans. But we were never part of the Dixie Chick cult before their "London event" and despite a huge music collection of our own, I don't believe we have ever owned a Dixie Chick song even on a multi-artist album. And I don't recall hearing them on the radio before or since the "London event".

They aren't on the radio these days though because they haven't recorded anything I think since 2005 or so? The last I heard was two or three years ago they were going on tour with the Eagles and Keith Urban. I don't know whether they've done anything since though seems I did read somewhere that the Chicks have a new album out sometime this summer?

But the point is, not I nor anybody I know in real life or in any other medium ever attacked the Dixie Chicks or tried to ruin their career. Their comments in London were inexcusable and I condemned those remarks at the time. But in my conservative soul, those comments didn't damn all that they have ever said or will ever say. I don't really care whether they succeed or fail as they will not have my help either way. And that does not have anything to do with the London event but simply with the fact that I have never been a fan. Nor one out for their blood.

To most liberals, once they damn you, though, you are never to be forgiven anything. You are damned and to be unforgiven forever.

What difference does when the last recording was made make? The good ones are still played all the time. Of course, the station I listen to only seems to play recent hits. Drives me crazy when I hear the exact same songs on the evening ride home that I heard on the way to work! With all the good music out there, you would think variety would not be such a chore.

The way I remember it, the chicks were clobbered by Bush supporters for Natalie Maines' idiotic statement. They are no longer producing music because of what she said. They had a huge backing until that fateful night. Next day, they were history. I heard Natalie wants to go out on her own. Good luck with that! No one has forgiven or forgotten.


it wasn't the bush comments, they got them in trouble. it was the other s*** Natalie said not to mention the feud with Toby Keith

Welcome to my nightmare
Since the mid 90's our favorite radio station went all news/talk and doesn't play any music at all. If we listen to music at all on the radio, it will generally be golden oldies or country--both Mr. Foxfyre and I are country fans. But we were never part of the Dixie Chick cult before their "London event" and despite a huge music collection of our own, I don't believe we have ever owned a Dixie Chick song even on a multi-artist album. And I don't recall hearing them on the radio before or since the "London event".

They aren't on the radio these days though because they haven't recorded anything I think since 2005 or so? The last I heard was two or three years ago they were going on tour with the Eagles and Keith Urban. I don't know whether they've done anything since though seems I did read somewhere that the Chicks have a new album out sometime this summer?

But the point is, not I nor anybody I know in real life or in any other medium ever attacked the Dixie Chicks or tried to ruin their career. Their comments in London were inexcusable and I condemned those remarks at the time. But in my conservative soul, those comments didn't damn all that they have ever said or will ever say. I don't really care whether they succeed or fail as they will not have my help either way. And that does not have anything to do with the London event but simply with the fact that I have never been a fan. Nor one out for their blood.

To most liberals, once they damn you, though, you are never to be forgiven anything. You are damned and to be unforgiven forever.

What difference does when the last recording was made make? The good ones are still played all the time. Of course, the station I listen to only seems to play recent hits. Drives me crazy when I hear the exact same songs on the evening ride home that I heard on the way to work! With all the good music out there, you would think variety would not be such a chore.

The way I remember it, the chicks were clobbered by Bush supporters for Natalie Maines' idiotic statement. They are no longer producing music because of what she said. They had a huge backing until that fateful night. Next day, they were history. I heard Natalie wants to go out on her own. Good luck with that! No one has forgiven or forgotten.


it wasn't the bush comments, they got them in trouble. it was the other s*** Natalie said not to mention the feud with Toby Keith

Welcome to my nightmare

First, the Toby Keith feud was a direct result of what Natalie said in London. Then after the fans turned against her she started making comments about the fans all of which was a direct result of that night in London.

Face it, if not for that one comment the Chicks would be as popular as ever despite the shitty music they played.

Sorry, have to disagree with you. Today's "liberalism" is nothing short of an attempt to enslave the masses. The gay rights issue is a very good example. Those who disagree with today's politically correct liberalism are excoriated in all aspects of society. One who dares to say "Marriage is between one man and one woman", will be verbally flogged if not physically flogged. Those who dare to speak out against abortion are as well and are accused of wanting to keep a woman "barefoot and pregnant". God help the man or woman who says that contraceptives should not be given by middle schools or that kindergarten should not be teaching sex education!

I can't and won't say that was liberalism from day one, but it is most definitely what conservatives have to put up with today. I admit, conservatives aren't really all that different, but liberalism as it stands today is nothing short of forced enslavement of the masses. Maybe you like to think that it is different because you support their causes, but don't you dare disagree with them on any subject.


No Immie. Liberalism is an attempt to FREE the masses. EVERY man or woman has the right to fall in love with who THEY choose, not who conservatives deem acceptable. EVERY woman has the right to decide what SHE chooses to do with her uterus, not what conservatives deem she can do with her uterus and her life.

Conservatives have the right to their opinion, but not the right to write laws that TAKE AWAY people's rights.

Conservatives have launched a frontal assault on unions, public employees, women's rights, immigrants, the environment, health care, voting rights, food safety, pensions, prenatal care, science, public broadcasting, and on and on.

Conservatives really want to change the basis of American life, to make America run according to the conservative moral worldview in all areas of life.

do you even understand what conservative actually means or what it is to conserve? because quite frankly you don't sound like you know much of anything

Welcome to my nightmare

I know exactly what conservatism is all about...

Q: What is conservatism?
A: Conservatism is the domination of society by an aristocracy.

Q: What is wrong with conservatism?
A: Conservatism is incompatible with democracy, prosperity, and civilization in general. It is a destructive system of inequality and prejudice that is founded on deception and has no place in the modern world.
No Immie. Liberalism is an attempt to FREE the masses. EVERY man or woman has the right to fall in love with who THEY choose, not who conservatives deem acceptable. EVERY woman has the right to decide what SHE chooses to do with her uterus, not what conservatives deem she can do with her uterus and her life.

Conservatives have the right to their opinion, but not the right to write laws that TAKE AWAY people's rights.

Conservatives have launched a frontal assault on unions, public employees, women's rights, immigrants, the environment, health care, voting rights, food safety, pensions, prenatal care, science, public broadcasting, and on and on.

Conservatives really want to change the basis of American life, to make America run according to the conservative moral worldview in all areas of life.

do you even understand what conservative actually means or what it is to conserve? because quite frankly you don't sound like you know much of anything

Welcome to my nightmare

I know exactly what conservatism is all about...

Q: What is conservatism?
A: Conservatism is the domination of society by an aristocracy.

Q: What is wrong with conservatism?
A: Conservatism is incompatible with democracy, prosperity, and civilization in general. It is a destructive system of inequality and prejudice that is founded on deception and has no place in the modern world.

Which hate group's site did you get that from?

It is probably plastered all over DU for sure.

Do you really think that kind of crap is worth reposting? Somehow, I suspect you do. And you probably believe your hatred is entirely justified.

I hate all stupid people whose ideology wants to destroy my freedoms... It's that simple.
do you even understand what conservative actually means or what it is to conserve? because quite frankly you don't sound like you know much of anything

Welcome to my nightmare

I know exactly what conservatism is all about...

Q: What is conservatism?
A: Conservatism is the domination of society by an aristocracy.

Q: What is wrong with conservatism?
A: Conservatism is incompatible with democracy, prosperity, and civilization in general. It is a destructive system of inequality and prejudice that is founded on deception and has no place in the modern world.

Which hate group's site did you get that from?

It is probably plastered all over DU for sure.

Do you really think that kind of crap is worth reposting? Somehow, I suspect you do. And you probably believe your hatred is entirely justified.


Immie, I not only believe it; it gets proven and reinforced every single day. Even right on this board. I NEVER hear conservatives stand up for the poor or working man and woman. Conservatives always defend the CEO, the union buster, the Republican Governor who rips away collective bargaining from teachers, forces poor people to piss in a cup, forces a woman that is raped to pay for her rape test kit, condemn and disparage anyone who is not rich, calling them lazy or scumbags.

Romney's 47% comments were SUPPORTED by conservatives. It is who and what conservatives are.
I know exactly what conservatism is all about...

Q: What is conservatism?
A: Conservatism is the domination of society by an aristocracy.

Q: What is wrong with conservatism?
A: Conservatism is incompatible with democracy, prosperity, and civilization in general. It is a destructive system of inequality and prejudice that is founded on deception and has no place in the modern world.

Which hate group's site did you get that from?

It is probably plastered all over DU for sure.

Do you really think that kind of crap is worth reposting? Somehow, I suspect you do. And you probably believe your hatred is entirely justified.


Immie, I not only believe it; it gets proven and reinforced every single day. Even right on this board. I NEVER hear conservatives stand up for the poor or working man and woman. Conservatives always defend the CEO, the union buster, the Republican Governor who rips away collective bargaining from teachers, forces poor people to piss in a cup, forces a woman that is raped to pay for her rape test kit, condemn and disparage anyone who is not rich, calling them lazy or scumbags.

Romney's 47% comments were SUPPORTED by conservatives. It is who and what conservatives are.

How sad that you cannot see the hypocrisy of you own words!

You must never read anything I write unless I address you. I have spoken up for the poor many, many, many times.

I stand up for the working man all the time. It is you liberals and your support for union bosses that are destroying the working man. Unions have had there place in our history and they did a lot and I do mean a LOT of good for the middle class, but what you liberals support today is pure unadulterated corruption not only in union halls, but on Capital Hill as well. You want to defend the working class? Then work against the corruption that has seeped into every aspect of your own people.

I do not defend the CEO. They too are corrupt, but I defend the right of a corporation to, within safe reasons, sell the products of their choice, hire and fire the employees they want, pay fair market wages etc. Your side want McDonald's to pay their employees living wages to turn hamburger patties. That is beyond crazy! As much as I would like the father of five to succeed in life, he should not be working at McDonald's trying to support a family! Nor should the single mother. If she cannot work or find a job a business that pays well, then doggone it, I have no problem assisting her. But, enabling her with Welfare and doing nothing to give her the skills she needs to improve her life (that is the liberal solution) does nothing at all to help her become anything more than a couch potato.

Let's see a link to a conservative trying to force the poor to "piss in a cup". That is nothing more than your hatred of people that you cannot control speaking.

I know exactly what conservatism is all about...

Q: What is conservatism?
A: Conservatism is the domination of society by an aristocracy.

Q: What is wrong with conservatism?
A: Conservatism is incompatible with democracy, prosperity, and civilization in general. It is a destructive system of inequality and prejudice that is founded on deception and has no place in the modern world.

Which hate group's site did you get that from?

It is probably plastered all over DU for sure.

Do you really think that kind of crap is worth reposting? Somehow, I suspect you do. And you probably believe your hatred is entirely justified.


Immie, I not only believe it; it gets proven and reinforced every single day. Even right on this board. I NEVER hear conservatives stand up for the poor or working man and woman. Conservatives always defend the CEO, the union buster, the Republican Governor who rips away collective bargaining from teachers, forces poor people to piss in a cup, forces a woman that is raped to pay for her rape test kit, condemn and disparage anyone who is not rich, calling them lazy or scumbags.

Romney's 47% comments were SUPPORTED by conservatives. It is who and what conservatives are.

No, they were supported by neocons and idiot conservatives who think that getting a neocon elected is more important than being honest and truthful.

And AMERICAN conservatives are not pro-Aristocracy as it is not part of our heritage, as it is in Europe. The Neocons like aristocrats because they think of themselves this way.
Which hate group's site did you get that from?

It is probably plastered all over DU for sure.

Do you really think that kind of crap is worth reposting? Somehow, I suspect you do. And you probably believe your hatred is entirely justified.


Immie, I not only believe it; it gets proven and reinforced every single day. Even right on this board. I NEVER hear conservatives stand up for the poor or working man and woman. Conservatives always defend the CEO, the union buster, the Republican Governor who rips away collective bargaining from teachers, forces poor people to piss in a cup, forces a woman that is raped to pay for her rape test kit, condemn and disparage anyone who is not rich, calling them lazy or scumbags.

Romney's 47% comments were SUPPORTED by conservatives. It is who and what conservatives are.

How sad that you cannot see the hypocrisy of you own words!

You must never read anything I write unless I address you. I have spoken up for the poor many, many, many times.

I stand up for the working man all the time. It is you liberals and your support for union bosses that are destroying the working man. Unions have had there place in our history and they did a lot and I do mean a LOT of good for the middle class, but what you liberals support today is pure unadulterated corruption not only in union halls, but on Capital Hill as well. You want to defend the working class? Then work against the corruption that has seeped into every aspect of your own people.

I do not defend the CEO. They too are corrupt, but I defend the right of a corporation to, within safe reasons, sell the products of their choice, hire and fire the employees they want, pay fair market wages etc. Your side want McDonald's to pay their employees living wages to turn hamburger patties. That is beyond crazy! As much as I would like the father of five to succeed in life, he should not be working at McDonald's trying to support a family! Nor should the single mother. If she cannot work or find a job a business that pays well, then doggone it, I have no problem assisting her. But, enabling her with Welfare and doing nothing to give her the skills she needs to improve her life (that is the liberal solution) does nothing at all to help her become anything more than a couch potato.

Let's see a link to a conservative trying to force the poor to "piss in a cup". That is nothing more than your hatred of people that you cannot control speaking.


Immie, I give you and YOU alone credit for being a moderate conservative for the most part. But even you are parroting some right wing dogma and propaganda in your reply. The problem in this country is the middle class is being crushed. I've been around since Truman was in the White House. The liberal era that started with the New Deal and ended with the Great Society created the most robust middle class in the world. I never knew anyone growing up who needed food stamps or government relief. People made a living wage in this country.

That liberal era ended with the splintering of the Democratic Party due to assassinations and the Vietnam War. It ushered in a conservative era that gained some momentum with Nixon, but really metastasized under Reagan. Reagan just about wiped out the New Deal and it has almost eviscerated the middle class. The wealth disparity in America is now worse than the Gilded Age when the Robber Barons paid workers slave wages. And what that conservative era has created is POVERTY for all but a very few Americans. And the main vehicle to creating that aristocracy was union busting. It has become the priority of the Republican party and it no coincidence that as unions were being eviscerated, so was the middle class. There will NEVER be a time where unions are no longer needed. Greed and power will never disappear or be kept in check without a buffer.

And they have brainwashed even you into believing unions and liberals are EVIL. You used words like "pure unadulterated corruption". You were indignant when I said "Conservatism is the domination of society by an aristocracy." But that REALLY happened. And how is your "pure unadulterated corruption" and "corruption that has seeped into every aspect of your own people." NOT incendiary Immie?

I offered the Bill Moyers interview with Reverend Wright a few years ago to every conservative on this board. You are the ONLY one who would even listen to it.

Please spend 12 minutes listening to Greg Kaufmann, poverty correspondent for “The Nation” magazine. And BTW, he does not give Democrats a pass either.

Greg Kaufmann on the Truth About American Poverty | Moyers & Company | BillMoyers.com


Small excerpt:

BILL MOYERS: There are almost 48 million people using food stamps a day, and over recent years that’s a 70 percent increase. What does your own reporting tell you about why?

GREG KAUFMANN: Well, the biggest reason, I think, is the proliferation of low-wage work. People are working and they're not getting paid enough to feed their families, pay their utilities and pay for their housing, pay for the healthcare. We had 28 percent of workers in 2011 made wages that were less than the poverty line. Poverty wages.

Fifty percent of the jobs in this country make less than $34,000 a year. Twenty-five percent make less than the poverty line for a family of four, which is $23,000 a year. So, if you're not paying people enough to pay for the basics, they're going to need help getting food.

And food stamps expanded because we went through the greatest the worst recession since the Great Depression. And it did what it's supposed to do. And now, you know, mostly Republicans are saying, "Why are there so many people on food stamps?" You know, they're claiming the recession's over, but we know that most people on food stamps are, if they're getting work, it's low-wage work that doesn't pay enough to pay for food.


“Ronald Reagan changed the trajectory of America in a way that Richard Nixon did not and in a way that Bill Clinton did not.” Reagan was an ideological inflection point, ending a 50-year liberal ascendancy and beginning a 30-year conservative ascendancy.
Charles Krauthammer
5 years of Progressive economics and we're still having more people on food stamps than ever.


It's meant to fail!
I don't see the irregularity in Bowie's sig and his posts here on USMB. The GOP has been voting against the best interests of thier constituants fo the last 50 years. This is specifically aimed at him because having spent some time in Fredricksburg VA I can attest it to be one of the cesspools of thought in our country. Per capita it's residents are one of the most willfully ignorant communities I have ever wasted time in. Those morons are still fighting the civil war and are the most racist Americans I have come accoss in my 64 years.
I don't see the irregularity in Bowie's sig and his posts here on USMB. The GOP has been voting against the best interests of thier constituants fo the last 50 years. This is specifically aimed at him because having spent some time in Fredricksburg VA I can attest it to be one of the cesspools of thought in our country. Per capita it's residents are one of the most willfully ignorant communities I have ever wasted time in. Those morons are still fighting the civil war and are the most racist Americans I have come accoss in my 64 years.

lol, you don't know what the hell you are talking about.

We have Mary Washington University here, sco, and its like the Virginia capital of fruits, gugs, bugs and lugs. A cesspool of conservatism it is not, not by far.

Most of the jar heads are north in Stafford Co, and the Navy folks mostly in Spotsy and King George. Few of the live in Fredericksburg, aka F-burg.

And yes, the GOP says a lot of bullshit to get people to vote for them, and I say bullshit because the elite in control of the GOP has absolutely no intention of letting any of their promises become law unless it benefits wealthy corporate CEOs.

I finally figured this out when Bush the Elder was President and started setting up the fascist system that they are slowly rolling out. I was even more outraged by the take over of the Presidential debates by the two parties who now systematically keep everyone else out of the debates. Those debates should have zero credibility and yet the major media acts like it is really a neutral ground for debating anything.

But talking conservatives into leaving the GOP is hard to do. The two parties demonize each other for many reasons, but chief among those reasons is to scare the beejeezus out of anyone that might consider voting for someone that really reflects what they believe in. That is ironically called 'throwing away your vote'.

But if you think the Democrats are any more committed to work for the working class instead of other elites that just aren't WASP, then you aren't paying attention.
Which hate group's site did you get that from?

It is probably plastered all over DU for sure.

Do you really think that kind of crap is worth reposting? Somehow, I suspect you do. And you probably believe your hatred is entirely justified.


Immie, I not only believe it; it gets proven and reinforced every single day. Even right on this board. I NEVER hear conservatives stand up for the poor or working man and woman. Conservatives always defend the CEO, the union buster, the Republican Governor who rips away collective bargaining from teachers, forces poor people to piss in a cup, forces a woman that is raped to pay for her rape test kit, condemn and disparage anyone who is not rich, calling them lazy or scumbags.

Romney's 47% comments were SUPPORTED by conservatives. It is who and what conservatives are.

No, they were supported by neocons and idiot conservatives who think that getting a neocon elected is more important than being honest and truthful.

And AMERICAN conservatives are not pro-Aristocracy as it is not part of our heritage, as it is in Europe. The Neocons like aristocrats because they think of themselves this way.

Like I said before, I've been around since Truman was in the White House. Any changes in conservatism over the last 65 years have been for the worse, not the better...

"Republicans approve of the American farmer, but they are willing to help him go broke. They stand four-square for the American home--but not for housing. They are strong for labor--but they are stronger for restricting labor's rights. They favor minimum wage--the smaller the minimum wage the better. They endorse educational opportunity for all--but they won't spend money for teachers or for schools. They approve of social security benefits-so much so that they took them away from almost a million people. They think modern medical care and hospitals are fine--for people who can afford them. They believe in international trade--so much so that they crippled our reciprocal trade program, and killed our International Wheat Agreement. They favor the admission of displaced persons--but only within shameful racial and religious limitations.They consider electrical power a great blessing--but only when the private power companies get their rake-off. They say TVA is wonderful--but we ought never to try it again. They condemn "cruelly high prices"--but fight to the death every effort to bring them down. They think American standard of living is a fine thing--so long as it doesn't spread to all the people. And they admire of Government of the United States so much that they would like to buy it."
President Harry S. Truman - October 13, 1948, St. Paul, Minnesota
Immie, I not only believe it; it gets proven and reinforced every single day. Even right on this board. I NEVER hear conservatives stand up for the poor or working man and woman. Conservatives always defend the CEO, the union buster, the Republican Governor who rips away collective bargaining from teachers, forces poor people to piss in a cup, forces a woman that is raped to pay for her rape test kit, condemn and disparage anyone who is not rich, calling them lazy or scumbags.

Romney's 47% comments were SUPPORTED by conservatives. It is who and what conservatives are.

No, they were supported by neocons and idiot conservatives who think that getting a neocon elected is more important than being honest and truthful.

And AMERICAN conservatives are not pro-Aristocracy as it is not part of our heritage, as it is in Europe. The Neocons like aristocrats because they think of themselves this way.

Like I said before, I've been around since Truman was in the White House. Any changes in conservatism over the last 65 years have been for the worse, not the better...

"Republicans approve of the American farmer, but they are willing to help him go broke. They stand four-square for the American home--but not for housing. They are strong for labor--but they are stronger for restricting labor's rights. They favor minimum wage--the smaller the minimum wage the better. They endorse educational opportunity for all--but they won't spend money for teachers or for schools. They approve of social security benefits-so much so that they took them away from almost a million people. They think modern medical care and hospitals are fine--for people who can afford them. They believe in international trade--so much so that they crippled our reciprocal trade program, and killed our International Wheat Agreement. They favor the admission of displaced persons--but only within shameful racial and religious limitations.They consider electrical power a great blessing--but only when the private power companies get their rake-off. They say TVA is wonderful--but we ought never to try it again. They condemn "cruelly high prices"--but fight to the death every effort to bring them down. They think American standard of living is a fine thing--so long as it doesn't spread to all the people. And they admire of Government of the United States so much that they would like to buy it."
President Harry S. Truman - October 13, 1948, St. Paul, Minnesota

Do you mean the same Harry Truman who pushed for civil rights that was blocked by Democrats like John F Kennedy and Lyndon B Johnson?

Welcome to my nightmare

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