Why do people hate Liberals?

Oh do you mean my statements that Libertarians are nothing more then democrats that hate taxes? I dont see how that disproves my post?

I wasn't trying to "refute" your post; I was just pointing out the irony.

You say you oppose the encroachment of individual freedom by the state and the central authoritarians of the democratic party, yet you routinely side with those same authoritarians in your war against the Libertarians.
I did not say anarchist, I said anarchy

A modern government would be unable to function within the limited confines of the Constitution. We have 200 years of laws and judicial constitutional precidence that allow us to function as a modern society

Is that why you leftists violate the Constitution as a matter of standard procedure? And here I was thinking it was because you are a bunch of corrupt fuckwads.... :eek::eusa_eh::eusa_eh:
Oh do you mean my statements that Libertarians are nothing more then democrats that hate taxes? I dont see how that disproves my post?

I wasn't trying to "refute" your post; I was just pointing out the irony.

You say you oppose the encroachment of individual freedom by the state and the central authoritarians of the democratic party, yet you routinely side with those same authoritarians in your war against the Libertarians.

No I dont. What I agree with is the people through representation have the power to shape government. Laws and regulations are not inherently evil. Take safe food. No one wants unsafe food except hippie progressives( I know it is very ironic LOL) so we have regulations.A libertarian mind set is to have NO regulations on anything. Thats just stupid. At a certain point you need to think about the community not just yourself. Nothing wrong with self interest as long as it isn't at the harm of the rest. Now they will say they agree with my statement yet at the same time scream about regulating drugs. I have seen the harm drugs do to those NOT consuming them.
Which side is for Liberty and which side is the Fascist socialists?

The fact that you have to ask this question tells us all we need to know.

Well.....since Liberals founded this country in the name of Liberty

I guess that makes you the Fascists

Hmmm... I'm generally one for pointing out that there is some overlap between the founders' version of liberalism and the modern variety. But not much when it comes to liberty. Liberalism in the hands of Democrats treats liberty like the red-headed step child of liberalism. Something to whip out when someone calls you fascists, but otherwise kept out of sight, and out of mind.
No I dont. What I agree with is the people through representation have the power to shape government. Laws and regulations are not inherently evil. Take safe food. No one wants unsafe food except hippie progressives( I know it is very ironic LOL) so we have regulations.A libertarian mind set is to have NO regulations on anything. Thats just stupid. At a certain point you need to think about the community not just yourself. Nothing wrong with self interest as long as it isn't at the harm of the rest. Now they will say they agree with my statement yet at the same time scream about regulating drugs. I have seen the harm drugs do to those NOT consuming them.

Yeah, utter nonsense.

Have you ever heard of Underwriters Laboratories? Sure, everyone knows who U/L is - and no one, NO ONE, will buy an electrical product that is not U/L certified.

What you probably DIDN'T know is that U/L is a 100% private organization. There is no law that requires a U/L cert - just consumer demand.

NOW, would you like to compare the track record of U/L to a government agency, say the FDA, on protecting consumers? I'll bet you a Fen-Phen that you don't.....
I'm a constitutional conservative, I'm not siding with King Obuma. I think we should bring back tar and feathering as a means to rid ourselves of government tyrants. .
For entertainment while you are boiling up missionaries in soup pots in the Lone Star State?

Or in between blowing up unregulated chemical factories next to schools and housing estates?

No I dont. What I agree with is the people through representation have the power to shape government. Laws and regulations are not inherently evil. Take safe food. No one wants unsafe food except hippie progressives( I know it is very ironic LOL) so we have regulations.A libertarian mind set is to have NO regulations on anything. Thats just stupid. At a certain point you need to think about the community not just yourself. Nothing wrong with self interest as long as it isn't at the harm of the rest. Now they will say they agree with my statement yet at the same time scream about regulating drugs. I have seen the harm drugs do to those NOT consuming them.

Yeah, utter nonsense.

Have you ever heard of Underwriters Laboratories? Sure, everyone knows who U/L is - and no one, NO ONE, will buy an electrical product that is not U/L certified.

What you probably DIDN'T know is that U/L is a 100% private organization. There is no law that requires a U/L cert - just consumer demand.

NOW, would you like to compare the track record of U/L to a government agency, say the FDA, on protecting consumers? I'll bet you a Fen-Phen that you don't.....

Your pint is what???? the business will always regulate itself for the betterment of society? We already know they wont. Why? Cause business is ran by people and not all people are good.
I'm a constitutional conservative, I'm not siding with King Obuma. I think we should bring back tar and feathering as a means to rid ourselves of government tyrants. .
For entertainment while you are boiling up missionaries in soup pots in the Lone Star State?

Or in between blowing up unregulated chemical factories next to schools and housing estates?


>> For entertainment while you are boiling up missionaries in soup pots in the Lone Star State?

No, missionaries are typically not government tyrants. Surprising that you think they are though.

>> Or in between blowing up unregulated chemical factories next to schools and housing estates?

What does taring and feathering government tyrants have to do with what happened in West? Are you saying you know of some tie between the two? Should I alert the investigators that you have particular evidence for what happened there?
Your pint is what???? the business will always regulate itself for the betterment of society? We already know they wont. Why? Cause business is ran by people and not all people are good.

Consumers demand a level of assurance of quality. Government is neither needed, nor do they bring anything to the party. When electrical appliances started burning down houses in the the early 1900's - the PEOPLE demanded that manufacturers address their concerns. Manufacturers did - by creating U/L.

Ditto ISO, the IEEE and a thousand other private certification venues.
I think his point is that all these things were either enacted by lefties, or are presently advocated by Commie pinko dupes.

I think they at least constitute "check!!" to conservatives, and "checkmate!!" to you Nazoid Neo-Cons.


Actually, only a few of them were - but the left isn't known for integrity - so will claim credit for much that they opposed or had nothing to do with.

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