Why do people hate Liberals?


Gee, couldn't you Communists come up with at least ONE thing that was true?


You Might Be A Liberal Leftist If ...
If you think "progressive" means progress.

If you think that Blame Bush is a valid argument.

If you believe FDR's New Deal ended the Great Depression.

If you think that bowing by an American President is sign of respect not weakness.

If you think an American citizen should be sent to prison for not purchasing health insurance.

If you think Sarah Palin is more of a threat to 'women's rights' than is Sharia Law.

If You have the New York Times app on your iPad or iPhone.

If you think Alan Greyson is the ideal Democrat congressman.

If you repeatedly apologize on behalf of others but never on behalf of yourself.

If you say you support the troops but really hope they lose the war.

If you think Al Gore actually deserved the Nobel Prize.

If you cannot imagine an Hispanic voting Republican.

If you think English as a Second Language should be taught to all US school children.

If you think partial birth abortion is good for America!

If you believed Speaker Pelosi when she said unemployment creates jobs, jobs, jobs.

If you believe that Nancy Pelosi actually drained the swamp.

If you believe in Santa Claus but NOT tax cuts.

If you think that Barack Obama is actually a leader and not a reader.

If you shout RACIST™ at anyone winning a debate with a Liberal.

If you lecture on the dangers of Global Warming whilst flying your own private jet.

If your profile states you are Jewish, but your avatar is pro-Hamas.

If you think treating all people equally, regardless of race, is racist.

If you believe Fundamentalist Christians are more dangerous than Islamist Terrorists.

If you condone Illegal Immigration because criminals vote for Democrats.

If you think you can tax a nation into prosperity.

If you think up is down, black is white, and Totalitarianism is freedom.

If you are so open-minded that your brain has fallen out of your numb skull.

If you forget to say the Victory in Iraq was inherited by Obama from George W. Bush.

If you think you are entitled to what other people earn.

If you think Barack Obama & Jeremiah Wright are practicing Christians but Glenn Beck is not a Christian.
Which side is for Liberty and which side is the Fascist socialists?

As it currently stands, the Democratic party is taking the US towards socialism at 100 mph and the Republican party at 75 mph. What is astounding to me is we have clear evidence of how socialism fails with the breakup of the Soviet Union and now they are freer than we are. They also pay far less in taxes than we do.

Another moron thinking in absolutes

No society is either 100% capitalist or 100% socialist.

All provide a careful balance of the two

Um, no, ours is not currently providing a "careful balance" between the two. Dems and Reps are sweeping us toward 100% socialism. I'm sure they will eventually put on the brakes, but not before they either have complete power over us or they finally realize total collapse is imminent.

As it currently stands, the Democratic party is taking the US towards socialism at 100 mph and the Republican party at 75 mph. What is astounding to me is we have clear evidence of how socialism fails with the breakup of the Soviet Union and now they are freer than we are. They also pay far less in taxes than we do.

Another moron thinking in absolutes

No society is either 100% capitalist or 100% socialist.

All provide a careful balance of the two

Um, no, ours is not currently providing a "careful balance" between the two. Dems and Reps are sweeping us toward 100% socialism. I'm sure they will eventually put on the brakes, but not before they either have complete power over us or they finally realize total collapse is imminent.


Immie, I have always respected you

But do you realize what a complete moron you sound like when you post shit like that? Do you understand what 100% Socialism means?
As it currently stands, the Democratic party is taking the US towards socialism at 100 mph and the Republican party at 75 mph. What is astounding to me is we have clear evidence of how socialism fails with the breakup of the Soviet Union and now they are freer than we are. They also pay far less in taxes than we do.

Another moron thinking in absolutes

No society is either 100% capitalist or 100% socialist.

All provide a careful balance of the two

Um, no, ours is not currently providing a "careful balance" between the two. Dems and Reps are sweeping us toward 100% socialism. I'm sure they will eventually put on the brakes, but not before they either have complete power over us or they finally realize total collapse is imminent.

This post is full of shit.....Any republican pushing socialism isn't a republican but a coward. Any libertarian who says they are not liberal is lying.
Another moron thinking in absolutes

No society is either 100% capitalist or 100% socialist.

All provide a careful balance of the two

Um, no, ours is not currently providing a "careful balance" between the two. Dems and Reps are sweeping us toward 100% socialism. I'm sure they will eventually put on the brakes, but not before they either have complete power over us or they finally realize total collapse is imminent.


Immie, I have always respected you

But do you realize what a complete moron you sound like when you post shit like that? Do you understand what 100% Socialism means?

Certainly I do... but maybe you are drunk today? Did I say we would ever get to 100% Socialism? Nope. I'm sure this nation will collapse long before that happens.

Did I even say where we are right now? Nope.

However, the direction we are going is in fact towards a much more Socialistic nation and it will end up in collapsing this nation.

Another moron thinking in absolutes

No society is either 100% capitalist or 100% socialist.

All provide a careful balance of the two

Um, no, ours is not currently providing a "careful balance" between the two. Dems and Reps are sweeping us toward 100% socialism. I'm sure they will eventually put on the brakes, but not before they either have complete power over us or they finally realize total collapse is imminent.

This post is full of shit.....Any republican pushing socialism isn't a republican but a coward. Any libertarian who says they are not liberal is lying.

There are not any Republicans then. They have just absconded with the name. They are at best a bunch of damned Neo-cons who are as bad if not worse than progressives. They are just as damned authoritarian as their damned progressives counterparts.

Um, no, ours is not currently providing a "careful balance" between the two. Dems and Reps are sweeping us toward 100% socialism. I'm sure they will eventually put on the brakes, but not before they either have complete power over us or they finally realize total collapse is imminent.


Immie, I have always respected you

But do you realize what a complete moron you sound like when you post shit like that? Do you understand what 100% Socialism means?

Certainly I do... but maybe you are drunk today? Did I say we would ever get to 100% Socialism? Nope. I'm sure this nation will collapse long before that happens.

Did I even say where we are right now? Nope.

However, the direction we are going is in fact towards a much more Socialistic nation and it will end up in collapsing this nation.


In fact, we are not anywhere close to 100% Socialism

We still enjoy some of the lowest tax rates in generations as well as deregulation implemented by Republicans which helped lead to a banking crisis.

Republicans define socialism as any time government lifts a finger to help the people. Something they whine about as "redistributing wealth"
Immie, I have always respected you

But do you realize what a complete moron you sound like when you post shit like that? Do you understand what 100% Socialism means?

Rightwinger, I have never respected you

But do you realize what a complete moron you sound like in every post you put on the board?

I'm just sayin....

Oh.......Thank you God.

Thank you God. Thank you God.Thank you God.Thank you God.Thank you God.Thank you God.Thank you God.Thank you God.Thank you God.Thank you God.
Republicans define socialism as any time government lifts a finger to help the people. Something they whine about as "redistributing wealth"

What a crock. Repubs don't want to pay for liberals' baby-killing, welfare, birth control, housing, medical bills, education, incarceration and godless behavior. Most Repubs are fed up with footing the bill for loser liberals. Most liberals have no concept of self-sufficiency, self-reliance or self-respect.
Most Republicans are fed up with their choices of candidates. They don't want anyone who supports baby-killing, sodomy, criminal alien immigration, raising taxes, Muslimes etc..
What a crock. Repubs don't want to pay for liberals' baby-killing, welfare, birth control, housing, medical bills, education, incarceration and godless behavior. Most Repubs are fed up with footing the bill for loser liberals. Most liberals have no concept of self-sufficiency, self-reliance or self-respect.

Republicans just want all of these things to disappear, but have no clue how to accomplish that other than banning them. And that's the problem: the party of individual rights and self-sufficiency, is busy telling people how to live their lives. No abortions, no birth control, no medical bills, or, my personal favourite "godless behaviour".

I notice especially that women's health care is high on the list of things they don't want to fund. Women having sex always drives right-wingers to distraction.
Um, no, ours is not currently providing a "careful balance" between the two. Dems and Reps are sweeping us toward 100% socialism. I'm sure they will eventually put on the brakes, but not before they either have complete power over us or they finally realize total collapse is imminent.

This post is full of shit.....Any republican pushing socialism isn't a republican but a coward. Any libertarian who says they are not liberal is lying.

There are not any Republicans then. They have just absconded with the name. They are at best a bunch of damned Neo-cons who are as bad if not worse than progressives. They are just as damned authoritarian as their damned progressives counterparts.

What a shame you are just another young fool who thinks there is no differences in parties. This is what liberal indoctrination creates.
What a crock. Repubs don't want to pay for liberals' baby-killing, welfare, birth control, housing, medical bills, education, incarceration and godless behavior. Most Repubs are fed up with footing the bill for loser liberals. Most liberals have no concept of self-sufficiency, self-reliance or self-respect.

Republicans just want all of these things to disappear, but have no clue how to accomplish that other than banning them. And that's the problem: the party of individual rights and self-sufficiency, is busy telling people how to live their lives. No abortions, no birth control, no medical bills, or, my personal favourite "godless behaviour".

I notice especially that women's health care is high on the list of things they don't want to fund. Women having sex always drives right-wingers to distraction.

No demanding we pay for your slutish behavior drives us nuts.... Get a fucking job and pay for the pill yourself or cross your fucking legs.
There's a disconnect between the Republicans in office...and the Republicans who put them there.

Our politicians no longer represent our party.

And I don't see anyone fixing that problem either.

Which is why I don't plan to ever vote Republican again, unless they toss out the RINOS, and they can start wit McSame.
Lets cut the bullshit shall we????? No we cant all just get along because Liberals IE progressives and Conservatives have Diametrically differing idea on How the country should be governed....It is between Fascist socialism and Liberty. There is no common ground here.

Which side is for Liberty and which side is the Fascist socialists?

As it currently stands, the Democratic party is taking the US towards socialism at 100 mph and the Republican party at 75 mph. What is astounding to me is we have clear evidence of how socialism fails with the breakup of the Soviet Union and now they are freer than we are. They also pay far less in taxes than we do.

The Soviet Union officially abandoned socialism in 1921 when Lenin instituted the New Economic Policy allowing for taxation, local trade, some state capitalism... and extreme profiteering. Later that year, he purged 259,000 from the party membership and therefore purged them from voting.

Russia is and always has been a deeply conservative country.

Fiscal policy is buttressed on a low, flat rate of income tax (13%), and there is virtually no social safety net, with spending on unemployment security, medical provision, disability aid, infrastructure, the environment, and urban regeneration far lower, in both absolute terms and as a percentage of GDP, than its G8 contemporaries.

Similarly, military spending is high in comparison — and growing — medical care is available free in theory, but requires private insurance or additional cash payment in practice, and businesses are in reality pretty un-regulated.
Which side is for Liberty and which side is the Fascist socialists?

As it currently stands, the Democratic party is taking the US towards socialism at 100 mph and the Republican party at 75 mph. What is astounding to me is we have clear evidence of how socialism fails with the breakup of the Soviet Union and now they are freer than we are. They also pay far less in taxes than we do.

The Soviet Union officially abandoned socialism in 1921 when Lenin instituted the New Economic Policy allowing for taxation, local trade, some state capitalism... and extreme profiteering. Later that year, he purged 259,000 from the party membership and therefore purged them from voting.

Russia is and always has been a deeply conservative country.

Fiscal policy is buttressed on a low, flat rate of income tax (13%), and there is virtually no social safety net, with spending on unemployment security, medical provision, disability aid, infrastructure, the environment, and urban regeneration far lower, in both absolute terms and as a percentage of GDP, than its G8 contemporaries.

Similarly, military spending is high in comparison — and growing — medical care is available free in theory, but requires private insurance or additional cash payment in practice, and businesses are in reality pretty un-regulated.

Lenin's New Economic Policy: What It Was and How It Changed the Soviet Union - Student Pulse
25 Reasons To Dislike Liberals

John Hawkins | May 11, 2013

Is every liberal an immoral, nasty tempered, habitual liar who accuses people of racism for fun and trashes his own country because he thinks it makes him look sophisticated? Of course, not! On the other hand, is that a fairly accurate description of most liberals in politics? Yes, it is. Most of them aren't evil per se, but as Margaret Thatcher said,

"Left-wing zealots have often been prepared to ride roughshod over due process and basic considerations of fairness when they think they can get away with it. For them the ends always seems to justify the means. That is precisely how their predecessors came to create the gulag."

Liberals view themselves as good people because they're liberals. People who are outside of that ugly little bit of circular reasoning don't have such a benign view of their horrible behavior. So, what reason could you have to dislike liberals?


25 Reasons To Dislike Liberals - John Hawkins - Page full
. 4) Liberals are actually bothered by people who do love America. On the rare occasion when you do see a liberal waving a flag, look for a camera.

When you actually post crap like this you lose all credibility.

Our side loves America, their side hates America

Can you actually come up with a more childlike view of political philosophy? Is your side really that simple that they buy into rhetoric like that?
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