Why do people hate Liberals?

Nor did Fluke, even by analogy. But perhaps you're "too stupid to grasp it".

No, Fluke went on TV and demanded that taxpayers provide contraceptives for all women.

And saying "no" to partisan scum like Fluke is hardly a "war on women."

More of a war on petulant spoiled brats who demand that others pay for what they want.

Standard Disclaimer: I'd say "fuck Fluke," but everyone has done that already...

No, she did not. Period. Pun intended. But this is what happens when you get your news from a monger of politics porn. Truth is the first casualty.

Reading comprehension strikes again: the 'war on women' comment was made in response to "Get a fucking job and pay for the pill yourself or cross your fucking legs." The poster of that comment (thenatos), was addressing not Sandra Fluke, but another poster, a person he doesn't even know.

If that's not a war on women, grits ain't groceries.
Nor did Fluke, even by analogy. But perhaps you're "too stupid to grasp it".

No, Fluke went on TV and demanded that taxpayers provide contraceptives for all women.

And saying "no" to partisan scum like Fluke is hardly a "war on women."

More of a war on petulant spoiled brats who demand that others pay for what they want.

Standard Disclaimer: I'd say "fuck Fluke," but everyone has done that already...

No, she did not. Period. Pun intended. But this is what happens when you get your news from a monger of politics porn. Truth is the first casualty.

Reading comprehension strikes again: the 'war on women' comment was made in response to "Get a fucking job and pay for the pill yourself or cross your fucking legs." The poster of that comment (thenatos), was addressing not Sandra Fluke, but another poster, a person he doesn't even know.

If that's not a war on women, grits ain't groceries.

grits are bought in grocery stores--------soooooooo they are groceries :eusa_whistle:
No, Fluke went on TV and demanded that taxpayers provide contraceptives for all women.

And saying "no" to partisan scum like Fluke is hardly a "war on women."

More of a war on petulant spoiled brats who demand that others pay for what they want.

Standard Disclaimer: I'd say "fuck Fluke," but everyone has done that already...

No, she did not. Period. Pun intended. But this is what happens when you get your news from a monger of politics porn. Truth is the first casualty.

Reading comprehension strikes again: the 'war on women' comment was made in response to "Get a fucking job and pay for the pill yourself or cross your fucking legs." The poster of that comment (thenatos), was addressing not Sandra Fluke, but another poster, a person he doesn't even know.

If that's not a war on women, grits ain't groceries.

grits are bought in grocery stores--------soooooooo they are groceries :eusa_whistle:

Exactly the point.

I'll just wait here while y'all catch up...
No, she did not. Period.

Lying does not help your case.

Pun intended. But this is what happens when you get your news from a monger of politics porn. Truth is the first casualty.

"Truth" defined as "that which serves the party."

Reading comprehension strikes again: the 'war on women' comment was made in response to "Get a fucking job and pay for the pill yourself or cross your fucking legs." The poster of that comment (thenatos), was addressing not Sandra Fluke, but another poster, a person he doesn't even know.

If that's not a war on women, grits ain't groceries.

Again Pogo, you are a partisan sychophant. The reference traces back to a slander campaign that you little Goebbels of the DNC launched in coordination with Flukes performance.

Despite your lies, Fluke did demand that under Fascist Care - ALL women be provided free birth control.

Cost of birth control pills for a month - $3

Reward for being a sleazy demagogue for the democrats - priceless.
My contention is that liberals should strive to be more self-reliant and less radical, and that conservatives should be more willing to care about their fellow human beings.
Modern liberals believe caring for people means taking money from Peter to pay Paul for sitting on his ass. Intelligent humans understand that is a recipe for disaster. You want to care for people? Stop crippling them with your coddling.

I think it is generally a wise thing to learn as much as you can about a person before talking with him or her. That, and not making general partisan assertions that are likely to come crashing down when there are civil requests for credible sources. Making an assertion is different from stating an opinion.

Modern liberals may or may not believe that caring for people means taking money from Peter to pay Paul for "sitting on his ass." Already that sounds like a very dishonest claim. Why? Because I don't think you get to speak for every single modern liberal out there. Imagine, Brown, if I told you that every single conservative out there does not care one iota about women. That, too, is another partisan assertion—another arrow—flying instead towards your camp. How does it make you feel when someone makes this quip and expects you to respond with something other than indignance? I'm no liberal, but I don't mind voicing my thoughts when either faction makes unreasonable statements.

There may actually be modern liberals out there who don't think they way you think they do. They may be the minority, but you can't really say they don't exist. It's always better to qualify your statements Brown because it makes arguments more honest. Also, "Paul" may not always be on his ass, but may be a young man or woman in dire need of help who is desperately trying to carve out a future. That person may even be a poor conservative. Or, "Paul" could be injured, sickly, desperate, indebted, you name it. I am certain there are conservatives out there who, if it weren't for government programs like FoodShare, would suffer and be homeless.

As for "intelligence," please be careful when using that word. Intelligence is solely the acquisition and application of knowledge and skills. Intelligence is not and never will be synonymous with any political ideology out there. Not ever. So no, don't tell me that "intelligent people" can only be intelligent if they believe one thing or another. That notion is partisan bull crap. There are highly intelligent people on both the Left and the Right, so pretending that only one side has a monopoly on collective intelligence is a sign of partisan zealotry.

It is my opinion that to care for people you need to help them become self-reliant. By teaching a man how to fish, he learns to gather enough fish for himself to live... from that point onward. However, America isn't one big lake with a nearly endless line of fishermen. Sometimes, people need assistance... or they've going to starve, suffer, and maybe even die. I am in favor of giving people limited assistance for a set period of time, depending on their respective situations, while also working with these people to find jobs. Lastly, it must be reconciled that right now it is very difficult to find a job... with many people looking for only a limited amount of jobs there's going to be massive competition and a lot of suffering. That needs to be understood. It must. For example, I'm a Caregiver/CNA. I had to apply with resume in hand at over 25 different organizations just to net a job that's currently part-time. It's really tough out there.

I'm not a modern conservative. I'm a constitutional conservative. I take great insult by your statements. Hard out there? You ignorant apologizers have never seen hardship. Stop coddling these losers. Let them live a life off the dole if they can. Sometimes you have to go where the work is if you insist on specialization and a high rate of pay.
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My contention is that liberals should strive to be more self-reliant and less radical, and that conservatives should be more willing to care about their fellow human beings.

Conservatives do care: they just don't want to pay for others' baby-killing, sodomy results, healthcare, housing etc. Conservatives believe in self-reliance.

Modern liberals believe caring for people means taking money from Peter to pay Paul for sitting on his ass. Intelligent humans understand that is a recipe for disaster. You want to care for people? Stop crippling them with your coddling.

AMEN! :clap2:
This post is full of shit.....Any republican pushing socialism isn't a republican but a coward. Any libertarian who says they are not liberal is lying.

There are not any Republicans then. They have just absconded with the name. They are at best a bunch of damned Neo-cons who are as bad if not worse than progressives. They are just as damned authoritarian as their damned progressives counterparts.

What a shame you are just another young fool who thinks there is no differences in parties. This is what liberal indoctrination creates.

I wish... I was young again.

It is not there there are NO differences. However, their goals are exactly the same... riches, power, domination of those they believe beneath them... Um, that would be you. Both sides are big government authoritarian parties and they laugh at people like you who are not capable of understanding that you have been duped.

No, she did not. Period.

Lying does not help your case.

Pun intended. But this is what happens when you get your news from a monger of politics porn. Truth is the first casualty.

"Truth" defined as "that which serves the party."

Reading comprehension strikes again: the 'war on women' comment was made in response to "Get a fucking job and pay for the pill yourself or cross your fucking legs." The poster of that comment (thenatos), was addressing not Sandra Fluke, but another poster, a person he doesn't even know.

If that's not a war on women, grits ain't groceries.

Again Pogo, you are a partisan sychophant. The reference traces back to a slander campaign that you little Goebbels of the DNC launched in coordination with Flukes performance.

Despite your lies, Fluke did demand that under Fascist Care - ALL women be provided free birth control.

Cost of birth control pills for a month - $3

Reward for being a sleazy demagogue for the democrats - priceless.

Fluke is a paid talking head who goes around from talk show to talk show to push a decidedly big government liberal agenda presumably on behalf of women. Her mind numbing testimony to Congress should be a red flag to freedom loving Americans everywhere - beware of people like Fluke and their ilk, because if we stop paying attention, they'll take it all and we all will be nothing more than servants to the state and people like her.

Her entire testimony to Congress here:
?Mind-Numbing? Audio of a Law Student Telling Congress Why Religious Colleges Should Pay for Her Birth Control | Video | TheBlaze.com

In fairness to her, she didn't really ask for the taxpayer to furnish her contraceptives. She wanted Congress to force Georgetown to cover treatment of certain medical conditions--something the Georgetown student insurance policy already covered. The real issue was never contraceptives but not allowing a religious institituion of higher learning to follow its own conscience.

I dare our liberal friends to watch this clip from beginning to end--takes 3 or 4 minutes--but I am pretty sure none will:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JN-QhBb0sAg]Fluke You Democrats! The Truth about Sandra Fluke's Dishonest Contraception Testimony - YouTube[/ame]
Immie, I have always respected you

But do you realize what a complete moron you sound like when you post shit like that? Do you understand what 100% Socialism means?

Certainly I do... but maybe you are drunk today? Did I say we would ever get to 100% Socialism? Nope. I'm sure this nation will collapse long before that happens.

Did I even say where we are right now? Nope.

However, the direction we are going is in fact towards a much more Socialistic nation and it will end up in collapsing this nation.


In fact, we are not anywhere close to 100% Socialism

We still enjoy some of the lowest tax rates in generations as well as deregulation implemented by Republicans which helped lead to a banking crisis.

Republicans define socialism as any time government lifts a finger to help the people. Something they whine about as "redistributing wealth"

And when will you yell "STOP!"? After it is too late? Oh, wait, it already is too late.

No, she did not. Period.

Lying does not help your case.

Pun intended. But this is what happens when you get your news from a monger of politics porn. Truth is the first casualty.

"Truth" defined as "that which serves the party."

Reading comprehension strikes again: the 'war on women' comment was made in response to "Get a fucking job and pay for the pill yourself or cross your fucking legs." The poster of that comment (thenatos), was addressing not Sandra Fluke, but another poster, a person he doesn't even know.

If that's not a war on women, grits ain't groceries.

Again Pogo, you are a partisan sychophant. The reference traces back to a slander campaign that you little Goebbels of the DNC launched in coordination with Flukes performance.

Despite your lies, Fluke did demand that under Fascist Care - ALL women be provided free birth control.

Cost of birth control pills for a month - $3

Reward for being a sleazy demagogue for the democrats - priceless.

"Truth" is defined as "reality" -- as opposed to "that which one pulls out of one's lower digestive tract".

Fluke didn't "demand" squat. And nothing she did talk about referred to "all women". If either of these were true you could simply quote it.

Then again you're the same clown who equates anyone who calls bullshit on your silly droppings with Pol Pot. Why don't you go back to pulling the legs off flies or whatever it is you do to exercise that pea brain with these expected results?
Last edited:
Modern liberals believe caring for people means taking money from Peter to pay Paul for sitting on his ass. Intelligent humans understand that is a recipe for disaster. You want to care for people? Stop crippling them with your coddling.

I think it is generally a wise thing to learn as much as you can about a person before talking with him or her. That, and not making general partisan assertions that are likely to come crashing down when there are civil requests for credible sources. Making an assertion is different from stating an opinion.

Modern liberals may or may not believe that caring for people means taking money from Peter to pay Paul for "sitting on his ass." Already that sounds like a very dishonest claim. Why? Because I don't think you get to speak for every single modern liberal out there. Imagine, Brown, if I told you that every single conservative out there does not care one iota about women. That, too, is another partisan assertion—another arrow—flying instead towards your camp. How does it make you feel when someone makes this quip and expects you to respond with something other than indignance? I'm no liberal, but I don't mind voicing my thoughts when either faction makes unreasonable statements.

There may actually be modern liberals out there who don't think they way you think they do. They may be the minority, but you can't really say they don't exist. It's always better to qualify your statements Brown because it makes arguments more honest. Also, "Paul" may not always be on his ass, but may be a young man or woman in dire need of help who is desperately trying to carve out a future. That person may even be a poor conservative. Or, "Paul" could be injured, sickly, desperate, indebted, you name it. I am certain there are conservatives out there who, if it weren't for government programs like FoodShare, would suffer and be homeless.

As for "intelligence," please be careful when using that word. Intelligence is solely the acquisition and application of knowledge and skills. Intelligence is not and never will be synonymous with any political ideology out there. Not ever. So no, don't tell me that "intelligent people" can only be intelligent if they believe one thing or another. That notion is partisan bull crap. There are highly intelligent people on both the Left and the Right, so pretending that only one side has a monopoly on collective intelligence is a sign of partisan zealotry.

It is my opinion that to care for people you need to help them become self-reliant. By teaching a man how to fish, he learns to gather enough fish for himself to live... from that point onward. However, America isn't one big lake with a nearly endless line of fishermen. Sometimes, people need assistance... or they've going to starve, suffer, and maybe even die. I am in favor of giving people limited assistance for a set period of time, depending on their respective situations, while also working with these people to find jobs. Lastly, it must be reconciled that right now it is very difficult to find a job... with many people looking for only a limited amount of jobs there's going to be massive competition and a lot of suffering. That needs to be understood. It must. For example, I'm a Caregiver/CNA. I had to apply with resume in hand at over 25 different organizations just to net a job that's currently part-time. It's really tough out there.

I'm not a modern conservative. I'm a constitutional conservative. I take great insult by your statements. Hard out there? You ignorant apologizers have never seen hardship. Stop coddling these losers. Let them live a life off the dole if they can. Sometimes you have to go where the work is if you insist on specialization and a high rate of pay.

His post isn't about that. It's about the fallacy of blanket statements.

I would like to figure out a way to take more money from people who begrudge government taking money from them to support wastrels, and eliminate taxes on those who are willing to provide support for their fellow citizens.

I have no political axe to grind -- I just want to annoy the mean-spirited misers and make them miserable, and teach them their true, lowly place in the universe.

"Truth" is defined as "reality" -- as opposed to "that which one pulls out of one's lower digestive tract".

Fluke didn't "demand" squat. And nothing she did talk about referred to "all women". If either of these were true you could simply quote it.


Fluke demanded the Georgetown specifically, and all employers generally, be compelled by law under Fascist Care to provided contraception.

I attend a Jesuit law school that does not provide contraception coverage in
its student health plan. Just as we students have faced financial, emotional, and medical burdens as a result, employees at religiously affiliated hospitals and universities across the
have suffered similar burdens
We are all grateful for the new regulation
that will meet the critical health care needs of so many women.

http://abcnews.go.com/images/Politics/statement-Congress-letterhead-2nd hearing.pdf

Then again you're the same clown who equates anyone who calls bullshit on your silly droppings with Pol Pot. Why don't you go back to pulling the legs off flies or whatever it is you do to exercise that pea brain with these expected results?

So again, you're lying through your teeth, as you tend to do - and then retreating to ad hom as if it somehow alters reality.
"Truth" is defined as "reality" -- as opposed to "that which one pulls out of one's lower digestive tract".

Fluke didn't "demand" squat. And nothing she did talk about referred to "all women". If either of these were true you could simply quote it.


Fluke demanded the Georgetown specifically, and all employers generally, be compelled by law under Fascist Care to provided contraception.

I attend a Jesuit law school that does not provide contraception coverage in
its student health plan. Just as we students have faced financial, emotional, and medical burdens as a result, employees at religiously affiliated hospitals and universities across the
have suffered similar burdens
We are all grateful for the new regulation
that will meet the critical health care needs of so many women.

http://abcnews.go.com/images/Politics/statement-Congress-letterhead-2nd hearing.pdf

Then again you're the same clown who equates anyone who calls bullshit on your silly droppings with Pol Pot. Why don't you go back to pulling the legs off flies or whatever it is you do to exercise that pea brain with these expected results?

So again, you're lying through your teeth, as you tend to do - and then retreating to ad hom as if it somehow alters reality.

And where do you see a "demand" in there, moron? And where do you see "all women" in there, Pothead?

And where do you see a "demand" in there, moron? And where do you see "all women" in there, Pothead?


Bolded and underlined - stupid.

Your lack of integrity in the face of documented fact is reaching Sallow levels.

Ah. So "we are grateful" is the same as "we demand". :cuckoo:

And you think anyone that takes issue with your drivel equals Pol Pot.

See the pattern yet?
"Truth" is defined as "reality" -- as opposed to "that which one pulls out of one's lower digestive tract".

Fluke didn't "demand" squat. And nothing she did talk about referred to "all women". If either of these were true you could simply quote it.


Fluke demanded the Georgetown specifically, and all employers generally, be compelled by law under Fascist Care to provided contraception.

I attend a Jesuit law school that does not provide contraception coverage in
its student health plan. Just as we students have faced financial, emotional, and medical burdens as a result, employees at religiously affiliated hospitals and universities across the
have suffered similar burdens
We are all grateful for the new regulation
that will meet the critical health care needs of so many women.

http://abcnews.go.com/images/Politics/statement-Congress-letterhead-2nd hearing.pdf

Then again you're the same clown who equates anyone who calls bullshit on your silly droppings with Pol Pot. Why don't you go back to pulling the legs off flies or whatever it is you do to exercise that pea brain with these expected results?

So again, you're lying through your teeth, as you tend to do - and then retreating to ad hom as if it somehow alters reality.

And where do you see a "demand" in there, moron? And where do you see "all women" in there, Pothead?


She has been going in front of any governmental counsel, NGO, or politician saying she wants her birth control paid for by the damned government.

What is with you liberals lately? It's as if you think posturing as complete dumbasses is somehow a winning rhetorical strategy.
Ah. So "we are grateful" is the same as "we demand". :cuckoo:

And you think anyone that takes issue with your drivel equals Pol Pot.

See the pattern yet?

"Regulation" has a meaning, sparky.

And the meaning isn't "voluntary."

It means whatever a libtard wants it to mean at any given time, the same way they rape the rest of the language when it suits them.

From a faction (and a thread) that cannot even begin to define the word "liberal".
Oh the irony.

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