Why do people hate Liberals?

Ahhh yes.....more pablum for drooling conservatives

Lol, that is hilarious coming from an obvious fraud like you who fakes being a 'right winger' by name and lies in almost every post he makes.

Go fuck yourself, bitch.

Guess what?
I don't really work in a sewer

And you didn't die at the Alamo either
Ahhh yes.....more pablum for drooling conservatives

Lol, that is hilarious coming from an obvious fraud like you who fakes being a 'right winger' by name and lies in almost every post he makes.

Go fuck yourself, bitch.

Guess what?
I don't really work in a sewer

And you didn't die at the Alamo either

No fake, shithead.

I go by the name I do because I admire Jim Bowie, despite his faults. He was a great man, and were he standing in front of you I doubt you would talk the shit you do.

However, you are not rightwing, nor do you respect said people. You use it as a disguise which fits right in with the rest of the libtard need to fake being the racist to keep the boogeyman alive for a great many people.

Lol, that is hilarious coming from an obvious fraud like you who fakes being a 'right winger' by name and lies in almost every post he makes.

Go fuck yourself, bitch.

Guess what?
I don't really work in a sewer

And you didn't die at the Alamo either

No fake, shithead.

I go by the name I do because I admire Jim Bowie, despite his faults. He was a great man, and were he standing in front of you I doubt you would talk the shit you do.

However, you are not rightwing, nor do you respect said people. You use it as a disguise which fits right in with the rest of the libtard need to fake being the racist to keep the boogeyman alive for a great many people.


So you are a liar......you are not actually Jim Bowie
Thanks for clarifying

It's the internet......stop taking things literally
So you are a liar......you are not actually Jim Bowie
Thanks for clarifying

It's the internet......stop taking things literally

1. Again you lie because it is obvious, even to an idiot like you, that I am not Jim Bowie nor do I claim to be.

2. Talking in figurative terms and trying to make a joke to illustrate your points is about all you libtards have any more. You have no facts that you use in a consistent rational framework, you have no integrity or morality at all.

You only have some like you in power because of the corruption of the current system.

That is going to change.
So you are a liar......you are not actually Jim Bowie
Thanks for clarifying

It's the internet......stop taking things literally

1. Again you lie because it is obvious, even to an idiot like you, that I am not Jim Bowie nor do I claim to be.

2. Talking in figurative terms and trying to make a joke to illustrate your points is about all you libtards have any more. You have no facts that you use in a consistent rational framework, you have no integrity or morality at all.

You only have some like you in power because of the corruption of the current system.

That is going to change.

Being rightwing is all relative isn't it?

Do you really think posters here think you died at the Alamo? Or believe I am extreme rightwing?
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I go by the name I do because I admire Jim Bowie, despite his faults. He was a great man, and were he standing in front of you I doubt you would talk the shit you do.
Bowie would think that both of you are insane.

And in your case, he would be right. · · :D


Only in the Mind of a Liberal…

August 3, 2013 by Sean Aland

When reading all the recent news headlines it appears that we are currently living in a Saturday Night Live script. Some of the claims made by liberals and progressives are so farfetched and unbelievable you just scratch your head and ask how stupid do they think we are? The answer is pretty darn stupid. The following are examples of the bizarre logic from the world that progressive liberals live in. With them in control no wonder things are so messed up.

Only in the mind of a liberal should an entry level job at a fast food restaurant held by an individual with a high school degree be worthy of a living wage.

Only in the mind of a liberal should the organization conducting oversight of Obamacare and levying penalties on those who don’t participate be exempt from participation. It makes sense since those who have imposed this on the American people are exempt along with select individuals that helped get the legislation passed.

Only in the mind of a liberal would scandals that saw four Americans die in a consulate attack, the IRS targeting conservative groups, and the illegal distribution of firearms…be referred to as phony scandals after originally denying them than openly acknowledging them as real.


Only in the mind of a liberal would a little Wiener involved in a sexting scandal for the second time be considered a viable Democratic candidate for anything. He does however resemble Bill Clinton with his implementation of the 12 D’s of progressive liberal strategy Deny, Defy, Distort, Deceive, Discredit, Demonize, Distract, Discourage, Destroy, Do, Disagree, Disclose all to Delay the truth being told.

Only in the mind of a liberal would a liberal white man, feel he is the expert on black America and tell a liberal black man he doesn’t know what he is talking about when it comes to the black community.

Only in the mind of a liberal would a half breed raised by a white family of privilege, be considered an authority on the black community over a black man from the ghetto who fought poverty and worked hard to become the best pediatric brain surgeon in the world.


At the rate these illogical thinking Democrats are running down and ruining our country, it makes you wonder what the US will look lie by 2016, some say just another 3rd world country, But I guess it all makes sense when you consider that if Obama had a city of his own it would look like Detroit.

Read more: Only in the Mind of a Liberal... - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update

Only in the Mind of a Liberal…

August 3, 2013 by Sean Aland

When reading all the recent news headlines it appears that we are currently living in a Saturday Night Live script. Some of the claims made by liberals and progressives are so farfetched and unbelievable you just scratch your head and ask how stupid do they think we are? The answer is pretty darn stupid. The following are examples of the bizarre logic from the world that progressive liberals live in. With them in control no wonder things are so messed up.

Only in the mind of a liberal should an entry level job at a fast food restaurant held by an individual with a high school degree be worthy of a living wage.

Only in the mind of a liberal should the organization conducting oversight of Obamacare and levying penalties on those who don’t participate be exempt from participation. It makes sense since those who have imposed this on the American people are exempt along with select individuals that helped get the legislation passed.

Only in the mind of a liberal would scandals that saw four Americans die in a consulate attack, the IRS targeting conservative groups, and the illegal distribution of firearms…be referred to as phony scandals after originally denying them than openly acknowledging them as real.


Only in the mind of a liberal would a little Wiener involved in a sexting scandal for the second time be considered a viable Democratic candidate for anything. He does however resemble Bill Clinton with his implementation of the 12 D’s of progressive liberal strategy Deny, Defy, Distort, Deceive, Discredit, Demonize, Distract, Discourage, Destroy, Do, Disagree, Disclose all to Delay the truth being told.

Only in the mind of a liberal would a liberal white man, feel he is the expert on black America and tell a liberal black man he doesn’t know what he is talking about when it comes to the black community.

Only in the mind of a liberal would a half breed raised by a white family of privilege, be considered an authority on the black community over a black man from the ghetto who fought poverty and worked hard to become the best pediatric brain surgeon in the world.


At the rate these illogical thinking Democrats are running down and ruining our country, it makes you wonder what the US will look lie by 2016, some say just another 3rd world country, But I guess it all makes sense when you consider that if Obama had a city of his own it would look like Detroit.

Read more: Only in the Mind of a Liberal... - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update

It's hilarious to see the word "illogical" seep through that post -- since most of these specioius examples don't even relate to politics, let alone Liberalism...

And now... Deep Thoughts... by AJ :rofl:

Only in the Mind of a Liberal…

August 3, 2013 by Sean Aland

When reading all the recent news headlines it appears that we are currently living in a Saturday Night Live script. Some of the claims made by liberals and progressives are so farfetched and unbelievable you just scratch your head and ask how stupid do they think we are? The answer is pretty darn stupid. The following are examples of the bizarre logic from the world that progressive liberals live in. With them in control no wonder things are so messed up.

Only in the mind of a liberal should an entry level job at a fast food restaurant held by an individual with a high school degree be worthy of a living wage.

Only in the mind of a liberal should the organization conducting oversight of Obamacare and levying penalties on those who don’t participate be exempt from participation. It makes sense since those who have imposed this on the American people are exempt along with select individuals that helped get the legislation passed.

Only in the mind of a liberal would scandals that saw four Americans die in a consulate attack, the IRS targeting conservative groups, and the illegal distribution of firearms…be referred to as phony scandals after originally denying them than openly acknowledging them as real.


Only in the mind of a liberal would a little Wiener involved in a sexting scandal for the second time be considered a viable Democratic candidate for anything. He does however resemble Bill Clinton with his implementation of the 12 D’s of progressive liberal strategy Deny, Defy, Distort, Deceive, Discredit, Demonize, Distract, Discourage, Destroy, Do, Disagree, Disclose all to Delay the truth being told.

Only in the mind of a liberal would a liberal white man, feel he is the expert on black America and tell a liberal black man he doesn’t know what he is talking about when it comes to the black community.

Only in the mind of a liberal would a half breed raised by a white family of privilege, be considered an authority on the black community over a black man from the ghetto who fought poverty and worked hard to become the best pediatric brain surgeon in the world.


At the rate these illogical thinking Democrats are running down and ruining our country, it makes you wonder what the US will look lie by 2016, some say just another 3rd world country, But I guess it all makes sense when you consider that if Obama had a city of his own it would look like Detroit.

Read more: Only in the Mind of a Liberal... - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update

It's hilarious to see the word "illogical" seep through that post -- since most of these specioius examples don't even relate to politics, let alone Liberalism...

And now... Deep Thoughts... by AJ :rofl:

And I thought I'd win you over with the unicorns, let me try again...:eusa_angel:


"Here I come to save the day!"
That means that Mighty Hussein is on the way!
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The program is funded by paying customers of the cell phone companies. The moochers get their cell phones for nothing, and we get to pay a higher cost for our phone service to account for their cell phones. Government mandated redistribution at it's best.

That's right I do remember that there is a surcharge on our telephone and cell phone bills for this program. It has been a long time since I really even looked as I pay online now and know what the charge is. As long as the bill doesn't change unexpectedly, I don't even need to look.

Now, in regards to "the moochers", I have absolutely no problem assisting those in need. I am even not opposed to my taxes going up in order to help those who do in fact need help. I am flabbergasted that more conservatives don't see it that way as well because I see conservatism as the compassionate "ism", definitely more so than intolerant liberalism. I can't believe conservatives have allowed progressives to abscond with that honor.

We should consider it an honor to aid the poor and we ought to be pissed that progressives have a legitimate claim to being more for the needy than we are.

/sigh I know I will get called a bleeding heart liberal for that comment, but I will be damned if I don't see true conservatism as being the party of the people.


Charity should be voluntary. Charity should be personal. Charity should be for those who need it. Charitable donations should be honored with care by the folks who are using the charity to provide help to the needy. When charities provide help to the needy they generally do care about the needy. When governments write checks from thousands of miles away, there is no care taken to make sure the folks receiving the checks are needy and/or that the money is even helping the people that are receiving the checks. When you force people to be charitable at gun point, and the folks receiving the money is primarily made up of people who are being paid to be moochers... well that's not charity at all. That is redistribution of income for the purpose of getting someone elected and paying the moochers to get fat sitting on their couch and to vote for the checks to keep coming. Government welfare programs are about votes not charity.

Why all the should be's? Just come out and say f__k them, I don't want to pay taxes. I know what's coming, your a success, invented this and that, paid more taxes than 100 liberals combined which is why your spending valuable time posting here.Your just a typical con phony and will fit right in here.
That's right I do remember that there is a surcharge on our telephone and cell phone bills for this program. It has been a long time since I really even looked as I pay online now and know what the charge is. As long as the bill doesn't change unexpectedly, I don't even need to look.

Now, in regards to "the moochers", I have absolutely no problem assisting those in need. I am even not opposed to my taxes going up in order to help those who do in fact need help. I am flabbergasted that more conservatives don't see it that way as well because I see conservatism as the compassionate "ism", definitely more so than intolerant liberalism. I can't believe conservatives have allowed progressives to abscond with that honor.

We should consider it an honor to aid the poor and we ought to be pissed that progressives have a legitimate claim to being more for the needy than we are.

/sigh I know I will get called a bleeding heart liberal for that comment, but I will be damned if I don't see true conservatism as being the party of the people.


Charity should be voluntary. Charity should be personal. Charity should be for those who need it. Charitable donations should be honored with care by the folks who are using the charity to provide help to the needy. When charities provide help to the needy they generally do care about the needy. When governments write checks from thousands of miles away, there is no care taken to make sure the folks receiving the checks are needy and/or that the money is even helping the people that are receiving the checks. When you force people to be charitable at gun point, and the folks receiving the money is primarily made up of people who are being paid to be moochers... well that's not charity at all. That is redistribution of income for the purpose of getting someone elected and paying the moochers to get fat sitting on their couch and to vote for the checks to keep coming. Government welfare programs are about votes not charity.

Why all the should be's? Just come out and say f__k them, I don't want to pay taxes. I know what's coming, your a success, invented this and that, paid more taxes than 100 liberals combined which is why your spending valuable time posting here.Your just a typical con phony and will fit right in here.
I was explaining the difference between charity and government welfare. You are free to give it a stab yourself. Or is this thread about me? You need to find a better hobby than leg humping. The reason I don't say I don't want to pay taxes is because I do want to fund the necessary functions of this government. Thanks for the flattery, but really, what is with your fascination with how I spend my time?

Some people are just obsessed with scarcity thinking.


Ah.. I just figured he wanted me to earn more money to put in the pot.

Me, I have tons of free time. I'm on my surf board gliding along the waves toward the shore all the momentum I need to get there.
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I don't hate liberals, I don't hate conservatives, I do have a strong disdain towards blind partisans who can't see past their own bias, continuously attempting to paint the other side as biased and blind........... Can everyone say hypocrite.........? :eusa_whistle:
I think one fact we can all agree on is that liberals are all giant gas bags. Almost everything they believe is horseshit, especially when it comes to what they believe about themselves.

A liberal is willing to recognize that there are many areas in life where there is neither right nor wrong, just a range of choices, choices which will not solve the whole of the problems, and are not good or bad, but more effective or less effective. This does not set well with conservatives, who prefer definate right and wrong.

Also, liberals accept reality far better than conservatives. They do not try to bend the real world into "the way things ought to be". That is why 'Conservatives' deny the science of AGW, in spite of all the evidence of a warming world around them, and the solid science behind the reason why. And when a major poltical party embraces this lack of recognition of reality, as the GOP has, there is no way that I can vote for them.

No kidding, they have some high opinion of themselves, go trough this board you will see they are the most intolerant of other views and the most vicious in showing their hate for others...today they called a woman, a dick... then they ask why they are hated?

I have to go Lmao now after going through this thread......
I don't hate liberals, I don't hate conservatives, I do have a strong disdain towards blind partisans who can't see past their own bias, continuously attempting to paint the other side as biased and blind........... Can everyone say hypocrite.........? :eusa_whistle:

-- and it took exactly one (count 'em, 1) post to demonstrate.

That's why I left this thread.
I don't hate liberals, I don't hate conservatives, I do have a strong disdain towards blind partisans who can't see past their own bias, continuously attempting to paint the other side as biased and blind........... Can everyone say hypocrite.........? :eusa_whistle:

It's hard not to hate folks like Obama who are diametrically opposed to nearly everything you hold dear in life.
I don't hate liberals, I don't hate conservatives, I do have a strong disdain towards blind partisans who can't see past their own bias, continuously attempting to paint the other side as biased and blind........... Can everyone say hypocrite.........? :eusa_whistle:

It's hard not to hate folks like Obama who are diametrically opposed to nearly everything you hold dear in life.

Is he or are you simply buying into the far right rhetoric? Kinda like the liberals bought into the far left rhetoric about Bush. Not defending either, just pointing out the obvious. As long as the extreme wings try to control both parties we will have serious difficulty reaching a consensus on anything though that's not always a bad thing.

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