Why do people hate Liberals?

I don't hate liberals, I don't hate conservatives, I do have a strong disdain towards blind partisans who can't see past their own bias, continuously attempting to paint the other side as biased and blind........... Can everyone say hypocrite.........? :eusa_whistle:

-- and it took exactly one (count 'em, 1) post to demonstrate.

That's why I left this thread.

That is why I rarely post anything in politics
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I don't hate liberals, I don't hate conservatives, I do have a strong disdain towards blind partisans who can't see past their own bias, continuously attempting to paint the other side as biased and blind........... Can everyone say hypocrite.........? :eusa_whistle:

It's hard not to hate folks like Obama who are diametrically opposed to nearly everything you hold dear in life.

Is he or are you simply buying into the far right rhetoric? Kinda like the liberals bought into the far left rhetoric about Bush. Not defending either, just pointing out the obvious. As long as the extreme wings try to control both parties we will have serious difficulty reaching a consensus on anything though that's not always a bad thing.

It's pretty safe to say any time you find your post language using absolutes and extremes, you're probably playing outside the lines.
It's hard not to hate folks like Obama who are diametrically opposed to nearly everything you hold dear in life.

Is he or are you simply buying into the far right rhetoric? Kinda like the liberals bought into the far left rhetoric about Bush. Not defending either, just pointing out the obvious. As long as the extreme wings try to control both parties we will have serious difficulty reaching a consensus on anything though that's not always a bad thing.

It's pretty safe to say any time you find your post language using absolutes and extremes, you're probably playing outside the lines.

Its also pretty safe to say that once one identifies a person like you as a libtard, you are constantly lying, twisting facts and shitting all over our nation, its culture and your own self, stupid fuck.

Ringel, Pogo is a troll and a fraud. He pretends to be a centrist moderate most of the time, but he never fails to rush to the defense of his commie buddies. He could not care less about being fair or acurate.
Is he or are you simply buying into the far right rhetoric? Kinda like the liberals bought into the far left rhetoric about Bush. Not defending either, just pointing out the obvious. As long as the extreme wings try to control both parties we will have serious difficulty reaching a consensus on anything though that's not always a bad thing.

It's pretty safe to say any time you find your post language using absolutes and extremes, you're probably playing outside the lines.

Its also pretty safe to say that once one identifies a person like you as a libtard, you are constantly lying, twisting facts and shitting all over our nation, its culture and your own self, stupid fuck.

Ringel, Pogo is a troll and a fraud. He pretends to be a centrist moderate most of the time, but he never fails to rush to the defense of his commie buddies. He could not care less about being fair or acurate.
I read some of Pogo's postings, I don't necessarily agree with you. Pogo leans left, he has some positions that are farther left and some that are considered conservative like I have some positions that are considered far right and some that are considered liberal. Centrists generally lean right or left and often hold some views that may be considered extreme by the opposite side. Have you considered, given the tone of you response to me concerning Pogo, that maybe you're pretty far right and fall into that blind partisan category? Just a thought.
Oh and the far left probably talk about me the way you're talking about Pogo but to be honest with myself I do tend to go after the radical liberals more than I go after the reactionary right though I'm working on that.
It's pretty safe to say any time you find your post language using absolutes and extremes, you're probably playing outside the lines.

Its also pretty safe to say that once one identifies a person like you as a libtard, you are constantly lying, twisting facts and shitting all over our nation, its culture and your own self, stupid fuck.

Ringel, Pogo is a troll and a fraud. He pretends to be a centrist moderate most of the time, but he never fails to rush to the defense of his commie buddies. He could not care less about being fair or acurate.
I read some of Pogo's postings, I don't necessarily agree with you. Pogo leans left, he has some positions that are farther left and some that are considered conservative like I have some positions that are considered far right and some that are considered liberal. Centrists generally lean right or left and often hold some views that may be considered extreme by the opposite side. Have you considered, given the tone of you response to me concerning Pogo, that maybe you're pretty far right and fall into that blind partisan category? Just a thought.
Oh and the far left probably talk about me the way you're talking about Pogo but to be honest with myself I do tend to go after the radical liberals more than I go after the reactionary right though I'm working on that.

I think Bowie's post speaks for itself as demonstration of what we're saying. It's like playing the straight man and leaving openings: when everything one posts is met with "you flaming fucktard" instead of consideration of any points, then one is automatically defined as a "libtard" or "fascist" "shitting all over our nation". That ain't debate; it's a tantrum.

The folly comes in absolutist thinking; the dichotomy of "us" vs. "them" and the obsession with labels. All that does is slam the door shut.
A liberal is willing to recognize that there are many areas in life where there is neither right nor wrong, just a range of choices, choices which will not solve the whole of the problems, and are not good or bad, but more effective or less effective. This does not set well with conservatives, who prefer definate right and wrong.

Also, liberals accept reality far better than conservatives. They do not try to bend the real world into "the way things ought to be". That is why 'Conservatives' deny the science of AGW, in spite of all the evidence of a warming world around them, and the solid science behind the reason why. And when a major poltical party embraces this lack of recognition of reality, as the GOP has, there is no way that I can vote for them.

This right here screams.... we are superior over all other's and only tolerate others, occasionally...

what's not to love about that..good gawd
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This right here screams.... we are superior over all other's and only tolerate others, occasionally...

what's not to love about that..good gawd

Bullshit. It says that the poster is unsure of a lot of things, unlike conservatives who are certain they're right. And youo just proved the point.

Liberals aren't smug and superior. They're riddled with doubt. You keep missing that part, or you're being wilfully blind.

I see very little connection between what the conservatives SAY they believe in, and what they vote for.
This right here screams.... we are superior over all other's and only tolerate others, occasionally...

what's not to love about that..good gawd

Bullshit. It says that the poster is unsure of a lot of things, unlike conservatives who are certain they're right. And youo just proved the point.

Liberals aren't smug and superior. They're riddled with doubt. You keep missing that part, or you're being wilfully blind.

I see very little connection between what the conservatives SAY they believe in, and what they vote for.

you see it your way, I see it mine
not arguing over it...
It's pretty safe to say any time you find your post language using absolutes and extremes, you're probably playing outside the lines.

Its also pretty safe to say that once one identifies a person like you as a libtard, you are constantly lying, twisting facts and shitting all over our nation, its culture and your own self, stupid fuck.

Ringel, Pogo is a troll and a fraud. He pretends to be a centrist moderate most of the time, but he never fails to rush to the defense of his commie buddies. He could not care less about being fair or acurate.
I read some of Pogo's postings, I don't necessarily agree with you. Pogo leans left, he has some positions that are farther left and some that are considered conservative like I have some positions that are considered far right and some that are considered liberal. Centrists generally lean right or left and often hold some views that may be considered extreme by the opposite side. Have you considered, given the tone of you response to me concerning Pogo, that maybe you're pretty far right and fall into that blind partisan category? Just a thought.
Oh and the far left probably talk about me the way you're talking about Pogo but to be honest with myself I do tend to go after the radical liberals more than I go after the reactionary right though I'm working on that.

Absolutely. Pogo sometimes drives me absolutely nuts because he THINKS like a modern American liberal which is extremely frustrating to the more pragmatic modern American conservative aka classical liberal aka libertarian. But even though he is usually wrong--:)--he is civil with those who are civil, and he can at least articulate an argument which most modern liberals cannot. At least he thinks for himself, doesn't obfusicate and detract with huge blocks of copied and pasted nonsense, and he doesn't parrot the assigned talking points of the Left--Bush sucks. Republicans suck. Conservatives suck. Anybody right of center is hateful, greedy, selfish, and wants to dirty all the water, air, and soil on the planet and throw granny out on the street and dismantle all regulation, yadda yadda.

Those who do that are what give modern liberalism a bad name. But then debate via extremism from either the left or right diminishes the quality of USMB. But I would welcome any number of folks like Pogo to the forum.
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Its also pretty safe to say that once one identifies a person like you as a libtard, you are constantly lying, twisting facts and shitting all over our nation, its culture and your own self, stupid fuck.

Ringel, Pogo is a troll and a fraud. He pretends to be a centrist moderate most of the time, but he never fails to rush to the defense of his commie buddies. He could not care less about being fair or acurate.
I read some of Pogo's postings, I don't necessarily agree with you. Pogo leans left, he has some positions that are farther left and some that are considered conservative like I have some positions that are considered far right and some that are considered liberal. Centrists generally lean right or left and often hold some views that may be considered extreme by the opposite side. Have you considered, given the tone of you response to me concerning Pogo, that maybe you're pretty far right and fall into that blind partisan category? Just a thought.
Oh and the far left probably talk about me the way you're talking about Pogo but to be honest with myself I do tend to go after the radical liberals more than I go after the reactionary right though I'm working on that.

Absolutely. Pogo sometimes drives me absolutely nuts because he THINKS like a modern American liberal which is extremely frustrating to the more pragmatic modern American conservative aka classical liberal aka libertarian. But even though he is usually wrong--:)--he is civil with those who are civil, and he can at least articulate an argument which most modern liberals cannot. At least he thinks for himself, doesn't obfusicate and detract with huge blocks of copied and pasted nonsense, and he doesn't parrot the assigned talking points of the Left--Bush sucks. Republicans suck. Conservatives suck. Anybody right of center is hateful, greedy, selfish, and wants to dirty all the water, air, and soil on the planet and throw granny out on the street and dismantle all regulation, yadda yadda.

Those who do that are what give modern liberalism a bad name. But then debate via extremism from either the left or right diminishes the quality of USMB. But I would welcome any number of folks like Pogo to the forum.

Oh yeah?? Well takes one to know one :p

I'm not going to stand here and be described like this. Let me get... comfortable... (settles in chair).... :D

Your check is in the mail (slightly less than we agreed on, you know, until we settle on what the word Liberal means).
But your words are too kind. I can only hope to prove worthy of them.

Love ya Foxy.
It's hard not to hate folks like Obama who are diametrically opposed to nearly everything you hold dear in life.
It's also hard not to hate an incarnation of satanic evil like George W. Bush -- who truly is an enemy to everything that is decent in human life.


It's hard not to hate folks like Obama who are diametrically opposed to nearly everything you hold dear in life.
It's also hard not to hate an incarnation of satanic evil like George W. Bush -- who truly is an enemy to everything that is decent in human life.



This guy/gal/thing stoul my sole. It won't give it back. Damn it/she/they to everlasting Hell!




My purpose is neither to help or hinder, but merely to speak the truth, as I see it.

Its also pretty safe to say that once one identifies a person like you as a libtard, you are constantly lying, twisting facts and shitting all over our nation, its culture and your own self, stupid fuck.

Ringel, Pogo is a troll and a fraud. He pretends to be a centrist moderate most of the time, but he never fails to rush to the defense of his commie buddies. He could not care less about being fair or acurate.
I read some of Pogo's postings, I don't necessarily agree with you. Pogo leans left, he has some positions that are farther left and some that are considered conservative like I have some positions that are considered far right and some that are considered liberal. Centrists generally lean right or left and often hold some views that may be considered extreme by the opposite side. Have you considered, given the tone of you response to me concerning Pogo, that maybe you're pretty far right and fall into that blind partisan category? Just a thought.
Oh and the far left probably talk about me the way you're talking about Pogo but to be honest with myself I do tend to go after the radical liberals more than I go after the reactionary right though I'm working on that.

Absolutely. Pogo sometimes drives me absolutely nuts because he THINKS like a modern American liberal which is extremely frustrating to the more pragmatic modern American conservative aka classical liberal aka libertarian. But even though he is usually wrong--:)--he is civil with those who are civil, and he can at least articulate an argument which most modern liberals cannot. At least he thinks for himself, doesn't obfusicate and detract with huge blocks of copied and pasted nonsense, and he doesn't parrot the assigned talking points of the Left--Bush sucks. Republicans suck. Conservatives suck. Anybody right of center is hateful, greedy, selfish, and wants to dirty all the water, air, and soil on the planet and throw granny out on the street and dismantle all regulation, yadda yadda.

Those who do that are what give modern liberalism a bad name. But then debate via extremism from either the left or right diminishes the quality of USMB. But I would welcome any number of folks like Pogo to the forum.

This post should be in the dictionary as the definition of narcissism and haughty.

I suggest you actually pay attention to what conservatives and tea partiers are trying to DO in Washington, like dismantle the EPA and let polluters off the hook, cut life saving programs for the poor and allow Wall Street barracudas to feed on We, the People.

You are a perfect example of what conservatism is, and why conservatism is incompatible with democracy, prosperity, and civilization in general. It is a destructive system of inequality and prejudice that is founded on deception and has no place in the modern world.
I suggest you actually pay attention to what conservatives and tea partiers are trying to DO in Washington, like dismantle the EPA and let polluters off the hook, cut life saving programs for the poor and allow Wall Street barracudas to feed on We, the People.

You are a perfect example of what conservatism is, and why conservatism is incompatible with democracy, prosperity, and civilization in general. It is a destructive system of inequality and prejudice that is founded on deception and has no place in the modern world.
Sadly, that is what the once respectable philosophy of conservatism has turned into -- once the mindless American people, so ably abetted by their swindling rulers, took it into their dirty paws.

I suggest you actually pay attention to what conservatives and tea partiers are trying to DO in Washington, like dismantle the EPA and let polluters off the hook, cut life saving programs for the poor and allow Wall Street barracudas to feed on We, the People.

You are a perfect example of what conservatism is, and why conservatism is incompatible with democracy, prosperity, and civilization in general. It is a destructive system of inequality and prejudice that is founded on deception and has no place in the modern world.
Sadly, that is what the once respectable philosophy of conservatism has turned into -- once the mindless American people, so ably abetted by their swindling rulers, took it into their dirty paws.


You are wrong. Conservatism has never been worthy of respect. They are the scourge of mankind. It's the manifestation of authoritarian parenting that metastasizes in adults.
I suggest you actually pay attention to what conservatives and tea partiers are trying to DO in Washington, like dismantle the EPA and let polluters off the hook, cut life saving programs for the poor and allow Wall Street barracudas to feed on We, the People.

You are a perfect example of what conservatism is, and why conservatism is incompatible with democracy, prosperity, and civilization in general. It is a destructive system of inequality and prejudice that is founded on deception and has no place in the modern world.
Sadly, that is what the once respectable philosophy of conservatism has turned into -- once the mindless American people, so ably abetted by their swindling rulers, took it into their dirty paws.


You are wrong. Conservatism has never been worthy of respect. They are the scourge of mankind. It's the manifestation of authoritarian parenting that metastasizes in adults.[/QUOTE]
projection is strong with this one...nice try but you just described you LIBERALS
As far as I am concerned posting on this site is that too many people are filled with hate and many to the point of oral frothiness. It is an emotional disturbance for many posters here and it shows their true character, not the one used on the street or around other people.
There is no perfect human or political party in the world, everyone suffers the same fates as every other human and we all end up the same, dead. Instead of building ideas many in life and on this site seem to want to conquer and destroy. Well, humans will never make it to a higher level of existence with this attitude.
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