Why do people support Trump?

And that's fine provided you can show a policy by the Democrats or Dementia that gives him the credit for it. But you can't.

Give credit to where credit is due, and that is the private market.
I can actually. We’ve had this conversation before. Maybe save our conversations for future reference? Obama’s stimulus package in 2009 is credited with ending the recession. The extension of the unemployment benefits boosted immedia consumer spending. Small businesses got tax breaks. The middle class wealthy also got a tax break.
I can actually. We’ve had this conversation before. Maybe save our conversations for future reference? Obama’s stimulus package in 2009 is credited with ending the recession. The extension of the unemployment benefits boosted immedia consumer spending. Small businesses got tax breaks. The middle class wealthy also got a tax break
The recession was already over by the time any money from that got spent.
Actually, the border problem was the worse under Bush.
Oh gosh, you seem to have forgotten to include your reliable source and working link supporting your allegation that there were more illegal immigrants crossing our Southern border under President Bush.

Illegal immigration soars under Biden to third-highest in 97 years

Anna Giaritelli
October 22, 2021


Migrant border crossings in fiscal year 2022 topped 2.76 million, breaking previous record

The 2022 numbers were driven in part by increases in the number of Venezuelans, Cubans and Nicaraguans making the trek north.

Oct. 22, 2022, 11:26 AM EDT
By Julia Ainsley
The number of undocumented immigrant crossings at the southwest border for fiscal year 2022 topped 2.76 million, breaking the previous annual record by more than 1 million, according to Customs and Border Protection data.

I can actually. We’ve had this conversation before. Maybe save our conversations for future reference? Obama’s stimulus package in 2009 is credited with ending the recession. The extension of the unemployment benefits boosted immedia consumer spending. Small businesses got tax breaks. The middle class wealthy also got a tax break.

The only tax break the middle class got was a pittance in the reduction of SS contributions which only robbed the SS funds making them insolvent faster in the future. I think in my two week pay there was like 25 bucks extra or something like that. Hardly anything to say it led us out of any recession. And remember the famous words of Obama "Those shovel ready jobs just weren't shovel ready."

My neighbors company closed down during that time. He stayed on unemployment for the full two years. When all benefits were exhausted, he took a job at his brother-in-laws company which he could have taken anytime in those two years he was collecting. As Rush Limbaugh used to say, when you pay people not to work, don't be too surprised when they don't.

Oh gosh, you seem to have forgotten to include your reliable source and working link supporting your allegation that there were more illegal immigrants crossing our Southern border under President Bush.

Illegal immigration soars under Biden to third-highest in 97 years

Anna Giaritelli
October 22, 2021


Migrant border crossings in fiscal year 2022 topped 2.76 million, breaking previous record

The 2022 numbers were driven in part by increases in the number of Venezuelans, Cubans and Nicaraguans making the trek north.

Oct. 22, 2022, 11:26 AM EDT
By Julia Ainsley
The number of undocumented immigrant crossings at the southwest border for fiscal year 2022 topped 2.76 million, breaking the previous annual record by more than 1 million, according to Customs and Border Protection data.

Lol hey moron no one ever said “we are sending you our undesirables whoever that may be”

So are you trying to say those children are rapists? That’s bizarre.
Now you're just being a fool.

Who do you think is leaving all those countries? The best and the brightest?

Your comment about the kids is sickening. As you know, they are being raped and trafficked.

The only tax break the middle class got was a pittance in the reduction of SS contributions which only robbed the SS funds making them insolvent faster in the future. I think in my two week pay there was like 25 bucks extra or something like that. Hardly anything to say it led us out of any recession. And remember the famous words of Obama "Those shovel ready jobs just weren't shovel ready."

My neighbors company closed down during that time. He stayed on unemployment for the full two years. When all benefits were exhausted, he took a job at his brother-in-laws company which he could have taken anytime in those two years he was collecting. As Rush Limbaugh used to say, when you pay people not to work, don't be too surprised when they don't.

Thanks for the link! Here are some highlights:

“Most economists have argued that the stimulus was smaller than needed.Surveys of economists show overwhelming agreement that the stimulus reduced unemployment, and that the benefits of the stimulus outweighed the costs.

“Aid to low income workers and the unemployed
  • Senate – $47 billion to provide extended unemployment benefits through December 31, increased by $25 a week, and provide job training; $16.5 billion to increase food stamp benefits by 12 percent through fiscal 2011 and issue a one-time bonus payment; $3 billion in temporary welfare payments.
  • House – Comparable extension of unemployment insurance; $20 billion to increase food stamp benefits by 14 percent; $2.5 billion in temporary welfare payments; $1 billion for home heating subsidies and $1 billion for community action agencies.
  • Direct cash payments
    • Senate – $17 billion to give one-time $300 payments to recipients of Supplemental Security Income and Social Security, and veterans receiving disability and pensions.
    • House – $4 billion to provide a one-time additional Supplemental Security Income and Social Security Disability Insurance payment to the elderly, of $450 for individuals and $630 for married couples.
    • Conference – $250 one-time payment to each recipient of Supplemental Security Income, Social Security (Regular & Disability) Insurance, Veterans pension, Railroad Retirement, or State retirement system”
What you said about SS benefits is NOT the tax cut.

  • “House – About $145 billion for $500 per-worker, $1,000 per-couple tax credits in 2009 and 2010. For the last half of 2009, workers could expect to see about $20 a week less withheld from their paychecks starting around June. Millions of Americans who don't make enough money to pay federal income taxes could file returns next year and receive checks. Individuals making more than $75,000 and couples making more than $150,000 would receive reduced amounts.
  • Senate – The credit would phase out at incomes of $70,000 for individuals and couples making more than $140,000 and phase out more quickly, reducing the cost to $140 billion.
  • Conference – Tax Credit reduced to $400 per worker and $800 per couple in 2009 and 2010 and phaseout begins at $75,000 for individuals and $150,000 for joint filers. Note retirees with no wages get nothing.”
Lol that is patently false. The unemployment benefits kicked in months before the recession ended.
The chart shows that GDP growth bottomed out in the first quarter of 2009. That's before any money from Obama's pork bill was spent.
Thanks for the link! Here are some highlights:

“Most economists have argued that the stimulus was smaller than needed.Surveys of economists show overwhelming agreement that the stimulus reduced unemployment, and that the benefits of the stimulus outweighed the costs.

“Aid to low income workers and the unemployed
  • Senate – $47 billion to provide extended unemployment benefits through December 31, increased by $25 a week, and provide job training; $16.5 billion to increase food stamp benefits by 12 percent through fiscal 2011 and issue a one-time bonus payment; $3 billion in temporary welfare payments.
  • House – Comparable extension of unemployment insurance; $20 billion to increase food stamp benefits by 14 percent; $2.5 billion in temporary welfare payments; $1 billion for home heating subsidies and $1 billion for community action agencies.
  • Direct cash payments
    • Senate – $17 billion to give one-time $300 payments to recipients of Supplemental Security Income and Social Security, and veterans receiving disability and pensions.
    • House – $4 billion to provide a one-time additional Supplemental Security Income and Social Security Disability Insurance payment to the elderly, of $450 for individuals and $630 for married couples.
    • Conference – $250 one-time payment to each recipient of Supplemental Security Income, Social Security (Regular & Disability) Insurance, Veterans pension, Railroad Retirement, or State retirement system”
What you said about SS benefits is NOT the tax cut.

  • “House – About $145 billion for $500 per-worker, $1,000 per-couple tax credits in 2009 and 2010. For the last half of 2009, workers could expect to see about $20 a week less withheld from their paychecks starting around June. Millions of Americans who don't make enough money to pay federal income taxes could file returns next year and receive checks. Individuals making more than $75,000 and couples making more than $150,000 would receive reduced amounts.
  • Senate – The credit would phase out at incomes of $70,000 for individuals and couples making more than $140,000 and phase out more quickly, reducing the cost to $140 billion.
  • Conference – Tax Credit reduced to $400 per worker and $800 per couple in 2009 and 2010 and phaseout begins at $75,000 for individuals and $150,000 for joint filers. Note retirees with no wages get nothing.”
That's all worthless propaganda. The bottom line is that the economy was already recovering before any money was spent.
Thanks for the link! Here are some highlights:

“Most economists have argued that the stimulus was smaller than needed.Surveys of economists show overwhelming agreement that the stimulus reduced unemployment, and that the benefits of the stimulus outweighed the costs.

“Aid to low income workers and the unemployed
  • Senate – $47 billion to provide extended unemployment benefits through December 31, increased by $25 a week, and provide job training; $16.5 billion to increase food stamp benefits by 12 percent through fiscal 2011 and issue a one-time bonus payment; $3 billion in temporary welfare payments.
  • House – Comparable extension of unemployment insurance; $20 billion to increase food stamp benefits by 14 percent; $2.5 billion in temporary welfare payments; $1 billion for home heating subsidies and $1 billion for community action agencies.
  • Direct cash payments
    • Senate – $17 billion to give one-time $300 payments to recipients of Supplemental Security Income and Social Security, and veterans receiving disability and pensions.
    • House – $4 billion to provide a one-time additional Supplemental Security Income and Social Security Disability Insurance payment to the elderly, of $450 for individuals and $630 for married couples.
    • Conference – $250 one-time payment to each recipient of Supplemental Security Income, Social Security (Regular & Disability) Insurance, Veterans pension, Railroad Retirement, or State retirement system”
What you said about SS benefits is NOT the tax cut.

  • “House – About $145 billion for $500 per-worker, $1,000 per-couple tax credits in 2009 and 2010. For the last half of 2009, workers could expect to see about $20 a week less withheld from their paychecks starting around June. Millions of Americans who don't make enough money to pay federal income taxes could file returns next year and receive checks. Individuals making more than $75,000 and couples making more than $150,000 would receive reduced amounts.
  • Senate – The credit would phase out at incomes of $70,000 for individuals and couples making more than $140,000 and phase out more quickly, reducing the cost to $140 billion.
  • Conference – Tax Credit reduced to $400 per worker and $800 per couple in 2009 and 2010 and phaseout begins at $75,000 for individuals and $150,000 for joint filers. Note retirees with no wages get nothing.”

Yes, so basically what you're saying is that welfare brought us out of a recession. Welfare has never done that. A tax credit only means you pay less in income taxes IF you owe money at the end of the year.

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