Why do people support Trump?

Not true at all. Illegal crossers are not the same as those living illegally in the US. The figure commonly used is 11 million. The vast majority of who are here via an overstayed visa and not an illegal border crossing.

“A rising share of U.S. unauthorized immigrants apparently arrived in the country legally but overstayed their visas.Nearly all people apprehended while attempting to enter the country illegally at the U.S.-Mexico border are from either Mexico or Central America. This stands in contrast to the origins of visa overstays.

In recent years, immigrants from countries outside of Mexico and Central America accounted for almost 90% of overstays, and in 2017, there were more than 30 overstays for every border apprehension for these countries. Although the Census Bureau data Pew Research Center uses to estimate the size of the unauthorized immigrant population does not indicate directly whether someone arrived with legal status, the origin countries of immigrants in these sources provide indirect evidence. From 2007 to 2017, the share of newly arrived unauthorized immigrants (those in the U.S. five years or less) from regions other than Central America and Mexico – the vast majority of whom are overstays – increased from 37% to 63%. At the same time, the share of new unauthorized immigrants from Mexico fell from 52% to 20%.”

It's irrelevant. Illegal is illegal no matter how you got here. They overstay their VISA's because like the illegals that cross the border, they know nothing will happen to them if caught unless they are in the commission of a crime. But they're no better than the border crossers. They are still breaking our laws.
How do you live with just making shit up as you go along? The Bush recession that started in late 2008 ended in June 2009. We’ve had job growth EVER SINCE.

Even if a recession was related, we had two recessions under Bush and there was a lot of illegal immigration at the border.
The economy was slow all during the Obama administration, dumbass. Are you senile? Don't you remember that? Dims were all saying that it was the worse recession since the Great Depression. You morons can't even remember your own rhetoric.
The economy was slow all during the Obama administration, dumbass. Are you senile? Don't you remember that? Dims were all saying that it was the worse recession since the Great Depression. You morons can't even remember your own rhetoric.
No you morons misunderstand what made it the worst recession. It was the worst in terms of the amount of jobs lost. That means getting back all those jobs took longer. However that doesn’t mean the RATE was slow. From 2009 on, 100,000’s of jobs were being created monthly. That trend hasn’t stopped to this day. Trump inherited that job growth rate. Either way, a slow recovery doesn’t equate to a recession lol.

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