Why do people support Trump?


As long as you moronic fuckers keep milking that Joke6 "insurrection" bullshit, damn straight. Have fun trying to stop us.

And I noted that you had nothing to say about the **** and the porn star.

Okay so first it was a porn writer and now it’s a porn star lol. So who is this? Why should I care? I mean whoever you’re talking about is definitely not a porn star. If they wrote erotic literature….so?
I have to admit, even as a leftist if I had to choose between Trump and Biden, I'll go with Trump for the reasons you just mentioned. Biden is going to start WW3. At least Trump, despite of all of his flaws, didn't get us into a major war. He wasn't as bad as some people on the left claim. Biden is worse.
There is something in the Trump persona that triggers an emotional response from the left like no other politician in history. Lefties throw away logical thinking and operate on a psychotic level when Trump is mentioned. It makes you tend to believe that TDS is a real psychological issue.
First, we close the border and go from there.

As you know, our immigration problem went to hell in a handbasket when President Biden took office.

Why do you believe that a wide open border, not seen anywhere else in the world of civilized nations, is a grand idea for America?
There is no wide open border. There would be no apprehensions if it were.
Seriously, I'd like to know. I really don't get it.

Because he was able to fight back against the democrat controlled press, while the typical, establishment repbulican would cave with very little pressure. He also supported the United States against our enemies, he knew that we needed energy independence,.....the list is substantial........
Seriously, I'd like to know. I really don't get it.
Policies and results. That’s it.

How is it that you Trump haters suddenly had a problem with his lack of Military service (see Clinton, Obama), his treatment of women (see Clinton, Biden), and his company’s treatment of Blacks (have you heard Biden’s comments over the years to Blacks and about Blacks and other non-whites)?

To top it off, you never had issue with Trump when he was donating to Democrats until he decided he wanted to be President when Hillary decided she wanted to be President ( a candidate who was second to Obama and Bernie for most of You).

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