Why do people support Trump?

When Trump finally got all his policies into place most immigrants quit coming here because they knew they'd never get in. Dementia reversed all of them which is why we have the worst problem at the border in over 20 years according to the Border Patrol.
They quit coming here because Covid was raging.
"The Republicans" don't control the executive branch of government and only control half the legislative branch. They are extremely limited in what they can actually do, as anything they attempt has to make it past an extremely hostile Senate and what is sitting in the White House. Both of those would rather see the nation slide into chaos than give Republicans ANY credit for good legislation.
Control is meaningless when drafting legislation.
Yes, I told you that. The Communists fought Trump every step of the way with his immigration policies. What they couldn't stop, their commie judges did....at least temporarily. But when Trump fought through all that, he was able to stop border crossings by 90%. Nobody wanted to come here because the closest they'd get to getting in is sitting at the Mexican border. He got Mexico to stop allowing immigrants to cross their country to get to ours. They sent out the military to their borders to stop them.

Everything was better under Trump. Yes, normal inflation rate of 1% to 2.5%. Gasoline and all fuel prices reasonable even during the best economic period of our time, he lowered taxes on businesses and workers alike, and for crying out loud, we were never under a threat from a nuclear country like we are now.
Border crossings by 90%? Like what? What’s the context here? In what way? For how long? Lol ah yes Trump sent the military to the border. The most pointless military deployment in US history. He said this was for the caravan but it was like 1000 miles away when he did that. In the end, the military did absolutely NOTHING before they were finally sent home. Harrowing stuff!

Um okay so 1% to 2.5%. How does that compare to other modem presidents? After all you’re trying to claim he is the best president since Reagan.

Now pay attention to the dates on these articles; pre-covid.
Illegal is illegal morn. There is no accurate way to measure how many are exactly here. Do you think they go door to door and take surveys?

The figure commonly used is 20 million in the country, but they've been using that same figure for 20 years.
Not true at all. Illegal crossers are not the same as those living illegally in the US. The figure commonly used is 11 million. The vast majority of who are here via an overstayed visa and not an illegal border crossing.

“A rising share of U.S. unauthorized immigrants apparently arrived in the country legally but overstayed their visas.Nearly all people apprehended while attempting to enter the country illegally at the U.S.-Mexico border are from either Mexico or Central America. This stands in contrast to the origins of visa overstays.

In recent years, immigrants from countries outside of Mexico and Central America accounted for almost 90% of overstays, and in 2017, there were more than 30 overstays for every border apprehension for these countries. Although the Census Bureau data Pew Research Center uses to estimate the size of the unauthorized immigrant population does not indicate directly whether someone arrived with legal status, the origin countries of immigrants in these sources provide indirect evidence. From 2007 to 2017, the share of newly arrived unauthorized immigrants (those in the U.S. five years or less) from regions other than Central America and Mexico – the vast majority of whom are overstays – increased from 37% to 63%. At the same time, the share of new unauthorized immigrants from Mexico fell from 52% to 20%.”
Seriously, I'd like to know. I really don't get it.
Seriously I would like to know why you knuckleheads voted for this Potatohead clown.

He never did anything right in his life, he is corrupt as they come and he has been the worst President in America's history. That is saying a lot since the runner up was Obama.

Seriously, do you dumbasses like massive inflation, decreased family income, high cost of energy, tremendous debt with nothing to show for it, increased taxes, woke politics, weakened military, millions of Illegals and dismal economic growth?
He's white. He doesn't like Mexicans. He's rich and a lot of right-wingers, even if they're working-class people making $10 hourly, think that if they support a rich white guy who pretends to like them, they will also become rich. He's pro-life, he's not really against the gay stuff though. There are videos of him praising the LGBTQs and waving a rainbow flag. He's a good actor and a lot of conservatives think he's a populist or champion of the people. He's really not.

During his 2016 campaign, he visited a Carrier plant in Indiana and promised all of the workers that the factory wouldn't close and move to Mexico. Less than a year after becoming president, the Carrier plant moved to Mexico and Trump did nothing. He didn't impose more tariffs or taxes on Carrier. He should've lifted all of the benefits and tax breaks for Carrier after doing that to over a thousand American workers. He didn't because he's not a populist or champion of the working-class, he's actually serving the members of his own socioeconomic class.

He filled his administration with swamp monsters. He didn't drain the swamp, he was scuba diving in the swamp. He is the swamp.

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Why do (some) people hate Trump so much? The current president never had a real job that wasn't paid by confiscated taxpayer money but Trump built things and took chances and met a payroll and created jobs. The old criteria for a successful administration used to be "peace and prosperity". We had it under Trump then but today we are threatened with nuclear war and a doddering old fool has his thumb on the button. Why do people like Biden?
Why do (some) people hate Trump so much? The current president never had a real job that wasn't paid by confiscated taxpayer money but Trump built things and took chances and met a payroll and created jobs. The old criteria for a successful administration used to be "peace and prosperity". We had it under Trump then but today we are threatened with nuclear war and a doddering old fool has his thumb on the button. Why do people like Biden?
I have to admit, even as a leftist if I had to choose between Trump and Biden, I'll go with Trump for the reasons you just mentioned. Biden is going to start WW3. At least Trump, despite of all of his flaws, didn't get us into a major war. He wasn't as bad as some people on the left claim. Biden is worse.
Title 42 was enacted at the height of the pandemic by the CDC as an emergency measure. Circumstances no longer require it. It was never meant to be permanent.

Maybe the Republicans should work on an immigration fix that addresses this rather than relying on title 42.
First, we close the border and go from there.

As you know, our immigration problem went to hell in a handbasket when President Biden took office.

Why do you believe that a wide open border, not seen anywhere else in the world of civilized nations, is a grand idea for America?

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