Why do people support Trump?


Pretty true.

Did you go to med school? Show us your degree.

How much work have you done with people who have cognitive disorders?

You're so fucking funny. Please keep it up. I have insomnia and need the entertainment.

When did I claim to have a med school degree? Can you show me the post?

Shut the fuck up.

You leftist parasitic cultists make "diagnoses" about Trump's mental status CONTINUALLY!

You're such a liar!

If I do, consider me fair game.

Point and laugh at me as hard as I do the arm chair 'doctors' on this board, providing their 'expert medical opinions' about topics they know nothing about, regarding people they've never met.

I'll have earned it.
If I do, consider me fair game.

Point and laugh at me as hard as I do the arm chair 'doctors' on this board, providing their 'expert medical opinions' about topics they know nothing about, regarding people they've never met.

I'll have earned it.

Good to see you admitting that you are as clueless as every leftist vermin.

Just admit that you expect me to accept your internet 'medical diagnosis' of a man you don't know, have never met, nor been in the same room with.

For giggles.
You do understand, that "most" neurologists in "most" hospitals do stroke assessment by remote these days?

They don't know their patients, have never met them, and have never been in the same room with them.
Just admit that you expect me to accept your internet 'medical diagnosis' of a man you don't know, have never met, nor been in the same room with.

For giggles.

Quote the post in which I said I expect you to accept a word I say.


Quote the post in which I said I expect you to accept a word I say.



You're HereWeGoAgain?

Who knew!
You do understand, that "most" neurologists in "most" hospitals do stroke assessment by remote these days?

They don't know their patients, have never met them, and have never been in the same room with them.

Absolutely. When my husband was dying from his drug-induced dementia, it took three months to even get his neurologist to see him. Almost all of his diagnoses were made by his best friend, an ARNP who was a Vietnam medic, who had Parkinson's himself.

Doctors do not practice hands-on medicine anymore.


Absolutely. When my husband was dying from his drug-induced dementia, it took three months to even get his neurologist to see him. Almost all of his diagnoses were made by his best friend, an ARNP who was a Vietnam medic, who had Parkinson's himself.

Doctors do not practice hands-on medicine anymore.

And who here is a doctor practicing hands-on medicine? A neurologist?


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