Why do people talk about "liberal bias" when the phrase is technically an oxymoron?

Liberalism is neutral by definition. The farther to the right you move, the more partisan you become. It's an obvious fact if you look at the US today. The Left is where all of the groups fighting for social justice and against bigotry and intolerance lay. The more right wing an individual or group is, the more they represent causes that the Left opposes.

You are an authoritarian leftist, not a liberal. That's why you don't understand why you are filled with "liberal bias." It's actually "authoritarian leftist bias."

I am a libertarian, we are the true liberals who actually don't practice bias in government. Government should provide basic services that aren't doable any other way, police, military, that sort of thing, then leave us alone. No bias.

Nothing TS J said could be construed as 'authoritarian'. That is you standard ignorant rant

He didn't say anything at all, he had a fantasy land version of liberalism that has nothing to do with anything in reality.

How would a right wing parrot know anything?
Liberalism is neutral by definition. The farther to the right you move, the more partisan you become. It's an obvious fact if you look at the US today. The Left is where all of the groups fighting for social justice and against bigotry and intolerance lay. The more right wing an individual or group is, the more they represent causes that the Left opposes.

You are an authoritarian leftist, not a liberal. That's why you don't understand why you are filled with "liberal bias." It's actually "authoritarian leftist bias."

I am a libertarian, we are the true liberals who actually don't practice bias in government. Government should provide basic services that aren't doable any other way, police, military, that sort of thing, then leave us alone. No bias.

Nothing TS J said could be construed as 'authoritarian'. That is you standard ignorant rant

He didn't say anything at all, he had a fantasy land version of liberalism that has nothing to do with anything in reality.
I demonstrated a few ways it is different than conservatism with real life examples. Should I continue giving them? Torture is another one. Liberals are opposed to the concept of kidnapping a random foreigner and torturing them to death on the off chance they might be or be related to or know a terrorist. Conservatives are currently engaging in a cover up to defend doing that very thing for over a decade now. Liberals don't think we should be the world's policeman and should mind our own business and use diplomacy as a first resort rather than bombing campaigns to enforce the corporate will. Conservatives think we should build nations through violent crusades against other races and religions and free the shit out of their oil by any means necessary. Liberals are desperately trying to prevent the murder of innocent women and children by our military attack dogs. Conservatives try to cover it up and rebrand it as "collateral damage". Liberals try to ensure suffrage for all Americans because they respect democracy. Conservatives try to create as many barriers to voting for racial minorities and immigrants as possible, because they know their agenda only wealthy, conservative, business owning white men. Liberals are trying to save the public education system. Conservatives are trying to kill it so they can make private schools the main form of education again in this country and ensure that only those with enough money can educate their children.

The differences are stark when you lay them out like that. Ultimately the Left is trying to save this country and make it the "land of the free and home of the brave" it pretends to be. The Right is trying to return us to the 19th Century and transform the US into an extreme social darwinist, neo-feudalist plutocracy where only white men are citizens and only rich white men matter.
Liberalism is neutral by definition. The farther to the right you move, the more partisan you become. It's an obvious fact if you look at the US today. The Left is where all of the groups fighting for social justice and against bigotry and intolerance lay. The more right wing an individual or group is, the more they represent causes that the Left opposes.

You are an authoritarian leftist, not a liberal. That's why you don't understand why you are filled with "liberal bias." It's actually "authoritarian leftist bias."

I am a libertarian, we are the true liberals who actually don't practice bias in government. Government should provide basic services that aren't doable any other way, police, military, that sort of thing, then leave us alone. No bias.

Nothing TS J said could be construed as 'authoritarian'. That is you standard ignorant rant

He didn't say anything at all, he had a fantasy land version of liberalism that has nothing to do with anything in reality.
I demonstrated a few ways it is different than conservatism with real life examples. Should I continue giving them? Torture is another one. Liberals are opposed to the concept of kidnapping a random foreigner and torturing them to death on the off chance they might be or be related to or know a terrorist. Conservatives are currently engaging in a cover up to defend doing that very thing for over a decade now. Liberals don't think we should be the world's policeman and should mind our own business and use diplomacy as a first resort rather than bombing campaigns to enforce the corporate will. Conservatives think we should build nations through violent crusades against other races and religions and free the shit out of their oil by any means necessary. Liberals are desperately trying to prevent the murder of innocent women and children by our military attack dogs. Conservatives try to cover it up and rebrand it as "collateral damage". Liberals try to ensure suffrage for all Americans because they respect democracy. Conservatives try to create as many barriers to voting for racial minorities and immigrants as possible, because they know their agenda only wealthy, conservative, business owning white men. Liberals are trying to save the public education system. Conservatives are trying to kill it so they can make private schools the main form of education again in this country and ensure that only those with enough money can educate their children.

The differences are stark when you lay them out like that. Ultimately the Left is trying to save this country and make it the "land of the free and home of the brave" it pretends to be. The Right is trying to return us to the 19th Century and transform the US into an extreme social darwinist, neo-feudalist plutocracy where only white men are citizens and only rich white men matter.

Good old 'give 'em hell' President Harry S. Truman had them pegged way back in 1948. And that was before the Republican party was hijacked by authoritarians and extremists...

"Republicans approve of the American farmer, but they are willing to help him go broke. They stand four-square for the American home--but not for housing. They are strong for labor--but they are stronger for restricting labor's rights. They favor minimum wage--the smaller the minimum wage the better. They endorse educational opportunity for all--but they won't spend money for teachers or for schools. They approve of social security benefits-so much so that they took them away from almost a million people. They think modern medical care and hospitals are fine--for people who can afford them. They believe in international trade--so much so that they crippled our reciprocal trade program, and killed our International Wheat Agreement. They favor the admission of displaced persons--but only within shameful racial and religious limitations.They consider electrical power a great blessing--but only when the private power companies get their rake-off. They say TVA is wonderful--but we ought never to try it again. They condemn "cruelly high prices"--but fight to the death every effort to bring them down. They think American standard of living is a fine thing--so long as it doesn't spread to all the people. And they admire of Government of the United States so much that they would like to buy it."
President Harry S. Truman - October 13, 1948
Liberalism is neutral by definition. The farther to the right you move, the more partisan you become. It's an obvious fact if you look at the US today. The Left is where all of the groups fighting for social justice and against bigotry and intolerance lay. The more right wing an individual or group is, the more they represent causes that the Left opposes.

You are an authoritarian leftist, not a liberal. That's why you don't understand why you are filled with "liberal bias." It's actually "authoritarian leftist bias."

I am a libertarian, we are the true liberals who actually don't practice bias in government. Government should provide basic services that aren't doable any other way, police, military, that sort of thing, then leave us alone. No bias.

Nothing TS J said could be construed as 'authoritarian'. That is you standard ignorant rant

He didn't say anything at all, he had a fantasy land version of liberalism that has nothing to do with anything in reality.
I demonstrated a few ways it is different than conservatism with real life examples. Should I continue giving them? Torture is another one. Liberals are opposed to the concept of kidnapping a random foreigner and torturing them to death on the off chance they might be or be related to or know a terrorist. Conservatives are currently engaging in a cover up to defend doing that very thing for over a decade now. Liberals don't think we should be the world's policeman and should mind our own business and use diplomacy as a first resort rather than bombing campaigns to enforce the corporate will. Conservatives think we should build nations through violent crusades against other races and religions and free the shit out of their oil by any means necessary. Liberals are desperately trying to prevent the murder of innocent women and children by our military attack dogs. Conservatives try to cover it up and rebrand it as "collateral damage". Liberals try to ensure suffrage for all Americans because they respect democracy. Conservatives try to create as many barriers to voting for racial minorities and immigrants as possible, because they know their agenda only wealthy, conservative, business owning white men. Liberals are trying to save the public education system. Conservatives are trying to kill it so they can make private schools the main form of education again in this country and ensure that only those with enough money can educate their children.

The differences are stark when you lay them out like that. Ultimately the Left is trying to save this country and make it the "land of the free and home of the brave" it pretends to be. The Right is trying to return us to the 19th Century and transform the US into an extreme social darwinist, neo-feudalist plutocracy where only white men are citizens and only rich white men matter.

You really do sound like a college kid.

Who gives more to charity? Survey says- conservatives.
Who Gives and Who Doesn t - ABC News

Who went to Haiti as volunteers? Who goes to Mexico to build houses? Who goes to the Plaines to volunteer to rebuild after a tornado? Answer: a lot more religious people than atheists.
Pope activates world Catholic charities for Haiti

I recognize this even though I'm not a conservative or a Christian.

As far as war goes, where do you get this idea that conservatives have a monopoly on war mongering? Ever heard of Vietnam, Korea, WWI and II? All Dem presidents. And Dems didn't vote against Iraq, by and large. The definitely voted for Afghanistan. War is a big government solution, and thus a bipartisan solution.

By the way, take a guess on this one: who adopts more Chinese and Ethiopian babies? Dems or Reps? Atheists or Theists? Libs or Conservatives?

Come on bro. Take a closer look. There's more than one way to skin a cat. Just cuz someone doesn't first seek the government solution, it doesn't mean he isn't earnest about solving the problem.
Liberalism is neutral by definition. The farther to the right you move, the more partisan you become. It's an obvious fact if you look at the US today. The Left is where all of the groups fighting for social justice and against bigotry and intolerance lay. The more right wing an individual or group is, the more they represent causes that the Left opposes.

You are an authoritarian leftist, not a liberal. That's why you don't understand why you are filled with "liberal bias." It's actually "authoritarian leftist bias."

I am a libertarian, we are the true liberals who actually don't practice bias in government. Government should provide basic services that aren't doable any other way, police, military, that sort of thing, then leave us alone. No bias.

Nothing TS J said could be construed as 'authoritarian'. That is you standard ignorant rant

He didn't say anything at all, he had a fantasy land version of liberalism that has nothing to do with anything in reality.

How would a right wing parrot know anything?

They wouldn't, what about it?
"In all history there is no war which was not hatched by the governments, the governments alone, independent of the interests of the people, to whom war is always pernicious even when successful."

Leo Tolstoy
Hello. I thought this would be the best forum to ask this and I've wondered it for a few years now. It doesn't make sense if you think about it (even by con standards). Liberalism is neutral by definition. The farther to the right you move, the more partisan you become. It's an obvious fact if you look at the US today. The Left is where all of the groups fighting for social justice and against bigotry and intolerance lay. The more right wing an individual or group is, the more they represent causes that the Left opposes.

Homosexuality is a good example. Liberals have always fought to represent their needs and educate people not to treat them poorly because of their orientation. The GOP ran on an explicitly anti-gay platform roughly a decade ago. Reproductive rights is another. It's the Left that safeguards women's right to choose when and whether to have children and gives them options to deal with unwanted pregnancies and support if they choose to keep them. The Right is where all of the misogynists find support for their explicitly anti-choice agenda. They're the ones who think it's moral to enslave half of the population just because they have wombs and force them to have as many children as possible.

These are just a few examples of why bias just isn't part of the liberal equation. The entire point of liberalism is defeating bias and giving everyone the exact same rights and quality of life regardless of their personal identity and life choices. Wouldn't it follow then that the only bias possible is conservative bias, ie towards the status quo?

Your analysis of liberal bias is biased.
Hello. I thought this would be the best forum to ask this and I've wondered it for a few years now. It doesn't make sense if you think about it (even by con standards). Liberalism is neutral by definition. The farther to the right you move, the more partisan you become. It's an obvious fact if you look at the US today. The Left is where all of the groups fighting for social justice and against bigotry and intolerance lay. The more right wing an individual or group is, the more they represent causes that the Left opposes.

Homosexuality is a good example. Liberals have always fought to represent their needs and educate people not to treat them poorly because of their orientation. The GOP ran on an explicitly anti-gay platform roughly a decade ago. Reproductive rights is another. It's the Left that safeguards women's right to choose when and whether to have children and gives them options to deal with unwanted pregnancies and support if they choose to keep them. The Right is where all of the misogynists find support for their explicitly anti-choice agenda. They're the ones who think it's moral to enslave half of the population just because they have wombs and force them to have as many children as possible.

These are just a few examples of why bias just isn't part of the liberal equation. The entire point of liberalism is defeating bias and giving everyone the exact same rights and quality of life regardless of their personal identity and life choices. Wouldn't it follow then that the only bias possible is conservative bias, ie towards the status quo?

Methinks you know neither the definition of liberal nor bias if you think liberal bias is an oxymoron. On the other hand, perhaps it is the definition of oxymoron that you do not understand.
MLK jr was a life long Republican as was Martin Luther King Sr.


“I don’t think the Republican party is a party full of the almighty God nor is the Democratic party. They both have weaknesses … And I’m not inextricably bound to either party.” --- MLK, 1958

₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪

"The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism. All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right. The “best man” at this ceremony was a senator whose voting record, philosophy, and program were anathema to all the hard-won achievements of the past decade.

Senator Goldwater had neither the concern nor the comprehension necessary to grapple with this problem of poverty in the fashion that the historical moment dictated. On the urgent issue of civil rights, Senator Goldwater represented a philosophy that was morally indefensible and socially suicidal. While not himself a racist, Mr. Goldwater articulated a philosophy which gave aid and comfort to the racist. His candidacy and philosophy would serve as an umbrella under which extremists of all stripes would stand. In the light of these facts and because of my love for America, I had no alternative but to urge every Negro and white person of goodwill to vote against Mr. Goldwater and to withdraw support from any Republican candidate that did not publicly disassociate himself from Senator Goldwater and his philosophy." -- MLK Autobiography, Ch. 23

₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪

"Actually, the Negro has been betrayed by both the Republican and the Democratic party. The Democrats have betrayed him by capitulating to the whims and caprices of the Southern Dixiecrats. The Republicans have betrayed him by capitulating to the blatant hypocrisy of reactionary right wing northern Republicans. And this coalition of southern Dixiecrats and right wing reactionary northern Republicans defeats every bill and every move towards liberal legislation in the area of civil rights".[54]
-- Wiki MLK page -- note the "Dixiecrats" he mentions are the very people we're talking about when we note the Southern Democrats turning Republican.

₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪

Although King never publicly supported a political party or candidate for president, in a letter to a civil rights supporter in October 1956 he said that he was undecided as to whether he would vote for Adlai Stevenson or Dwight Eisenhower, but that "In the past I always voted the Democratic ticket."[55] In his autobiography, King says that in 1960 he privately voted for Democratic candidate John F. Kennedy: "I felt that Kennedy would make the best president. I never came out with an endorsement. My father did, but I never made one." King adds that he likely would have made an exception to his non-endorsement policy for a second Kennedy term, saying "Had President Kennedy lived, I would probably have endorsed him in 1964."[56] --- Wiki Page, ibid

₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪

"It is disingenuous to imply that my father was a Republican. He never endorsed any presidential candidate, and there is certainly no evidence that he ever even voted for a Republican. It is even more outrageous to suggest that he would support the Republican Party of today, which has spent so much time and effort trying to suppress African American votes in Florida and many other states." --- MLK III, son of MLK Jr

₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪

"Now what are some of the domestic consequences of the war in Vietnam? It has made the Great Society a myth and replaced it with a troubled and confused society. The war has strengthened domestic reaction. It has given the extreme right, the anti-labor, anti-Negro, and anti-humanistic forces a weapon of spurious patriotism to galvanize its supporters into reaching for power, right up to the White House. It hopes to use national frustration to take control and restore the America of social insecurity and power for the privileged. When a Hollywood performer, lacking distinction even as an actor can become a leading war hawk candidate for the Presidency, only the irrationalities induced by a war psychosis can explain such a melancholy turn of events. [Applause] " -- MLK on Ronald Reagan (who made his first political splash with a speech for Goldwater), addressing the National Labor Leadership Assembly for Peace, November '67

Now I don't really care what his political party was; that's his business. What I have to wonder is, how do dishonest lying hacks like you figure you can get away with just making shit up that can be so easily obliterated? Are you, I dunno, some kind of masochist?

Really. It isn't even make up shit Thursday.

All your quotes are from Clayborne Carson or MLK 3rd

I quoted MLK III once and MLK Jr. himself several times, from speech transcripts (verbatim) and his own words in his autobiography, again verbatim, and every one of them linked. You quoted ---- nothing.

Carson is a left wing rabble rouser of the Al Sharpton school of thought - 99% of his King quotes were "invented" long after King was dead

MLK 3 is a slouch whose soul contribution to society is riding in on the coat tails of his dead father. The KIng family is not without it's intellectuals and Free Thinkers - take for instance Alveda C. King, a founder of the group King for America: "My uncle, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., during his lifetime, was a Republican." Bergmann also said King "subscribed to Republican values" and that most black voters before 1960 associated themselves with the Grand Old Party -- the Party of Lincoln -- that passed the 13th and 14th amendments to the Constitution ending slavery and guaranteeing equal rights in the 19th century.

---- and right into a poison-the-well fallacy that tries to dismiss a direct relative and substitutes an indirect one. "Your son doesn't qualify but my nephew does".

Having it both ways: Priceless. And no reference at all from the man himself as I gave.

You're just digging yourself deeper here.

Fabricated quotes from left wing propagandists will never change the fact that King never registered for Democratic - he always registered Republican as far as who he voted for


Didn't think so.
- He only stated that had Kennedy lived he would have voted for him is he ran for reelection -which implies he didn't vote for him the first time around .

It does no such thing. In fact I already quoted above (from the autobiography) that King himself writes that he in fact did vote for JFK (and I quote, "I felt that Kennedy would make the best president. I never came out with an endorsement. My father did, but I never made one."
It's right there upstairs dood. You're trying to go :lalala: but it ain't going away.

While I do admire your effort - you apparently lack the moral fortitude to process information in an objective manner - So kindly Fu*k Off - you're way over your head little fella

--- and off to Ad Homistan when all else fails. You got schooled, son. You've been exposed as bullshit and yet you double down in a dyspepsia of delusion.

So my question remains open -- are you some kind of masochist?

While I do admire your effort - you apparently lack the moral fortitude to process information in an objective manner - So kindly Fu*k Off - you're way over your head little fella

MLK was a Republican - never a Democrat . He may have voted for JFK - but then so did a lot of Republicans - hell I even made the worst mistake of my voting career when I voted for Obama on hos first term - but that was before all the media suppressed data became available.

I just mopped the floor with your fabricated post, completely discredited it, twice, and all you have to say is "fuck off little fella"?

“I don’t think the Republican party is a party full of the almighty God nor is the Democratic party. They both have weaknesses … And I’m not inextricably bound to either party.” --- MLK, 1958

₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪

"The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism. All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right. The “best man” at this ceremony was a senator whose voting record, philosophy, and program were anathema to all the hard-won achievements of the past decade.

Senator Goldwater had neither the concern nor the comprehension necessary to grapple with this problem of poverty in the fashion that the historical moment dictated. On the urgent issue of civil rights, Senator Goldwater represented a philosophy that was morally indefensible and socially suicidal. While not himself a racist, Mr. Goldwater articulated a philosophy which gave aid and comfort to the racist. His candidacy and philosophy would serve as an umbrella under which extremists of all stripes would stand. In the light of these facts and because of my love for America, I had no alternative but to urge every Negro and white person of goodwill to vote against Mr. Goldwater and to withdraw support from any Republican candidate that did not publicly disassociate himself from Senator Goldwater and his philosophy." -- MLK Autobiography, Ch. 23

₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪

"Actually, the Negro has been betrayed by both the Republican and the Democratic party. The Democrats have betrayed him by capitulating to the whims and caprices of the Southern Dixiecrats. The Republicans have betrayed him by capitulating to the blatant hypocrisy of reactionary right wing northern Republicans. And this coalition of southern Dixiecrats and right wing reactionary northern Republicans defeats every bill and every move towards liberal legislation in the area of civil rights".[54]
-- Wiki MLK page -- note the "Dixiecrats" he mentions are the very people we're talking about when we note the Southern Democrats turning Republican.

₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪

Although King never publicly supported a political party or candidate for president, in a letter to a civil rights supporter in October 1956 he said that he was undecided as to whether he would vote for Adlai Stevenson or Dwight Eisenhower, but that "In the past I always voted the Democratic ticket."[55] In his autobiography, King says that in 1960 he privately voted for Democratic candidate John F. Kennedy: "I felt that Kennedy would make the best president. I never came out with an endorsement. My father did, but I never made one." King adds that he likely would have made an exception to his non-endorsement policy for a second Kennedy term, saying "Had President Kennedy lived, I would probably have endorsed him in 1964."[56] --- Wiki Page, ibid

₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪

"It is disingenuous to imply that my father was a Republican. He never endorsed any presidential candidate, and there is certainly no evidence that he ever even voted for a Republican. It is even more outrageous to suggest that he would support the Republican Party of today, which has spent so much time and effort trying to suppress African American votes in Florida and many other states." --- MLK III, son of MLK Jr

₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪

"Now what are some of the domestic consequences of the war in Vietnam? It has made the Great Society a myth and replaced it with a troubled and confused society. The war has strengthened domestic reaction. It has given the extreme right, the anti-labor, anti-Negro, and anti-humanistic forces a weapon of spurious patriotism to galvanize its supporters into reaching for power, right up to the White House. It hopes to use national frustration to take control and restore the America of social insecurity and power for the privileged. When a Hollywood performer, lacking distinction even as an actor can become a leading war hawk candidate for the Presidency, only the irrationalities induced by a war psychosis can explain such a melancholy turn of events. [Applause] " -- MLK on Ronald Reagan (who made his first political splash with a speech for Goldwater), addressing the National Labor Leadership Assembly for Peace, November '67

Now I don't really care what his political party was; that's his business. What I have to wonder is, how do dishonest lying hacks like you figure you can get away with just making shit up that can be so easily obliterated? Are you, I dunno, some kind of masochist?

Really. It isn't even make up shit Thursday.

All your quotes are from Clayborne Carson or MLK 3rd

I quoted MLK III once and MLK Jr. himself several times, from speech transcripts (verbatim) and his own words in his autobiography, again verbatim, and every one of them linked. You quoted ---- nothing.

Carson is a left wing rabble rouser of the Al Sharpton school of thought - 99% of his King quotes were "invented" long after King was dead

MLK 3 is a slouch whose soul contribution to society is riding in on the coat tails of his dead father. The KIng family is not without it's intellectuals and Free Thinkers - take for instance Alveda C. King, a founder of the group King for America: "My uncle, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., during his lifetime, was a Republican." Bergmann also said King "subscribed to Republican values" and that most black voters before 1960 associated themselves with the Grand Old Party -- the Party of Lincoln -- that passed the 13th and 14th amendments to the Constitution ending slavery and guaranteeing equal rights in the 19th century.

---- and right into a poison-the-well fallacy that tries to dismiss a direct relative and substitutes an indirect one. "Your son doesn't qualify but my nephew does".

Having it both ways: Priceless. And no reference at all from the man himself as I gave.

You're just digging yourself deeper here.

Fabricated quotes from left wing propagandists will never change the fact that King never registered for Democratic - he always registered Republican as far as who he voted for


Didn't think so.
- He only stated that had Kennedy lived he would have voted for him is he ran for reelection -which implies he didn't vote for him the first time around .

It does no such thing. In fact I already quoted above (from the autobiography) that King himself writes that he in fact did vote for JFK (and I quote, "I felt that Kennedy would make the best president. I never came out with an endorsement. My father did, but I never made one."
It's right there upstairs dood. You're trying to go :lalala: but it ain't going away.

While I do admire your effort - you apparently lack the moral fortitude to process information in an objective manner - So kindly Fu*k Off - you're way over your head little fella

--- and off to Ad Homistan when all else fails. You got schooled, son. You've been exposed as bullshit and yet you double down in a dyspepsia of delusion.

So my question remains open -- are you some kind of masochist?

While I do admire your effort - you apparently lack the moral fortitude to process information in an objective manner - So kindly Fu*k Off - you're way over your head little fella

MLK was a Republican - never a Democrat . He may have voted for JFK - but then so did a lot of Republicans - hell I even made the worst mistake of my voting career when I voted for Obama on hos first term - but that was before all the media suppressed data became available.

I just mopped the floor with your fabricated post, completely discredited it, twice, and all you have to say is "fuck off little fella"?

“I don’t think the Republican party is a party full of the almighty God nor is the Democratic party. They both have weaknesses … And I’m not inextricably bound to either party.” --- MLK, 1958

₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪

"The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism. All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right. The “best man” at this ceremony was a senator whose voting record, philosophy, and program were anathema to all the hard-won achievements of the past decade.

Senator Goldwater had neither the concern nor the comprehension necessary to grapple with this problem of poverty in the fashion that the historical moment dictated. On the urgent issue of civil rights, Senator Goldwater represented a philosophy that was morally indefensible and socially suicidal. While not himself a racist, Mr. Goldwater articulated a philosophy which gave aid and comfort to the racist. His candidacy and philosophy would serve as an umbrella under which extremists of all stripes would stand. In the light of these facts and because of my love for America, I had no alternative but to urge every Negro and white person of goodwill to vote against Mr. Goldwater and to withdraw support from any Republican candidate that did not publicly disassociate himself from Senator Goldwater and his philosophy." -- MLK Autobiography, Ch. 23

₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪

"Actually, the Negro has been betrayed by both the Republican and the Democratic party. The Democrats have betrayed him by capitulating to the whims and caprices of the Southern Dixiecrats. The Republicans have betrayed him by capitulating to the blatant hypocrisy of reactionary right wing northern Republicans. And this coalition of southern Dixiecrats and right wing reactionary northern Republicans defeats every bill and every move towards liberal legislation in the area of civil rights".[54]
-- Wiki MLK page -- note the "Dixiecrats" he mentions are the very people we're talking about when we note the Southern Democrats turning Republican.

₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪

Although King never publicly supported a political party or candidate for president, in a letter to a civil rights supporter in October 1956 he said that he was undecided as to whether he would vote for Adlai Stevenson or Dwight Eisenhower, but that "In the past I always voted the Democratic ticket."[55] In his autobiography, King says that in 1960 he privately voted for Democratic candidate John F. Kennedy: "I felt that Kennedy would make the best president. I never came out with an endorsement. My father did, but I never made one." King adds that he likely would have made an exception to his non-endorsement policy for a second Kennedy term, saying "Had President Kennedy lived, I would probably have endorsed him in 1964."[56] --- Wiki Page, ibid

₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪

"It is disingenuous to imply that my father was a Republican. He never endorsed any presidential candidate, and there is certainly no evidence that he ever even voted for a Republican. It is even more outrageous to suggest that he would support the Republican Party of today, which has spent so much time and effort trying to suppress African American votes in Florida and many other states." --- MLK III, son of MLK Jr

₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪

"Now what are some of the domestic consequences of the war in Vietnam? It has made the Great Society a myth and replaced it with a troubled and confused society. The war has strengthened domestic reaction. It has given the extreme right, the anti-labor, anti-Negro, and anti-humanistic forces a weapon of spurious patriotism to galvanize its supporters into reaching for power, right up to the White House. It hopes to use national frustration to take control and restore the America of social insecurity and power for the privileged. When a Hollywood performer, lacking distinction even as an actor can become a leading war hawk candidate for the Presidency, only the irrationalities induced by a war psychosis can explain such a melancholy turn of events. [Applause] " -- MLK on Ronald Reagan (who made his first political splash with a speech for Goldwater), addressing the National Labor Leadership Assembly for Peace, November '67

Now I don't really care what his political party was; that's his business. What I have to wonder is, how do dishonest lying hacks like you figure you can get away with just making shit up that can be so easily obliterated? Are you, I dunno, some kind of masochist?

Really. It isn't even make up shit Thursday.

All your quotes are from Clayborne Carson or MLK 3rd

I quoted MLK III once and MLK Jr. himself several times, from speech transcripts (verbatim) and his own words in his autobiography, again verbatim, and every one of them linked. You quoted ---- nothing.

Carson is a left wing rabble rouser of the Al Sharpton school of thought - 99% of his King quotes were "invented" long after King was dead

MLK 3 is a slouch whose soul contribution to society is riding in on the coat tails of his dead father. The KIng family is not without it's intellectuals and Free Thinkers - take for instance Alveda C. King, a founder of the group King for America: "My uncle, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., during his lifetime, was a Republican." Bergmann also said King "subscribed to Republican values" and that most black voters before 1960 associated themselves with the Grand Old Party -- the Party of Lincoln -- that passed the 13th and 14th amendments to the Constitution ending slavery and guaranteeing equal rights in the 19th century.

---- and right into a poison-the-well fallacy that tries to dismiss a direct relative and substitutes an indirect one. "Your son doesn't qualify but my nephew does".

Having it both ways: Priceless. And no reference at all from the man himself as I gave.

You're just digging yourself deeper here.

Fabricated quotes from left wing propagandists will never change the fact that King never registered for Democratic - he always registered Republican as far as who he voted for


Didn't think so.
- He only stated that had Kennedy lived he would have voted for him is he ran for reelection -which implies he didn't vote for him the first time around .

It does no such thing. In fact I already quoted above (from the autobiography) that King himself writes that he in fact did vote for JFK (and I quote, "I felt that Kennedy would make the best president. I never came out with an endorsement. My father did, but I never made one."
It's right there upstairs dood. You're trying to go :lalala: but it ain't going away.

While I do admire your effort - you apparently lack the moral fortitude to process information in an objective manner - So kindly Fu*k Off - you're way over your head little fella

--- and off to Ad Homistan when all else fails. You got schooled, son. You've been exposed as bullshit and yet you double down in a dyspepsia of delusion.

So my question remains open -- are you some kind of masochist?

While I do admire your effort - you apparently lack the moral fortitude to process information in an objective manner - So kindly Fu*k Off - you're way over your head little fella

MLK was a Republican - never a Democrat . He may have voted for JFK - but then so did a lot of Republicans - hell I even made the worst mistake of my voting career when I voted for Obama on hos first term - but that was before all the media suppressed data became available.

I just mopped the floor with your fabricated post, completely discredited it, twice, and all you have to say is "fuck off little fella"?

I just mopped the floor with your fabricated post, completely discredited it, twice, and all you have to say is "fuck off little fella"?

YOU were not even involved in that conversation POGO - the other Avatar OROGENICMAN was - or did you forget that part ...LOL ....This will be the second time that I know of that you've been caught using a sock - not too bright are you Pal ? : >

MLK did not write his so called "Autobiography" it was written by Clayborne Carson, and was published after Dr. King's death.

The only time King spoke out against the Republicans was the "Goldwater" Republicans

I Repeat what I said in my earlier post " Carson is a left wing rabble rouser of the Al Sharpton school of thought - 99% of his King quotes were "invented" long after King was dead"

As for MLK 3rd -he was 10 years old when his father was murdered - hardly a reliable source ...LOL

Alveda King was a college student when her Uncle was murdered - they were a close knit family and she knew her Uncle on an intimate level so far as his politics were concerned. Her Uncle [MLK] along with her father who died a few years after MLK jr - were her Mentors . Her Cousin - MLK 3rd was only 10 years old at the time - do you understand that much ?

Oh ... and lest I forget - Happy New Year douchebag.
Really. It isn't even make up shit Thursday.

All your quotes are from Clayborne Carson or MLK 3rd

I quoted MLK III once and MLK Jr. himself several times, from speech transcripts (verbatim) and his own words in his autobiography, again verbatim, and every one of them linked. You quoted ---- nothing.

Carson is a left wing rabble rouser of the Al Sharpton school of thought - 99% of his King quotes were "invented" long after King was dead

MLK 3 is a slouch whose soul contribution to society is riding in on the coat tails of his dead father. The KIng family is not without it's intellectuals and Free Thinkers - take for instance Alveda C. King, a founder of the group King for America: "My uncle, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., during his lifetime, was a Republican." Bergmann also said King "subscribed to Republican values" and that most black voters before 1960 associated themselves with the Grand Old Party -- the Party of Lincoln -- that passed the 13th and 14th amendments to the Constitution ending slavery and guaranteeing equal rights in the 19th century.

---- and right into a poison-the-well fallacy that tries to dismiss a direct relative and substitutes an indirect one. "Your son doesn't qualify but my nephew does".

Having it both ways: Priceless. And no reference at all from the man himself as I gave.

You're just digging yourself deeper here.

Fabricated quotes from left wing propagandists will never change the fact that King never registered for Democratic - he always registered Republican as far as who he voted for


Didn't think so.
- He only stated that had Kennedy lived he would have voted for him is he ran for reelection -which implies he didn't vote for him the first time around .

It does no such thing. In fact I already quoted above (from the autobiography) that King himself writes that he in fact did vote for JFK (and I quote, "I felt that Kennedy would make the best president. I never came out with an endorsement. My father did, but I never made one."
It's right there upstairs dood. You're trying to go :lalala: but it ain't going away.

While I do admire your effort - you apparently lack the moral fortitude to process information in an objective manner - So kindly Fu*k Off - you're way over your head little fella

--- and off to Ad Homistan when all else fails. You got schooled, son. You've been exposed as bullshit and yet you double down in a dyspepsia of delusion.

So my question remains open -- are you some kind of masochist?

While I do admire your effort - you apparently lack the moral fortitude to process information in an objective manner - So kindly Fu*k Off - you're way over your head little fella

MLK was a Republican - never a Democrat . He may have voted for JFK - but then so did a lot of Republicans - hell I even made the worst mistake of my voting career when I voted for Obama on hos first term - but that was before all the media suppressed data became available.

I just mopped the floor with your fabricated post, completely discredited it, twice, and all you have to say is "fuck off little fella"?
Really. It isn't even make up shit Thursday.

All your quotes are from Clayborne Carson or MLK 3rd

I quoted MLK III once and MLK Jr. himself several times, from speech transcripts (verbatim) and his own words in his autobiography, again verbatim, and every one of them linked. You quoted ---- nothing.

Carson is a left wing rabble rouser of the Al Sharpton school of thought - 99% of his King quotes were "invented" long after King was dead

MLK 3 is a slouch whose soul contribution to society is riding in on the coat tails of his dead father. The KIng family is not without it's intellectuals and Free Thinkers - take for instance Alveda C. King, a founder of the group King for America: "My uncle, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., during his lifetime, was a Republican." Bergmann also said King "subscribed to Republican values" and that most black voters before 1960 associated themselves with the Grand Old Party -- the Party of Lincoln -- that passed the 13th and 14th amendments to the Constitution ending slavery and guaranteeing equal rights in the 19th century.

---- and right into a poison-the-well fallacy that tries to dismiss a direct relative and substitutes an indirect one. "Your son doesn't qualify but my nephew does".

Having it both ways: Priceless. And no reference at all from the man himself as I gave.

You're just digging yourself deeper here.

Fabricated quotes from left wing propagandists will never change the fact that King never registered for Democratic - he always registered Republican as far as who he voted for


Didn't think so.
- He only stated that had Kennedy lived he would have voted for him is he ran for reelection -which implies he didn't vote for him the first time around .

It does no such thing. In fact I already quoted above (from the autobiography) that King himself writes that he in fact did vote for JFK (and I quote, "I felt that Kennedy would make the best president. I never came out with an endorsement. My father did, but I never made one."
It's right there upstairs dood. You're trying to go :lalala: but it ain't going away.

While I do admire your effort - you apparently lack the moral fortitude to process information in an objective manner - So kindly Fu*k Off - you're way over your head little fella

--- and off to Ad Homistan when all else fails. You got schooled, son. You've been exposed as bullshit and yet you double down in a dyspepsia of delusion.

So my question remains open -- are you some kind of masochist?

While I do admire your effort - you apparently lack the moral fortitude to process information in an objective manner - So kindly Fu*k Off - you're way over your head little fella

MLK was a Republican - never a Democrat . He may have voted for JFK - but then so did a lot of Republicans - hell I even made the worst mistake of my voting career when I voted for Obama on hos first term - but that was before all the media suppressed data became available.

I just mopped the floor with your fabricated post, completely discredited it, twice, and all you have to say is "fuck off little fella"?

I just mopped the floor with your fabricated post, completely discredited it, twice, and all you have to say is "fuck off little fella"?

YOU were not even involved in that conversation POGO - the other Avatar OROGENICMAN was - or did you forget that part ...LOL ....This will be the second time that I know of that you've been caught using a sock - not too bright are you Pal ?

WTF are you babbling about?
All your quotes are from Clayborne Carson or MLK 3rd

I quoted MLK III once and MLK Jr. himself several times, from speech transcripts (verbatim) and his own words in his autobiography, again verbatim, and every one of them linked. You quoted ---- nothing.

Carson is a left wing rabble rouser of the Al Sharpton school of thought - 99% of his King quotes were "invented" long after King was dead

MLK 3 is a slouch whose soul contribution to society is riding in on the coat tails of his dead father. The KIng family is not without it's intellectuals and Free Thinkers - take for instance Alveda C. King, a founder of the group King for America: "My uncle, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., during his lifetime, was a Republican." Bergmann also said King "subscribed to Republican values" and that most black voters before 1960 associated themselves with the Grand Old Party -- the Party of Lincoln -- that passed the 13th and 14th amendments to the Constitution ending slavery and guaranteeing equal rights in the 19th century.

---- and right into a poison-the-well fallacy that tries to dismiss a direct relative and substitutes an indirect one. "Your son doesn't qualify but my nephew does".

Having it both ways: Priceless. And no reference at all from the man himself as I gave.

You're just digging yourself deeper here.

Fabricated quotes from left wing propagandists will never change the fact that King never registered for Democratic - he always registered Republican as far as who he voted for


Didn't think so.
- He only stated that had Kennedy lived he would have voted for him is he ran for reelection -which implies he didn't vote for him the first time around .

It does no such thing. In fact I already quoted above (from the autobiography) that King himself writes that he in fact did vote for JFK (and I quote, "I felt that Kennedy would make the best president. I never came out with an endorsement. My father did, but I never made one."
It's right there upstairs dood. You're trying to go :lalala: but it ain't going away.

While I do admire your effort - you apparently lack the moral fortitude to process information in an objective manner - So kindly Fu*k Off - you're way over your head little fella

--- and off to Ad Homistan when all else fails. You got schooled, son. You've been exposed as bullshit and yet you double down in a dyspepsia of delusion.

So my question remains open -- are you some kind of masochist?

While I do admire your effort - you apparently lack the moral fortitude to process information in an objective manner - So kindly Fu*k Off - you're way over your head little fella

MLK was a Republican - never a Democrat . He may have voted for JFK - but then so did a lot of Republicans - hell I even made the worst mistake of my voting career when I voted for Obama on hos first term - but that was before all the media suppressed data became available.

I just mopped the floor with your fabricated post, completely discredited it, twice, and all you have to say is "fuck off little fella"?
All your quotes are from Clayborne Carson or MLK 3rd

I quoted MLK III once and MLK Jr. himself several times, from speech transcripts (verbatim) and his own words in his autobiography, again verbatim, and every one of them linked. You quoted ---- nothing.

Carson is a left wing rabble rouser of the Al Sharpton school of thought - 99% of his King quotes were "invented" long after King was dead

MLK 3 is a slouch whose soul contribution to society is riding in on the coat tails of his dead father. The KIng family is not without it's intellectuals and Free Thinkers - take for instance Alveda C. King, a founder of the group King for America: "My uncle, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., during his lifetime, was a Republican." Bergmann also said King "subscribed to Republican values" and that most black voters before 1960 associated themselves with the Grand Old Party -- the Party of Lincoln -- that passed the 13th and 14th amendments to the Constitution ending slavery and guaranteeing equal rights in the 19th century.

---- and right into a poison-the-well fallacy that tries to dismiss a direct relative and substitutes an indirect one. "Your son doesn't qualify but my nephew does".

Having it both ways: Priceless. And no reference at all from the man himself as I gave.

You're just digging yourself deeper here.

Fabricated quotes from left wing propagandists will never change the fact that King never registered for Democratic - he always registered Republican as far as who he voted for


Didn't think so.
- He only stated that had Kennedy lived he would have voted for him is he ran for reelection -which implies he didn't vote for him the first time around .

It does no such thing. In fact I already quoted above (from the autobiography) that King himself writes that he in fact did vote for JFK (and I quote, "I felt that Kennedy would make the best president. I never came out with an endorsement. My father did, but I never made one."
It's right there upstairs dood. You're trying to go :lalala: but it ain't going away.

While I do admire your effort - you apparently lack the moral fortitude to process information in an objective manner - So kindly Fu*k Off - you're way over your head little fella

--- and off to Ad Homistan when all else fails. You got schooled, son. You've been exposed as bullshit and yet you double down in a dyspepsia of delusion.

So my question remains open -- are you some kind of masochist?

While I do admire your effort - you apparently lack the moral fortitude to process information in an objective manner - So kindly Fu*k Off - you're way over your head little fella

MLK was a Republican - never a Democrat . He may have voted for JFK - but then so did a lot of Republicans - hell I even made the worst mistake of my voting career when I voted for Obama on hos first term - but that was before all the media suppressed data became available.

I just mopped the floor with your fabricated post, completely discredited it, twice, and all you have to say is "fuck off little fella"?

I just mopped the floor with your fabricated post, completely discredited it, twice, and all you have to say is "fuck off little fella"?

YOU were not even involved in that conversation POGO - the other Avatar OROGENICMAN was - or did you forget that part ...LOL ....This will be the second time that I know of that you've been caught using a sock - not too bright are you Pal ?

WTF are you babbling about?

I was talking to the other POGO
MLK jr was a life long Republican as was Martin Luther King Sr.


“I don’t think the Republican party is a party full of the almighty God nor is the Democratic party. They both have weaknesses … And I’m not inextricably bound to either party.” --- MLK, 1958

₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪

"The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism. All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right. The “best man” at this ceremony was a senator whose voting record, philosophy, and program were anathema to all the hard-won achievements of the past decade.

Senator Goldwater had neither the concern nor the comprehension necessary to grapple with this problem of poverty in the fashion that the historical moment dictated. On the urgent issue of civil rights, Senator Goldwater represented a philosophy that was morally indefensible and socially suicidal. While not himself a racist, Mr. Goldwater articulated a philosophy which gave aid and comfort to the racist. His candidacy and philosophy would serve as an umbrella under which extremists of all stripes would stand. In the light of these facts and because of my love for America, I had no alternative but to urge every Negro and white person of goodwill to vote against Mr. Goldwater and to withdraw support from any Republican candidate that did not publicly disassociate himself from Senator Goldwater and his philosophy." -- MLK Autobiography, Ch. 23

₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪

"Actually, the Negro has been betrayed by both the Republican and the Democratic party. The Democrats have betrayed him by capitulating to the whims and caprices of the Southern Dixiecrats. The Republicans have betrayed him by capitulating to the blatant hypocrisy of reactionary right wing northern Republicans. And this coalition of southern Dixiecrats and right wing reactionary northern Republicans defeats every bill and every move towards liberal legislation in the area of civil rights".[54]
-- Wiki MLK page -- note the "Dixiecrats" he mentions are the very people we're talking about when we note the Southern Democrats turning Republican.

₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪

Although King never publicly supported a political party or candidate for president, in a letter to a civil rights supporter in October 1956 he said that he was undecided as to whether he would vote for Adlai Stevenson or Dwight Eisenhower, but that "In the past I always voted the Democratic ticket."[55] In his autobiography, King says that in 1960 he privately voted for Democratic candidate John F. Kennedy: "I felt that Kennedy would make the best president. I never came out with an endorsement. My father did, but I never made one." King adds that he likely would have made an exception to his non-endorsement policy for a second Kennedy term, saying "Had President Kennedy lived, I would probably have endorsed him in 1964."[56] --- Wiki Page, ibid

₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪

"It is disingenuous to imply that my father was a Republican. He never endorsed any presidential candidate, and there is certainly no evidence that he ever even voted for a Republican. It is even more outrageous to suggest that he would support the Republican Party of today, which has spent so much time and effort trying to suppress African American votes in Florida and many other states." --- MLK III, son of MLK Jr

₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪

"Now what are some of the domestic consequences of the war in Vietnam? It has made the Great Society a myth and replaced it with a troubled and confused society. The war has strengthened domestic reaction. It has given the extreme right, the anti-labor, anti-Negro, and anti-humanistic forces a weapon of spurious patriotism to galvanize its supporters into reaching for power, right up to the White House. It hopes to use national frustration to take control and restore the America of social insecurity and power for the privileged. When a Hollywood performer, lacking distinction even as an actor can become a leading war hawk candidate for the Presidency, only the irrationalities induced by a war psychosis can explain such a melancholy turn of events. [Applause] " -- MLK on Ronald Reagan (who made his first political splash with a speech for Goldwater), addressing the National Labor Leadership Assembly for Peace, November '67

Now I don't really care what his political party was; that's his business. What I have to wonder is, how do dishonest lying hacks like you figure you can get away with just making shit up that can be so easily obliterated? Are you, I dunno, some kind of masochist?

Really. It isn't even make up shit Thursday.

All your quotes are from Clayborne Carson or MLK 3rd

Carson is a left wing rabble rouser of the Al Sharpton school of thought - 99% of his King quotes were "invented" long after King was dead

MLK 3 is a slouch whose soul contribution to society is riding in on the coat tails of his dead father. The KIng family is not without it's intellectuals and Free Thinkers - take for instance Alveda C. King, a founder of the group King for America: "My uncle, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., during his lifetime, was a Republican." Bergmann also said King "subscribed to Republican values" and that most black voters before 1960 associated themselves with the Grand Old Party -- the Party of Lincoln -- that passed the 13th and 14th amendments to the Constitution ending slavery and guaranteeing equal rights in the 19th century.

Fabricated quotes from left wing propagandists will never change the fact that King never registered for Democratic - he always registered Republican as far as who he voted for - He only stated that had Kennedy lived he would have voted for him is he ran for reelection -which implies he didn't vote for him the first time around . While I do admire your effort - you apparently lack the moral fortitude to process information in an objective manner - So kindly Fu*k Off - you're way over your head little fella

Nice fiction:

The real reason only ten percent of blacks vote Republican today:

Why Did Black Voters Flee The Republican Party In The 1960s Code Switch NPR

Another highly biased slanted article that fails to address the Democratic Parties ideological bankruptcy. It does however present some factual evidence such as a somewhat chronologically correct order of the Democrats .

Democratic Strategists, of whom Johnson [LBJ] was one, realized the importance of the Negro vote and in this light Johnson explained the strategy re: the Republican Civil Rights Act of 1957 to his Democratic co-conspirators:

Here's a statement from LBJ which shine some light on the issue for you ...

"These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now, we've got to do something about this; we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. for if we don't move at all, then their allies [The Republicans] will line up against us and there will be no way of stopping them, we'll lose the filibuster and there will be no way of putting the brake on all sorts of wild legislation, it'll be reconstruction all over again " - Lyndon Johnson

Civil Rights act 1964 Only 61 percent of Democrats supported that bill, versus 80 percent of Republicans.

Voting Rights Act of 1965 - Written by Republican Senator Everett Dirksen - 94 percent of Senate Republicans voted in favor of the bill versus 73 percent of Democrats. The final vote on the House version - only one Senate Republican voted against it compared to seventeen Democrats.

Getting back to the initiation of this exchange ... Fabricated quotes from left wing propagandists will never change the fact that King never registered for Democratic - he always registered Republican as far as who he voted for - He only stated that had Kennedy lived he would have voted for him is he ran for reelection -which implies he didn't vote for him the first time around .While I do admire your effort - you apparently lack the moral fortitude to process information in an objective manner - So kindly Fu*k Off - you're way over your head little fella

Fabricated quotes? WOW, those LBJ quotes are not verified and can never be verified. They are what you want to believe.

Martin Luther King Jr. was neither a registered Democrat or a registered Republican.

I can say with almost certainty that MLK Jr. voted for Kennedy in 1960. We KNOW his father did.

John F. Kennedy s Legacy Resides in African-American History Harvard Political Review

Still, there were the phone calls of 1960. A few weeks before the November election, Martin Luther King, Jr. was sentenced to hard labor and solitary confinement in a Georgia jail as a result of a sit-in that violated his probation; then-presidential candidate Senator John F. Kennedy called to offer his support to a six-months pregnant Coretta Scott King.

The conversation may have been construed as political finagling; a last ditch effort in a very close race. But the call is more appropriately labeled ‘reluctant’ as both campaigns toed the balance between courting black voters and losing southern white ones. Mrs. King was scared for her husband’s life and appealed to both Kennedy and Nixon’s camps for support. It was Kennedy aide and eventual White House civil rights special assistant Harris Wofford who spoke to Kennedy’s brother-in-law Sargent Shriver, and Shriver who finally convinced the candidate that a phone call wouldn’t sink the election.

And while Shriver was right in that most white voters didn’t notice, he didn’t predict Mrs. King telling her friends about the kind Mr. Kennedy. Brother and campaign-handler, attorney Robert F. Kennedy, made calls to the judge that sentenced King, securing his almost immediate release, and African Americans took notice. King’s father, a lifelong registered Republican and a Baptist preacher with a congregation bloc to carry, flipped his endorsement of Richard Nixon to support the man he had previously discounted primarily due to his Catholic faith: “Because this man was willing to wipe the tears from my daughter[-in-law]’s eyes, I’ve got a suitcase full of votes, and I’m going to take them to Mr. Kennedy and dump them in his lap.”

“I don’t think the Republican party is a party full of the almighty God nor is the Democratic party. They both have weaknesses … And I’m not inextricably bound to either party.” --- MLK, 1958

₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪

"The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism. All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right. The “best man” at this ceremony was a senator whose voting record, philosophy, and program were anathema to all the hard-won achievements of the past decade.

Senator Goldwater had neither the concern nor the comprehension necessary to grapple with this problem of poverty in the fashion that the historical moment dictated. On the urgent issue of civil rights, Senator Goldwater represented a philosophy that was morally indefensible and socially suicidal. While not himself a racist, Mr. Goldwater articulated a philosophy which gave aid and comfort to the racist. His candidacy and philosophy would serve as an umbrella under which extremists of all stripes would stand. In the light of these facts and because of my love for America, I had no alternative but to urge every Negro and white person of goodwill to vote against Mr. Goldwater and to withdraw support from any Republican candidate that did not publicly disassociate himself from Senator Goldwater and his philosophy." -- MLK Autobiography, Ch. 23

₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪

"Actually, the Negro has been betrayed by both the Republican and the Democratic party. The Democrats have betrayed him by capitulating to the whims and caprices of the Southern Dixiecrats. The Republicans have betrayed him by capitulating to the blatant hypocrisy of reactionary right wing northern Republicans. And this coalition of southern Dixiecrats and right wing reactionary northern Republicans defeats every bill and every move towards liberal legislation in the area of civil rights".[54]
-- Wiki MLK page -- note the "Dixiecrats" he mentions are the very people we're talking about when we note the Southern Democrats turning Republican.

₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪

Although King never publicly supported a political party or candidate for president, in a letter to a civil rights supporter in October 1956 he said that he was undecided as to whether he would vote for Adlai Stevenson or Dwight Eisenhower, but that "In the past I always voted the Democratic ticket."[55] In his autobiography, King says that in 1960 he privately voted for Democratic candidate John F. Kennedy: "I felt that Kennedy would make the best president. I never came out with an endorsement. My father did, but I never made one." King adds that he likely would have made an exception to his non-endorsement policy for a second Kennedy term, saying "Had President Kennedy lived, I would probably have endorsed him in 1964."[56] --- Wiki Page, ibid

₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪

"It is disingenuous to imply that my father was a Republican. He never endorsed any presidential candidate, and there is certainly no evidence that he ever even voted for a Republican. It is even more outrageous to suggest that he would support the Republican Party of today, which has spent so much time and effort trying to suppress African American votes in Florida and many other states." --- MLK III, son of MLK Jr

₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪

"Now what are some of the domestic consequences of the war in Vietnam? It has made the Great Society a myth and replaced it with a troubled and confused society. The war has strengthened domestic reaction. It has given the extreme right, the anti-labor, anti-Negro, and anti-humanistic forces a weapon of spurious patriotism to galvanize its supporters into reaching for power, right up to the White House. It hopes to use national frustration to take control and restore the America of social insecurity and power for the privileged. When a Hollywood performer, lacking distinction even as an actor can become a leading war hawk candidate for the Presidency, only the irrationalities induced by a war psychosis can explain such a melancholy turn of events. [Applause] " -- MLK on Ronald Reagan (who made his first political splash with a speech for Goldwater), addressing the National Labor Leadership Assembly for Peace, November '67

Now I don't really care what his political party was; that's his business. What I have to wonder is, how do dishonest lying hacks like you figure you can get away with just making shit up that can be so easily obliterated? Are you, I dunno, some kind of masochist?

Really. It isn't even make up shit Thursday.

All your quotes are from Clayborne Carson or MLK 3rd

Carson is a left wing rabble rouser of the Al Sharpton school of thought - 99% of his King quotes were "invented" long after King was dead

MLK 3 is a slouch whose soul contribution to society is riding in on the coat tails of his dead father. The KIng family is not without it's intellectuals and Free Thinkers - take for instance Alveda C. King, a founder of the group King for America: "My uncle, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., during his lifetime, was a Republican." Bergmann also said King "subscribed to Republican values" and that most black voters before 1960 associated themselves with the Grand Old Party -- the Party of Lincoln -- that passed the 13th and 14th amendments to the Constitution ending slavery and guaranteeing equal rights in the 19th century.

Fabricated quotes from left wing propagandists will never change the fact that King never registered for Democratic - he always registered Republican as far as who he voted for - He only stated that had Kennedy lived he would have voted for him is he ran for reelection -which implies he didn't vote for him the first time around . While I do admire your effort - you apparently lack the moral fortitude to process information in an objective manner - So kindly Fu*k Off - you're way over your head little fella

Nice fiction:

The real reason only ten percent of blacks vote Republican today:

Why Did Black Voters Flee The Republican Party In The 1960s Code Switch NPR

Another highly biased slanted article that fails to address the Democratic Parties ideological bankruptcy. It does however present some factual evidence such as a somewhat chronologically correct order of the Democrats .

Democratic Strategists, of whom Johnson [LBJ] was one, realized the importance of the Negro vote and in this light Johnson explained the strategy re: the Republican Civil Rights Act of 1957 to his Democratic co-conspirators:

Here's a statement from LBJ which shine some light on the issue for you ...

"These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now, we've got to do something about this; we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. for if we don't move at all, then their allies [The Republicans] will line up against us and there will be no way of stopping them, we'll lose the filibuster and there will be no way of putting the brake on all sorts of wild legislation, it'll be reconstruction all over again " - Lyndon Johnson

Civil Rights act 1964 Only 61 percent of Democrats supported that bill, versus 80 percent of Republicans.

Voting Rights Act of 1965 - Written by Republican Senator Everett Dirksen - 94 percent of Senate Republicans voted in favor of the bill versus 73 percent of Democrats. The final vote on the House version - only one Senate Republican voted against it compared to seventeen Democrats.

Getting back to the initiation of this exchange ... Fabricated quotes from left wing propagandists will never change the fact that King never registered for Democratic - he always registered Republican as far as who he voted for - He only stated that had Kennedy lived he would have voted for him is he ran for reelection -which implies he didn't vote for him the first time around .While I do admire your effort - you apparently lack the moral fortitude to process information in an objective manner - So kindly Fu*k Off - you're way over your head little fella

Fabricated quotes? WOW, those LBJ quotes are not verified and can never be verified. They are what you want to believe.

Martin Luther King Jr. was neither a registered Democrat or a registered Republican.

I can say with almost certainty that MLK Jr. voted for Kennedy in 1960. We KNOW his father did.

John F. Kennedy s Legacy Resides in African-American History Harvard Political Review

Still, there were the phone calls of 1960. A few weeks before the November election, Martin Luther King, Jr. was sentenced to hard labor and solitary confinement in a Georgia jail as a result of a sit-in that violated his probation; then-presidential candidate Senator John F. Kennedy called to offer his support to a six-months pregnant Coretta Scott King.

The conversation may have been construed as political finagling; a last ditch effort in a very close race. But the call is more appropriately labeled ‘reluctant’ as both campaigns toed the balance between courting black voters and losing southern white ones. Mrs. King was scared for her husband’s life and appealed to both Kennedy and Nixon’s camps for support. It was Kennedy aide and eventual White House civil rights special assistant Harris Wofford who spoke to Kennedy’s brother-in-law Sargent Shriver, and Shriver who finally convinced the candidate that a phone call wouldn’t sink the election.

And while Shriver was right in that most white voters didn’t notice, he didn’t predict Mrs. King telling her friends about the kind Mr. Kennedy. Brother and campaign-handler, attorney Robert F. Kennedy, made calls to the judge that sentenced King, securing his almost immediate release, and African Americans took notice. King’s father, a lifelong registered Republican and a Baptist preacher with a congregation bloc to carry, flipped his endorsement of Richard Nixon to support the man he had previously discounted primarily due to his Catholic faith: “Because this man was willing to wipe the tears from my daughter[-in-law]’s eyes, I’ve got a suitcase full of votes, and I’m going to take them to Mr. Kennedy and dump them in his lap.”

Fabricated quotes? WOW, those LBJ quotes are not verified and can never be verified. They are what you want to believe.

The source of the quote is Robert Kessler's book "Inside the White House". Whether you trust him on that quote or not is your call - He has written on many Presidents and First Families both Demoncrats and Republicans - he's never been proven wrong.

Martin Luther King Jr. was neither a registered Democrat or a registered Republican.

His home state of Georgia did not have registration by party, so allegiance to a political party depended on which primaries a voter chose to cast a ballot in.

New York Times political reporter Tom Wicker noted that "the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. lead a voter registration drive among blacks, and recruited many new Black voters - - Republican voters.
Registration Unknown Martin Luther King Was Likely Republican

I can say with almost certainty that MLK Jr. voted for Kennedy in 1960. We KNOW his father did.

Yes this is true -why ? Because JFK sucked up to Kings wife when King was in trouble - and no other reason.

They first sought help from Nixon - who although he supported King and vice versa - Nixon felt it "unethical" to interfere in the judicial process.

While I do admire your effort - you apparently lack the moral fortitude to process information in an objective manner
I like how Unkotare thinks I'm a troll when all he does is spam threads telling liberals to go fuck themselves and ranting about how much he hates education. Keep entertaining us, jester.
Hello. I thought this would be the best forum to ask this and I've wondered it for a few years now. It doesn't make sense if you think about it (even by con standards). Liberalism is neutral by definition. The farther to the right you move, the more partisan you become. It's an obvious fact if you look at the US today. The Left is where all of the groups fighting for social justice and against bigotry and intolerance lay. The more right wing an individual or group is, the more they represent causes that the Left opposes.

Homosexuality is a good example. Liberals have always fought to represent their needs and educate people not to treat them poorly because of their orientation. The GOP ran on an explicitly anti-gay platform roughly a decade ago. Reproductive rights is another. It's the Left that safeguards women's right to choose when and whether to have children and gives them options to deal with unwanted pregnancies and support if they choose to keep them. The Right is where all of the misogynists find support for their explicitly anti-choice agenda. They're the ones who think it's moral to enslave half of the population just because they have wombs and force them to have as many children as possible.

These are just a few examples of why bias just isn't part of the liberal equation. The entire point of liberalism is defeating bias and giving everyone the exact same rights and quality of life regardless of their personal identity and life choices. Wouldn't it follow then that the only bias possible is conservative bias, ie towards the status quo?

Interestingly enough, similarly partisan right wingers say the same thing.

There is not a person on the Earth without a bias, although charlatans often promote themselves as such.
Actually, Liberal Bias is redundantly redundant.

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