Why do Republicans act like Israel is our 51st state?

You could make that case when FDR considered Stalin to be America's pal during WW2 or when Bill Clinton decided to bomb Yugoslavia when he was literally caught with his pants down. The U.S. had no logical interest in taking sides in an ancient struggle but Clinton needed some distraction. Israel is the only ally in the Mid-East that the U.S. can count on and America is sworn to help protect it's interests.
Israel is a strategic ally. They gather and share regional intel. They also can provide us real estate upon which to conduct military operations, and to store forward-placed assets needed for a military response in the region.
That we must defend Israel no matter the cost.
The same as we would our current 50 states.
I looked and defending Israel isn't in the Constitution.
So why not just annex Israel and make it official? .. :dunno:
Biden is a Republican?
That we must defend Israel no matter the cost.

I must be a bad republican, Sunni. I don't believe we should be helping Israel or Ukraine much. Ukraine probably none at all. Let eastern Europe deal with it. Israel, we should help them protect themselves up to a point, sell them weapons to defend themselves like Iron Dome, good for military sales, but after a point, it is really on them to defend themselves and I'm not sure we should have all kinds of aircraft carriers and stuff over there.

Why? All it is going to do is get us pulled into a war. Not that I'll lose any sleep if Israel utterly destroys Hamas. They are left with little choice.

But I don't get why every conflict around the world is our business or our need to protect and defend at 95% of the cost, yet, the other 193 countries, not so much. It kind of tells me why some countries hate us and consider us a Great Satan. Just who died and left the USA in charge?
100% of the Republicans and 99% of the Democrats in congress support Israel with boat loads of money and weapons no matter what problems they cause for America.
The same as we would our current 50 states.

Israel is by far, more important.

Texas, N. Mexico and Arizona can be swamped with invasion, that is not important. . .but Israel? Send the Marines! The border has fallen!
That we must defend Israel no matter the cost.
The same as we would our current 50 states.
I looked and defending Israel isn't in the Constitution.
So why not just annex Israel and make it official? .. :dunno:
I swear to God, Sunni Man, this might be the first thread you and I are in agreement on?
100% of the Republicans and 99% of the Democrats in congress support Israel with boat loads of money and weapons no matter what problems they cause for America.

The really sad thing about the Middle East is that they are effectively pitting brother against brother. I mean, genetically, they are all pretty much the same people, like cousins. The Jews, the Arabs, the Persians, et al, are genetically the same haplogroup. I believe studies show that the Palestinians have their origins in ancient slave trade between Eqypt and Arabia bringing women back from Egypt as slaves and some of them bred with Arabs and became the early Palestinians. Today, much like Israel, Palestine is a mixed bag of people and backgrounds.

Just think what they might accomplish if instead of fighting over territories, they all just lived and let live and helped each other prosper, benefitting from each other's rich heritage?
Just think what they might accomplish if instead of fighting over territories, they all just lived and let live and helped each other prosper, benefitting from each other's rich heritage?

Good leaders would have made that happen toob......~S~
That we must defend Israel no matter the cost.
The same as we would our current 50 states.
I looked and defending Israel isn't in the Constitution.
So why not just annex Israel and make it official? .. :dunno:

Why do Russia and China, two gross offenders of human rights want to see Israel also condemned for human rights violations, and probably dissapear as well?

We all know China and Russia have slaughtered more innocents in real genocide than Israel has with its war against Radical Islamists, so why would they ever be offended by Israels suppossed human rights violations, while they abstained in condemnation of Sudan war attrocities?

We see they do not want Israel to exist in the region because they are the lone true democratic republic that offers human rights to its citizens, and that is a threat. It's also one important reason Israel should exist in the region.

we also know Iran if they had their way would dominate the M.E. and Israel is a counter to that.
That we must defend Israel no matter the cost.
The same as we would our current 50 states.
I looked and defending Israel isn't in the Constitution.
So why not just annex Israel and make it official? .. :dunno:

Number 1, our Bible says we are to protect Israel. This is a Christian nation. If you don't like it, leave you fucking Muslim.

Number 2. Israel is a nuclear nation. If they begin to lose the war and believe the end is near, they will start delivering nuclear weapons to their enemies. That would be life changing for the entire globe.

Number 3 Israel was with us for our 9/11. It's our job to be there for theirs.
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