Why do Republicans act like Israel is our 51st state?

and we're all anti-semite , should we disagree... :rolleyes:
The Israel lobby, has had the State department define that as such. . . yes, that is correct.

However, the final italicized "caveat," at the end of that definition, does provide some small wiggle room, for you to provide some small critique of Israeli policy. . . I suppose? :eusa_think:


Defining Anti-Semitism​

100% of the Republicans and 99% of the Democrats in congress support Israel with boat loads of money and weapons no matter what problems they cause for America.
You have to support your allies. I don't even think they needed the money but it is what it is.
Parenthetically, the Jews are God's "chosen people" to bring the Torah to mankind. It is not something to be thrilled about. It's an obligation.

Israel has out-sized influence in Washington due to Jews' votes, donations, and influence, but also because Israel is a beacon of Western Civilization in a part of the world where antithetical values find a home.

At this time, we in the U.S., as "policemen of the world" are confronted with TWO different military conflagrations caused by evil actors. Fortunately, we have proxies who can do the dirty work of putting their people in harm's way.

A lot of the money that we spend in these two conflicts comes back to American companies in military sales.

While I think Joe Biden is an incompetent jag-off, I wouldn't second-guess his actions in either case thus far. I think I think that "we" should have pushed for a negotiated solution in Ukraine, but my biggest concern is giving all this money and treasure to a totally corrupt country.
The Israel lobby, has had the State department define that as such. . . yes, that is correct.

However, the final italicized "caveat," at the end of that definition, does provide some small wiggle room, for you to provide some small critique of Israeli policy. . . I suppose? :eusa_think:

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Defining Anti-Semitism​

Claiming yourself better than the rest of humanity in the eyes of God is flat out discrimination Mr B

These are sorts that look down on the rest of us


Israel is by far, more important.

Texas, N. Mexico and Arizona can be swamped with invasion, that is not important. . .but Israel? Send the Marines! The border has fallen!
Well to be fair, 1) Texas is just as likely to be the country er state invading; 2) Arizona needs the help; and 3) New Mexico is a rad filled mutant zone. Armies go in, but they don't come out...
That we must defend Israel no matter the cost.
The same as we would our current 50 states.
I looked and defending Israel isn't in the Constitution.
So why not just annex Israel and make it official? .. :dunno:
That we must defend Israel no matter the cost.
The same as we would our current 50 states.
I looked and defending Israel isn't in the Constitution.
So why not just annex Israel and make it official? .. :dunno:
Israel is our only reliable ally in the Middle East and its strategic location makes it very useful for U.S. security. Site 512, our military base in Israel, is top secret to the same extent as Area 51 in Nevada, but is believed to have radar tracking ability for missiles or other threats to the USA (or Israel).
Claiming yourself better than the rest of humanity in the eyes of God is flat out discrimination Mr B

These are sorts that look down on the rest of us

While I do agree, we have to keep perspective.

The folks in the other religions do the same. In some ways, to the extreme. Islamic fundamentalists, will die for their faith in a way that Jewish and Christian folks, no longer do. Well, I think this mostly is a result of access to more technology and material resources.

But make no mistake, all nations, religions and groups, will defend to the death their way of life, becaue they all believe they are the best, and the most righteous.
In the very end, Israel would nuke America and vice versa, if the very survival was the end game. We know this from the Liberty incident.

This is why the problem is so intractable.

IN fact, nearly all groups of people do this.
. . . but there are a lot of folks here that like to lie to themselves and others about this reality.

Folks don't really care about "god," they really don't. They just use the notion as an excuse, to forward the interests of their nation or population group. They always have since ancient days.

It is why there are so many different sects of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Different leaders interpreting the religion for their own political out-groups in their crusade against the various powerful In-groups.

. . . and of course, then these various religions bump up against each other.


The USA & its people are not different or immune from these basic human motivations.
I keep hearing the reason why we must totally support Israel.
Is because they are a strategic ally and provide invaluable regional intel.
But it seems like Mossad was taking a nap break and missed 9/11
Heck, they didn't even see Oct.7 coming which was in their own backyard. .. :cuckoo:
That we must defend Israel no matter the cost.
The same as we would our current 50 states.
I looked and defending Israel isn't in the Constitution.
So why not just annex Israel and make it official? .. :dunno:
Israel is our ally. They help us with all kinds of stuff. We have been allies for decades. Gaza on the other hand is an ally to no one. Literally not one nation on Earth. They do nothing for anyone other than cause trouble. They are despised by Syrians, Egyptians, Saudis, etc. No one wants a fucking thing to do with those god awful people.

Palestinians are getting what they deserve, finally. This should have been done 20 years ago.
That we must defend Israel no matter the cost.
The same as we would our current 50 states.
I looked and defending Israel isn't in the Constitution.
So why not just annex Israel and make it official? .. :dunno:
There are several reasons why many American politicians, particularly Republicans, have traditionally shown strong support for Israel. It's important to note that support for Israel is not limited to Republicans, as there are Democrats who share the same stance.

1. Historical alliances: The United States and Israel have had a longstanding friendship and strategic alliance since Israel's establishment in 1948. During the Cold War, Israel was seen as a reliable ally in the Middle East, while American support helped ensure Israel's security.

2. Shared values: The United States and Israel share core democratic values, adherence to the rule of law, and a common commitment to human rights. Many American politicians see Israel as a bastion of democracy in a volatile region, and as a natural partner due to shared values and cultural ties.

3. Religious considerations: Some politicians, particularly Republicans, have religious motivations for supporting Israel. This aligns with some Christian Evangelical beliefs, which emphasize the significance of Israel in biblical prophecy. These politicians see support for Israel as fulfilling religious obligations.

4. Strategic interests: The Middle East is a complex and volatile region, and American politicians often view Israel as a vital ally due to its proximity to many geopolitical hotspots. Israel provides the United States with valuable intelligence, security cooperation, and acts as a stabilizing force in a fraught region.

5. Jewish-American constituency: The Jewish-American community often supports the Democratic party, but there are also influential Jewish donors and organizations that align with the Republican party. Supporting Israel can be seen as both a principled stance and a way to appeal to Jewish-American voters and donors.

The support for Israel can vary among individual politicians and within political parties. While Republicans have traditionally shown strong support for Israel, Democrats also maintain a pro-Israel stance, albeit with different approaches and policy preferences at times. Public opinion and political dynamics can also shape the level of support for Israel from both parties. :)
I keep hearing the reason why we must totally support Israel.
Is because they are a strategic ally and provide invaluable regional intel.
But it seems like Mossad was taking a nap break and missed 9/11
Heck, they didn't even see Oct.7 coming which was in their own backyard. .. :cuckoo:
The CIA and FBI could not stop Pearl Harbor or 9/11 either, genius. Did you go to school???
The CIA and FBI could not stop Pearl Harbor or 9/11 either, genius. Did you go to school???
First of all, the CIA did not exist when Pearl Harbor occurred. And the FBI does not do overseas intelligence operations.

. . . and that has since, always been a long running debate among many.

And even though they did not stop 9/11, and it WAS a colossal intelligence failure, and they had some hints and clues that something was about to go down, don't you find it at all fishy, that no one lost their job from such a colossal failure?

Do you think anyone in Israel will lose their job from such a colossal security failure? If not, what do you think that will say to those who are forced to swallow such a bullshit narrative?

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