Why do Republicans bash socialism - when it's all around them?

I skipped 10 pages and missed not a thing. danielpalos knows he is wrong but enjoys the wrestling more than actual facts.

wrong about what? i don't resort to propaganda from dictionaries.
More blaming others because you have no other solutions. Let me know when the left has a solution and not blame.
you can't "break it" as a simple solution to simple poverty.

want to argue about it?

Argue about what? I am asking you why the left hasn’t solved the poverty and homeless problem in their states? So far you have no answer let alone solutions.
you need a rational argument on how it will break. so far you have no answer let alone rebuttals or refutations.

No answer for what? You are the one claiming the left has the solutions and answers. I am simply asking why the left wing solutions are not working and all you have is blame and excuses. Put up or shut up. That is all I am claiming.
The left is advancing on the goal of equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation in our at-will employment States.

My State representative has informed me this issue is on the 2020 legislative agenda.

So where has this worked? You still haven't told me the solutions that are currently being used in left ran states such as California, which has the worst homeless problem in the United States, Washington State which has the second worst homeless problem in the United States and Oregon which has the third worst homeless problem in the United States. So far you haven't explained the left wing solution that these left wing states have implemented. Is there a plan in place? Does the left have a solution or are left wing states hoping someone else cleans up their mess?
These things aren't socialism, you retard
Public office is socialism not capitalism.

You've been explained numerous times that is not, and why is not, and you're still running as broken record.

Repeating it won't make it true. Now fuck off with your communist propaganda.
y'all are nothing but story tellers.

i resort to the fewest fallacies, not the nine hundred ninety-nine.

Public office is socialism not capitalism.

You need a valid argument for rebuttal not merely, you saying so.

Lol! You are a bull shit troll.
you are worse.

It took you nine minutes to come up with that brilliant comeback? I'm bet your teacher is impressed, or did she help you write it?
Name one socialist country that does not have Government.

Socialism is a form of government but not any and all forms of government.

which is why socialist nations have government and so do we but we are not socialist.
I am saying our public sector is socialism. We have a mixed market economy. The private sector is capitalism.
The public sector is not socialism.

Socialism is the government ownership of the means of production.

what you are saying is wrong as you are still defining socialism incorrectly
No where does it say that in the constitution
One Nation under God. Not some Zulu mothafucker, or Allah, or Buddah... The white god.
The constitution never says one nation under god.

Or even the word god
Sorry, the Declaration of Independence. Too bad for you. Now get back in line.
The Declaration of Independence does not say one nation under god either.
i get my understanding of socialism from encyclopedias not dictionaries.
No you do not

You have no understanding of socialism at all and no encyclopedia agrees with your stupid definition
Socialism is Government.

Our Constitution is a social contract not a capital contract.

Socialism is not government socialism is one form of government which never works. You are dreaming up your own definitions which does not work.

Our constitution is not a contract at all either capital or social.

You ALWAYS and consistently lose this argument get defeated and run away because rewriting language is not a valid argument and does not make you intelligent
Government must be social-ism. Our Constitution defines it.

Maybe where you came from.

US Constitution doesn't.
maybe in right wing fantasy.
To keep a nation healthy you need balance on the other side of people not doing as well as those who are with socialism.
No you do not

They do better without such help
Name one socialist country that does not have Government.

Socialism is a form of government but not any and all forms of government.

which is why socialist nations have government and so do we but we are not socialist.
I am saying our public sector is socialism. We have a mixed market economy. The private sector is capitalism.

We're getting somewhere, commie. You're retreating slowly.

No, public sector isn't socialism neither.
it must be, simply Because I say so not You.
You are wrong and proven ignorant therefore it is not
Socialism is a form of government but not any and all forms of government.

which is why socialist nations have government and so do we but we are not socialist.
I am saying our public sector is socialism. We have a mixed market economy. The private sector is capitalism.
The public sector is not socialism.

Socialism is the government ownership of the means of production.

what you are saying is wrong as you are still defining socialism incorrectly
The constitution never says one nation under god.

Or even the word god
Sorry, the Declaration of Independence. Too bad for you. Now get back in line.
The Declaration of Independence does not say one nation under god either.
i get my understanding of socialism from encyclopedias not dictionaries.

You misunderstood every single definition of it.
lol. i am not the one appealing to the authority of political jargon invented for an obsolete cold war.
Neither is anyone else

Your definition is simply a childish one you dreamed up

It is false and foolish
You misunderstood every single definition of it.
lol. i am not the one appealing to the authority of political jargon invented for an obsolete cold war.
You're mumbling with a tamale in your mouth again.
lol. you have nothing but the inferiority of fallacy.

The only "self-evident truth" on display here is your incessant, childish need for negative attention. If you were a child, I would have pity or you and make attempts to bolster your self-confidence and shore up your neediness.

But you're not a child. So go fuck yourself.
stop being such a troll. come up with valid arguments.
Follow your own advice as you have never presented a valid of intelligent argument

Making up false definitions is not valid and all of your arguments are based on such definitions.
The public sector is not socialism.

Socialism is the government ownership of the means of production.

what you are saying is wrong as you are still defining socialism incorrectly
The Declaration of Independence does not say one nation under god either.
i get my understanding of socialism from encyclopedias not dictionaries.

You misunderstood every single definition of it.
lol. i am not the one appealing to the authority of political jargon invented for an obsolete cold war.
You're mumbling with a tamale in your mouth again.
lol. you have nothing but the inferiority of fallacy.
That would be you actually

It is a fallacy to claim all government is socialist or to claim that the Constitution is a social contract.
Once again, we have a DEFINITION PROBLEM on USMB.

What is "socialism" or "socialist?"

When W and a GOP Congress put senior drugs on the US taxpayer's tab, was that



My take = DAMN RIGHT IT WAS, and it was THE END of my participation in the GOP

I read this and switched to Libertarian

Inquiry Confirms Top Medicare Official Threatened Actuary Over Cost of Drug Benefits

"An internal investigation by the Department of Health and Human Services confirms that the top Medicare official threatened to fire the program's chief actuary if he told Congress that drug benefits would probably cost much more than the White House acknowledged.

A report on the investigation, issued Tuesday, says the administrator of Medicare, Thomas A. Scully, issued the threat to Richard S. Foster while lawmakers were considering huge changes in the program last year. As a result, Mr. Foster's cost estimate did not become known until after the legislation was enacted.

But neither the threat nor the withholding of information violated any criminal law, the report said. It accepted the Justice Department's view that Mr. Scully had ''the final authority to determine the flow of information to Congress.'' Moreover, it said, the actuary ''had no authority to disclose information independently to Congress.''"

The PRE 1998 GOP would NEVER have gone for this.

The Post 1998 GOP, totally sold out to ZIONISM, eagerly cashed in their drug company checks while selling out America.
you can't "break it" as a simple solution to simple poverty.

want to argue about it?

Argue about what? I am asking you why the left hasn’t solved the poverty and homeless problem in their states? So far you have no answer let alone solutions.
you need a rational argument on how it will break. so far you have no answer let alone rebuttals or refutations.

No answer for what? You are the one claiming the left has the solutions and answers. I am simply asking why the left wing solutions are not working and all you have is blame and excuses. Put up or shut up. That is all I am claiming.
The left is advancing on the goal of equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation in our at-will employment States.

My State representative has informed me this issue is on the 2020 legislative agenda.

So where has this worked? You still haven't told me the solutions that are currently being used in left ran states such as California, which has the worst homeless problem in the United States, Washington State which has the second worst homeless problem in the United States and Oregon which has the third worst homeless problem in the United States. So far you haven't explained the left wing solution that these left wing states have implemented. Is there a plan in place? Does the left have a solution or are left wing states hoping someone else cleans up their mess?
i will let you know after a year of metadata.
Name one socialist country that does not have Government.

Socialism is a form of government but not any and all forms of government.

which is why socialist nations have government and so do we but we are not socialist.
I am saying our public sector is socialism. We have a mixed market economy. The private sector is capitalism.
The public sector is not socialism.

Socialism is the government ownership of the means of production.

what you are saying is wrong as you are still defining socialism incorrectly
One Nation under God. Not some Zulu mothafucker, or Allah, or Buddah... The white god.
The constitution never says one nation under god.

Or even the word god
Sorry, the Declaration of Independence. Too bad for you. Now get back in line.
The Declaration of Independence does not say one nation under god either.
i get my understanding of socialism from encyclopedias not dictionaries.
No you do not

You have no understanding of socialism at all and no encyclopedia agrees with your stupid definition
You simply have no understanding of the concepts.

Government is socialism; eminent domain is pure socialism for the "public good."
Hey, everybody! Want to know what Socialism is for real? Start reading here.. Sorry, no know-it-all sound bite is ever going to do..
Government must be socialism.

Every communist claims that.
only the economically ignorant claim otherwise.

The claim that government must be socialist is an ignorant claim both economically and politically
LOL. All you need is any valid argument at all.
Socialism is Government.

Our Constitution is a social contract not a capital contract.

Where exactly does it say it's a social contract?
It defines our form of social-ism. It is a self-evident truth.
No it does not as we have no form of socialism

That is fact and in your face
the Public sector is Socialism.
Piss off, troll.
i get my understanding of socialism from encyclopedias not dictionaries.

You misunderstood every single definition of it.
lol. i am not the one appealing to the authority of political jargon invented for an obsolete cold war.
You're mumbling with a tamale in your mouth again.
lol. you have nothing but the inferiority of fallacy.
That would be you actually

It is a fallacy to claim all government is socialist or to claim that the Constitution is a social contract.
Government is social-ism.

1. relating to society or its organization.
Socialism is taxpayer funds being used collectively to benefit society as a whole, despite income, contribution, or ability.

Sounds horrible, huh?

Well I hate to be the one to tell you, but Socialism, which you have been told to fear all your life, is responsible for all this...

1. The Military/Defense - The United States military is the largest and most funded socialist program in the world. It operates thanks to our taxpayer dollars and protects the country as a whole. From the richest citizens to the homeless who sleep under the bridge. We are all protected by our military whether we pay taxes or not. This is complete socialism.

2. Highways/Roads - Those roads and highways you drive on every single day are completely taxpayer funded. Your tax dollars are used to maintain, expand, and preserve our highways and roads for every one's use. President Eisenhower was inspired by Germany's autobahn and implemented the idea right here in America. That's right, a republican president created our taxpayer funded, national highway system. This was a different time, before the republican party came down with a vicious case of rabies that never went away.

3. Public Libraries - Yes. That place where you go to check out books from conservative authors telling you how horrible socialism is, is in fact socialism. Libraries are taxpayer funded. You pay a few bucks to get a library card and you can read books for free for the rest of your life.

4. Police - Ever had a situation where you had to call the police? Then you have used a taxpayer funded socialist program. Anyone can call the police whether they pay taxes or not. They are there to protect and serve the community, not individuals. This is complete socialism on a state level, but still socialism all the same. Would you rather have to swipe your credit card before the police will help you?

5. Fire Dept. - Hopefully you have never had a fire in your home. But if you have, you probably called your local taxpayer-funded fire department to put the fire out. Like police, this is state socialism. You tax dollars are used to rescue your entire community in case of a fire. It use to be set up where you would pay a fee every month to the fire dept. for their service. If you didn't pay, they let your house burn down. Sadly, a man from Tennessee had this exact situation happen to him in 2011 because he didn't pay his $75.00 fee. I guess that small town in Tennessee would rather let people's houses burn down that resort to evil socialism. So don't take for granted the fact that you have a 24/7 fire dept. to put out your burning home thanks to socialism.

MORE: 75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America

What the hell is wrong with a little socialism? We live with it. It's all around us. It has made our lives better. It's called Democratic Socialism.

Copyright. Link Each "Copy & Paste" to It's Source. Only paste a small to medium section of the material.

If you can't sell socialism on it's merits, just fucking lie.Call police and fire service "socialist," because people are so stupid they're just bond to buy in on absurd lies. You vile pukes are astounding...

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