Why Do Republicans Feel Compelled To Say "We're The Party of Lincoln?"

So tell me MarcATL what is it I need to admit I did wrong, recant and apologize profusely for?

Remember, this is a two way street...
I didn't call your name. Why do you have a guilty conscious?

There it is, right there, arrogance and you wonder why you’re viewed so poorly. You’re on a public forum and you asked for people to discuss.

Oh I have no guilt, just answer the question, are you afraid too?
MarcATL is viewed with high regard and respect. Youre the only one viewed poorly.
There it is, right there, arrogance and you wonder why you’re viewed so poorly. You’re on a public forum and you asked for people to discuss.

Oh I have no guilt, just answer the question, are you afraid too?
GWV5903, your Trumpenfuher is perhaps the most arrogant person in history, and yet, I imagine, he's beloved by you and your ilk. Needless to say, I'm not too concerned by someone, such as yourself, claiming to have a poor view of me, because, well...look at your standard.

Yes, you are correct, I am here to discuss, and I love doing so, I also choose my words very carefully. My words are intended to give comfort to the afflicted while afflicting the comfortable, so if you have a problem with them then guess where that puts you?

That being said, let's review our exchange thus far...

I stated "You damn rightwingers don't do any of that...instead, you double down." In the context of Byrd apologizing for his previous racist views, policies, statements and actions.

It seems I have to break down EXACTLY what I meant by my statement,which was a general statement referring to when rightwingers find themselves on the wrong side of anything, and instead of apologizing, they simply do more of the same. Again, your Trumpenfuher is a prime example of this.

You turn around, and ASS-ume I'm saying that YOU did something. I didn't. Clearly. Then YOU expect me to respond to YOUR ASS-umption. Why are you doing this?
What party did Robert Byrd belong too again?
Here's the thing that far rightwingers like you can't seem to get through your thick skulls...

Byrd admitted what he did wrong, recanted and apologized for it profusely.

You damn rightwingers don't do any of that...instead, you double down.

So....spare me your BS.
Struck a nerve eh ?? The truth hurts don't it ??
IM2 said:
No, he would not. I do believe that if Malcolm X was here today he'd be about the issues of today, not 1963 when he made the comments those like you keep repeating.
It Was 1965
After The Civil Rights Act
And Just Days Before He Was Murdered

His Quotes Are Very Topical Today
As Libs Have Perfected The Art Of Deceit
Haven't They ??

Now Say, "No"...

Wrong answer maggot.

When blacks gave 80 percent of their vote to the Democratic Party in 1964, black activist Malcolm X called them "political chumps."

This is a quote from one of your favorite black sellouts Larry Elders.

So like I said...….
And yet, Republicans are 90% white and voted more than 90% AGAINST Obama.

Racists. Obviously.


So seeing I did not vote for Obama it mean I am racist according to you.

It is not because of his political stances or inexperience at the time but according to you it was because of his skin color.

If you truly believe the trolling nonsense you wrote, well I know you do and that is insane.

Oh, Obama mother was white, so call me a racist for writing the truth.
So tell me MarcATL what is it I need to admit I did wrong, recant and apologize profusely for?

Remember, this is a two way street...
I didn't call your name. Why do you have a guilty conscious?

There it is, right there, arrogance and you wonder why you’re viewed so poorly. You’re on a public forum and you asked for people to discuss.

Oh I have no guilt, just answer the question, are you afraid too?
MarcATL is viewed with high regard and respect. Youre the only one viewed poorly.

Do you carry his lunch too?
So tell me MarcATL what is it I need to admit I did wrong, recant and apologize profusely for?

Remember, this is a two way street...
I didn't call your name. Why do you have a guilty conscious?

There it is, right there, arrogance and you wonder why you’re viewed so poorly. You’re on a public forum and you asked for people to discuss.

Oh I have no guilt, just answer the question, are you afraid too?
MarcATL is viewed with high regard and respect. Youre the only one viewed poorly.

Do you carry his lunch too?
Yes, when hes not carrying his balls in his mouth.
There it is, right there, arrogance and you wonder why you’re viewed so poorly. You’re on a public forum and you asked for people to discuss.

Oh I have no guilt, just answer the question, are you afraid too?
GWV5903, your Trumpenfuher is perhaps the most arrogant person in history, and yet, I imagine, he's beloved by you and your ilk. Needless to say, I'm not too concerned by someone, such as yourself, claiming to have a poor view of me, because, well...look at your standard.

Yes, you are correct, I am here to discuss, and I love doing so, I also choose my words very carefully. My words are intended to give comfort to the afflicted while afflicting the comfortable, so if you have a problem with them then guess where that puts you?

That being said, let's review our exchange thus far...

I stated "You damn rightwingers don't do any of that...instead, you double down." In the context of Byrd apologizing for his previous racist views, policies, statements and actions.

It seems I have to break down EXACTLY what I meant by my statement,which was a general statement referring to when rightwingers find themselves on the wrong side of anything, and instead of apologizing, they simply do more of the same. Again, your Trumpenfuher is a prime example of this.

You turn around, and ASS-ume I'm saying that YOU did something. I didn't. Clearly. Then YOU expect me to respond to YOUR ASS-umption. Why are you doing this?

Typical MarcATL afraid to respond, why ask and or insinuate when you struggle to stay on task? Diversion is the weak approach, it defines you adequately.

The sensitivity of the subject is too much to handle and yet you clamor for more.
So tell me MarcATL what is it I need to admit I did wrong, recant and apologize profusely for?

Remember, this is a two way street...
I didn't call your name. Why do you have a guilty conscious?

There it is, right there, arrogance and you wonder why you’re viewed so poorly. You’re on a public forum and you asked for people to discuss.

Oh I have no guilt, just answer the question, are you afraid too?
MarcATL is viewed with high regard and respect. Youre the only one viewed poorly.

Do you carry his lunch too?
I had no idea he made you carry his lunch. No youre the only one that does that. :rolleyes:
What is it, exactly, are they trying to say, or communicate when they spout that line?

Um, that Lincoln was a Republican.
Everybody knows that dumb ass,

If everyone knows that dumbass then why did you ask the question?

so WHY do they feel compelled to REPEAT such a well known fact?

Answer me that hack.

Answer me this hack and it just might answer your own question for you.: Why do many blacks and liberals feel compelled to repeat the lie that Republicans are racist?
The Republican party of Lincoln is nothing like the Republican party under Trump.
The brainwashing is strong in this one....

Now hurry on up and get cher selves some more of them thar classes where Joe Biden is gonna tell you more about how you "gonna be put back in chains" or the Hillbilly's gonna tell you all about yourselves better, because of course they know better about you than you know about yourselves.

And you know why that is don't you ??? It's because they're WHITE, and they must lead you because you can't lead yourselves. :itsok:

So after class, just get cher selves on down thar now, and pull that vote lever for them thar southern white folk leaders y'all loves so much. Yeah that should do it. Biden wants to keep you in chains, and not the other way around. One day you will wake up, but it's doubtful.
What is it, exactly, are they trying to say, or communicate when they spout that line?

Um, that Lincoln was a Republican.
Everybody knows that dumb ass,

If everyone knows that dumbass then why did you ask the question?

so WHY do they feel compelled to REPEAT such a well known fact?

Answer me that hack.

Answer me this hack and it just might answer your own question for you.: Why do many blacks and liberals feel compelled to repeat the lie that Republicans are racist?
What is it, exactly, are they trying to say, or communicate when they spout that line?

Um, that Lincoln was a Republican.
Everybody knows that dumb ass,

If everyone knows that dumbass then why did you ask the question?

so WHY do they feel compelled to REPEAT such a well known fact?

Answer me that hack.

Answer me this hack and it just might answer your own question for you.: Why do many blacks and liberals feel compelled to repeat the lie that Republicans are racist?

Because they are brainwashed is why. The worst brainwashing I've ever seen. Might be close to Jim Jones brainwashing tactics used on them where the only difference is that the coolaid ain't poison because they gotta vote Demon-crats every election like the poor brainwashed rubes they are.
Why Do Republicans Feel Compelled To Say "We're The Party of Lincoln?"

Simply because they'd like their constituency to see them as something they are not


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