Why Do Republicans Feel Compelled To Say "We're The Party of Lincoln?"

Bitch's in heat run away? Don't quite follow your metaphor, Marc...

Actively suppressing the black vote? Oh, you mean requiring people to have valid ID before they can vote? I don't know, Marc...we on the right have this THING about obeying the law!

So did you want to address Democrats ACTIVELY suppressing the black community for the past 50 years while they pretended to care about them? Malcolm X grasped what they were doing WAAAAAAAAAY back then! You on the other hand are still buying into the myth that the liberal elite really cares about the black community other than as a voting block they can use to gain or keep power!
Riiiight, right, the "law and orduh!" partay, right?

So, when it comes out that many Republicans in the Trump Administration has broken the law, you'll be agreeing that the book should be thrown at them, yes?
As long as you hold Democrats to the same standards...I have no problem at all with holding ANY elected official to the letter of the law. Let me know when that starts happening though, Marc...'cause right now? It's not even close!
Malcolm X saw the way that Democrats were going to USE the black vote way back in the 1960's! If he hadn't been killed by people who were complicit in that he would have been a voice raised loudly to point out that Democrats talk a good game but seldom follow through on their promises.
You honestly beleive that you speak better for what Malcolm X stood for and would stand for today than black American descendants of slaves Oldstyle ???

If that's the case, then you REALLY suffer from the I'm-white-and-I-say-so syndrome.

Oh, I get it...because you're a descendant of slaves you have the only word on "blackness" in America? You still haven't shown me anything that the modern Democratic Party has done to help the black community, Marc. Malcolm X understood what they were doing back in the 60's...you STILL haven't figured it out!
Why are Republicans ACTIVELY suppressing the black vote Oldstyle? Are you going to answer, or continue running away from this truth like a bitch in heat?

Bitch's in heat run away? Don't quite follow your metaphor, Marc...

Actively suppressing the black vote? Oh, you mean requiring people to have valid ID before they can vote? I don't know, Marc...we on the right have this THING about obeying the law!

So did you want to address Democrats ACTIVELY suppressing the black community for the past 50 years while they pretended to care about them? Malcolm X grasped what they were doing WAAAAAAAAAY back then! You on the other hand are still buying into the myth that the liberal elite really cares about the black community other than as a voting block they can use to gain or keep power!

No, actively suppressing the black vote. The courts determined that. The republican party of today is the party of racists. Malcolm X would certainly not stand for that.

Oh, please...when you take cases to "courts" that you know lean far to the left and they give you the political result that you wanted...that doesn't mean ANYTHING other than our "courts" have become political. Get back to me when the Supreme Court determines that the GOP is suppressing the black vote! Until then your claim that they are is based upon a group of liberal judges SAYING that's the case and that counts for very little.

Just like a punk ass republican. If something doesn't go your way it's because something is too far left, not that what republicans propose is fucked up and stupid. I don't think the North Carolina, Texas, or Kansas courts are too far left nor are the judges groups of liberals. So we'll go with what those courts have ruled.

Will you still "go" with what those courts have ruled when Trump appoints more conservative judges to those courts? Or will you then scream bloody murder about how far right they are?

Since the courts that made the rulings I rerferred to were conservative, your question is stupid.
Malcolm X saw the way that Democrats were going to USE the black vote way back in the 1960's! If he hadn't been killed by people who were complicit in that he would have been a voice raised loudly to point out that Democrats talk a good game but seldom follow through on their promises.
You honestly beleive that you speak better for what Malcolm X stood for and would stand for today than black American descendants of slaves Oldstyle ???

If that's the case, then you REALLY suffer from the I'm-white-and-I-say-so syndrome.

Oh, I get it...because you're a descendant of slaves you have the only word on "blackness" in America? You still haven't shown me anything that the modern Democratic Party has done to help the black community, Marc. Malcolm X understood what they were doing back in the 60's...you STILL haven't figured it out!

No, it's because he's black and has to live in America as a black man and you don't.
Oh, I get it...because you're a descendant of slaves you have the only word on "blackness" in America? You still haven't shown me anything that the modern Democratic Party has done to help the black community, Marc. Malcolm X understood what they were doing back in the 60's...you STILL haven't figured it out!
Not me Oldstyle. You might have seen me post multiple times that I'm an immigrant.

I'm originally from the Caribbean, just an American DOS ally. Therefore I defer to them on certain issues.

However, I see you trying to wield your I'm-white-and-I-say-so authority on my brother Asclepias. That's what I'm referring to.
Malcolm X saw the way that Democrats were going to USE the black vote way back in the 1960's! If he hadn't been killed by people who were complicit in that he would have been a voice raised loudly to point out that Democrats talk a good game but seldom follow through on their promises.
You honestly beleive that you speak better for what Malcolm X stood for and would stand for today than black American descendants of slaves Oldstyle ???

If that's the case, then you REALLY suffer from the I'm-white-and-I-say-so syndrome.

Oh, I get it...because you're a descendant of slaves you have the only word on "blackness" in America? You still haven't shown me anything that the modern Democratic Party has done to help the black community, Marc. Malcolm X understood what they were doing back in the 60's...you STILL haven't figured it out!

No, it's because he's black and has to live in America as a black man and you don't.

So he has the only say on what's politically savvy for blacks? Malcolm X pointed out back in the 60's that the Democrats were using blacks. Was he wrong? If not...then what has changed? It's over 50 years later and his words ring as true NOW as they did then! So debate what Malcolm X said...not that I pointed OUT what he said because the color of my skin has zero to do with whether the statement was or is right or wrong!
Oh, I get it...because you're a descendant of slaves you have the only word on "blackness" in America? You still haven't shown me anything that the modern Democratic Party has done to help the black community, Marc. Malcolm X understood what they were doing back in the 60's...you STILL haven't figured it out!
Not me. You might have seen me post multiple times that I'm an immigrant.

I'm originally from the Caribbean, therefore merely an American DOS ally.

However, I see you trying to wield your I'm-white-and-I-say-so authority on my brother Asclepias. That's what I'm referring to.

Well, gee whiz then, Marc. My ancestor fought in the Civil War leading black troops. Lost an arm in the process. Does that give me some kind of "authority" on what's good for blacks today? Your whole premise is based in identity politics and is laughable!
Malcolm X saw the way that Democrats were going to USE the black vote way back in the 1960's! If he hadn't been killed by people who were complicit in that he would have been a voice raised loudly to point out that Democrats talk a good game but seldom follow through on their promises.
You honestly beleive that you speak better for what Malcolm X stood for and would stand for today than black American descendants of slaves Oldstyle ???

If that's the case, then you REALLY suffer from the I'm-white-and-I-say-so syndrome.

Oh, I get it...because you're a descendant of slaves you have the only word on "blackness" in America? You still haven't shown me anything that the modern Democratic Party has done to help the black community, Marc. Malcolm X understood what they were doing back in the 60's...you STILL haven't figured it out!

"You still haven't shown me anything that the modern Democratic Party has done to help the black community.."

They put a Black man in office with a Black family for starters. That makes them better than repubs off the top.
Malcolm X saw the way that Democrats were going to USE the black vote way back in the 1960's! If he hadn't been killed by people who were complicit in that he would have been a voice raised loudly to point out that Democrats talk a good game but seldom follow through on their promises.
You honestly beleive that you speak better for what Malcolm X stood for and would stand for today than black American descendants of slaves Oldstyle ???

If that's the case, then you REALLY suffer from the I'm-white-and-I-say-so syndrome.

Oh, I get it...because you're a descendant of slaves you have the only word on "blackness" in America? You still haven't shown me anything that the modern Democratic Party has done to help the black community, Marc. Malcolm X understood what they were doing back in the 60's...you STILL haven't figured it out!

"You still haven't shown me anything that the modern Democratic Party has done to help the black community.."

They put a Black man in office with a Black family for starters. That makes them better than repubs off the top.

So was that "Black man in office" really a good thing for blacks? Did Barack Obama improve the lot in life of blacks? He broke a barrier. That's all he did. Donald Trump has done far more for the average black person in the US than Barry EVER did!
Malcolm X saw the way that Democrats were going to USE the black vote way back in the 1960's! If he hadn't been killed by people who were complicit in that he would have been a voice raised loudly to point out that Democrats talk a good game but seldom follow through on their promises.
You honestly beleive that you speak better for what Malcolm X stood for and would stand for today than black American descendants of slaves Oldstyle ???

If that's the case, then you REALLY suffer from the I'm-white-and-I-say-so syndrome.

Oh, I get it...because you're a descendant of slaves you have the only word on "blackness" in America? You still haven't shown me anything that the modern Democratic Party has done to help the black community, Marc. Malcolm X understood what they were doing back in the 60's...you STILL haven't figured it out!

"You still haven't shown me anything that the modern Democratic Party has done to help the black community.."

They put a Black man in office with a Black family for starters. That makes them better than repubs off the top.

So was that "Black man in office" really a good thing for blacks? Did Barack Obama improve the lot in life of blacks? He broke a barrier. That's all he did. Donald Trump has done far more for the average black person in the US than Barry EVER did!
It was more than good. It was a tremendous thing for Blacks. When you see one of your own reach a pinnacle previously thought unattainable it gives you extra belief that you can do the same in your area of operations. Drumpf hasnt done a damn thing for Blacks.
Why are Republicans ACTIVELY suppressing the black vote Oldstyle? Are you going to answer, or continue running away from this truth like a bitch in heat?

Bitch's in heat run away? Don't quite follow your metaphor, Marc...

Actively suppressing the black vote? Oh, you mean requiring people to have valid ID before they can vote? I don't know, Marc...we on the right have this THING about obeying the law!

So did you want to address Democrats ACTIVELY suppressing the black community for the past 50 years while they pretended to care about them? Malcolm X grasped what they were doing WAAAAAAAAAY back then! You on the other hand are still buying into the myth that the liberal elite really cares about the black community other than as a voting block they can use to gain or keep power!

No, actively suppressing the black vote. The courts determined that. The republican party of today is the party of racists. Malcolm X would certainly not stand for that.

Malcolm X saw the way that Democrats were going to USE the black vote way back in the 1960's! If he hadn't been killed by people who were complicit in that he would have been a voice raised loudly to point out that Democrats talk a good game but seldom follow through on their promises.

You don't know what X saw. Most republicans were in the north during the 60's. Today they are called the NE liberal elite by republicans like you. Or those hated New York liberals. And they are democrats. So just stop trying with me chump because I know what time it is. Todays republican party wants to take us back to segregation. And X damn sure would have seen that.

Oh, bullshit! Malcolm X would have seen how the Democrats use identity politics to make blacks THINK the GOP wants to take them back to segregation and would have asked "What have you so called liberal Democrats actually done for the black community? Are we better off because of your policies? Are our neighborhoods safer? Are our kids getting better schooling?" Those are the kinds of questions that Malcolm was asking back in the 60's when this all started, IM2 and things have gotten worse for urban blacks...not better.

Malcolm X would see through the republican charade you keep trying to push.
Malcolm X saw the way that Democrats were going to USE the black vote way back in the 1960's! If he hadn't been killed by people who were complicit in that he would have been a voice raised loudly to point out that Democrats talk a good game but seldom follow through on their promises.
You honestly beleive that you speak better for what Malcolm X stood for and would stand for today than black American descendants of slaves Oldstyle ???

If that's the case, then you REALLY suffer from the I'm-white-and-I-say-so syndrome.

Oh, I get it...because you're a descendant of slaves you have the only word on "blackness" in America? You still haven't shown me anything that the modern Democratic Party has done to help the black community, Marc. Malcolm X understood what they were doing back in the 60's...you STILL haven't figured it out!

"You still haven't shown me anything that the modern Democratic Party has done to help the black community.."

They put a Black man in office with a Black family for starters. That makes them better than repubs off the top.

So was that "Black man in office" really a good thing for blacks? Did Barack Obama improve the lot in life of blacks? He broke a barrier. That's all he did. Donald Trump has done far more for the average black person in the US than Barry EVER did!
It was more than good. It was a tremendous thing for Blacks. When you see one of your own reach a pinnacle previously thought unattainable it gives you extra belief that you can do the same in your area of operations. Drumpf hasnt done a damn thing for Blacks.

No one in touch with WHite America thought that a black could not become President.

That "barrier" had been reduced a shadow, by generations of national consensus in favor of equality and civil rights.

If you, or anyone else though it was a real impediment, they were fools.
Malcolm X saw the way that Democrats were going to USE the black vote way back in the 1960's! If he hadn't been killed by people who were complicit in that he would have been a voice raised loudly to point out that Democrats talk a good game but seldom follow through on their promises.
You honestly beleive that you speak better for what Malcolm X stood for and would stand for today than black American descendants of slaves Oldstyle ???

If that's the case, then you REALLY suffer from the I'm-white-and-I-say-so syndrome.

Oh, I get it...because you're a descendant of slaves you have the only word on "blackness" in America? You still haven't shown me anything that the modern Democratic Party has done to help the black community, Marc. Malcolm X understood what they were doing back in the 60's...you STILL haven't figured it out!

No, it's because he's black and has to live in America as a black man and you don't.

So he has the only say on what's politically savvy for blacks? Malcolm X pointed out back in the 60's that the Democrats were using blacks. Was he wrong? If not...then what has changed? It's over 50 years later and his words ring as true NOW as they did then! So debate what Malcolm X said...not that I pointed OUT what he said because the color of my skin has zero to do with whether the statement was or is right or wrong!
We dont have to guess. Here is what Malcolm X said in a speech in 1964 prior to the southern strategy being completed.

"We won't organize any black man to be a Democrat or a Republican because both of them have sold us out. Both of them have sold us out; both parties have sold us out. Both parties are racist, and the Democratic Party is more racist than the Republican Party."
-Malcolm X
Malcolm X saw the way that Democrats were going to USE the black vote way back in the 1960's! If he hadn't been killed by people who were complicit in that he would have been a voice raised loudly to point out that Democrats talk a good game but seldom follow through on their promises.
You honestly beleive that you speak better for what Malcolm X stood for and would stand for today than black American descendants of slaves Oldstyle ???

If that's the case, then you REALLY suffer from the I'm-white-and-I-say-so syndrome.

Oh, I get it...because you're a descendant of slaves you have the only word on "blackness" in America? You still haven't shown me anything that the modern Democratic Party has done to help the black community, Marc. Malcolm X understood what they were doing back in the 60's...you STILL haven't figured it out!

"You still haven't shown me anything that the modern Democratic Party has done to help the black community.."

They put a Black man in office with a Black family for starters. That makes them better than repubs off the top.

So was that "Black man in office" really a good thing for blacks? Did Barack Obama improve the lot in life of blacks? He broke a barrier. That's all he did. Donald Trump has done far more for the average black person in the US than Barry EVER did!

Trump hasn't done a damn thing for backs.

Progress of the African-American Community During the Obama Administration
Well, gee whiz then, Marc. My ancestor fought in the Civil War leading black troops. Lost an arm in the process. Does that give me some kind of "authority" on what's good for blacks today? Your whole premise is based in identity politics and is laughable!
I reject the BS, made-up "identity politics" trope that self-professed conservatives bring up, as it means absolutely nothing. What else do you have?
So was that "Black man in office" really a good thing for blacks? Did Barack Obama improve the lot in life of blacks? He broke a barrier. That's all he did. Donald Trump has done far more for the average black person in the US than Barry EVER did!

Well, gee whiz then, Marc. My ancestor fought in the Civil War leading black troops. Lost an arm in the process. Does that give me some kind of "authority" on what's good for blacks today? Your whole premise is based in identity politics and is laughable!
I reject the BS, made-up "identity politics" trope that self-professed conservatives bring up. What else do you have?

If identity politics are going to be how we organize our society, then conservatives and whites get to play too.

What is good for the goose, is good for the gander.

His ancestor lost an arm fighting for your ungrateful ass.
So was that "Black man in office" really a good thing for blacks? Did Barack Obama improve the lot in life of blacks? He broke a barrier. That's all he did. Donald Trump has done far more for the average black person in the US than Barry EVER did!


Instead of laughing, why don't you challenge him to back it up?

Rhetorical question. We both know why.
For the record Oldstyle

Even if President Barack Hussein Obama had done a terrible job, which he didn't, he still would have done more for blacks than any previous President.

For the simple fact of showing blacks what they can aspire to and making it a reality.

The fact that you don't, or can't really, fathom that is simply more evidence of your lack of understanding of the black experience in America.

You're the LEAST qualified to speak for blacks on, well...anything.

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