Why Do Republicans Feel Compelled To Say "We're The Party of Lincoln?"

What is it, exactly, are they trying to say, or communicate when they spout that line?

I'd love to have the self-professed Republicans, Conservatives and other assorted Rightwingers of USMB weigh in on this.

Well, as a way of answer, let Me ask you this. Why do Democrats and progressives feel compelled to say they are compassionate? Clearly, they are not. At least the Republicans are telling the truth. The GOP is the party of Lincoln, though I doubt very much Lincoln would recognize or agree with the current GOP.

The current republican party is the party of Trump. Lincoln was once a member of the republican party 150 years ago.
LMAO. What? You had me going until that one...ZERO pts from the Russian Judge. Sorry Assfaceias.

He gets 10.0. Your score is thrown out because you argued based on off topic bs. Sorry neo nazi jew.

You cannot even take a joke? Sad.

And how dare you question my unbiased Russian scoring system. I've told you 1000x, old man, you cannot convert racists. Do you think you can convert gays too? LOL.

You have to be funny for me to laugh. You can't convert racists?

Explain this.

My descent into America's neo-Nazi movement & how I got out | Christian Picciolini

Extremists are racists aren’t the same thing. You cannot convert racists. You hate Jews. Pretty sure nothing I say will make you change your mind.

Bullshit. I don't hate jews, but you are a racist jew who believes the same things as the neo nazis who hate you.

Nope you do. Prove me wrong, loser. Jews cannot be Neo Nazis. LMAO. You're so dumb.
For the record Oldstyle

Even if President Barack Hussein Obama had done a terrible job, which he didn't, he still would have done more for blacks than any previous President.

For the simple fact of showing blacks what they can aspire to and making it a reality.

The fact that you don't, or can't really, fathom that is simply more evidence of your lack of understanding of the black experience in America.

You're the LEAST qualified to speak for blacks on, well...anything.


Ah, so this is kind of the same thing as the Nobel Peace Prize Barry won? He didn't really do anything other than show up for work...but he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize! Same deal with his Presidency. His foreign policy was abysmal. ISIS is the JV? Then they ran rough shod over half the Middle East! Nice call on that one! His economic policies turned a recession into The Great Recession! He signed awful trade deals. He signed off on a deal with Iran that gave them millions of dollars and let them keep right on working on a nuke. He pursued a strategy of identity politics pitting black against whites...rich against poor...left against right.

Bottom line...if Barack Obama had been white and named John Smith...you'd be calling him the worst President EVER!!! Capice?
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During the eight years President Barack Obama was in office, black employment rose by roughly 3.2 million, or more than four times the 700,000 jobs added so far since Trump took office.

White House wrongly claims Trump created more jobs for black Americans than Obama did

If all things remain the same, at the current rate Trump will create about 400,000 fewer jobs for blacks than Obama if he serves 8 years. And Trump inherited a strong growing economy, not a depression.

Unemployment for blacks is at a 45 year low under Donald Trump. It's the lowest number they've ever had since they started keeping the statistic!
Well, gee whiz then, Marc. My ancestor fought in the Civil War leading black troops. Lost an arm in the process. Does that give me some kind of "authority" on what's good for blacks today? Your whole premise is based in identity politics and is laughable!
I reject the BS, made-up "identity politics" trope that self-professed conservatives bring up, as it means absolutely nothing. What else do you have?

Oh, you "reject" it? I wasn't aware you had that power here, Marc! Did you want to explain WHY you think my point that the Democratic Party is indulging in identity politics is "made-up"?
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Well, I certainly would not have VOTED for him, I did not consider his election to be any worse than say, any other liberal dem's election.

SO, it passed without any specific comment on it ie the black being elected.

That was my bar for "Decent" in this scenario.

And imo, the nation was ready for this for long before Obama actually showed up and did it.

Obama was no "jackie robinson" so good we had to change the rules to let him in.
This is how insiduous this thing is...

Jackie Robinson wasn't "so good [they] had to let him in."

[They] already decided to let ONE in, and picked Jackie Robinson as the chosen child.

That you choose to twist the factual history is not becoming.

It's insidious.
What is it, exactly, are they trying to say, or communicate when they spout that line?

I'd love to have the self-professed Republicans, Conservatives and other assorted Rightwingers of USMB weigh in on this.

Well, as a way of answer, let Me ask you this. Why do Democrats and progressives feel compelled to say they are compassionate? Clearly, they are not. At least the Republicans are telling the truth. The GOP is the party of Lincoln, though I doubt very much Lincoln would recognize or agree with the current GOP.

The current republican party is the party of Trump. Lincoln was once a member of the republican party 150 years ago.

That is one of the problems with conservatives these days. They cherry pick information and say that their cherry picking is "proof".

I guess they forgot about how much the country has changed over the past 150 years. The main reason black people were voting Republican, was because Lincoln freed the slaves. But, then the South started in with their Jim Crow laws, poll taxes and exams, etc., trying to suppress the black vote.

Then, along came Johnson, who wanted to win, and saw the way to do so was to encourage the blacks to vote Dem. He did that by passing the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts that gave blacks equality, and allowed them to vote. Ever since Johnson, black people have been voting Dem because of that.
What is it, exactly, are they trying to say, or communicate when they spout that line?

I'd love to have the self-professed Republicans, Conservatives and other assorted Rightwingers of USMB weigh in on this.

Well, as a way of answer, let Me ask you this. Why do Democrats and progressives feel compelled to say they are compassionate? Clearly, they are not. At least the Republicans are telling the truth. The GOP is the party of Lincoln, though I doubt very much Lincoln would recognize or agree with the current GOP.

The current republican party is the party of Trump. Lincoln was once a member of the republican party 150 years ago.

That is one of the problems with conservatives these days. They cherry pick information and say that their cherry picking is "proof".

I guess they forgot about how much the country has changed over the past 150 years. The main reason black people were voting Republican, was because Lincoln freed the slaves. But, then the South started in with their Jim Crow laws, poll taxes and exams, etc., trying to suppress the black vote.

Then, along came Johnson, who wanted to win, and saw the way to do so was to encourage the blacks to vote Dem. He did that by passing the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts that gave blacks equality, and allowed them to vote. Ever since Johnson, black people have been voting Dem because of that.
Yeah, because your side never does? BTW, its been noted and proven that there really wasn't a shift between the parties. It has been shown (For those who are truely interested in the truth) that both parties have evolved away from where they were in the mid 19th and all of the 20th centuries. I also stated that Lincoln would not approve or condone the condition of the GOP today.

However, that does not change the fact that it IS the GOP that freed the slaves and it IS the Democratic party that created the KKK. These are historical facts.
He gets 10.0. Your score is thrown out because you argued based on off topic bs. Sorry neo nazi jew.

You cannot even take a joke? Sad.

And how dare you question my unbiased Russian scoring system. I've told you 1000x, old man, you cannot convert racists. Do you think you can convert gays too? LOL.

You have to be funny for me to laugh. You can't convert racists?

Explain this.

My descent into America's neo-Nazi movement & how I got out | Christian Picciolini

Extremists are racists aren’t the same thing. You cannot convert racists. You hate Jews. Pretty sure nothing I say will make you change your mind.

Bullshit. I don't hate jews, but you are a racist jew who believes the same things as the neo nazis who hate you.

Nope you do. Prove me wrong, loser. Jews cannot be Neo Nazis. LMAO. You're so dumb.

You are a racist jew who believes the same things as the neo nazis who hate you. You say the same things about blacks they do. Not liking you isn't hating all Jews. Learn that.
What is it, exactly, are they trying to say, or communicate when they spout that line?

I'd love to have the self-professed Republicans, Conservatives and other assorted Rightwingers of USMB weigh in on this.

Well, as a way of answer, let Me ask you this. Why do Democrats and progressives feel compelled to say they are compassionate? Clearly, they are not. At least the Republicans are telling the truth. The GOP is the party of Lincoln, though I doubt very much Lincoln would recognize or agree with the current GOP.

The current republican party is the party of Trump. Lincoln was once a member of the republican party 150 years ago.

That is one of the problems with conservatives these days. They cherry pick information and say that their cherry picking is "proof".

I guess they forgot about how much the country has changed over the past 150 years. The main reason black people were voting Republican, was because Lincoln freed the slaves. But, then the South started in with their Jim Crow laws, poll taxes and exams, etc., trying to suppress the black vote.

Then, along came Johnson, who wanted to win, and saw the way to do so was to encourage the blacks to vote Dem. He did that by passing the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts that gave blacks equality, and allowed them to vote. Ever since Johnson, black people have been voting Dem because of that.
Yeah, because your side never does? BTW, its been noted and proven that there really wasn't a shift between the parties. It has been shown (For those who are truely interested in the truth) that both parties have evolved away from where they were in the mid 19th and all of the 20th centuries. I also stated that Lincoln would not approve or condone the condition of the GOP today.

However, that does not change the fact that it IS the GOP that freed the slaves and it IS the Democratic party that created the KKK. These are historical facts.

Historical fact shows that southern republicans were in the KKK, that they formed the lily white movement to deny blacks political power, supported segregation, that the first black president was a democrat and that white supremacists support the republican party now.
You cannot even take a joke? Sad.

And how dare you question my unbiased Russian scoring system. I've told you 1000x, old man, you cannot convert racists. Do you think you can convert gays too? LOL.

You have to be funny for me to laugh. You can't convert racists?

Explain this.

My descent into America's neo-Nazi movement & how I got out | Christian Picciolini

Extremists are racists aren’t the same thing. You cannot convert racists. You hate Jews. Pretty sure nothing I say will make you change your mind.

Bullshit. I don't hate jews, but you are a racist jew who believes the same things as the neo nazis who hate you.

Nope you do. Prove me wrong, loser. Jews cannot be Neo Nazis. LMAO. You're so dumb.

You are a racist jew who believes the same things as the neo nazis who hate you. You say the same things about blacks they do. Not liking you isn't hating all Jews. Learn that.

Name one thing I say that they do. Back up your words, old man.
During the eight years President Barack Obama was in office, black employment rose by roughly 3.2 million, or more than four times the 700,000 jobs added so far since Trump took office.

White House wrongly claims Trump created more jobs for black Americans than Obama did

If all things remain the same, at the current rate Trump will create about 400,000 fewer jobs for blacks than Obama if he serves 8 years. And Trump inherited a strong growing economy, not a depression.

Unemployment for blacks is at a 45 year low under Donald Trump. It's the lowest number they've ever had since they started keeping the statistic!

Black unemployment fell 1 point during Trump and 9 during Obama. Trump has done nothing. You've got to do better than this.

You have to be funny for me to laugh. You can't convert racists?

Explain this.

My descent into America's neo-Nazi movement & how I got out | Christian Picciolini

Extremists are racists aren’t the same thing. You cannot convert racists. You hate Jews. Pretty sure nothing I say will make you change your mind.

Bullshit. I don't hate jews, but you are a racist jew who believes the same things as the neo nazis who hate you.

Nope you do. Prove me wrong, loser. Jews cannot be Neo Nazis. LMAO. You're so dumb.

You are a racist jew who believes the same things as the neo nazis who hate you. You say the same things about blacks they do. Not liking you isn't hating all Jews. Learn that.

Name one thing I say that they do. Back up your words, old man.

No, you show me where I have made any anti semitic remark. Back up your words junior.
Extremists are racists aren’t the same thing. You cannot convert racists. You hate Jews. Pretty sure nothing I say will make you change your mind.

Bullshit. I don't hate jews, but you are a racist jew who believes the same things as the neo nazis who hate you.

Nope you do. Prove me wrong, loser. Jews cannot be Neo Nazis. LMAO. You're so dumb.

You are a racist jew who believes the same things as the neo nazis who hate you. You say the same things about blacks they do. Not liking you isn't hating all Jews. Learn that.

Name one thing I say that they do. Back up your words, old man.

No, you show me where I have made any anti semitic remark. Back up your words junior.

When you said Jews are not a minority?
During the eight years President Barack Obama was in office, black employment rose by roughly 3.2 million, or more than four times the 700,000 jobs added so far since Trump took office.

White House wrongly claims Trump created more jobs for black Americans than Obama did

If all things remain the same, at the current rate Trump will create about 400,000 fewer jobs for blacks than Obama if he serves 8 years. And Trump inherited a strong growing economy, not a depression.

Unemployment for blacks is at a 45 year low under Donald Trump. It's the lowest number they've ever had since they started keeping the statistic!

Black unemployment fell 1 point during Trump and 9 during Obama. Trump has done nothing. You've got to do better than this.


17% in 2010? Wow
Bullshit. I don't hate jews, but you are a racist jew who believes the same things as the neo nazis who hate you.

Nope you do. Prove me wrong, loser. Jews cannot be Neo Nazis. LMAO. You're so dumb.

You are a racist jew who believes the same things as the neo nazis who hate you. You say the same things about blacks they do. Not liking you isn't hating all Jews. Learn that.

Name one thing I say that they do. Back up your words, old man.

No, you show me where I have made any anti semitic remark. Back up your words junior.

When you said Jews are not a minority?

That is not an anti semitic remark. Try again junior.
You cannot even take a joke? Sad.

And how dare you question my unbiased Russian scoring system. I've told you 1000x, old man, you cannot convert racists. Do you think you can convert gays too? LOL.

You have to be funny for me to laugh. You can't convert racists?

Explain this.

My descent into America's neo-Nazi movement & how I got out | Christian Picciolini

Extremists are racists aren’t the same thing. You cannot convert racists. You hate Jews. Pretty sure nothing I say will make you change your mind.

Bullshit. I don't hate jews, but you are a racist jew who believes the same things as the neo nazis who hate you.

Nope you do. Prove me wrong, loser. Jews cannot be Neo Nazis. LMAO. You're so dumb.

You are a racist jew who believes the same things as the neo nazis who hate you. You say the same things about blacks they do. Not liking you isn't hating all Jews. Learn that.

Watching the funeral of Bush41 in Houston... I know that's driving you crazy all them white folks at that racist funeral, ohh wait the token Obama was there, now I know you're mad.
What is it, exactly, are they trying to say, or communicate when they spout that line?

I'd love to have the self-professed Republicans, Conservatives and other assorted Rightwingers of USMB weigh in on this.

Well, as a way of answer, let Me ask you this. Why do Democrats and progressives feel compelled to say they are compassionate? Clearly, they are not. At least the Republicans are telling the truth. The GOP is the party of Lincoln, though I doubt very much Lincoln would recognize or agree with the current GOP.

The current republican party is the party of Trump. Lincoln was once a member of the republican party 150 years ago.

That is one of the problems with conservatives these days. They cherry pick information and say that their cherry picking is "proof".

I guess they forgot about how much the country has changed over the past 150 years. The main reason black people were voting Republican, was because Lincoln freed the slaves. But, then the South started in with their Jim Crow laws, poll taxes and exams, etc., trying to suppress the black vote.

Then, along came Johnson, who wanted to win, and saw the way to do so was to encourage the blacks to vote Dem. He did that by passing the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts that gave blacks equality, and allowed them to vote. Ever since Johnson, black people have been voting Dem because of that.
Yeah, because your side never does? BTW, its been noted and proven that there really wasn't a shift between the parties. It has been shown (For those who are truely interested in the truth) that both parties have evolved away from where they were in the mid 19th and all of the 20th centuries. I also stated that Lincoln would not approve or condone the condition of the GOP today.

However, that does not change the fact that it IS the GOP that freed the slaves and it IS the Democratic party that created the KKK. These are historical facts.

Historical fact shows that southern republicans were in the KKK, that they formed the lily white movement to deny blacks political power, supported segregation, that the first black president was a democrat and that white supremacists support the republican party now.

You really trying to erase history?

What southern Republicans?
Nope you do. Prove me wrong, loser. Jews cannot be Neo Nazis. LMAO. You're so dumb.

You are a racist jew who believes the same things as the neo nazis who hate you. You say the same things about blacks they do. Not liking you isn't hating all Jews. Learn that.

Name one thing I say that they do. Back up your words, old man.

No, you show me where I have made any anti semitic remark. Back up your words junior.

When you said Jews are not a minority?

That is not an anti semitic remark. Try again junior.

Is it not? What if I said blacks are not minorities? LOL. Silly old man.

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