Why Do Republicans Feel Compelled To Say "We're The Party of Lincoln?"

Well, as a way of answer, let Me ask you this. Why do Democrats and progressives feel compelled to say they are compassionate? Clearly, they are not. At least the Republicans are telling the truth. The GOP is the party of Lincoln, though I doubt very much Lincoln would recognize or agree with the current GOP.

The current republican party is the party of Trump. Lincoln was once a member of the republican party 150 years ago.

That is one of the problems with conservatives these days. They cherry pick information and say that their cherry picking is "proof".

I guess they forgot about how much the country has changed over the past 150 years. The main reason black people were voting Republican, was because Lincoln freed the slaves. But, then the South started in with their Jim Crow laws, poll taxes and exams, etc., trying to suppress the black vote.

Then, along came Johnson, who wanted to win, and saw the way to do so was to encourage the blacks to vote Dem. He did that by passing the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts that gave blacks equality, and allowed them to vote. Ever since Johnson, black people have been voting Dem because of that.
Yeah, because your side never does? BTW, its been noted and proven that there really wasn't a shift between the parties. It has been shown (For those who are truely interested in the truth) that both parties have evolved away from where they were in the mid 19th and all of the 20th centuries. I also stated that Lincoln would not approve or condone the condition of the GOP today.

However, that does not change the fact that it IS the GOP that freed the slaves and it IS the Democratic party that created the KKK. These are historical facts.

Historical fact shows that southern republicans were in the KKK, that they formed the lily white movement to deny blacks political power, supported segregation, that the first black president was a democrat and that white supremacists support the republican party now.

You really trying to erase history?

What southern Republicans?

You can't erase history. It's just that most black people fully know the history of the republican party. After all, we were republicans and something caused us to leave the party. And it was not the promise of free shit

The lily-white movement was an anti-civil-rights movement within the Republican Party in the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The movement was a response to the political and socioeconomic gains made by African-Americans following the Civil War and the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which eliminated slavery. Black leaders gained increasing influence in the party by organizing blacks as an important voting bloc. Conservative white groups attempted to eliminate this influence and recover white voters who had defected to the Democratic Party.

The term lily-white movement is generally attributed to Texas Republican leader Norris Wright Cuney who used the term in an 1888 Republican convention to describe efforts by white conservatives to oust blacks from positions of Texas party leadership and incite riots to divide the party. The term came to be used nationally to describe this ongoing movement as it further developed in the early 20th century. Localized movements began immediately after the war but by the beginning of the 20th century the effort had become national.

Lily-white movement

The "lily-white" movement within the Republican party after the Civil War.

Norris Wright Cuney

From the first days of Reconstruction, a fight developed not only in Texas but across the South between white and black factions for control of the newly formed party. As white GOP leaders sought "respectability" among Southern voters and a conviction grew that continued "black and tan" involvement thwarted expansion of the party, the lily-white Republicans began an organized effort to drive blacks from positions of party leadership. Though Texas blacks appealed to Northern party managers to halt the movement, lily-whiteism flourished because Republican presidents after 1865 wanted approval from the Southern white masses.

The term lily-white apparently originated at the 1888 Republican state convention in Fort Worth, when a group of whites attempted to expel a number of black and tan delegates. Norris Wright Cuney, the black Texas leader who controlled the state party from 1883 until his death in 1896, promptly labeled the insurgents "lily-whites," and the term was soon applied to similar groups throughout the South. Actually, an organized lily-white movement had begun in Texas during the 1870s, when the party was dominated by former governor Edmund J. Davis.

But once Cuney gained the national committeemanship in 1884 upon the death of Davis, the lily-whites started a concerted drive for mastery. Though Cuney was reappointed to the national committee at the 1892 Republican national convention, the black-white struggle in Texas resulted in a fractured party and the first GOP state convention without a black and tan delegation in attendance. The 1892 election proved a turning point for both GOP factions as Cuney aligned the black and tans behind George Clark, a conservative Democrat, in his fight with James S. Hogg, and the lily-whites nominated Andrew Jackson Houston for the governorship. Houston, son of Sam Houston and a future United States senator, received only 1,322 votes in the November election, while Cuney suffered a dual setback: not only did Clark go down in defeat, but the Democrat Grover Cleveland won the presidency, so that Cuney lost all federal patronage.

The Black Conservative: The "lily-white" movement within the Republican party after the Civil War.
The current republican party is the party of Trump. Lincoln was once a member of the republican party 150 years ago.

That is one of the problems with conservatives these days. They cherry pick information and say that their cherry picking is "proof".

I guess they forgot about how much the country has changed over the past 150 years. The main reason black people were voting Republican, was because Lincoln freed the slaves. But, then the South started in with their Jim Crow laws, poll taxes and exams, etc., trying to suppress the black vote.

Then, along came Johnson, who wanted to win, and saw the way to do so was to encourage the blacks to vote Dem. He did that by passing the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts that gave blacks equality, and allowed them to vote. Ever since Johnson, black people have been voting Dem because of that.
Yeah, because your side never does? BTW, its been noted and proven that there really wasn't a shift between the parties. It has been shown (For those who are truely interested in the truth) that both parties have evolved away from where they were in the mid 19th and all of the 20th centuries. I also stated that Lincoln would not approve or condone the condition of the GOP today.

However, that does not change the fact that it IS the GOP that freed the slaves and it IS the Democratic party that created the KKK. These are historical facts.

Historical fact shows that southern republicans were in the KKK, that they formed the lily white movement to deny blacks political power, supported segregation, that the first black president was a democrat and that white supremacists support the republican party now.

You really trying to erase history?

What southern Republicans?

You can't erase history. It's just that most black people fully know the history of the republican party. After all, we were republicans and something caused us to leave the party. And it was not the promise of free shit

The lily-white movement was an anti-civil-rights movement within the Republican Party in the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The movement was a response to the political and socioeconomic gains made by African-Americans following the Civil War and the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which eliminated slavery. Black leaders gained increasing influence in the party by organizing blacks as an important voting bloc. Conservative white groups attempted to eliminate this influence and recover white voters who had defected to the Democratic Party.

The term lily-white movement is generally attributed to Texas Republican leader Norris Wright Cuney who used the term in an 1888 Republican convention to describe efforts by white conservatives to oust blacks from positions of Texas party leadership and incite riots to divide the party. The term came to be used nationally to describe this ongoing movement as it further developed in the early 20th century. Localized movements began immediately after the war but by the beginning of the 20th century the effort had become national.

Lily-white movement

The "lily-white" movement within the Republican party after the Civil War.

Norris Wright Cuney

From the first days of Reconstruction, a fight developed not only in Texas but across the South between white and black factions for control of the newly formed party. As white GOP leaders sought "respectability" among Southern voters and a conviction grew that continued "black and tan" involvement thwarted expansion of the party, the lily-white Republicans began an organized effort to drive blacks from positions of party leadership. Though Texas blacks appealed to Northern party managers to halt the movement, lily-whiteism flourished because Republican presidents after 1865 wanted approval from the Southern white masses.

The term lily-white apparently originated at the 1888 Republican state convention in Fort Worth, when a group of whites attempted to expel a number of black and tan delegates. Norris Wright Cuney, the black Texas leader who controlled the state party from 1883 until his death in 1896, promptly labeled the insurgents "lily-whites," and the term was soon applied to similar groups throughout the South. Actually, an organized lily-white movement had begun in Texas during the 1870s, when the party was dominated by former governor Edmund J. Davis.

But once Cuney gained the national committeemanship in 1884 upon the death of Davis, the lily-whites started a concerted drive for mastery. Though Cuney was reappointed to the national committee at the 1892 Republican national convention, the black-white struggle in Texas resulted in a fractured party and the first GOP state convention without a black and tan delegation in attendance. The 1892 election proved a turning point for both GOP factions as Cuney aligned the black and tans behind George Clark, a conservative Democrat, in his fight with James S. Hogg, and the lily-whites nominated Andrew Jackson Houston for the governorship. Houston, son of Sam Houston and a future United States senator, received only 1,322 votes in the November election, while Cuney suffered a dual setback: not only did Clark go down in defeat, but the Democrat Grover Cleveland won the presidency, so that Cuney lost all federal patronage.

The Black Conservative: The "lily-white" movement within the Republican party after the Civil War.

This really pisses you off that the party of Lincoln was the Republicans

The party of the KKK was the democrats .

Simple history.

You are a racist jew who believes the same things as the neo nazis who hate you. You say the same things about blacks they do. Not liking you isn't hating all Jews. Learn that.

Name one thing I say that they do. Back up your words, old man.

No, you show me where I have made any anti semitic remark. Back up your words junior.

When you said Jews are not a minority?

That is not an anti semitic remark. Try again junior.

Is it not? What if I said blacks are not minorities? LOL. Silly old man.

You'd be wrong. But the truth is that jews are not a racial minority. There are people of every race in the Jewish religion. And still the statement is not anti semitic. Once you get the nipple out your mouth and grow up, you'll understand that you don't get old by being stupid..


The belief or behavior hostile toward Jews just because they are Jewish. It may take the form of religious teachings that proclaim the inferiority of Jews, for instance, or political eff orts to isolate, oppress, or otherwise injure them. It may also include prejudiced or stereotyped views about Jews.

That is one of the problems with conservatives these days. They cherry pick information and say that their cherry picking is "proof".

I guess they forgot about how much the country has changed over the past 150 years. The main reason black people were voting Republican, was because Lincoln freed the slaves. But, then the South started in with their Jim Crow laws, poll taxes and exams, etc., trying to suppress the black vote.

Then, along came Johnson, who wanted to win, and saw the way to do so was to encourage the blacks to vote Dem. He did that by passing the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts that gave blacks equality, and allowed them to vote. Ever since Johnson, black people have been voting Dem because of that.
Yeah, because your side never does? BTW, its been noted and proven that there really wasn't a shift between the parties. It has been shown (For those who are truely interested in the truth) that both parties have evolved away from where they were in the mid 19th and all of the 20th centuries. I also stated that Lincoln would not approve or condone the condition of the GOP today.

However, that does not change the fact that it IS the GOP that freed the slaves and it IS the Democratic party that created the KKK. These are historical facts.

Historical fact shows that southern republicans were in the KKK, that they formed the lily white movement to deny blacks political power, supported segregation, that the first black president was a democrat and that white supremacists support the republican party now.

You really trying to erase history?

What southern Republicans?

You can't erase history. It's just that most black people fully know the history of the republican party. After all, we were republicans and something caused us to leave the party. And it was not the promise of free shit

The lily-white movement was an anti-civil-rights movement within the Republican Party in the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The movement was a response to the political and socioeconomic gains made by African-Americans following the Civil War and the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which eliminated slavery. Black leaders gained increasing influence in the party by organizing blacks as an important voting bloc. Conservative white groups attempted to eliminate this influence and recover white voters who had defected to the Democratic Party.

The term lily-white movement is generally attributed to Texas Republican leader Norris Wright Cuney who used the term in an 1888 Republican convention to describe efforts by white conservatives to oust blacks from positions of Texas party leadership and incite riots to divide the party. The term came to be used nationally to describe this ongoing movement as it further developed in the early 20th century. Localized movements began immediately after the war but by the beginning of the 20th century the effort had become national.

Lily-white movement

The "lily-white" movement within the Republican party after the Civil War.

Norris Wright Cuney

From the first days of Reconstruction, a fight developed not only in Texas but across the South between white and black factions for control of the newly formed party. As white GOP leaders sought "respectability" among Southern voters and a conviction grew that continued "black and tan" involvement thwarted expansion of the party, the lily-white Republicans began an organized effort to drive blacks from positions of party leadership. Though Texas blacks appealed to Northern party managers to halt the movement, lily-whiteism flourished because Republican presidents after 1865 wanted approval from the Southern white masses.

The term lily-white apparently originated at the 1888 Republican state convention in Fort Worth, when a group of whites attempted to expel a number of black and tan delegates. Norris Wright Cuney, the black Texas leader who controlled the state party from 1883 until his death in 1896, promptly labeled the insurgents "lily-whites," and the term was soon applied to similar groups throughout the South. Actually, an organized lily-white movement had begun in Texas during the 1870s, when the party was dominated by former governor Edmund J. Davis.

But once Cuney gained the national committeemanship in 1884 upon the death of Davis, the lily-whites started a concerted drive for mastery. Though Cuney was reappointed to the national committee at the 1892 Republican national convention, the black-white struggle in Texas resulted in a fractured party and the first GOP state convention without a black and tan delegation in attendance. The 1892 election proved a turning point for both GOP factions as Cuney aligned the black and tans behind George Clark, a conservative Democrat, in his fight with James S. Hogg, and the lily-whites nominated Andrew Jackson Houston for the governorship. Houston, son of Sam Houston and a future United States senator, received only 1,322 votes in the November election, while Cuney suffered a dual setback: not only did Clark go down in defeat, but the Democrat Grover Cleveland won the presidency, so that Cuney lost all federal patronage.

The Black Conservative: The "lily-white" movement within the Republican party after the Civil War.

This really pisses you off that the party of Lincoln was the Republicans

The party of the KKK was the democrats .

Simple history.


Not really because Lincoln was a racist.

Yeah, because your side never does? BTW, its been noted and proven that there really wasn't a shift between the parties. It has been shown (For those who are truely interested in the truth) that both parties have evolved away from where they were in the mid 19th and all of the 20th centuries. I also stated that Lincoln would not approve or condone the condition of the GOP today.

However, that does not change the fact that it IS the GOP that freed the slaves and it IS the Democratic party that created the KKK. These are historical facts.

Historical fact shows that southern republicans were in the KKK, that they formed the lily white movement to deny blacks political power, supported segregation, that the first black president was a democrat and that white supremacists support the republican party now.

You really trying to erase history?

What southern Republicans?

You can't erase history. It's just that most black people fully know the history of the republican party. After all, we were republicans and something caused us to leave the party. And it was not the promise of free shit

The lily-white movement was an anti-civil-rights movement within the Republican Party in the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The movement was a response to the political and socioeconomic gains made by African-Americans following the Civil War and the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which eliminated slavery. Black leaders gained increasing influence in the party by organizing blacks as an important voting bloc. Conservative white groups attempted to eliminate this influence and recover white voters who had defected to the Democratic Party.

The term lily-white movement is generally attributed to Texas Republican leader Norris Wright Cuney who used the term in an 1888 Republican convention to describe efforts by white conservatives to oust blacks from positions of Texas party leadership and incite riots to divide the party. The term came to be used nationally to describe this ongoing movement as it further developed in the early 20th century. Localized movements began immediately after the war but by the beginning of the 20th century the effort had become national.

Lily-white movement

The "lily-white" movement within the Republican party after the Civil War.

Norris Wright Cuney

From the first days of Reconstruction, a fight developed not only in Texas but across the South between white and black factions for control of the newly formed party. As white GOP leaders sought "respectability" among Southern voters and a conviction grew that continued "black and tan" involvement thwarted expansion of the party, the lily-white Republicans began an organized effort to drive blacks from positions of party leadership. Though Texas blacks appealed to Northern party managers to halt the movement, lily-whiteism flourished because Republican presidents after 1865 wanted approval from the Southern white masses.

The term lily-white apparently originated at the 1888 Republican state convention in Fort Worth, when a group of whites attempted to expel a number of black and tan delegates. Norris Wright Cuney, the black Texas leader who controlled the state party from 1883 until his death in 1896, promptly labeled the insurgents "lily-whites," and the term was soon applied to similar groups throughout the South. Actually, an organized lily-white movement had begun in Texas during the 1870s, when the party was dominated by former governor Edmund J. Davis.

But once Cuney gained the national committeemanship in 1884 upon the death of Davis, the lily-whites started a concerted drive for mastery. Though Cuney was reappointed to the national committee at the 1892 Republican national convention, the black-white struggle in Texas resulted in a fractured party and the first GOP state convention without a black and tan delegation in attendance. The 1892 election proved a turning point for both GOP factions as Cuney aligned the black and tans behind George Clark, a conservative Democrat, in his fight with James S. Hogg, and the lily-whites nominated Andrew Jackson Houston for the governorship. Houston, son of Sam Houston and a future United States senator, received only 1,322 votes in the November election, while Cuney suffered a dual setback: not only did Clark go down in defeat, but the Democrat Grover Cleveland won the presidency, so that Cuney lost all federal patronage.

The Black Conservative: The "lily-white" movement within the Republican party after the Civil War.

This really pisses you off that the party of Lincoln was the Republicans

The party of the KKK was the democrats .

Simple history.


Not really because Lincoln was a racist.


So you are saying Lincoln was a racist republican who saved the negros?

Name one thing I say that they do. Back up your words, old man.

No, you show me where I have made any anti semitic remark. Back up your words junior.

When you said Jews are not a minority?

That is not an anti semitic remark. Try again junior.

Is it not? What if I said blacks are not minorities? LOL. Silly old man.

You'd be wrong. But the truth is that jews are not a racial minority. There are people of every race in the Jewish religion. And still the statement is not anti semitic. Once you get the nipple out your mouth and grow up, you'll understand that you don't get old by being stupid..

View attachment 232979

The belief or behavior hostile toward Jews just because they are Jewish. It may take the form of religious teachings that proclaim the inferiority of Jews, for instance, or political eff orts to isolate, oppress, or otherwise injure them. It may also include prejudiced or stereotyped views about Jews.


How many Jews live in the US? Old man.
That is one of the problems with conservatives these days. They cherry pick information and say that their cherry picking is "proof".

I guess they forgot about how much the country has changed over the past 150 years. The main reason black people were voting Republican, was because Lincoln freed the slaves. But, then the South started in with their Jim Crow laws, poll taxes and exams, etc., trying to suppress the black vote.

Then, along came Johnson, who wanted to win, and saw the way to do so was to encourage the blacks to vote Dem. He did that by passing the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts that gave blacks equality, and allowed them to vote. Ever since Johnson, black people have been voting Dem because of that.
Yeah, because your side never does? BTW, its been noted and proven that there really wasn't a shift between the parties. It has been shown (For those who are truely interested in the truth) that both parties have evolved away from where they were in the mid 19th and all of the 20th centuries. I also stated that Lincoln would not approve or condone the condition of the GOP today.

However, that does not change the fact that it IS the GOP that freed the slaves and it IS the Democratic party that created the KKK. These are historical facts.

Historical fact shows that southern republicans were in the KKK, that they formed the lily white movement to deny blacks political power, supported segregation, that the first black president was a democrat and that white supremacists support the republican party now.

You really trying to erase history?

What southern Republicans?

You can't erase history. It's just that most black people fully know the history of the republican party. After all, we were republicans and something caused us to leave the party. And it was not the promise of free shit

The lily-white movement was an anti-civil-rights movement within the Republican Party in the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The movement was a response to the political and socioeconomic gains made by African-Americans following the Civil War and the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which eliminated slavery. Black leaders gained increasing influence in the party by organizing blacks as an important voting bloc. Conservative white groups attempted to eliminate this influence and recover white voters who had defected to the Democratic Party.

The term lily-white movement is generally attributed to Texas Republican leader Norris Wright Cuney who used the term in an 1888 Republican convention to describe efforts by white conservatives to oust blacks from positions of Texas party leadership and incite riots to divide the party. The term came to be used nationally to describe this ongoing movement as it further developed in the early 20th century. Localized movements began immediately after the war but by the beginning of the 20th century the effort had become national.

Lily-white movement

The "lily-white" movement within the Republican party after the Civil War.

Norris Wright Cuney

From the first days of Reconstruction, a fight developed not only in Texas but across the South between white and black factions for control of the newly formed party. As white GOP leaders sought "respectability" among Southern voters and a conviction grew that continued "black and tan" involvement thwarted expansion of the party, the lily-white Republicans began an organized effort to drive blacks from positions of party leadership. Though Texas blacks appealed to Northern party managers to halt the movement, lily-whiteism flourished because Republican presidents after 1865 wanted approval from the Southern white masses.

The term lily-white apparently originated at the 1888 Republican state convention in Fort Worth, when a group of whites attempted to expel a number of black and tan delegates. Norris Wright Cuney, the black Texas leader who controlled the state party from 1883 until his death in 1896, promptly labeled the insurgents "lily-whites," and the term was soon applied to similar groups throughout the South. Actually, an organized lily-white movement had begun in Texas during the 1870s, when the party was dominated by former governor Edmund J. Davis.

But once Cuney gained the national committeemanship in 1884 upon the death of Davis, the lily-whites started a concerted drive for mastery. Though Cuney was reappointed to the national committee at the 1892 Republican national convention, the black-white struggle in Texas resulted in a fractured party and the first GOP state convention without a black and tan delegation in attendance. The 1892 election proved a turning point for both GOP factions as Cuney aligned the black and tans behind George Clark, a conservative Democrat, in his fight with James S. Hogg, and the lily-whites nominated Andrew Jackson Houston for the governorship. Houston, son of Sam Houston and a future United States senator, received only 1,322 votes in the November election, while Cuney suffered a dual setback: not only did Clark go down in defeat, but the Democrat Grover Cleveland won the presidency, so that Cuney lost all federal patronage.

The Black Conservative: The "lily-white" movement within the Republican party after the Civil War.

This really pisses you off that the party of Lincoln was the Republicans

The party of the KKK was the democrats .

Simple history.


"The party of the KKK was the democrats"

But the KKK were christians and the conservatives of their day.
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Historical fact shows that southern republicans were in the KKK, that they formed the lily white movement to deny blacks political power, supported segregation, that the first black president was a democrat and that white supremacists support the republican party now.

You really trying to erase history?

What southern Republicans?

You can't erase history. It's just that most black people fully know the history of the republican party. After all, we were republicans and something caused us to leave the party. And it was not the promise of free shit

The lily-white movement was an anti-civil-rights movement within the Republican Party in the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The movement was a response to the political and socioeconomic gains made by African-Americans following the Civil War and the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which eliminated slavery. Black leaders gained increasing influence in the party by organizing blacks as an important voting bloc. Conservative white groups attempted to eliminate this influence and recover white voters who had defected to the Democratic Party.

The term lily-white movement is generally attributed to Texas Republican leader Norris Wright Cuney who used the term in an 1888 Republican convention to describe efforts by white conservatives to oust blacks from positions of Texas party leadership and incite riots to divide the party. The term came to be used nationally to describe this ongoing movement as it further developed in the early 20th century. Localized movements began immediately after the war but by the beginning of the 20th century the effort had become national.

Lily-white movement

The "lily-white" movement within the Republican party after the Civil War.

Norris Wright Cuney

From the first days of Reconstruction, a fight developed not only in Texas but across the South between white and black factions for control of the newly formed party. As white GOP leaders sought "respectability" among Southern voters and a conviction grew that continued "black and tan" involvement thwarted expansion of the party, the lily-white Republicans began an organized effort to drive blacks from positions of party leadership. Though Texas blacks appealed to Northern party managers to halt the movement, lily-whiteism flourished because Republican presidents after 1865 wanted approval from the Southern white masses.

The term lily-white apparently originated at the 1888 Republican state convention in Fort Worth, when a group of whites attempted to expel a number of black and tan delegates. Norris Wright Cuney, the black Texas leader who controlled the state party from 1883 until his death in 1896, promptly labeled the insurgents "lily-whites," and the term was soon applied to similar groups throughout the South. Actually, an organized lily-white movement had begun in Texas during the 1870s, when the party was dominated by former governor Edmund J. Davis.

But once Cuney gained the national committeemanship in 1884 upon the death of Davis, the lily-whites started a concerted drive for mastery. Though Cuney was reappointed to the national committee at the 1892 Republican national convention, the black-white struggle in Texas resulted in a fractured party and the first GOP state convention without a black and tan delegation in attendance. The 1892 election proved a turning point for both GOP factions as Cuney aligned the black and tans behind George Clark, a conservative Democrat, in his fight with James S. Hogg, and the lily-whites nominated Andrew Jackson Houston for the governorship. Houston, son of Sam Houston and a future United States senator, received only 1,322 votes in the November election, while Cuney suffered a dual setback: not only did Clark go down in defeat, but the Democrat Grover Cleveland won the presidency, so that Cuney lost all federal patronage.

The Black Conservative: The "lily-white" movement within the Republican party after the Civil War.

This really pisses you off that the party of Lincoln was the Republicans

The party of the KKK was the democrats .

Simple history.


Not really because Lincoln was a racist.


So you are saying Lincoln was a racist republican who saved the negros?


No. But Lincoln is.

Yeah, because your side never does? BTW, its been noted and proven that there really wasn't a shift between the parties. It has been shown (For those who are truely interested in the truth) that both parties have evolved away from where they were in the mid 19th and all of the 20th centuries. I also stated that Lincoln would not approve or condone the condition of the GOP today.

However, that does not change the fact that it IS the GOP that freed the slaves and it IS the Democratic party that created the KKK. These are historical facts.

Historical fact shows that southern republicans were in the KKK, that they formed the lily white movement to deny blacks political power, supported segregation, that the first black president was a democrat and that white supremacists support the republican party now.

You really trying to erase history?

What southern Republicans?

You can't erase history. It's just that most black people fully know the history of the republican party. After all, we were republicans and something caused us to leave the party. And it was not the promise of free shit

The lily-white movement was an anti-civil-rights movement within the Republican Party in the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The movement was a response to the political and socioeconomic gains made by African-Americans following the Civil War and the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which eliminated slavery. Black leaders gained increasing influence in the party by organizing blacks as an important voting bloc. Conservative white groups attempted to eliminate this influence and recover white voters who had defected to the Democratic Party.

The term lily-white movement is generally attributed to Texas Republican leader Norris Wright Cuney who used the term in an 1888 Republican convention to describe efforts by white conservatives to oust blacks from positions of Texas party leadership and incite riots to divide the party. The term came to be used nationally to describe this ongoing movement as it further developed in the early 20th century. Localized movements began immediately after the war but by the beginning of the 20th century the effort had become national.

Lily-white movement

The "lily-white" movement within the Republican party after the Civil War.

Norris Wright Cuney

From the first days of Reconstruction, a fight developed not only in Texas but across the South between white and black factions for control of the newly formed party. As white GOP leaders sought "respectability" among Southern voters and a conviction grew that continued "black and tan" involvement thwarted expansion of the party, the lily-white Republicans began an organized effort to drive blacks from positions of party leadership. Though Texas blacks appealed to Northern party managers to halt the movement, lily-whiteism flourished because Republican presidents after 1865 wanted approval from the Southern white masses.

The term lily-white apparently originated at the 1888 Republican state convention in Fort Worth, when a group of whites attempted to expel a number of black and tan delegates. Norris Wright Cuney, the black Texas leader who controlled the state party from 1883 until his death in 1896, promptly labeled the insurgents "lily-whites," and the term was soon applied to similar groups throughout the South. Actually, an organized lily-white movement had begun in Texas during the 1870s, when the party was dominated by former governor Edmund J. Davis.

But once Cuney gained the national committeemanship in 1884 upon the death of Davis, the lily-whites started a concerted drive for mastery. Though Cuney was reappointed to the national committee at the 1892 Republican national convention, the black-white struggle in Texas resulted in a fractured party and the first GOP state convention without a black and tan delegation in attendance. The 1892 election proved a turning point for both GOP factions as Cuney aligned the black and tans behind George Clark, a conservative Democrat, in his fight with James S. Hogg, and the lily-whites nominated Andrew Jackson Houston for the governorship. Houston, son of Sam Houston and a future United States senator, received only 1,322 votes in the November election, while Cuney suffered a dual setback: not only did Clark go down in defeat, but the Democrat Grover Cleveland won the presidency, so that Cuney lost all federal patronage.

The Black Conservative: The "lily-white" movement within the Republican party after the Civil War.

This really pisses you off that the party of Lincoln was the Republicans

The party of the KKK was the democrats .

Simple history.


"The party of the KKK was the democrats"

But the KKK were christians and the conservatives of their day.

Your not strong with indentiy politics are you?

You really trying to erase history?

What southern Republicans?

You can't erase history. It's just that most black people fully know the history of the republican party. After all, we were republicans and something caused us to leave the party. And it was not the promise of free shit

The lily-white movement was an anti-civil-rights movement within the Republican Party in the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The movement was a response to the political and socioeconomic gains made by African-Americans following the Civil War and the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which eliminated slavery. Black leaders gained increasing influence in the party by organizing blacks as an important voting bloc. Conservative white groups attempted to eliminate this influence and recover white voters who had defected to the Democratic Party.

The term lily-white movement is generally attributed to Texas Republican leader Norris Wright Cuney who used the term in an 1888 Republican convention to describe efforts by white conservatives to oust blacks from positions of Texas party leadership and incite riots to divide the party. The term came to be used nationally to describe this ongoing movement as it further developed in the early 20th century. Localized movements began immediately after the war but by the beginning of the 20th century the effort had become national.

Lily-white movement

The "lily-white" movement within the Republican party after the Civil War.

Norris Wright Cuney

From the first days of Reconstruction, a fight developed not only in Texas but across the South between white and black factions for control of the newly formed party. As white GOP leaders sought "respectability" among Southern voters and a conviction grew that continued "black and tan" involvement thwarted expansion of the party, the lily-white Republicans began an organized effort to drive blacks from positions of party leadership. Though Texas blacks appealed to Northern party managers to halt the movement, lily-whiteism flourished because Republican presidents after 1865 wanted approval from the Southern white masses.

The term lily-white apparently originated at the 1888 Republican state convention in Fort Worth, when a group of whites attempted to expel a number of black and tan delegates. Norris Wright Cuney, the black Texas leader who controlled the state party from 1883 until his death in 1896, promptly labeled the insurgents "lily-whites," and the term was soon applied to similar groups throughout the South. Actually, an organized lily-white movement had begun in Texas during the 1870s, when the party was dominated by former governor Edmund J. Davis.

But once Cuney gained the national committeemanship in 1884 upon the death of Davis, the lily-whites started a concerted drive for mastery. Though Cuney was reappointed to the national committee at the 1892 Republican national convention, the black-white struggle in Texas resulted in a fractured party and the first GOP state convention without a black and tan delegation in attendance. The 1892 election proved a turning point for both GOP factions as Cuney aligned the black and tans behind George Clark, a conservative Democrat, in his fight with James S. Hogg, and the lily-whites nominated Andrew Jackson Houston for the governorship. Houston, son of Sam Houston and a future United States senator, received only 1,322 votes in the November election, while Cuney suffered a dual setback: not only did Clark go down in defeat, but the Democrat Grover Cleveland won the presidency, so that Cuney lost all federal patronage.

The Black Conservative: The "lily-white" movement within the Republican party after the Civil War.

This really pisses you off that the party of Lincoln was the Republicans

The party of the KKK was the democrats .

Simple history.


Not really because Lincoln was a racist.


So you are saying Lincoln was a racist republican who saved the negros?


No. But Lincoln is.


So a white man dies to set you free and you still trash him?
No, you show me where I have made any anti semitic remark. Back up your words junior.

When you said Jews are not a minority?

That is not an anti semitic remark. Try again junior.

Is it not? What if I said blacks are not minorities? LOL. Silly old man.

You'd be wrong. But the truth is that jews are not a racial minority. There are people of every race in the Jewish religion. And still the statement is not anti semitic. Once you get the nipple out your mouth and grow up, you'll understand that you don't get old by being stupid..

View attachment 232979

The belief or behavior hostile toward Jews just because they are Jewish. It may take the form of religious teachings that proclaim the inferiority of Jews, for instance, or political eff orts to isolate, oppress, or otherwise injure them. It may also include prejudiced or stereotyped views about Jews.


How many Jews live in the US? Old man.

Doesn't matter junior. Judaism is a religion. Ask me how many Methodists live here and I'll tell you that Methodists are not a racial minority also. Drink your formula and get burped.
Historical fact shows that southern republicans were in the KKK, that they formed the lily white movement to deny blacks political power, supported segregation, that the first black president was a democrat and that white supremacists support the republican party now.

You really trying to erase history?

What southern Republicans?

You can't erase history. It's just that most black people fully know the history of the republican party. After all, we were republicans and something caused us to leave the party. And it was not the promise of free shit

The lily-white movement was an anti-civil-rights movement within the Republican Party in the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The movement was a response to the political and socioeconomic gains made by African-Americans following the Civil War and the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which eliminated slavery. Black leaders gained increasing influence in the party by organizing blacks as an important voting bloc. Conservative white groups attempted to eliminate this influence and recover white voters who had defected to the Democratic Party.

The term lily-white movement is generally attributed to Texas Republican leader Norris Wright Cuney who used the term in an 1888 Republican convention to describe efforts by white conservatives to oust blacks from positions of Texas party leadership and incite riots to divide the party. The term came to be used nationally to describe this ongoing movement as it further developed in the early 20th century. Localized movements began immediately after the war but by the beginning of the 20th century the effort had become national.

Lily-white movement

The "lily-white" movement within the Republican party after the Civil War.

Norris Wright Cuney

From the first days of Reconstruction, a fight developed not only in Texas but across the South between white and black factions for control of the newly formed party. As white GOP leaders sought "respectability" among Southern voters and a conviction grew that continued "black and tan" involvement thwarted expansion of the party, the lily-white Republicans began an organized effort to drive blacks from positions of party leadership. Though Texas blacks appealed to Northern party managers to halt the movement, lily-whiteism flourished because Republican presidents after 1865 wanted approval from the Southern white masses.

The term lily-white apparently originated at the 1888 Republican state convention in Fort Worth, when a group of whites attempted to expel a number of black and tan delegates. Norris Wright Cuney, the black Texas leader who controlled the state party from 1883 until his death in 1896, promptly labeled the insurgents "lily-whites," and the term was soon applied to similar groups throughout the South. Actually, an organized lily-white movement had begun in Texas during the 1870s, when the party was dominated by former governor Edmund J. Davis.

But once Cuney gained the national committeemanship in 1884 upon the death of Davis, the lily-whites started a concerted drive for mastery. Though Cuney was reappointed to the national committee at the 1892 Republican national convention, the black-white struggle in Texas resulted in a fractured party and the first GOP state convention without a black and tan delegation in attendance. The 1892 election proved a turning point for both GOP factions as Cuney aligned the black and tans behind George Clark, a conservative Democrat, in his fight with James S. Hogg, and the lily-whites nominated Andrew Jackson Houston for the governorship. Houston, son of Sam Houston and a future United States senator, received only 1,322 votes in the November election, while Cuney suffered a dual setback: not only did Clark go down in defeat, but the Democrat Grover Cleveland won the presidency, so that Cuney lost all federal patronage.

The Black Conservative: The "lily-white" movement within the Republican party after the Civil War.

This really pisses you off that the party of Lincoln was the Republicans

The party of the KKK was the democrats .

Simple history.


"The party of the KKK was the democrats"

But the KKK were christians and the conservatives of their day.

Your not strong with indentiy politics are you?


Whites have used identity politics since 1776. Try again.
When you said Jews are not a minority?

That is not an anti semitic remark. Try again junior.

Is it not? What if I said blacks are not minorities? LOL. Silly old man.

You'd be wrong. But the truth is that jews are not a racial minority. There are people of every race in the Jewish religion. And still the statement is not anti semitic. Once you get the nipple out your mouth and grow up, you'll understand that you don't get old by being stupid..

View attachment 232979

The belief or behavior hostile toward Jews just because they are Jewish. It may take the form of religious teachings that proclaim the inferiority of Jews, for instance, or political eff orts to isolate, oppress, or otherwise injure them. It may also include prejudiced or stereotyped views about Jews.


How many Jews live in the US? Old man.

Doesn't matter junior. Judaism is a religion. Ask me how many Methodists live here and I'll tell you that Methodists are not a racial minority also. Drink your formula and get burped.

Wrong. Religion and Culture. Stupid old man.
You can't erase history. It's just that most black people fully know the history of the republican party. After all, we were republicans and something caused us to leave the party. And it was not the promise of free shit

The lily-white movement was an anti-civil-rights movement within the Republican Party in the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The movement was a response to the political and socioeconomic gains made by African-Americans following the Civil War and the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which eliminated slavery. Black leaders gained increasing influence in the party by organizing blacks as an important voting bloc. Conservative white groups attempted to eliminate this influence and recover white voters who had defected to the Democratic Party.

The term lily-white movement is generally attributed to Texas Republican leader Norris Wright Cuney who used the term in an 1888 Republican convention to describe efforts by white conservatives to oust blacks from positions of Texas party leadership and incite riots to divide the party. The term came to be used nationally to describe this ongoing movement as it further developed in the early 20th century. Localized movements began immediately after the war but by the beginning of the 20th century the effort had become national.

Lily-white movement

The "lily-white" movement within the Republican party after the Civil War.

Norris Wright Cuney

From the first days of Reconstruction, a fight developed not only in Texas but across the South between white and black factions for control of the newly formed party. As white GOP leaders sought "respectability" among Southern voters and a conviction grew that continued "black and tan" involvement thwarted expansion of the party, the lily-white Republicans began an organized effort to drive blacks from positions of party leadership. Though Texas blacks appealed to Northern party managers to halt the movement, lily-whiteism flourished because Republican presidents after 1865 wanted approval from the Southern white masses.

The term lily-white apparently originated at the 1888 Republican state convention in Fort Worth, when a group of whites attempted to expel a number of black and tan delegates. Norris Wright Cuney, the black Texas leader who controlled the state party from 1883 until his death in 1896, promptly labeled the insurgents "lily-whites," and the term was soon applied to similar groups throughout the South. Actually, an organized lily-white movement had begun in Texas during the 1870s, when the party was dominated by former governor Edmund J. Davis.

But once Cuney gained the national committeemanship in 1884 upon the death of Davis, the lily-whites started a concerted drive for mastery. Though Cuney was reappointed to the national committee at the 1892 Republican national convention, the black-white struggle in Texas resulted in a fractured party and the first GOP state convention without a black and tan delegation in attendance. The 1892 election proved a turning point for both GOP factions as Cuney aligned the black and tans behind George Clark, a conservative Democrat, in his fight with James S. Hogg, and the lily-whites nominated Andrew Jackson Houston for the governorship. Houston, son of Sam Houston and a future United States senator, received only 1,322 votes in the November election, while Cuney suffered a dual setback: not only did Clark go down in defeat, but the Democrat Grover Cleveland won the presidency, so that Cuney lost all federal patronage.

The Black Conservative: The "lily-white" movement within the Republican party after the Civil War.

This really pisses you off that the party of Lincoln was the Republicans

The party of the KKK was the democrats .

Simple history.


Not really because Lincoln was a racist.


So you are saying Lincoln was a racist republican who saved the negros?


No. But Lincoln is.


So a white man dies to set you free and you still trash him?
That white man did not die to set me free. We still had to fight 100 more year and still that has not been enough. It's funny how you white racists are. If I say your asses benefitted from slavery or talk of reparations, then I was never a slave. But now the white man died to set me free. We're done talking.

This really pisses you off that the party of Lincoln was the Republicans

The party of the KKK was the democrats .

Simple history.


Not really because Lincoln was a racist.


So you are saying Lincoln was a racist republican who saved the negros?


No. But Lincoln is.


So a white man dies to set you free and you still trash him?
That white man did not die to set me free. We still had to fight 100 more year and still that has not been enough. It's funny how you white racists are. If I say your asses benefitted from slavery or talk of reparations, then I was never a slave. But now the white man died to set me free. We're done talking.


So in your world a black republican, Democrat set you free?

No kid white people set you free .

That is not an anti semitic remark. Try again junior.

Is it not? What if I said blacks are not minorities? LOL. Silly old man.

You'd be wrong. But the truth is that jews are not a racial minority. There are people of every race in the Jewish religion. And still the statement is not anti semitic. Once you get the nipple out your mouth and grow up, you'll understand that you don't get old by being stupid..

View attachment 232979

The belief or behavior hostile toward Jews just because they are Jewish. It may take the form of religious teachings that proclaim the inferiority of Jews, for instance, or political eff orts to isolate, oppress, or otherwise injure them. It may also include prejudiced or stereotyped views about Jews.


How many Jews live in the US? Old man.

Doesn't matter junior. Judaism is a religion. Ask me how many Methodists live here and I'll tell you that Methodists are not a racial minority also. Drink your formula and get burped.

Wrong. Religion and Culture. Stupid old man.

Wrong. Are you Orthodox, Conservative, Reform or Messianic? You do understand the Muslin religion is based in same Judaism you are, so are Christians. Silly child, you have much to learn.
Not really because Lincoln was a racist.


So you are saying Lincoln was a racist republican who saved the negros?


No. But Lincoln is.


So a white man dies to set you free and you still trash him?
That white man did not die to set me free. We still had to fight 100 more year and still that has not been enough. It's funny how you white racists are. If I say your asses benefitted from slavery or talk of reparations, then I was never a slave. But now the white man died to set me free. We're done talking.


So in your world a black republican, Democrat set you free?

No kid white people set you free .


White people did not set me free. I know you'd like to believe that but it's just not so.
That is one of the problems with conservatives these days. They cherry pick information and say that their cherry picking is "proof".

I guess they forgot about how much the country has changed over the past 150 years. The main reason black people were voting Republican, was because Lincoln freed the slaves. But, then the South started in with their Jim Crow laws, poll taxes and exams, etc., trying to suppress the black vote.

Then, along came Johnson, who wanted to win, and saw the way to do so was to encourage the blacks to vote Dem. He did that by passing the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts that gave blacks equality, and allowed them to vote. Ever since Johnson, black people have been voting Dem because of that.
Yeah, because your side never does? BTW, its been noted and proven that there really wasn't a shift between the parties. It has been shown (For those who are truely interested in the truth) that both parties have evolved away from where they were in the mid 19th and all of the 20th centuries. I also stated that Lincoln would not approve or condone the condition of the GOP today.

However, that does not change the fact that it IS the GOP that freed the slaves and it IS the Democratic party that created the KKK. These are historical facts.

Historical fact shows that southern republicans were in the KKK, that they formed the lily white movement to deny blacks political power, supported segregation, that the first black president was a democrat and that white supremacists support the republican party now.

You really trying to erase history?

What southern Republicans?

You can't erase history. It's just that most black people fully know the history of the republican party. After all, we were republicans and something caused us to leave the party. And it was not the promise of free shit

The lily-white movement was an anti-civil-rights movement within the Republican Party in the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The movement was a response to the political and socioeconomic gains made by African-Americans following the Civil War and the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which eliminated slavery. Black leaders gained increasing influence in the party by organizing blacks as an important voting bloc. Conservative white groups attempted to eliminate this influence and recover white voters who had defected to the Democratic Party.

The term lily-white movement is generally attributed to Texas Republican leader Norris Wright Cuney who used the term in an 1888 Republican convention to describe efforts by white conservatives to oust blacks from positions of Texas party leadership and incite riots to divide the party. The term came to be used nationally to describe this ongoing movement as it further developed in the early 20th century. Localized movements began immediately after the war but by the beginning of the 20th century the effort had become national.

Lily-white movement

The "lily-white" movement within the Republican party after the Civil War.

Norris Wright Cuney

From the first days of Reconstruction, a fight developed not only in Texas but across the South between white and black factions for control of the newly formed party. As white GOP leaders sought "respectability" among Southern voters and a conviction grew that continued "black and tan" involvement thwarted expansion of the party, the lily-white Republicans began an organized effort to drive blacks from positions of party leadership. Though Texas blacks appealed to Northern party managers to halt the movement, lily-whiteism flourished because Republican presidents after 1865 wanted approval from the Southern white masses.

The term lily-white apparently originated at the 1888 Republican state convention in Fort Worth, when a group of whites attempted to expel a number of black and tan delegates. Norris Wright Cuney, the black Texas leader who controlled the state party from 1883 until his death in 1896, promptly labeled the insurgents "lily-whites," and the term was soon applied to similar groups throughout the South. Actually, an organized lily-white movement had begun in Texas during the 1870s, when the party was dominated by former governor Edmund J. Davis.

But once Cuney gained the national committeemanship in 1884 upon the death of Davis, the lily-whites started a concerted drive for mastery. Though Cuney was reappointed to the national committee at the 1892 Republican national convention, the black-white struggle in Texas resulted in a fractured party and the first GOP state convention without a black and tan delegation in attendance. The 1892 election proved a turning point for both GOP factions as Cuney aligned the black and tans behind George Clark, a conservative Democrat, in his fight with James S. Hogg, and the lily-whites nominated Andrew Jackson Houston for the governorship. Houston, son of Sam Houston and a future United States senator, received only 1,322 votes in the November election, while Cuney suffered a dual setback: not only did Clark go down in defeat, but the Democrat Grover Cleveland won the presidency, so that Cuney lost all federal patronage.

The Black Conservative: The "lily-white" movement within the Republican party after the Civil War.

This really pisses you off that the party of Lincoln was the Republicans

The party of the KKK was the democrats .

Simple history.

Simple history.

From a simpleton.

See how simple?

Was Lincoln a "confederate"?


Yeah, because your side never does? BTW, its been noted and proven that there really wasn't a shift between the parties. It has been shown (For those who are truely interested in the truth) that both parties have evolved away from where they were in the mid 19th and all of the 20th centuries. I also stated that Lincoln would not approve or condone the condition of the GOP today.

However, that does not change the fact that it IS the GOP that freed the slaves and it IS the Democratic party that created the KKK. These are historical facts.

Historical fact shows that southern republicans were in the KKK, that they formed the lily white movement to deny blacks political power, supported segregation, that the first black president was a democrat and that white supremacists support the republican party now.

You really trying to erase history?

What southern Republicans?

You can't erase history. It's just that most black people fully know the history of the republican party. After all, we were republicans and something caused us to leave the party. And it was not the promise of free shit

The lily-white movement was an anti-civil-rights movement within the Republican Party in the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The movement was a response to the political and socioeconomic gains made by African-Americans following the Civil War and the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which eliminated slavery. Black leaders gained increasing influence in the party by organizing blacks as an important voting bloc. Conservative white groups attempted to eliminate this influence and recover white voters who had defected to the Democratic Party.

The term lily-white movement is generally attributed to Texas Republican leader Norris Wright Cuney who used the term in an 1888 Republican convention to describe efforts by white conservatives to oust blacks from positions of Texas party leadership and incite riots to divide the party. The term came to be used nationally to describe this ongoing movement as it further developed in the early 20th century. Localized movements began immediately after the war but by the beginning of the 20th century the effort had become national.

Lily-white movement

The "lily-white" movement within the Republican party after the Civil War.

Norris Wright Cuney

From the first days of Reconstruction, a fight developed not only in Texas but across the South between white and black factions for control of the newly formed party. As white GOP leaders sought "respectability" among Southern voters and a conviction grew that continued "black and tan" involvement thwarted expansion of the party, the lily-white Republicans began an organized effort to drive blacks from positions of party leadership. Though Texas blacks appealed to Northern party managers to halt the movement, lily-whiteism flourished because Republican presidents after 1865 wanted approval from the Southern white masses.

The term lily-white apparently originated at the 1888 Republican state convention in Fort Worth, when a group of whites attempted to expel a number of black and tan delegates. Norris Wright Cuney, the black Texas leader who controlled the state party from 1883 until his death in 1896, promptly labeled the insurgents "lily-whites," and the term was soon applied to similar groups throughout the South. Actually, an organized lily-white movement had begun in Texas during the 1870s, when the party was dominated by former governor Edmund J. Davis.

But once Cuney gained the national committeemanship in 1884 upon the death of Davis, the lily-whites started a concerted drive for mastery. Though Cuney was reappointed to the national committee at the 1892 Republican national convention, the black-white struggle in Texas resulted in a fractured party and the first GOP state convention without a black and tan delegation in attendance. The 1892 election proved a turning point for both GOP factions as Cuney aligned the black and tans behind George Clark, a conservative Democrat, in his fight with James S. Hogg, and the lily-whites nominated Andrew Jackson Houston for the governorship. Houston, son of Sam Houston and a future United States senator, received only 1,322 votes in the November election, while Cuney suffered a dual setback: not only did Clark go down in defeat, but the Democrat Grover Cleveland won the presidency, so that Cuney lost all federal patronage.

The Black Conservative: The "lily-white" movement within the Republican party after the Civil War.

This really pisses you off that the party of Lincoln was the Republicans

The party of the KKK was the democrats .

Simple history.

Simple history.

From a simpleton.

See how simple?

Was Lincoln a "confederate"?



It really does piss you off that you were on the wrong side of history doesn't it?

That's why you have to tear down all your Democrat monuments..

Hey look at this why no democrat carved in stone?

There has to be a reason?

Yeah, because your side never does? BTW, its been noted and proven that there really wasn't a shift between the parties. It has been shown (For those who are truely interested in the truth) that both parties have evolved away from where they were in the mid 19th and all of the 20th centuries. I also stated that Lincoln would not approve or condone the condition of the GOP today.

However, that does not change the fact that it IS the GOP that freed the slaves and it IS the Democratic party that created the KKK. These are historical facts.

Historical fact shows that southern republicans were in the KKK, that they formed the lily white movement to deny blacks political power, supported segregation, that the first black president was a democrat and that white supremacists support the republican party now.

You really trying to erase history?

What southern Republicans?

You can't erase history. It's just that most black people fully know the history of the republican party. After all, we were republicans and something caused us to leave the party. And it was not the promise of free shit

The lily-white movement was an anti-civil-rights movement within the Republican Party in the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The movement was a response to the political and socioeconomic gains made by African-Americans following the Civil War and the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which eliminated slavery. Black leaders gained increasing influence in the party by organizing blacks as an important voting bloc. Conservative white groups attempted to eliminate this influence and recover white voters who had defected to the Democratic Party.

The term lily-white movement is generally attributed to Texas Republican leader Norris Wright Cuney who used the term in an 1888 Republican convention to describe efforts by white conservatives to oust blacks from positions of Texas party leadership and incite riots to divide the party. The term came to be used nationally to describe this ongoing movement as it further developed in the early 20th century. Localized movements began immediately after the war but by the beginning of the 20th century the effort had become national.

Lily-white movement

The "lily-white" movement within the Republican party after the Civil War.

Norris Wright Cuney

From the first days of Reconstruction, a fight developed not only in Texas but across the South between white and black factions for control of the newly formed party. As white GOP leaders sought "respectability" among Southern voters and a conviction grew that continued "black and tan" involvement thwarted expansion of the party, the lily-white Republicans began an organized effort to drive blacks from positions of party leadership. Though Texas blacks appealed to Northern party managers to halt the movement, lily-whiteism flourished because Republican presidents after 1865 wanted approval from the Southern white masses.

The term lily-white apparently originated at the 1888 Republican state convention in Fort Worth, when a group of whites attempted to expel a number of black and tan delegates. Norris Wright Cuney, the black Texas leader who controlled the state party from 1883 until his death in 1896, promptly labeled the insurgents "lily-whites," and the term was soon applied to similar groups throughout the South. Actually, an organized lily-white movement had begun in Texas during the 1870s, when the party was dominated by former governor Edmund J. Davis.

But once Cuney gained the national committeemanship in 1884 upon the death of Davis, the lily-whites started a concerted drive for mastery. Though Cuney was reappointed to the national committee at the 1892 Republican national convention, the black-white struggle in Texas resulted in a fractured party and the first GOP state convention without a black and tan delegation in attendance. The 1892 election proved a turning point for both GOP factions as Cuney aligned the black and tans behind George Clark, a conservative Democrat, in his fight with James S. Hogg, and the lily-whites nominated Andrew Jackson Houston for the governorship. Houston, son of Sam Houston and a future United States senator, received only 1,322 votes in the November election, while Cuney suffered a dual setback: not only did Clark go down in defeat, but the Democrat Grover Cleveland won the presidency, so that Cuney lost all federal patronage.

The Black Conservative: The "lily-white" movement within the Republican party after the Civil War.

This really pisses you off that the party of Lincoln was the Republicans

The party of the KKK was the democrats .

Simple history.


Not really because Lincoln was a racist.

FACT CHECK: Did Abraham Lincoln Express Opposition to Racial Equality?

During the Civil War, Foner says, Lincoln’s views evolved radically as he was exposed to black people such as Frederick Douglass, who were far more talented than he had assumed, and as the efforts of freed slaves in the Union army earned them, in Lincoln’s view, the right to citizenship.

Just before his death, Lincoln gave a speech in which he mentioned the possibility of giving black Union soldiers and wealthy black elites the right to vote, in direct contradiction to his 1858 remarks.


The problem is today's Republicans don't evolve.

They still believe the earth is only thousands of years old and we were shimmered into being from dirt. I suspect Lincoln believed the same exact nonsense. The world has evolved since then. Republicans have actually gone backwards.

The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)

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