Why Do Republicans Feel Compelled To Say "We're The Party of Lincoln?"

You have problems following the car in front of you when youre driving so I know you have problems following my meaning.

Except I have not had any problems following your meaning. You are the one confused by my words.
You have major problems following my meaning. If you didnt then you wouldnt be so confused now.

I'm not the one that is confused. That would be you. You are the one unable to follow a sentence's meaning based on context.
Of course youre confused. Your so confused you are denying you are confused.

Nope. Try again.
No need to try. I've already proven the point that youre a confused, small, little, insecure, white boy.
That white inferiority complex kicking in again eh? :rolleyes:

Dude, I am white and a Jew. What do you think? You don't see many of us playing in the NFL or the NBA....but we do own several teams. :)
I think you have an inferiority complex. You make up for it by owning teams filled with superior athletes. My point was that your insecurity caused you to bring it up in a discussion that had nothing to do with athletics. I know its a sore spot for you. :rolleyes:

I agree man. I feel inferior. Maybe there is a safe space I can hide in?
The only place you can hide is in your ancestral home. The caves of europe.

LMAO. What? You had me going until that one...ZERO pts from the Russian Judge. Sorry Assfaceias.

He gets 10.0. Your score is thrown out because you argued based on off topic bs. Sorry neo nazi jew.
"Whites have been ready to elect a decent black candidate for quite some time"

As a white how would know what a decent Black candidate was?

Based on their platform, positions, agenda, resume, ability to campaign, you know, the same way we judge White candidates.
But you dont judge whites the same as you judge Blacks. If you did there would have never been any racism.

But I do. And there is not much racism, at least from US whites.
No you dont. There is a lot of racism and its sourced from US whites.

Sure I do. Surely you've noted even on this site, that I judge people by their actions, not their claimed skin color.

And no, there is not a lot of racism, as demonstrated by the easy acceptance of Obama as President.
I've only noted you are prone to insecure quips about Black people. Whites never got over 39% in their acceptance of Obama which further supports my argument.
Dude, I am white and a Jew. What do you think? You don't see many of us playing in the NFL or the NBA....but we do own several teams. :)
I think you have an inferiority complex. You make up for it by owning teams filled with superior athletes. My point was that your insecurity caused you to bring it up in a discussion that had nothing to do with athletics. I know its a sore spot for you. :rolleyes:

I agree man. I feel inferior. Maybe there is a safe space I can hide in?
The only place you can hide is in your ancestral home. The caves of europe.

LMAO. What? You had me going until that one...ZERO pts from the Russian Judge. Sorry Assfaceias.

He gets 10.0. Your score is thrown out because you argued based on off topic bs. Sorry neo nazi jew.

You cannot even take a joke? Sad.

And how dare you question my unbiased Russian scoring system. I've told you 1000x, old man, you cannot convert racists. Do you think you can convert gays too? LOL.
How do you know? Are you white? Hoist on your own petard. Loser.
Take you for example. You prove it everyday.

I'm a fine example, thanks. And I don't support the silly claim that whites don't or can't think about race, with "complexity".
I agree. You are an excellent example of an ignorant white person. Glad you agree. I didnt ask what you supported. I pointed out that you cant think about race with any complexity due to whites having issues with insecurity and cognitive dissonance.

Except that I don't have those issues, and I am well versed on "race" as an issue.

You know it, but you are too dishonest to admit it.
You have both issues to a larger degree than most whites to be honest. You arent well versed on much of anything let alone racial issues. Remember I have seen your posts and they betray your ignorance and the fact that you are intellectually ship wrecked.

Your inability to admit that people you don't like nor agree with, especially when they are white, can be intelligent and "Well versed",

is a sign of insecurity on your part.
Take you for example. You prove it everyday.

I'm a fine example, thanks. And I don't support the silly claim that whites don't or can't think about race, with "complexity".
I agree. You are an excellent example of an ignorant white person. Glad you agree. I didnt ask what you supported. I pointed out that you cant think about race with any complexity due to whites having issues with insecurity and cognitive dissonance.

Except that I don't have those issues, and I am well versed on "race" as an issue.

You know it, but you are too dishonest to admit it.
You have both issues to a larger degree than most whites to be honest. You arent well versed on much of anything let alone racial issues. Remember I have seen your posts and they betray your ignorance and the fact that you are intellectually ship wrecked.

Your inability to admit that people you don't like nor agree with, especially when they are white, can be intelligent and "Well versed",

is a sign of insecurity on your part.
Theres plenty of white people I disagree with that are intelligent or well versed. You just dont happen to be one of them. Matter of fact you have just used up your time with me. I shouldnt even be discussing this with a intellectual subordinate like you.
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Based on their platform, positions, agenda, resume, ability to campaign, you know, the same way we judge White candidates.
But you dont judge whites the same as you judge Blacks. If you did there would have never been any racism.

But I do. And there is not much racism, at least from US whites.
No you dont. There is a lot of racism and its sourced from US whites.

Sure I do. Surely you've noted even on this site, that I judge people by their actions, not their claimed skin color.

And no, there is not a lot of racism, as demonstrated by the easy acceptance of Obama as President.
I've only noted you are prone to insecure quips about Black people. Whites never got over 39% in their acceptance of Obama which further supports my argument.

1. ONly with you and maybe IM2. And rest assured it is only because of my rule of treating people with the respect they earn. I sometimes have to struggle to do that with some of you more extreme lefties. I will not be held responsible for any such "quips" I made have needed to make to sink to your level.

2. ANd even beyond the high percentage that supported him, even those that opposed him, did so as they would have any dem lib asshole in that office, regardless of skin color.

If White America was a TENTH as racist as you like to pretend, mr. drama queen, there would have been riots and a mob attempting to storm the White House being driven back only by volley fire.
I think you have an inferiority complex. You make up for it by owning teams filled with superior athletes. My point was that your insecurity caused you to bring it up in a discussion that had nothing to do with athletics. I know its a sore spot for you. :rolleyes:

I agree man. I feel inferior. Maybe there is a safe space I can hide in?
The only place you can hide is in your ancestral home. The caves of europe.

LMAO. What? You had me going until that one...ZERO pts from the Russian Judge. Sorry Assfaceias.

He gets 10.0. Your score is thrown out because you argued based on off topic bs. Sorry neo nazi jew.

You cannot even take a joke? Sad.

And how dare you question my unbiased Russian scoring system. I've told you 1000x, old man, you cannot convert racists. Do you think you can convert gays too? LOL.

You have to be funny for me to laugh. You can't convert racists?

Explain this.

My descent into America's neo-Nazi movement & how I got out | Christian Picciolini

Whites have been ready to elect a decent black candidate for quite some time.

I speak as a white, for whites.
Interesting statement, especially coming from you.

My question is, how are you defining "decent?"

Based on how people like yourself on USMB and elsewhere, reacted to Obama, I'm assuming you didn't consider him a decent man.

Hence my question.
I agree man. I feel inferior. Maybe there is a safe space I can hide in?
The only place you can hide is in your ancestral home. The caves of europe.

LMAO. What? You had me going until that one...ZERO pts from the Russian Judge. Sorry Assfaceias.

He gets 10.0. Your score is thrown out because you argued based on off topic bs. Sorry neo nazi jew.

You cannot even take a joke? Sad.

And how dare you question my unbiased Russian scoring system. I've told you 1000x, old man, you cannot convert racists. Do you think you can convert gays too? LOL.

You have to be funny for me to laugh. You can't convert racists?

Explain this.

My descent into America's neo-Nazi movement & how I got out | Christian Picciolini

Extremists are racists aren’t the same thing. You cannot convert racists. You hate Jews. Pretty sure nothing I say will make you change your mind.
What is it, exactly, are they trying to say, or communicate when they spout that line?

I'd love to have the self-professed Republicans, Conservatives and other assorted Rightwingers of USMB weigh in on this.

Well, as a way of answer, let Me ask you this. Why do Democrats and progressives feel compelled to say they are compassionate? Clearly, they are not. At least the Republicans are telling the truth. The GOP is the party of Lincoln, though I doubt very much Lincoln would recognize or agree with the current GOP.
Because they have "black friends".

Actually they do not, not as many black people in Russia. The Lincoln Republican/Democrats KKK stuff is heavily boosted by Russian trolls.
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What is it, exactly, are they trying to say, or communicate when they spout that line?

I'd love to have the self-professed Republicans, Conservatives and other assorted Rightwingers of USMB weigh in on this.

Well, as a way of answer, let Me ask you this. Why do Democrats and progressives feel compelled to say they are compassionate? Clearly, they are not. At least the Republicans are telling the truth. The GOP is the party of Lincoln, though I doubt very much Lincoln would recognize or agree with the current GOP.

Why do Democrats and progressives feel compelled to say they are compassionate? Clearly, they are not."

When I see little kids in cages I feel compassion

When you see little kids in cages you laugh
What is it, exactly, are they trying to say, or communicate when they spout that line?

I'd love to have the self-professed Republicans, Conservatives and other assorted Rightwingers of USMB weigh in on this.

Well, as a way of answer, let Me ask you this. Why do Democrats and progressives feel compelled to say they are compassionate? Clearly, they are not. At least the Republicans are telling the truth. The GOP is the party of Lincoln, though I doubt very much Lincoln would recognize or agree with the current GOP.

Why do Democrats and progressives feel compelled to say they are compassionate? Clearly, they are not."

When I see little kids in cages I feel compassion

When you see little kids in cages you laugh
Thanks for making My point. Kids in cages engender compassion only when the other side is in power. If your compassion (I just laughed a bit there) is predicated on what party is in power, it isn't compassion at all.
What is it, exactly, are they trying to say, or communicate when they spout that line?

I'd love to have the self-professed Republicans, Conservatives and other assorted Rightwingers of USMB weigh in on this.

Well, as a way of answer, let Me ask you this. Why do Democrats and progressives feel compelled to say they are compassionate? Clearly, they are not. At least the Republicans are telling the truth. The GOP is the party of Lincoln, though I doubt very much Lincoln would recognize or agree with the current GOP.

Why do Democrats and progressives feel compelled to say they are compassionate? Clearly, they are not."

When I see little kids in cages I feel compassion

When you see little kids in cages you laugh
Thanks for making My point. Kids in cages engender compassion only when the other side is in power. If your compassion (I just laughed a bit there) is predicated on what party is in power, it isn't compassion at all.

Thank you for proving my point; "Kids in cages engender compassion only when the other side is in power"

Is true for YOU and most conservatives (or all) but not for decent people. I don't care WHO is in power, I don't want to see innocent children put in cages.

long ago
40 years
I was sitting in a living room drinking and smoking pot with a few guys. One of them, I didn't know him, was reminiscing about being a machine gunner on a helicopter.
He talked about an incident in which he machine gunned a mother and 2 kids.

He laughed.

Was that you?
What is it, exactly, are they trying to say, or communicate when they spout that line?

I'd love to have the self-professed Republicans, Conservatives and other assorted Rightwingers of USMB weigh in on this.

Well, as a way of answer, let Me ask you this. Why do Democrats and progressives feel compelled to say they are compassionate? Clearly, they are not. At least the Republicans are telling the truth. The GOP is the party of Lincoln, though I doubt very much Lincoln would recognize or agree with the current GOP.

The GOP is the party of Lincoln, though I doubt very much Lincoln would recognize or agree with the current GOP."

Is Lincoln the Great EMANCIPATOR that you are proud of?
Or the EVIL TYRANT who you hate because he started the War of Northern Aggression?
What is it, exactly, are they trying to say, or communicate when they spout that line?

I'd love to have the self-professed Republicans, Conservatives and other assorted Rightwingers of USMB weigh in on this.

Well, as a way of answer, let Me ask you this. Why do Democrats and progressives feel compelled to say they are compassionate? Clearly, they are not. At least the Republicans are telling the truth. The GOP is the party of Lincoln, though I doubt very much Lincoln would recognize or agree with the current GOP.

Why do Democrats and progressives feel compelled to say they are compassionate? Clearly, they are not."

When I see little kids in cages I feel compassion

When you see little kids in cages you laugh
Thanks for making My point. Kids in cages engender compassion only when the other side is in power. If your compassion (I just laughed a bit there) is predicated on what party is in power, it isn't compassion at all.

Thank you for proving my point; "Kids in cages engender compassion only when the other side is in power"

Is true for YOU and most conservatives (or all) but not for decent people. I don't care WHO is in power, I don't want to see innocent children put in cages.

long ago
40 years
I was sitting in a living room drinking and smoking pot with a few guys. One of them, I didn't know him, was reminiscing about being a machine gunner on a helicopter.
He talked about an incident in which he machine gunned a mother and 2 kids.

He laughed.

Was that you?
I call BS. If you were telling the truth, you'd have lambasted Obama now AND then. You didn't. You just decided to attack Me with a made up story about some guy bragging about committing murder while you were high (meaning what you remember is pretty much a fantasy at worst, questionable at best) and then trying to attribute that to Me without even knowing who I am.

Game, set, and match. Dismissed.
What is it, exactly, are they trying to say, or communicate when they spout that line?

I'd love to have the self-professed Republicans, Conservatives and other assorted Rightwingers of USMB weigh in on this.

Well, as a way of answer, let Me ask you this. Why do Democrats and progressives feel compelled to say they are compassionate? Clearly, they are not. At least the Republicans are telling the truth. The GOP is the party of Lincoln, though I doubt very much Lincoln would recognize or agree with the current GOP.

The GOP is the party of Lincoln, though I doubt very much Lincoln would recognize or agree with the current GOP."

Is Lincoln the Great EMANCIPATOR that you are proud of?
Or the EVIL TYRANT who you hate because he started the War of Northern Aggression?
Good God, your one of those. Buh Bye.
The only place you can hide is in your ancestral home. The caves of europe.

LMAO. What? You had me going until that one...ZERO pts from the Russian Judge. Sorry Assfaceias.

He gets 10.0. Your score is thrown out because you argued based on off topic bs. Sorry neo nazi jew.

You cannot even take a joke? Sad.

And how dare you question my unbiased Russian scoring system. I've told you 1000x, old man, you cannot convert racists. Do you think you can convert gays too? LOL.

You have to be funny for me to laugh. You can't convert racists?

Explain this.

My descent into America's neo-Nazi movement & how I got out | Christian Picciolini

Extremists are racists aren’t the same thing. You cannot convert racists. You hate Jews. Pretty sure nothing I say will make you change your mind.

Bullshit. I don't hate jews, but you are a racist jew who believes the same things as the neo nazis who hate you.
Whites have been ready to elect a decent black candidate for quite some time.

I speak as a white, for whites.
Interesting statement, especially coming from you.

My question is, how are you defining "decent?"

Based on how people like yourself on USMB and elsewhere, reacted to Obama, I'm assuming you didn't consider him a decent man.

Hence my question.

Well, I certainly would not have VOTED for him, I did not consider his election to be any worse than say, any other liberal dem's election.

SO, it passed without any specific comment on it ie the black being elected.

That was my bar for "Decent" in this scenario.

And imo, the nation was ready for this for long before Obama actually showed up and did it.

Obama was no "jackie robinson" so good we had to change the rules to let him in.

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