Why do Republicans hate "innocent until proven guilty"?

How long do we have to listen to their hypocritical shameful, disgusting accusation that Bill Clinton is a rapist, or the Clintons are murderers or corrupt embezzlers?

Prove it in a court of law, or just shut the hell up.

that's a good question. it's because it doesn't fit their worldview.

but to be fair, we can all be guilty of that sometimes. they just do it to pathological levels.
Liberals are doing everything they can to excuse / defend the pathelogically lying career sexual harasser, rapist, adulterer, and pedophile....


What's next? Weiner's weiner was 'photo-shopped' in a right wing conspiracy that successfully framed him?!


(I love the latest photos of Slick Willey and Bill Cosby standing together...how appropriate...)

i have to tell you. i never knew people were as stupid as you. or maybe i just never traveled in circles with anyone as stupid as you.

sad. does it hurt?
Vigilante Justice (vijelanty justise): noun~
"Innocent until proven guilty" is just a legal term. People can actually be guilty in reality, regardless of whether or not they're convicted, or even caught. It's a fine point that doesn't make sense to the people who seem to think that the court determines whether or not a person actually did something bad.
"Innocent until proven guilty" is just a legal term. People can actually be guilty in reality, regardless of whether or not they're convicted, or even caught. It's a fine point that doesn't make sense to the people who seem to think that the court determines whether or not a person actually did something bad.

George Zimmerman. Aaaand go!
I remember the "He had 'FED' scrawled on his chest..." thread...it went on for 10,000 replies accusing every right leaning individual in the country of murder...until it came out the guy committed suicide and was attempting to defraud his insurance company.
As usual, you are dead wrong. The Presumption of Innocence ("Innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt") is NOT "just a legal term." Rather, it is the cornerstone of our criminal justice system. It is what separates us from dictatorships, police states and societies molded after the misguided concepts of the conservative Right.

Without the Presumption of Innocence, we would have no need for trials. The police would be the judge, jury and imposers of penalty all in one. Nice and neat. Why not? We trust the police, don't we? The police would never arrest someone who hasn't done SOMETHING, and that is more than enough for the "good, law-abiding citizens" of the Right.

You'd better thank God for the Presumption of Innocence and not attempt to dismiss it as "just a legal term."

Your final sentence here: "It's a fine point that doesn't make sense to the people who seem to think that the court determines whether or not a person actually did something bad," makes no sense. Right in keeping with your usual blatherings on this message board.
All dictatorships are products of socialism/progressivism.

One of the main thrusts of neo-conservatism is maximum punishment for those accused of crime, diminishing the rights of criminal defendants and expanding the power of the police. These factors are also common to a dictatorship. Last time I looked, today's conservatives do not seem to be espousing "socialism/progressivism."

Oh please. Your second place contender for the Democrat ticket is an admitted Socialist. Your current leader was supported by the US Communist party both elections.

Republicans are for the rule of law and proper punishment for criminals. You on the left put guys in prisons with cable television, three square meals plus snacks, a workout room, a pool table room, and even a nice quiet room where a criminal can start a family with his wife. Then you say guns are responsible for all the murders we have in this country.

None of that in the federal prison system.

I don't know about the federal prison system because I don't know anybody that's been there. I do know several people that spent a considerable amount of time in non-federal prisons though.

In fact it was only a couple of years ago in my state where a prisoner claimed he was too fat to execute. HIs appeal was based on the fact his fat hid his veins. They killed him anyhow, but the question I had was how did he get so fat in prison?

People outside of the prison can donate money into prisoner's accounts to buy snacks another personal items.
How long do we have to listen to their hypocritical shameful, disgusting accusation that Bill Clinton is a rapist, or the Clintons are murderers or corrupt embezzlers?

Prove it in a court of law, or just shut the hell up.

that's a good question. it's because it doesn't fit their worldview.

but to be fair, we can all be guilty of that sometimes. they just do it to pathological levels.
Slick Willey paid Paula Jones $850,000 to end her appeal to her sexual harassment lawsuit, during which he was disbarred, and to go away because another trial during an Impeachment was not something he or Hillary wanted. Jones was just another 'victim' of what Hillary herself called Bill's 'bimbo eruptions'.

I notice above the accusations against Bill were called hypocritical, disgusting, and shameful....but NOT 'FALSE'! The only thing disgusting, hypocritical, shameful, AND criminal were the actions of Bill and Hillary!
All dictatorships are products of socialism/progressivism.

One of the main thrusts of neo-conservatism is maximum punishment for those accused of crime, diminishing the rights of criminal defendants and expanding the power of the police. These factors are also common to a dictatorship. Last time I looked, today's conservatives do not seem to be espousing "socialism/progressivism."

Oh please. Your second place contender for the Democrat ticket is an admitted Socialist. Your current leader was supported by the US Communist party both elections.

Republicans are for the rule of law and proper punishment for criminals. You on the left put guys in prisons with cable television, three square meals plus snacks, a workout room, a pool table room, and even a nice quiet room where a criminal can start a family with his wife. Then you say guns are responsible for all the murders we have in this country.

None of that in the federal prison system.

I don't know about the federal prison system because I don't know anybody that's been there. I do know several people that spent a considerable amount of time in non-federal prisons though.

In fact it was only a couple of years ago in my state where a prisoner claimed he was too fat to execute. HIs appeal was based on the fact his fat hid his veins. They killed him anyhow, but the question I had was how did he get so fat in prison?

People outside of the prison can donate money into prisoner's accounts to buy snacks another personal items.

Yes, I'm well aware of that. But one has to ask, with all these amenities and padding of accounts, is that really a deterrent to crime? The people I know that were locked up of course would never choose prison over the outside world, but they said if they ever had to return, it wouldn't be the end of the world. They could get along just fine.
One of the main thrusts of neo-conservatism is maximum punishment for those accused of crime, diminishing the rights of criminal defendants and expanding the power of the police. These factors are also common to a dictatorship. Last time I looked, today's conservatives do not seem to be espousing "socialism/progressivism."

Oh please. Your second place contender for the Democrat ticket is an admitted Socialist. Your current leader was supported by the US Communist party both elections.

Republicans are for the rule of law and proper punishment for criminals. You on the left put guys in prisons with cable television, three square meals plus snacks, a workout room, a pool table room, and even a nice quiet room where a criminal can start a family with his wife. Then you say guns are responsible for all the murders we have in this country.

None of that in the federal prison system.

I don't know about the federal prison system because I don't know anybody that's been there. I do know several people that spent a considerable amount of time in non-federal prisons though.

In fact it was only a couple of years ago in my state where a prisoner claimed he was too fat to execute. HIs appeal was based on the fact his fat hid his veins. They killed him anyhow, but the question I had was how did he get so fat in prison?

People outside of the prison can donate money into prisoner's accounts to buy snacks another personal items.

Yes, I'm well aware of that. But one has to ask, with all these amenities and padding of accounts, is that really a deterrent to crime? The people I know that were locked up of course would never choose prison over the outside world, but they said if they ever had to return, it wouldn't be the end of the world. They could get along just fine.

What amenities? Maybe you should visit a prison and see how much fun you think it is! Ex-cons have a tendency to talk smack, didn't you know?
Oh please. Your second place contender for the Democrat ticket is an admitted Socialist. Your current leader was supported by the US Communist party both elections.

Republicans are for the rule of law and proper punishment for criminals. You on the left put guys in prisons with cable television, three square meals plus snacks, a workout room, a pool table room, and even a nice quiet room where a criminal can start a family with his wife. Then you say guns are responsible for all the murders we have in this country.

None of that in the federal prison system.

I don't know about the federal prison system because I don't know anybody that's been there. I do know several people that spent a considerable amount of time in non-federal prisons though.

In fact it was only a couple of years ago in my state where a prisoner claimed he was too fat to execute. HIs appeal was based on the fact his fat hid his veins. They killed him anyhow, but the question I had was how did he get so fat in prison?

People outside of the prison can donate money into prisoner's accounts to buy snacks another personal items.

Yes, I'm well aware of that. But one has to ask, with all these amenities and padding of accounts, is that really a deterrent to crime? The people I know that were locked up of course would never choose prison over the outside world, but they said if they ever had to return, it wouldn't be the end of the world. They could get along just fine.

What amenities? Maybe you should visit a prison and see how much fun you think it is! Ex-cons have a tendency to talk smack, didn't you know?

Well they all can't be wrong, can they?

Many of our ex-cons return to jail. Is that just a coincidence?

Given the fact we have the highest percentage of our population locked up behind bars compared to other industrialized nations, it's a clear sign that our prison system is not a deterrent.

While prison may be hell for honest productive people, it's not nearly the hell for people that come from other backgrounds.

So you're familiar with the term "talk smack?" Are you also familiar with the term "street cred?" Street Cred (or Street Credentials) is an honor system of sorts. Other lowlifes actually look up to those who have spent time in prison. They become somewhat the leader of the pack.
Republicans hate 'innocent until proven guilty? Hillary was the one who said all women who claim to be victims of sexual misconduct should be believed, the men assumed to be guilty, inmediately....

...that is unless it is a woman accusing Slick Willey. :p
Ferguson Missouri.....that's all I will say about that.
Ferguson certainly taught me not to violently rob a store owner, then when asked to stop by the police not to beat him in his car while trying to get his gun, then run and refuse to stop, and at the last moment turn and start running back at the officer.
That illegal shit might just get you killed like the animal you are.
If all the women who have claimed to be victimized by Slick Willey are 'wrong', then maybe Cosby is 'just as innocent'...
Republicans hate 'innocent until proven guilty? Hillary was the one who said all women who claim to be victims of sexual misconduct should be believed, the men assumed to be guilty, inmediately....

...that is unless it is a woman accusing Slick Willey. :p
Its bull the way it works too.
man and a woman go to a bar, they both get drunk then have unprotected sex. She claims rape and wins because she was drunk and not able to say no.
No mention of that fact that the man was drunk too and, equally unable to say no, in most cases just looking at the woman involved should be proof enough that he was the one raped.
MP, that should teach men that after such one night stands THEY should be the 1st ones to claim rape the next morning...just to be safe...

MP, that should teach men that after such one night stands THEY should be the 1st ones to claim rape the next morning...just to be safe...

problem is that most of them are in the hospital in shock after chewing their arms off to keep from waking the beast next to them.
Republicans hate 'innocent until proven guilty? Hillary was the one who said all women who claim to be victims of sexual misconduct should be believed, the men assumed to be guilty, inmediately....

...that is unless it is a woman accusing Slick Willey. :p

You know Democrats are such hypocrites. Who was it that was so judgmental in the police shootings and Trayvon Martin cases? The juries weren't even selected yet before liberals bashed all these people.

Here in Cleveland we are trudging through the Tamir Rice case. We have video, we had investigations, we had forensics, we had a Grand Jury hear the case, and in spite of the outcomes, they are still calling for the hanging of these two police officers.

Now these black Democrats are having rallies and blocking streets to vent their anger. The media is covering their every move. OP claims Republicans hate innocent until proven guilty, but it seems that Democrats hate innocent when proven innocent.

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