Why do Republicans hate "innocent until proven guilty"?

It is hilarious that in this very thread the left wing defends Clinton's proven dalliances by saying Crosby is guilty, without trial. What a bunch of two faced losers.
Ferguson Missouri.....that's all I will say about that.
Ferguson certainly taught me not to violently rob a store owner, then when asked to stop by the police not to beat him in his car while trying to get his gun, then run and refuse to stop, and at the last moment turn and start running back at the officer.
That illegal shit might just get you killed like the animal you are.

Washington Post: ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ One of Biggest Lies of 2015
Everyone needs to put this thing on Ignore. the more we pay it any attention the more vulgar and annoying it gets. put it our of misery
This thread is proving beyond a reasonable doubt the right doesn't believe in American values. "Innocent until proven guilty" is one of the foundations this country was built on.

And now you're proving the right doesn't believe in the 1st amendment by lobbying to have his voice silenced.
Everyone needs to put this thing on Ignore. the more we pay it any attention the more vulgar and annoying it gets. put it our of misery
This thread is proving beyond a reasonable doubt the right doesn't believe in American values. "Innocent until proven guilty" is one of the foundations this country was built on.

And now you're proving the right doesn't believe in the 1st amendment by lobbying to have his voice silenced.

None of the other lefties here have responded to my comments, so I'll give you a try. Who is it that keeps pushing the use of the no fly list to prohibit citizens their right to buy a firearm? The right or the left? Is the no fly list a list of people suspected to have terrorist ties or people proven in a court of law to have terrorist ties? If it is the later, than why was Ted Kennedy on it? Why is the list secret? Why is it so hard to get your name removed? The no fly list is blatant "guilty until proven innocent" and it is the left pushing it for gun control. So your assertion that the right doesn't believe in innocent until proven guilty is full of crap since the left is in actuality spitting all over it. The left needs to read the constitution instead of using it to wipe their lazy ass.
None of the other lefties here have responded to my comments, so I'll give you a try. Who is it that keeps pushing the use of the no fly list to prohibit citizens their right to buy a firearm? The right or the left?
I don't know; I'm not a gun guy.

Is the no fly list a list of people suspected to have terrorist ties or people proven in a court of law to have terrorist ties?
People suspected.

If it is the later,
You mean the latter.

than why was Ted Kennedy on it?
Because he looked like a Macy's Day parade float and that's dangerous.

Why is the list secret?
I don't know why. I think it's bullshit.

Why is it so hard to get your name removed?
That question has a lot of answers.

The no fly list is blatant "guilty until proven innocent" and it is the left pushing it for gun control.
I agree with the first; I don't know about the second.

So your assertion that the right doesn't believe in innocent until proven guilty is full of crap since the left is in actuality spitting all over it.
You cited one example, that's hardly "...spitting all over...".

The left needs to read the constitution instead of using it to wipe their lazy ass.
It wasn't the left that started two illegal and immoral wars of aggression against sovereign nations that did not attack us first.

It wasn't the left that started indefinite detention.

It wasn't the left that pushed through two bills [Patriot and Military Commissions Acts] that have basically nullified the Bill of Rights.

It wasn't the left that tried to re-define what is considered torture, just so they wouldn't get prosecuted later.

And it wasn't the left that politicized the DOJ.
When will that be put in the Clinton library??
Today right wing talk radio was talking about how bill was getting millions from Abu Dhabi while hillary was sos and he wanted to go to north Korea but they decided that was going too far. Lol

Remember bill sold nuclear secrets to china? Another lie. If it wasn't don't you think the GOP would have brought it up by now?

Republicans lie so much they have zero credibility. The party that cried wolf.
Just as all career politicians do...
What lies did us liberals say about bush McCain or Romney?

In fact it was Bush's team that spread the rumor McCain's adopted black daughter was his illegitimate kid from an affair.

And Republicans cry about cruz' little monkeys?

Harry Reid said Romney didn't pay his taxes. He admitted that was a lie.
Bullshit. He hides money offshore and hires illegals. Give me a link of him admitting he lied.

Read my lips: "Harry Reid admitted it was a lie."
How long do we have to listen to their hypocritical shameful, disgusting accusation that Bill Clinton is a rapist, or the Clintons are murderers or corrupt embezzlers?

Prove it in a court of law, or just shut the hell up.
If we say "alleged" rapist does it make the left feel better?
Everyone needs to put this thing on Ignore. the more we pay it any attention the more vulgar and annoying it gets. put it our of misery
This thread is proving beyond a reasonable doubt the right doesn't believe in American values. "Innocent until proven guilty" is one of the foundations this country was built on.

And now you're proving the right doesn't believe in the 1st amendment by lobbying to have his voice silenced.

None of the other lefties here have responded to my comments, so I'll give you a try. Who is it that keeps pushing the use of the no fly list to prohibit citizens their right to buy a firearm? The right or the left? Is the no fly list a list of people suspected to have terrorist ties or people proven in a court of law to have terrorist ties? If it is the later, than why was Ted Kennedy on it? Why is the list secret? Why is it so hard to get your name removed? The no fly list is blatant "guilty until proven innocent" and it is the left pushing it for gun control. So your assertion that the right doesn't believe in innocent until proven guilty is full of crap since the left is in actuality spitting all over it. The left needs to read the constitution instead of using it to wipe their lazy ass.

Kennedy was never on the No Fly list. He was confused with somebody that was on the Selectee List which is a step down from the No Fly list. It's just a red flag to alert authorities, but again, it was corrected.
Everyone needs to put this thing on Ignore. the more we pay it any attention the more vulgar and annoying it gets. put it our of misery
This thread is proving beyond a reasonable doubt the right doesn't believe in American values. "Innocent until proven guilty" is one of the foundations this country was built on.

And now you're proving the right doesn't believe in the 1st amendment by lobbying to have his voice silenced.

None of the other lefties here have responded to my comments, so I'll give you a try. Who is it that keeps pushing the use of the no fly list to prohibit citizens their right to buy a firearm? The right or the left? Is the no fly list a list of people suspected to have terrorist ties or people proven in a court of law to have terrorist ties? If it is the later, than why was Ted Kennedy on it? Why is the list secret? Why is it so hard to get your name removed? The no fly list is blatant "guilty until proven innocent" and it is the left pushing it for gun control. So your assertion that the right doesn't believe in innocent until proven guilty is full of crap since the left is in actuality spitting all over it. The left needs to read the constitution instead of using it to wipe their lazy ass.

Kennedy was never on the No Fly list. He was confused with somebody that was on the Selectee List which is a step down from the No Fly list. It's just a red flag to alert authorities, but again, it was corrected.

Kennedy was on the no fly list because of his tattoo. He got it because of the Coast Guard rules after Chappaquiddick.

It said, "Caution: Not to be used as a flotation device." They didn't want him flying in case of a water landing.
Kennedy was on the no fly list because of his tattoo. He got it because of the Coast Guard rules after Chappaquiddick.

It said, "Caution: Not to be used as a flotation device." They didn't want him flying in case of a water landing.
Ted Kennedy: good senator, bad date.


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