Why Do Republicans Pretend the War On Poverty was supposed to END POVERTY?

Tell us then, what WAS the purpose of the war ?

Great, so at least we agree that the impossible is not possible.

The purpose was to reduce poverty and create opportunity for minorities. From that other things came about like Food Stamps (not meant to end the existence of hunger) and the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) (not meant to end ignorance)

All the money spent on poverty yields the same, if not more poverty. While fighting your war on poverty you have infiltrated society with millions more of the impoverished uneducated from other countries then whine that American kids go to bed hungry, you try to shame Republicans for the chaos you liberals have created. Yeah! That makes sense.

I have no idea what you're talking about but its curious that Republicans have been helpless to change anything, for the better, over 60 years.

Continuing...a lie.
In another thread on poverty republicans or conservatives kept saying that the war on poverty "hasnt worked".

When asked what they thought the goal of the war on poverty was many stated the usual "Liberals said..." followed by impossible things never said by anyone.

Of course if you believe the war on poverty was supposed to make everyone rich, I have bad news for you.

If you believed the war on poverty was supposed to end poor people existing, no wonder you think it "failed"

If you thought that the war on poverty meant everyone would live like Mr Burns from the Simpsons, I understand your frustration.

So what was the point? A permanent dependency class that would reliably vote Democrat for generations to come?

Of course.
Republicans are conducting a war on education

Lies, liars, and rightwinger.
Which party wants to abolish......The Department of Education?
It's not the Democrats. Democrats want to keep pissing that money away.
Education is wasted money?

We do not need a dept of education. Let the state's manage education.

States are fucking up education, not the dept of education
Our "poor" aren't necessarily struggling. Our "poor" live a standard of life that 95% of the world would envy. Plenty of food. Free or subsidized housing. Free education. Heating & AC. A refrigerator. Color TV. Free Obamaphones. Healthcare. Probably a car. Relatively safe neighborhoods.

Our "poor" aren't "poor".

By global standards.....our "poor" are like someone who has to rent a 2 bedroom apartment in Beverly Hills and have a roommate or 2. Yeah....rough.

Try it sometime
In another thread on poverty republicans or conservatives kept saying that the war on poverty "hasnt worked".

When asked what they thought the goal of the war on poverty was many stated the usual "Liberals said..." followed by impossible things never said by anyone.

Of course if you believe the war on poverty was supposed to make everyone rich, I have bad news for you.

If you believed the war on poverty was supposed to end poor people existing, no wonder you think it "failed"

If you thought that the war on poverty meant everyone would live like Mr Burns from the Simpsons, I understand your frustration.

So what was the point? A permanent dependency class that would reliably vote Democrat for generations to come?

Only if you believe that people dont vote their values and that every republican that collects welfare is really a dem just to fool you.

But if Republicans on welfare exists that kinda shits on your whole logic now doesnt it?

Of course there are Republicans who use welfare. But you and I BOTH know that those people who have made a lifestyle of welfare most generally vote Democrat on a regular basis, and THAT is the people most people are sick of. Some guy gets laid off work and can't find another job, signs up for welfare for a year to feed his family while he finds another job? Who has a problem with that??? No one of course. Lazy asshole who's never had a job and is out bragging that only idiots get jobs, yeah who would NOT complain about that? Why Democrats who want their votes, that's who.

And the worst part of all is, there are liberals who I believe actually have good intentions (like you) who just can't admit that yes, their party is corrupt and uses the welfare system to generate votes and doesn't give a damn about those people.

Anyone who genuinely cared about a person who was bragging about only an idiot would get a job would speak out about that attitude and condemn it, not pretend like it doesn't exist.
Most welfare and food stamps go to Republicans for two reasons. First, they are a large group of poor. Second, they don't believe in education which, historically, has been the way to get out of poverty. In other words. Stupid fucks who happen to be mostly white and vote into office, people who despise them.
In another thread on poverty republicans or conservatives kept saying that the war on poverty "hasnt worked".

When asked what they thought the goal of the war on poverty was many stated the usual "Liberals said..." followed by impossible things never said by anyone.

Of course if you believe the war on poverty was supposed to make everyone rich, I have bad news for you.

If you believed the war on poverty was supposed to end poor people existing, no wonder you think it "failed"

If you thought that the war on poverty meant everyone would live like Mr Burns from the Simpsons, I understand your frustration.

except that poverty has risen in the last 40 years OP, mostly under lib watch- carter, clinton, obama.
Conservatives view everything as either/or. They have a lot of trouble seeing the complexities of life. There is no human endeavor that has ever been 100% successful and never will. All of human effort is doing the best that can be done, and many times it is merely doing something more than nothing.

You are asking why people who see everything they don't believe in as evil to see the good in it. Their minds are forever trapped in us vs them and anything that isn't us is evil and wrong. They never fully grow up.
Liberals view everything without any consideration for GOD or absolutes. They desire unearned respectability and want freedom from opposing points of view contrary to their own. Such opposing points of view they inevitably label as hateful, which would seem to be self servicing and childishly motivated --- founded in insecurity.
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Lies, liars, and rightwinger.
Which party wants to abolish......The Department of Education?
It's not the Democrats. Democrats want to keep pissing that money away.
Education is wasted money?

We do not need a dept of education. Let the state's manage education.

States are fucking up education, not the dept of education
Bullshit Shlomo.
In another thread on poverty republicans or conservatives kept saying that the war on poverty "hasnt worked".

When asked what they thought the goal of the war on poverty was many stated the usual "Liberals said..." followed by impossible things never said by anyone.

Of course if you believe the war on poverty was supposed to make everyone rich, I have bad news for you.

If you believed the war on poverty was supposed to end poor people existing, no wonder you think it "failed"

If you thought that the war on poverty meant everyone would live like Mr Burns from the Simpsons, I understand your frustration.

except that poverty has risen in the last 40 years OP, mostly under lib watch- carter, clinton, obama.

Mostly under Lib watch? LMAO Now Reagan, Bush, and Bush never happened or at least...they were powerless somehow
Are liberals the only morons who suppose that one fights a war to NOT win it?

How does the government "win" a war on poverty?

We need our "job creators" to at least make an effort

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Which party wants to abolish......The Department of Education?
It's not the Democrats. Democrats want to keep pissing that money away.
Education is wasted money?

We do not need a dept of education. Let the state's manage education.

States are fucking up education, not the dept of education
Bullshit Shlomo.

Federal government only provides 10% of educational funding

The remainder comes from state and local funding depending on which state you live in. Now, guess which states have the most fucked up educational systems....those run by the party that despises education
It's not the Democrats. Democrats want to keep pissing that money away.
Education is wasted money?

We do not need a dept of education. Let the state's manage education.

States are fucking up education, not the dept of education
Bullshit Shlomo.

Federal government only provides 10% of educational funding

The remainder comes from state and local funding depending on which state you live in. Now, guess which states have the most fucked up educational systems....those run by the party that despises education
You're an idiot if you think funding is the problem with public education. I see you left wing idjits always harping on about how horrible the 'education' kids get in our public schools compared to other western countries is... And I agree we are not doing right by our kids....you're just totally oblivious to the reality that we spend more than any country already....and we STILL get shitty results. At what point do you morons get that money isn't the problem? Never it seems.
Education is wasted money?

We do not need a dept of education. Let the state's manage education.

States are fucking up education, not the dept of education
Bullshit Shlomo.

Federal government only provides 10% of educational funding

The remainder comes from state and local funding depending on which state you live in. Now, guess which states have the most fucked up educational systems....those run by the party that despises education
You're an idiot if you think funding is the problem with public education. I see you left wing idjits always harping on about how horrible the 'education' kids get in our public schools compared to other western countries is... And I agree we are not doing right by our kids....you're just totally oblivious to the reality that we spend more than any country already....and we STILL get shitty results. At what point do you morons get that money isn't the problem? Never it seems.

We see the results from states which emphasize funding of education and those who don't

None of the states which cut corners on education (lets call them "red states") are at the top of educational performance
We do not need a dept of education. Let the state's manage education.

States are fucking up education, not the dept of education
Bullshit Shlomo.

Federal government only provides 10% of educational funding

The remainder comes from state and local funding depending on which state you live in. Now, guess which states have the most fucked up educational systems....those run by the party that despises education
You're an idiot if you think funding is the problem with public education. I see you left wing idjits always harping on about how horrible the 'education' kids get in our public schools compared to other western countries is... And I agree we are not doing right by our kids....you're just totally oblivious to the reality that we spend more than any country already....and we STILL get shitty results. At what point do you morons get that money isn't the problem? Never it seems.

We see the results from states which emphasize funding of education and those who don't

None of the states which cut corners on education (lets call them "red states") are at the top of educational performance
Where is California?
What the Government can do about poverty

- Provide assistance for housing, food, healthcare
- Provide educational and jobs training
- Offer business incentives to locate in impoverished regions
- increase minimum wage

What "Job creators" can do about poverty

- Pay salaries that workers can support themselves on
- Create new jobs
- Provide a pathway to better career opportunities

Guess which entity is failing our poor?
States are fucking up education, not the dept of education
Bullshit Shlomo.

Federal government only provides 10% of educational funding

The remainder comes from state and local funding depending on which state you live in. Now, guess which states have the most fucked up educational systems....those run by the party that despises education
You're an idiot if you think funding is the problem with public education. I see you left wing idjits always harping on about how horrible the 'education' kids get in our public schools compared to other western countries is... And I agree we are not doing right by our kids....you're just totally oblivious to the reality that we spend more than any country already....and we STILL get shitty results. At what point do you morons get that money isn't the problem? Never it seems.

We see the results from states which emphasize funding of education and those who don't

None of the states which cut corners on education (lets call them "red states") are at the top of educational performance
Where is California?

Its on the west coast just west of Nevada

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