Why Do Republicans Pretend the War On Poverty was supposed to END POVERTY?

At what point do you morons get that money isn't the problem? Never it seems.

Whats the solution? And why doesnt anyone else know it?
Abolish the DOE, wittle the control down all the way to as local as possible. The more localized the school system, the more accountability. That's at least part of the solution.

Can I ask why abolish the DOE? I mean in real terms and not just feelings type of stuff. Is there anyway to fix it or no?
Bullshit Shlomo.

Federal government only provides 10% of educational funding

The remainder comes from state and local funding depending on which state you live in. Now, guess which states have the most fucked up educational systems....those run by the party that despises education
You're an idiot if you think funding is the problem with public education. I see you left wing idjits always harping on about how horrible the 'education' kids get in our public schools compared to other western countries is... And I agree we are not doing right by our kids....you're just totally oblivious to the reality that we spend more than any country already....and we STILL get shitty results. At what point do you morons get that money isn't the problem? Never it seems.

We see the results from states which emphasize funding of education and those who don't

None of the states which cut corners on education (lets call them "red states") are at the top of educational performance
Where is California?

Its on the west coast just east of Nevada
And at the bottom of the education list. Because they are stupid people.
At what point do you morons get that money isn't the problem? Never it seems.

Whats the solution? And why doesnt anyone else know it?
Abolish the DOE, wittle the control down all the way to as local as possible. The more localized the school system, the more accountability. That's at least part of the solution.

Can I ask why abolish the DOE? I mean in real terms and not just feelings type of stuff. Is there anyway to fix it or no?

Ecause tgey do not do shit and the money spent on a useless bureaucracy can be funneled into buying books or something useful like that.
Federal government only provides 10% of educational funding

The remainder comes from state and local funding depending on which state you live in. Now, guess which states have the most fucked up educational systems....those run by the party that despises education
You're an idiot if you think funding is the problem with public education. I see you left wing idjits always harping on about how horrible the 'education' kids get in our public schools compared to other western countries is... And I agree we are not doing right by our kids....you're just totally oblivious to the reality that we spend more than any country already....and we STILL get shitty results. At what point do you morons get that money isn't the problem? Never it seems.

We see the results from states which emphasize funding of education and those who don't

None of the states which cut corners on education (lets call them "red states") are at the top of educational performance
Where is California?

Its on the west coast just east of Nevada
And at the bottom of the education list. Because they are stupid people.

California is 16th


Notice all the red states at the bottom. Imagine how bad red states would be if the Dept of education did not demand at least minimum standards?
Federal government only provides 10% of educational funding

The remainder comes from state and local funding depending on which state you live in. Now, guess which states have the most fucked up educational systems....those run by the party that despises education
You're an idiot if you think funding is the problem with public education. I see you left wing idjits always harping on about how horrible the 'education' kids get in our public schools compared to other western countries is... And I agree we are not doing right by our kids....you're just totally oblivious to the reality that we spend more than any country already....and we STILL get shitty results. At what point do you morons get that money isn't the problem? Never it seems.

We see the results from states which emphasize funding of education and those who don't

None of the states which cut corners on education (lets call them "red states") are at the top of educational performance
Where is California?

Its on the west coast just east of Nevada
And at the bottom of the education list. Because they are stupid people.

You just be saying things. The state consistently at the bottom in terms of education is Alaska. Why you have to lie about it shows you dont have a good point to stand on
At what point do you morons get that money isn't the problem? Never it seems.

Whats the solution? And why doesnt anyone else know it?
Abolish the DOE, wittle the control down all the way to as local as possible. The more localized the school system, the more accountability. That's at least part of the solution.

Can I ask why abolish the DOE? I mean in real terms and not just feelings type of stuff. Is there anyway to fix it or no?
There's no need for a federal department of education, bureaucrats that are almost 2000 miles away from my state, Arizona for example...do not know what our kids need here more than we do. One thing we don't need is a bunch of drama about bathrooms and other social justice agenda garbage pushed in our schools, which is all the DOE does nowadays....we need to focus on skills that will actually help children become successful in the work force, not gender bender and homosexual nonsense.
At what point do you morons get that money isn't the problem? Never it seems.

Whats the solution? And why doesnt anyone else know it?
Abolish the DOE, wittle the control down all the way to as local as possible. The more localized the school system, the more accountability. That's at least part of the solution.

Can I ask why abolish the DOE? I mean in real terms and not just feelings type of stuff. Is there anyway to fix it or no?
There's no need for a federal department of education, bureaucrats that are almost 2000 miles away from my state, Arizona for example...do not know what our kids need here more than we do.

Why is there no need? You're looking at this as if its a contest. Its not the DOE knows more about your kids or any other silly stuff. Its about setting a national standard. So if we stop pretending this is about a custody battle and about national standards, Why shouldnt we have national standards?

One thing we don't need is a bunch of drama about bathrooms and other social justice agenda garbage pushed in our schools, which is all the DOE does nowadays....we need to focus on skills that will actually help children become successful in the work force, not gender bender and homosexual nonsense.

You speak a lot about things we DONT need. Forget bathrooms for a second. Why are you against America having a National Standard in Education?
In another thread on poverty republicans or conservatives kept saying that the war on poverty "hasnt worked".

When asked what they thought the goal of the war on poverty was many stated the usual "Liberals said..." followed by impossible things never said by anyone.

Of course if you believe the war on poverty was supposed to make everyone rich, I have bad news for you.

If you believed the war on poverty was supposed to end poor people existing, no wonder you think it "failed"

If you thought that the war on poverty meant everyone would live like Mr Burns from the Simpsons, I understand your frustration.

How about changing the numbers even a little after several trillion dollars have been spent. God liberals are fucking stupid. :lol:
At what point do you morons get that money isn't the problem? Never it seems.

Whats the solution? And why doesnt anyone else know it?
Abolish the DOE, wittle the control down all the way to as local as possible. The more localized the school system, the more accountability. That's at least part of the solution.

Can I ask why abolish the DOE? I mean in real terms and not just feelings type of stuff. Is there anyway to fix it or no?
There's no need for a federal department of education, bureaucrats that are almost 2000 miles away from my state, Arizona for example...do not know what our kids need here more than we do.

Why is there no need? You're looking at this as if its a contest. Its not the DOE knows more about your kids or any other silly stuff. Its about setting a national standard. So if we stop pretending this is about a custody battle and about national standards, Why shouldnt we have national standards?

One thing we don't need is a bunch of drama about bathrooms and other social justice agenda garbage pushed in our schools, which is all the DOE does nowadays....we need to focus on skills that will actually help children become successful in the work force, not gender bender and homosexual nonsense.

You speak a lot about things we DONT need. Forget bathrooms for a second. Why are you against America having a National Standard in Education?
" National standards and testing are unlikely to overcome the deficiencies of American elementary and secondary schooling, which are rooted in the public education system’s power and incentive structure.
  1. National standards would strengthen federal power over education while weakening schools’ direct accountability to parents and taxpayers.
  2. Centralized standard-setting will likely result in the standardization of mediocrity rather than establishing standards of excellence.
  3. While proponents of national standards point to the variation in state standards, the rigor and content of national standards will face pressure to scale down toward the mean among states, undercutting states with high quality standards.
  4. Federal policymakers should provide states with increased flexibility and freedom from red tape to make state leaders more accountable to parents and taxpayers. States should also strengthen standards, increase transparency about school performance, and allow parents to act on that information by choosing their children’s schools."
Why National Standards Won’t Fix American Education: Misalignment of Power and Incentives
Whats the solution? And why doesnt anyone else know it?
Abolish the DOE, wittle the control down all the way to as local as possible. The more localized the school system, the more accountability. That's at least part of the solution.

Can I ask why abolish the DOE? I mean in real terms and not just feelings type of stuff. Is there anyway to fix it or no?
There's no need for a federal department of education, bureaucrats that are almost 2000 miles away from my state, Arizona for example...do not know what our kids need here more than we do.

Why is there no need? You're looking at this as if its a contest. Its not the DOE knows more about your kids or any other silly stuff. Its about setting a national standard. So if we stop pretending this is about a custody battle and about national standards, Why shouldnt we have national standards?

One thing we don't need is a bunch of drama about bathrooms and other social justice agenda garbage pushed in our schools, which is all the DOE does nowadays....we need to focus on skills that will actually help children become successful in the work force, not gender bender and homosexual nonsense.

You speak a lot about things we DONT need. Forget bathrooms for a second. Why are you against America having a National Standard in Education?
" National standards and testing are unlikely to overcome the deficiencies of American elementary and secondary schooling, which are rooted in the public education system’s power and incentive structure.

Yes but again, this isnt an endorsement of states only standards. This only says the National Standard is unlikely to fix deficiencies. It doesnt say no National Standards would fix it.
  1. National standards would strengthen federal power over education while weakening schools’ direct accountability to parents and taxpayers.
Yes, National Standard would come from the Federal Govt. since its National. What does it mean to weaken a schools accountability? I just left a Teachers Parent conference and no one stopped me or cited national standards.

  1. Centralized standard-setting will likely result in the standardization of mediocrity rather than establishing standards of excellence.
Simple solution here...Stop using the word "likely" and dont accept mediocrity as excellence. Again this is a hypothetical that doesnt show the benefit of not having national standards.

  1. While proponents of national standards point to the variation in state standards, the rigor and content of national standards will face pressure to scale down toward the mean among states, undercutting states with high quality standards.
Yes, I am pointing at the variation of state standards and they are also pointing at the variation by saying some states might have higher (or lower) standards. THAT IS THE ENTIRE POINT OF HAVING A NATIONAL STANDARD!!!!

  1. Federal policymakers should provide states with increased flexibility and freedom from red tape to make state leaders more accountable to parents and taxpayers. States should also strengthen standards, increase transparency about school performance, and allow parents to act on that information by choosing their children’s schools."
Why National Standards Won’t Fix American Education: Misalignment of Power and Incentives

Again, I have no idea what this "more accountable" thing means. Will there be public floggings? Freedom and flexibility sounds good but what do they mean?

When the entire point they are making is "Would you like to be free and flexible or controlled?" the answer is simple until someone asks why or how?

A lot of our disagreement seems to lie in the fact of how you label things.
In another thread on poverty republicans or conservatives kept saying that the war on poverty "hasnt worked".

When asked what they thought the goal of the war on poverty was many stated the usual "Liberals said..." followed by impossible things never said by anyone.

Of course if you believe the war on poverty was supposed to make everyone rich, I have bad news for you.

If you believed the war on poverty was supposed to end poor people existing, no wonder you think it "failed"

If you thought that the war on poverty meant everyone would live like Mr Burns from the Simpsons, I understand your frustration.

So what was the point? A permanent dependency class that would reliably vote Democrat for generations to come?

Only if you believe that people dont vote their values and that every republican that collects welfare is really a dem just to fool you.

But if Republicans on welfare exists that kinda shits on your whole logic now doesnt it?

Of course there are Republicans who use welfare. But you and I BOTH know that those people who have made a lifestyle of welfare most generally vote Democrat on a regular basis, and THAT is the people most people are sick of. Some guy gets laid off work and can't find another job, signs up for welfare for a year to feed his family while he finds another job? Who has a problem with that??? No one of course. Lazy asshole who's never had a job and is out bragging that only idiots get jobs, yeah who would NOT complain about that? Why Democrats who want their votes, that's who.

And the worst part of all is, there are liberals who I believe actually have good intentions (like you) who just can't admit that yes, their party is corrupt and uses the welfare system to generate votes and doesn't give a damn about those people.

Anyone who genuinely cared about a person who was bragging about only an idiot would get a job would speak out about that attitude and condemn it, not pretend like it doesn't exist.
Most welfare and food stamps go to Republicans for two reasons. First, they are a large group of poor. Second, they don't believe in education which, historically, has been the way to get out of poverty. In other words. Stupid fucks who happen to be mostly white and vote into office, people who despise them.

Absolutely hilarious that you think party affiliation has a god damned thing to do with stupidity and or lack of education. There are PLENTY of uneducated and stupid Democrats in this country .

Hey guess what, there are even smart , educated Republicans in this country.

You dumb fuck.
It's not the Democrats. Democrats want to keep pissing that money away.
Education is wasted money?

We do not need a dept of education. Let the state's manage education.

States are fucking up education, not the dept of education
Bullshit Shlomo.

Federal government only provides 10% of educational funding

The remainder comes from state and local funding depending on which state you live in. Now, guess which states have the most fucked up educational systems....those run by the party that despises education

See, here you liberals go claiming that simply throwing money at a problem will fix it.

First of all, a large portion of any new money given to a school goes straight towards salary increases and very little goes to actually you know educating children.

Second of all, other nations around the world spend FAR less per child with better results.

You REALLY want to fix the education system in this country? The solution is there.

1. Disband teacher's unions and allow teachers to be hired, paid, and fired based on the job they do.

2. Allow schools the authority to permanently remove disruptive children.

3. Don't force schools to accept children who are so handicapped that it is obvious that the school is nothing more than a baby sitter. One such child can absolutely bankrupt an entire school system, and the school has no choice but to "educate" that child regardless of cost. Yes, that sounds mean but the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, and one student should not be allowed to cost 1,000 or more students their education.

4. Dual track system from 7th grade up. College bound and trade bound, so that kids who excel aren't held back by kids who don't , and kids who struggle aren't left behind for the sake of everyone else.

5. Pay cash bonuses to high school graduates. Yep, that's right, if you graduate high school, on either track, you get CASH from Uncle Sam. If you graduate with a 2.0 GPA you get $50K, If you graduate with a 3.0 you get $100K, if you graduate with a 4.0 you get $250K. (by the way this is coupled with doing away with Pel grants and guaranteed student loans which mostly only serve to drive up the cost of a college education)

Schools in this country FIXED. Next problem?
At what point do you morons get that money isn't the problem? Never it seems.

Whats the solution? And why doesnt anyone else know it?
Abolish the DOE, wittle the control down all the way to as local as possible. The more localized the school system, the more accountability. That's at least part of the solution.

Can I ask why abolish the DOE? I mean in real terms and not just feelings type of stuff. Is there anyway to fix it or no?

Ecause tgey do not do shit and the money spent on a useless bureaucracy can be funneled into buying books or something useful like that.

Books? What god damned century are you living in? Any school still buying text books should have their entire administration strung up.

Give every child a tablet in 7th grade that contains all their "text books" for the school year, when they enter 8th grade, those "books" are deleted and their new books are installed, etc etc. How many MILLIONS of dollars a year would that save country wide?
Education is wasted money?

We do not need a dept of education. Let the state's manage education.

States are fucking up education, not the dept of education
Bullshit Shlomo.

Federal government only provides 10% of educational funding

The remainder comes from state and local funding depending on which state you live in. Now, guess which states have the most fucked up educational systems....those run by the party that despises education

See, here you liberals go claiming that simply throwing money at a problem will fix it.

First of all, a large portion of any new money given to a school goes straight towards salary increases and very little goes to actually you know educating children.

Second of all, other nations around the world spend FAR less per child with better results.

You REALLY want to fix the education system in this country? The solution is there.

1. Disband teacher's unions and allow teachers to be hired, paid, and fired based on the job they do.

2. Allow schools the authority to permanently remove disruptive children.

3. Don't force schools to accept children who are so handicapped that it is obvious that the school is nothing more than a baby sitter. One such child can absolutely bankrupt an entire school system, and the school has no choice but to "educate" that child regardless of cost. Yes, that sounds mean but the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, and one student should not be allowed to cost 1,000 or more students their education.

4. Dual track system from 7th grade up. College bound and trade bound, so that kids who excel aren't held back by kids who don't , and kids who struggle aren't left behind for the sake of everyone else.

5. Pay cash bonuses to high school graduates. Yep, that's right, if you graduate high school, on either track, you get CASH from Uncle Sam. If you graduate with a 2.0 GPA you get $50K, If you graduate with a 3.0 you get $100K, if you graduate with a 4.0 you get $250K. (by the way this is coupled with doing away with Pel grants and guaranteed student loans which mostly only serve to drive up the cost of a college education)

Schools in this country FIXED. Next problem?
Horrible ideas. I'm sorry. We will have to just agree to disagree on this one.
We do not need a dept of education. Let the state's manage education.

States are fucking up education, not the dept of education
Bullshit Shlomo.

Federal government only provides 10% of educational funding

The remainder comes from state and local funding depending on which state you live in. Now, guess which states have the most fucked up educational systems....those run by the party that despises education

See, here you liberals go claiming that simply throwing money at a problem will fix it.

First of all, a large portion of any new money given to a school goes straight towards salary increases and very little goes to actually you know educating children.

Second of all, other nations around the world spend FAR less per child with better results.

You REALLY want to fix the education system in this country? The solution is there.

1. Disband teacher's unions and allow teachers to be hired, paid, and fired based on the job they do.

2. Allow schools the authority to permanently remove disruptive children.

3. Don't force schools to accept children who are so handicapped that it is obvious that the school is nothing more than a baby sitter. One such child can absolutely bankrupt an entire school system, and the school has no choice but to "educate" that child regardless of cost. Yes, that sounds mean but the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, and one student should not be allowed to cost 1,000 or more students their education.

4. Dual track system from 7th grade up. College bound and trade bound, so that kids who excel aren't held back by kids who don't , and kids who struggle aren't left behind for the sake of everyone else.

5. Pay cash bonuses to high school graduates. Yep, that's right, if you graduate high school, on either track, you get CASH from Uncle Sam. If you graduate with a 2.0 GPA you get $50K, If you graduate with a 3.0 you get $100K, if you graduate with a 4.0 you get $250K. (by the way this is coupled with doing away with Pel grants and guaranteed student loans which mostly only serve to drive up the cost of a college education)

Schools in this country FIXED. Next problem?
Horrible ideas. I'm sorry. We will have to just agree to disagree on this one.

I completely support your right to be wrong.
States are fucking up education, not the dept of education
Bullshit Shlomo.

Federal government only provides 10% of educational funding

The remainder comes from state and local funding depending on which state you live in. Now, guess which states have the most fucked up educational systems....those run by the party that despises education

See, here you liberals go claiming that simply throwing money at a problem will fix it.

First of all, a large portion of any new money given to a school goes straight towards salary increases and very little goes to actually you know educating children.

Second of all, other nations around the world spend FAR less per child with better results.

You REALLY want to fix the education system in this country? The solution is there.

1. Disband teacher's unions and allow teachers to be hired, paid, and fired based on the job they do.

2. Allow schools the authority to permanently remove disruptive children.

3. Don't force schools to accept children who are so handicapped that it is obvious that the school is nothing more than a baby sitter. One such child can absolutely bankrupt an entire school system, and the school has no choice but to "educate" that child regardless of cost. Yes, that sounds mean but the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, and one student should not be allowed to cost 1,000 or more students their education.

4. Dual track system from 7th grade up. College bound and trade bound, so that kids who excel aren't held back by kids who don't , and kids who struggle aren't left behind for the sake of everyone else.

5. Pay cash bonuses to high school graduates. Yep, that's right, if you graduate high school, on either track, you get CASH from Uncle Sam. If you graduate with a 2.0 GPA you get $50K, If you graduate with a 3.0 you get $100K, if you graduate with a 4.0 you get $250K. (by the way this is coupled with doing away with Pel grants and guaranteed student loans which mostly only serve to drive up the cost of a college education)

Schools in this country FIXED. Next problem?
Horrible ideas. I'm sorry. We will have to just agree to disagree on this one.

I completely support your right to be wrong.
I'm not wrong. My ideas haven't been given a shot yet... The DOE and give away supporters are the ones that keep failing and yet try the same old stupid things with different spins and never get that they start off from a fundamentally stupid point in their thinking on this issue.

What's that saying? Crazy is doing the same thing over and over with the same result and continuing to do it?
Bullshit Shlomo.

Federal government only provides 10% of educational funding

The remainder comes from state and local funding depending on which state you live in. Now, guess which states have the most fucked up educational systems....those run by the party that despises education

See, here you liberals go claiming that simply throwing money at a problem will fix it.

First of all, a large portion of any new money given to a school goes straight towards salary increases and very little goes to actually you know educating children.

Second of all, other nations around the world spend FAR less per child with better results.

You REALLY want to fix the education system in this country? The solution is there.

1. Disband teacher's unions and allow teachers to be hired, paid, and fired based on the job they do.

2. Allow schools the authority to permanently remove disruptive children.

3. Don't force schools to accept children who are so handicapped that it is obvious that the school is nothing more than a baby sitter. One such child can absolutely bankrupt an entire school system, and the school has no choice but to "educate" that child regardless of cost. Yes, that sounds mean but the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, and one student should not be allowed to cost 1,000 or more students their education.

4. Dual track system from 7th grade up. College bound and trade bound, so that kids who excel aren't held back by kids who don't , and kids who struggle aren't left behind for the sake of everyone else.

5. Pay cash bonuses to high school graduates. Yep, that's right, if you graduate high school, on either track, you get CASH from Uncle Sam. If you graduate with a 2.0 GPA you get $50K, If you graduate with a 3.0 you get $100K, if you graduate with a 4.0 you get $250K. (by the way this is coupled with doing away with Pel grants and guaranteed student loans which mostly only serve to drive up the cost of a college education)

Schools in this country FIXED. Next problem?
Horrible ideas. I'm sorry. We will have to just agree to disagree on this one.

I completely support your right to be wrong.
I'm not wrong. My ideas haven't been given a shot yet... The DOE and give away supporters are the ones that keep failing and yet try the same old stupid things with different spins and never get that they start off from a fundamentally stupid point in their thinking on this issue.

What's that saying? Crazy is doing the same thing over and over with the same result and continuing to do it?

The DoE as a a federal oversight is necessary. The fact is we have too many states who would do God knows what if the feds didn't tell them "no you can't do that"

That isn't to say that it shouldn't be paired down and have some of its authority taken away; but the blanket statement "disband the DoE" is silly.
At what point do you morons get that money isn't the problem? Never it seems.

Whats the solution? And why doesnt anyone else know it?
Abolish the DOE, wittle the control down all the way to as local as possible. The more localized the school system, the more accountability. That's at least part of the solution.

Can I ask why abolish the DOE? I mean in real terms and not just feelings type of stuff. Is there anyway to fix it or no?

Ecause tgey do not do shit and the money spent on a useless bureaucracy can be funneled into buying books or something useful like that.

Books? What god damned century are you living in? Any school still buying text books should have their entire administration strung up.

Give every child a tablet in 7th grade that contains all their "text books" for the school year, when they enter 8th grade, those "books" are deleted and their new books are installed, etc etc. How many MILLIONS of dollars a year would that save country wide?
My tablet cost $600.00. How much would that cost. And remember we are educating half of Mexico. You really want to buy Mexico tablets?
Federal government only provides 10% of educational funding

The remainder comes from state and local funding depending on which state you live in. Now, guess which states have the most fucked up educational systems....those run by the party that despises education

See, here you liberals go claiming that simply throwing money at a problem will fix it.

First of all, a large portion of any new money given to a school goes straight towards salary increases and very little goes to actually you know educating children.

Second of all, other nations around the world spend FAR less per child with better results.

You REALLY want to fix the education system in this country? The solution is there.

1. Disband teacher's unions and allow teachers to be hired, paid, and fired based on the job they do.

2. Allow schools the authority to permanently remove disruptive children.

3. Don't force schools to accept children who are so handicapped that it is obvious that the school is nothing more than a baby sitter. One such child can absolutely bankrupt an entire school system, and the school has no choice but to "educate" that child regardless of cost. Yes, that sounds mean but the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, and one student should not be allowed to cost 1,000 or more students their education.

4. Dual track system from 7th grade up. College bound and trade bound, so that kids who excel aren't held back by kids who don't , and kids who struggle aren't left behind for the sake of everyone else.

5. Pay cash bonuses to high school graduates. Yep, that's right, if you graduate high school, on either track, you get CASH from Uncle Sam. If you graduate with a 2.0 GPA you get $50K, If you graduate with a 3.0 you get $100K, if you graduate with a 4.0 you get $250K. (by the way this is coupled with doing away with Pel grants and guaranteed student loans which mostly only serve to drive up the cost of a college education)

Schools in this country FIXED. Next problem?
Horrible ideas. I'm sorry. We will have to just agree to disagree on this one.

I completely support your right to be wrong.
I'm not wrong. My ideas haven't been given a shot yet... The DOE and give away supporters are the ones that keep failing and yet try the same old stupid things with different spins and never get that they start off from a fundamentally stupid point in their thinking on this issue.

What's that saying? Crazy is doing the same thing over and over with the same result and continuing to do it?

The DoE as a a federal oversight is necessary. The fact is we have too many states who would do God knows what if the feds didn't tell them "no you can't do that"

That isn't to say that it shouldn't be paired down and have some of its authority taken away; but the blanket statement "disband the DoE" is silly.
No it isn't. You are just too busy trying to be 'fair and balanced' to recognize the damage the DOE has done, Bill O'Reilly.

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