Why do Republicans sabotage Obamacare - then say it's failing?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Do they think no one is noticing? There is plenty of proof of their sabotage:
:itsok: They don't have to do a thing for Obamacare to die. It was a failed plan before the Muslim even put it into effect. It had to rely on the young and healthy to pony up to pay for everyone else. They said, "No.". So did the companies that insure us. It was designed to throw us all on poor quality government care. No thank you. We can do better.
Obviously they believe no sacrifice by America's poor is too great.

They figure most of those people vote Democrat anyway so it's good for the Groper's Party to let them die.

They have no fucks to give.
Do they think no one is noticing? There is plenty of proof of their sabotage:

They didn't sabotage it....it is collapsing all on it's own....it was designed to fail so they could get single payer when it collapsed.....too bad for them, hilary lost.
The gop can not stand the fact that a black president did better than Ronnie The Saint ray goon.
Why are the left wing dipsticks so eager to put everyone on the Veterans Administration system of healthcare.....? They must want millions to die waiting for treatment...
The gop can not stand the fact that a black president did better than Ronnie The Saint ray goon.

How is that....since everything he did is gone? By the way...what was his name again.....I just know the things people will remember about him is he gave Iran Nuclear weapons, and had a funny sounding name....
Do they think no one is noticing? There is plenty of proof of their sabotage:

Iv brought this up more times than I can remember ...

ACA is crashing ... soon to be dead in thewater .. theres no way it will last .. its just a matter of time


the GOP does EVERYTHING in their power TO KILL IT FOR 8 FUCKING YEARS !!!


The GOP cost taxpayers millions do their best to appeal it and destroy it. They couldn't stand the Dems finally did something, and they will lose again. Next time it will be universal care.
Do they think no one is noticing? There is plenty of proof of their sabotage:

Iv brought this up more times than I can remember ...

ACA is crashing ... soon to be dead in thewater .. theres no way it will last .. its just a matter of time


the GOP does EVERYTHING in their power TO KILL IT FOR 8 FUCKING YEARS !!!



If the GOP does nothing the insurance companies will rush back to the states they left. Also when the Dems get in they need to mandate the states expand Medicaid.
Obviously they believe no sacrifice by America's poor is too great.

They figure most of those people vote Democrat anyway so it's good for the Groper's Party to let them die.

They have no fucks to give.

Absolutely right about not giving a **** about the Muslim's attempt to take over a large part of our economy. Care had NOTHING to do with it. Just like climate change has nothing to do with climate. Say no to governmentcare. It sucks. Fix the insurance companies, not my doctor.
Why do you guys want everyone to have the same crappy healthcare that we have in the single payer Veterans Administration?
To say the Repubs sabotaged the ACA or in anyway are responsible for it's failure is ridiculous. They tried, don't get me wrong, but they did nothing to undermine it without Obama's approval cuz he could've vetoed anything once it got to his desk. So this is pure bullshit, the Dems own this pos lock, stock, and barrel and your pathetic excuses and attempts to blame the other side for your crap bill is farcical.

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