Why do Republicans sabotage Obamacare - then say it's failing?

Go be poor someplace else.

Pay your own damn medical bills.

Stop being a greedy asshole that demands the government provide what you are too sorry to provide for yourself.
Go to Oz and ask for a heart, a soul and a brain . Then come back and re-apply for membership in human society

I have free will. I am quite capable of determining who I should help.

I don't need the fucking government, run by stupid bureaucrats, whose bosses are corrupt politicians elected by greedy special interest groups, taking my money by force and giving it away to assholes.

The Bible teaches that charity should come from the heart, family and church. Not a bloated, debt ridden welfare state oppressive government that caters to the welfare scum of the country.

The real assholes are the greedy shitheads that use the oppressive government to get what they are too sorry to earn for themselves.

Go pay your own damn bills you sorry fuck. This country suppose to be founded on Liberty not slavery. to the state.

If you want the fucking government paying your health care bills then move to Cuba. One of your favorite Libtard Moon Bats, Michael Moore, says they have the best free health care in the world.
Did you just vomit pea soup while your head spun around dude?
Dem's pass Obamacare without a single GOP vote, it hasn't been repealed or replaced, its failing, and its the GOP's fault? You lie libs, you lie through your big fat lying liberal filth hole mouths.
Really?? If you are so cock sure of yourself , why is it necessary to shout LIAR, and disparage liberals instead of calmly laying out you case??

Opinion | How the G.O.P. Sabotaged Obamacare

The A.C.A. is not perfect, and improvements to it would be welcome. But it worked in many respects and would have worked much better had Congress been a faithful guardian of the law.

It is worth making a record of those Republican saboteurs’ efforts. The A.C.A.’s opponents brought a lawsuit against its requirement that people buy insurance — a Republican idea — the very day the statute was signed into law. The Supreme Court rejected that claim. But the court gave opponents a major victory on another front, ruling that Obamacare’s expansion of Medicaid was optional for states. Yet another lawsuit seized on some sloppy language in the law to make the implausible argument that Congress did not provide for the insurance subsidies on which the law depends. The Supreme Court also rejected that challenge.
But if the Republicans lost those cases, they succeeded in sowing the insurance markets with doubt and forcing states to slow down implementation while awaiting the court’s decisions. That in turn may have reduced sign-ups, further destabilizing the insurance market. The second case challenging the subsidies was not decided until 2015, more than a year after the statute’s critical 2014 deadline for implementation.

Now get a grip.
Dem's pass Obamacare without a single GOP vote, it hasn't been repealed or replaced, its failing, and its the GOP's fault? You lie libs, you lie through your big fat lying liberal filth hole mouths.
Really?? If you are so cock sure of yourself , why is it necessary to shout LIAR, and disparage liberals instead of calmly laying out you case??

Opinion | How the G.O.P. Sabotaged Obamacare

The A.C.A. is not perfect, and improvements to it would be welcome. But it worked in many respects and would have worked much better had Congress been a faithful guardian of the law.

It is worth making a record of those Republican saboteurs’ efforts. The A.C.A.’s opponents brought a lawsuit against its requirement that people buy insurance — a Republican idea — the very day the statute was signed into law. The Supreme Court rejected that claim. But the court gave opponents a major victory on another front, ruling that Obamacare’s expansion of Medicaid was optional for states. Yet another lawsuit seized on some sloppy language in the law to make the implausible argument that Congress did not provide for the insurance subsidies on which the law depends. The Supreme Court also rejected that challenge.
But if the Republicans lost those cases, they succeeded in sowing the insurance markets with doubt and forcing states to slow down implementation while awaiting the court’s decisions. That in turn may have reduced sign-ups, further destabilizing the insurance market. The second case challenging the subsidies was not decided until 2015, more than a year after the statute’s critical 2014 deadline for implementation.

Now get a grip.

Liberals passed the 2,000 plus page Obamacare turd, and by that I mean they shit it out their ass without reading it. Now that its a giant clusterfuck like most liberal initiatives which are half baked, liberals assholes are desperate to blame someone else for their screw up. Own it libs, own it 100% here's to Obamacare burning the Democratic party to the ground. :badgrin:
Dem's pass Obamacare without a single GOP vote, it hasn't been repealed or replaced, its failing, and its the GOP's fault? You lie libs, you lie through your big fat lying liberal filth hole mouths.
Really?? If you are so cock sure of yourself , why is it necessary to shout LIAR, and disparage liberals instead of calmly laying out you case??

Opinion | How the G.O.P. Sabotaged Obamacare

The A.C.A. is not perfect, and improvements to it would be welcome. But it worked in many respects and would have worked much better had Congress been a faithful guardian of the law.

It is worth making a record of those Republican saboteurs’ efforts. The A.C.A.’s opponents brought a lawsuit against its requirement that people buy insurance — a Republican idea — the very day the statute was signed into law. The Supreme Court rejected that claim. But the court gave opponents a major victory on another front, ruling that Obamacare’s expansion of Medicaid was optional for states. Yet another lawsuit seized on some sloppy language in the law to make the implausible argument that Congress did not provide for the insurance subsidies on which the law depends. The Supreme Court also rejected that challenge.
But if the Republicans lost those cases, they succeeded in sowing the insurance markets with doubt and forcing states to slow down implementation while awaiting the court’s decisions. That in turn may have reduced sign-ups, further destabilizing the insurance market. The second case challenging the subsidies was not decided until 2015, more than a year after the statute’s critical 2014 deadline for implementation.

Now get a grip.

Liberals passed the 2,000 plus page Obamacare turd, and by that I mean they shit it out their ass without reading it. Now that its a giant clusterfuck like most liberal initiatives which are half baked, liberals assholes are desperate to blame someone else for their screw up. Own it libs, own it 100% here's to Obamacare burning the Democratic party to the ground. :badgrin:
If you insist. I hope you feel better now
Dem's pass Obamacare without a single GOP vote, it hasn't been repealed or replaced, its failing, and its the GOP's fault? You lie libs, you lie through your big fat lying liberal filth hole mouths.
Really?? If you are so cock sure of yourself , why is it necessary to shout LIAR, and disparage liberals instead of calmly laying out you case??

Opinion | How the G.O.P. Sabotaged Obamacare

The A.C.A. is not perfect, and improvements to it would be welcome. But it worked in many respects and would have worked much better had Congress been a faithful guardian of the law.

It is worth making a record of those Republican saboteurs’ efforts. The A.C.A.’s opponents brought a lawsuit against its requirement that people buy insurance — a Republican idea — the very day the statute was signed into law. The Supreme Court rejected that claim. But the court gave opponents a major victory on another front, ruling that Obamacare’s expansion of Medicaid was optional for states. Yet another lawsuit seized on some sloppy language in the law to make the implausible argument that Congress did not provide for the insurance subsidies on which the law depends. The Supreme Court also rejected that challenge.
But if the Republicans lost those cases, they succeeded in sowing the insurance markets with doubt and forcing states to slow down implementation while awaiting the court’s decisions. That in turn may have reduced sign-ups, further destabilizing the insurance market. The second case challenging the subsidies was not decided until 2015, more than a year after the statute’s critical 2014 deadline for implementation.

Now get a grip.

Liberals passed the 2,000 plus page Obamacare turd, and by that I mean they shit it out their ass without reading it. Now that its a giant clusterfuck like most liberal initiatives which are half baked, liberals assholes are desperate to blame someone else for their screw up. Own it libs, own it 100% here's to Obamacare burning the Democratic party to the ground. :badgrin:
If you insist. I hope you feel better now

We destroyed the left, took the House, Senate, White House, and the next several SCOTUS nominations I'm on cloud 9 lib :laugh::laugh::laugh::eusa_dance:
Obviously they believe no sacrifice by America's poor is too great.

They figure most of those people vote Democrat anyway so it's good for the Groper's Party to let them die.

They have no fucks to give.

And yet, most poor vote Republican. They know they're voting to kill themselves and their kids. They KNOW it.

Repubs know their base does not read the record. They have no clue how their own reps vote and Repubs know that.

We now have state-sanctions press to spoon feed them the party line and since they've been instructed not to read/believe anything they're not told to, they've got complete control.

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Obviously they believe no sacrifice by America's poor is too great.

They figure most of those people vote Democrat anyway so it's good for the Groper's Party to let them die.

They have no fucks to give.

And yet, most poor vote Republican. They know they're voting to kill themselves and their kids. They KNOW it.

Repubs know their base does not read the record. They have no clue how their own reps vote and Repubs know that.

We now have state-sanctions press to spoon feed them the party line and since they've been instructed not to read/believe anything they're not told to, they've got complete control.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

Don't you get tired of the hate and vitriol that spills forth from your diseased mind?
Do they think no one is noticing? There is plenty of proof of their sabotage:

Obamacare was never intended to work. It was written by Big Pharms to self-implode and pave the way for single payer, which the large companies would really benefit from. As long as government is paying, there is no limit to what they can charge.

The law didn't make sure everyone was covered, as the Dems claimed. It merely changed who was covered. The people who remain uninsured find it even harder to afford insurance. Many were pushed out due to rates increasing three times as much. Even those who are paying way more face huge deductibles and most are finding out the hard way that being insured and actually accessing and affording healthcare are different things.

The Dems wanted single payer and this was a means of making it happen. Affordable healthcare was not the endgame, government control over healthcare was the objective.

The Republicans had nothing to do with writing, passing or imploding this piece of shit legislation. The Dems passed it without even reading it. There was no need because they knew it was going to end in disaster and allow them to shove through single payer in the future. They lied their asses off so they could start this socialist train running down the track.
Go be poor someplace else.

Pay your own damn medical bills.

Stop being a greedy asshole that demands the government provide what you are too sorry to provide for yourself.
Go to Oz and ask for a heart, a soul and a brain . Then come back and re-apply for membership in human society

I have free will. I am quite capable of determining who I should help.

I don't need the fucking government, run by stupid bureaucrats, whose bosses are corrupt politicians elected by greedy special interest groups, taking my money by force and giving it away to assholes.

The Bible teaches that charity should come from the heart, family and church. Not a bloated, debt ridden welfare state oppressive government that caters to the welfare scum of the country.

The real assholes are the greedy shitheads that use the oppressive government to get what they are too sorry to earn for themselves.

Go pay your own damn bills you sorry fuck. This country suppose to be founded on Liberty not slavery. to the state.

If you want the fucking government paying your health care bills then move to Cuba. One of your favorite Libtard Moon Bats, Michael Moore, says they have the best free health care in the world.
This should work real good :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Jim Garlow Calls For A National Tax To Fund Church-Provided Healthcare | Right Wing Watch

According to Garlow, any government healthcare program is “doomed to fail” because the Constitution lists the “enumerated powers of what the government is allowed to do and can do, and one of them is not healthcare.” Instead, Garlow argued, the government ought to defer to the church on this issue because God “has already designed a format” for properly providing healthcare to a nation.

The “format” for healthcare that Garlow proposed has three tiers: the “government of personal responsibility, government of the family, and government of the church,” notably excluding “the civil government,” which he said has no role in providing healthcare. :lame2::lame2::lame2:
[. O
This should work real good :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Jim Garlow Calls For A National Tax To Fund Church-Provided Healthcare | Right Wing Watch

According to Garlow, any government healthcare program is “doomed to fail” because the Constitution lists the “enumerated powers of what the government is allowed to do and can do, and one of them is not healthcare.” Instead, Garlow argued, the government ought to defer to the church on this issue because God “has already designed a format” for properly providing healthcare to a nation.

The “format” for healthcare that Garlow proposed has three tiers: the “government of personal responsibility, government of the family, and government of the church,” notably excluding “the civil government,” which he said has no role in providing healthcare. :lame2::lame2::lame2:

The thing that you Moon Bats hate so much about charity is that it doesn't create the massive welfare dependency that keeps the filthy Liberals in power. Without the welfare queens and illegals and other greedy scumbags the Democrat Party would be hard put to get 25% of the vote, wouldn't they?

The filthy ass corrupt government should never be in the business of taking money from somebody that earned it and giving away to some asshole that didn't earn it. Especially since most of the time that is done only to create a dependency to a welfare voting block to keep the scumbag Liberals in power.

Health care is just like every other commodity. If you need it go buy it. If you can't afford then go be poor someplace else. It is not my responsibility to pay your health care bills. I may chose to help you if I think you deserve a little bit of help but that is not the massive out of control welfare state that you stupid Moon Bats love so much.

I have a boat. Since you like "free" health care so damn much then come on down here to Florida. I will be happy to give you a ride to Cuba, where your Moon Bat hero Michael Moore says has the best health care in the world and it is free. You will be in Libtard heaven living there.
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Trump now owns Obamacare!

You wish. obummercare was rammed through by the dems when they were in power. No repub voted for it and thus it is a wholly owned dem failure.

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