Why do Republicans support a nuclear Iran?

Because they are two separate issues

This one is about getting Iran to disarm
According to your logic Iran will be a nuclear power in 6 months if republicans have their way.
Or 8 years if we follow the Obama.

I say Iran has nukes in a year regardless.
They've already said no one will be able to inspect their military bases.

To think that Iran will honor any deal or treaty is naive.
And that's not a cut against Obama. It doesn't matter who tries

Rush, and the others have been reading the deal....one day obama will be the most hated man in the world......
so the brain trust is on it, huh?

Yes...because no one with a brain was involved when it came to giving iran a nuclear weapon.
good god you could try to say something dumber but you'd be hard pressed to be able to actually do it.

the deal requires a reduction in enriched uranium and centrifuges and requires verification inspections.

how the fuck do you twist that into 'handing iran a nuclear weapon'

try, for once, to join us in reality.

Reality? Really?

There is nothing in President obama's past performance or character that would cause anyone who has been awake for the past 6.5 years to trust that he would negotiate a deal that would prevent Iran from obtaining an atomic bomb.
It shows there will be.
no, it doesn't. but if there were, that would be a violation of the agreement. that would mean that the sanctions would return, and we'd be no worse off than we are now.

So whats to stop them from starting their nuke program up once they get their money?
This deal wont be enforceable and iran has shown many times that they dont honor agreements. Not sure why you think this time will be any different.

Because Obama says it will

and you know that Obama. He's the most brilliant man who never DROPS bombs on any other countries and his word is all he needs to garner a Nobel Peace prize

now I go puke

Countries bombed by the U.S. under the Obama administration
By Kevin Liptak, CNN

Updated 9:38 PM ET, Tue September 23, 2014


Story highlights
  • President Obama has ordered airstrikes in seven different countries
  • Obama was close to ordering airstrikes in Syria in 2013
  • Obama is the fourth president in a row to order airstrikes in Iraq

He's the war-ending President who, as of Tuesday, has ordered airstrikes in seven different countries

all of it here:
Countries bombed by the U.S. under Obama administration - CNNPolitics.com
This is downright hilarious. If any Republican had been president we would have boots on the ground in all of those countries and another $3 trillion added to the national debt. At least someone understands what it takes to get the job done.
What it takes to get the job done???? What exactly has he accomplished?
He took a fucked up situation and made it far worse. As far as international relations, he has changed the image of the country from one that no one else really liked but dared not screw with to one that no one really likes, trusts or takes seriously.
no, it doesn't. but if there were, that would be a violation of the agreement. that would mean that the sanctions would return, and we'd be no worse off than we are now.

So whats to stop them from starting their nuke program up once they get their money?
This deal wont be enforceable and iran has shown many times that they dont honor agreements. Not sure why you think this time will be any different.

Because Obama says it will

and you know that Obama. He's the most brilliant man who never DROPS bombs on any other countries and his word is all he needs to garner a Nobel Peace prize

now I go puke

Countries bombed by the U.S. under the Obama administration
By Kevin Liptak, CNN

Updated 9:38 PM ET, Tue September 23, 2014


Story highlights
  • President Obama has ordered airstrikes in seven different countries
  • Obama was close to ordering airstrikes in Syria in 2013
  • Obama is the fourth president in a row to order airstrikes in Iraq

He's the war-ending President who, as of Tuesday, has ordered airstrikes in seven different countries

all of it here:
Countries bombed by the U.S. under Obama administration - CNNPolitics.com
This is downright hilarious. If any Republican had been president we would have boots on the ground in all of those countries and another $3 trillion added to the national debt. At least someone understands what it takes to get the job done.
What it takes to get the job done???? What exactly has he accomplished?
He took a fucked up situation and made it far worse. As far as international relations, he has changed the image of the country from one that no one else really liked but dared not screw with to one that no one really likes, trusts or takes seriously.
For literally decades, the United States has handled problems with a military mindset. I've watched my country make mistake after mistake and nearly bankrupt this country with false pride. This agreement is a monumental shift in attitude and should be applauded and Obama should be heralded for making it happen. You may disagree as is your wont, but this solution is far better than bluster and bombs and we should all be willing to give this a chance to work.
According to your logic Iran will be a nuclear power in 6 months if republicans have their way.
Or 8 years if we follow the Obama.

I say Iran has nukes in a year regardless.
They've already said no one will be able to inspect their military bases.

To think that Iran will honor any deal or treaty is naive.
And that's not a cut against Obama. It doesn't matter who tries

Rush, and the others have been reading the deal....one day obama will be the most hated man in the world......
so the brain trust is on it, huh?

Yes...because no one with a brain was involved when it came to giving iran a nuclear weapon.
good god you could try to say something dumber but you'd be hard pressed to be able to actually do it.

the deal requires a reduction in enriched uranium and centrifuges and requires verification inspections.

how the fuck do you twist that into 'handing iran a nuclear weapon'

try, for once, to join us in reality.

Reality? Really?

There is nothing in President obama's past performance or character that would cause anyone who has been awake for the past 6.5 years to trust that he would negotiate a deal that would prevent Iran from obtaining an atomic bomb.
except of course the actual deal that was negotiated.

The Iranians have screwed us on inspections every time we've tried them, and now they have some hogwash that we owe them $50 billion that they can hold over our heads while they chant "Death to America "....

And the Libs celebrate the fact that Obama is willing to make sure they have the money for a bomb...
When did we try inspections in Iran before?
Iran will have capability for eight warheads by the end of the year

How will Republican plans stop that?

Are you really this stupid?
Says more about your typing ability than his accomplishments.
I'll just be brutally blunt: If you support this deal, you either don't know even the basics of the deal or you are a hopelessly brainwashed Obamabot.

Do you know that the deal lifts the sanctions on the Quds force? Do you know what the Quds force is? Google it.

Do you know that Obama caved in to Iran's last-minute demand that the arms embargo be lifted as part of the deal?

Do you know that the deal contains no provisions, not one, for no-notice inspections, *and* that Iran, under the terms of this "deal," can stall any inspection for up to three weeks and possibly longer? Under this "deal," there is not a single provision for any kind of on-the-spot no-notice inspections--not one.

And then there's the truly idiotic argument, repeated in the OP, that if you oppose this deal you are supporting a nuclear Iran. How can anyone with functioning brain cells make such an argument with a straight face? If this were 1937, it would be like arguing that if you don't support appeasing Germany, you must want Germany to get stronger.

"These were blocked before a deal was in place"

I revoke my prior question, you are indeed that stupid.
I'll just be brutally blunt: If you support this deal, you either don't know even the basics of the deal or you are a hopelessly brainwashed Obamabot.

Do you know that the deal lifts the sanctions on the Quds force? Do you know what the Quds force is? Google it.

Do you know that Obama caved in to Iran's last-minute demand that the arms embargo be lifted as part of the deal?

Do you know that the deal contains no provisions, not one, for no-notice inspections, *and* that Iran, under the terms of this "deal," can stall any inspection for up to three weeks and possibly longer? Under this "deal," there is not a single provision for any kind of on-the-spot no-notice inspections--not one.

And then there's the truly idiotic argument, repeated in the OP, that if you oppose this deal you are supporting a nuclear Iran. How can anyone with functioning brain cells make such an argument with a straight face? If this were 1937, it would be like arguing that if you don't support appeasing Germany, you must want Germany to get stronger.
Does this site have a "golden diaper award" because I think you just won it.
98% reduction in fisionable material and a dismantling of centerfuges capable of making nuclear material

Why do Republicans want to maintain the old levels?
Let me know when that happens...and tell me how we know what 98 percent of an unknown number is....
You really think that American military intelligence is so incapable? Remember, this isn't the old military intelligence organization that it was under Bush who let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him. This is military intelligence under Obama who tracked down Bin Laden and took him down. Depending on who's boss, it's a whole nother ball game.
The Iranians have screwed us on inspections every time we've tried them, and now they have some hogwash that we owe them $50 billion that they can hold over our heads while they chant "Death to America "....

And the Libs celebrate the fact that Obama is willing to make sure they have the money for a bomb...
When did we try inspections in Iran before?
He just pulled that out his ass. Iran didn't even have a single centrifuge when Bush was sworn in. By time he left office, Iran had many thousands.
Staying the course and maintaining existing sanctions will result in Iran having the capability to produce eight nuclear weapons within six months

Under the new agreement, Iran would not have the ability to produce one warhead in the next ten years

Is Republican hatred of Obama so great that they would rather have a nuclear Iran than for Obama to get credit for disarming them?

What's sad is you believe that tripe
Which part isn't true? The US isn't the only country involved. The next 6 strongest nations in the world are part of the deal. Why won't Republicans admit that?
this is absolutely DISGUSTING and just shameful. This so called, President doesn't care about YOU American citizens. all he cared about was getting in cahoots against Israel . All he cared about was making a NAME for himself

Left Behind: Administration Urges Iran to Release Four Americans, But Deal Struck Without Hostages
by Bridget Johnson
July 14, 2015 - 3:25 pm

As the final nuclear deal with Iran was announced with concessions and trade-offs, four names were noticeably absent from the administration’s lips: Amir Hekmati, Saeed Abedini, Jason Rezaian, and Bob Levinson.

Families of the four had expressed trepidation in the weeks of negotiations leading up to the Vienna agreement. Would Iran feel generous in a new era of rapprochement? Or if Iran got what it wanted, would all leverage to gain the release of the American hostages could go out the window?

There was no sign today that Iran intended to release any of them.

“On the detained Americans, as I think most of you know every time we have a negotiation round with the Iranian’s we have on margin of those discussions about the detained Americans in Iran as well as our concerns about missing American, Robert Levinson. And both Secretary Kerry and myself, both separately and together, have had more than one conversation during the course of these — this negotiating round,” a senior administration official told reporters on a background call today.

“Secretary Kerry, in fact, had yet another conversation today with Minister [Javad] Zarif and their other people on the delegation that have close ties to other parts of the Iranian government with whom we speak as well. We believe very strongly that this is an opportunity for Iran to let the Americans come home.”

The official said they “certainly want to make sure that the treatment of Americans who are now being detained is the best until they get home, and that should be immediately.”

All of the Americans have suffered mistreatment including torture, malnourishment, and lack of medical care.

“And we are doing whatever we possibly can to get Americans home and we think that this is a moment where Iran has a really important opportunity to make a humanitarian gesture and bring the American home,” the official added of the world’s leading state sponsor of terror.

Hekmati, a decorated Marine veteran who served in the Iraq war, was visiting extended family for the first time in August 2011 when he was seized and sentenced on trumped-up espionage charges.

Washington Post reporter Rezaian, who has reported from Tehran since 2008, was seized on July 22, 2014, in a raid on his home. He is facing espionage charges and had a closed-door hearing Monday while the final details of the agreement were being worked out.

Idaho pastor Abedini was convicted in January 2013 of establishing Christian house churches while in the country to set up a government-sanctioned orphanage.

Former FBI agent Levinson went missing off the coast of Iran eight years ago while working as a private investigator. Levinson’s family later received images of him in captivity, though the Iranian government has maintained they don’t know who is holding him. He is the longest-held U.S. hostage in history.

The Americans were not mentioned by President Obama nor John Kerry in their remarks.

all of it here:
Left Behind Iran Deal Struck Without Hostages The Yellow Ribbon Project

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