Why do Republicans support a nuclear Iran?

I have reached the conclusion that the conservatives here are simply too frightened to think like rational adults. Their leaders make it a point to constantly terrify them to the point of incontinence. Now, those conservatives have learned to enjoy sitting in a puddle of their own urine, and their leaders have told them that everyone does it.

That's no way to live, conservatives. It's not normal to be constantly hysterical. Put on some dry pants and try joining the adult world.

Oh, those Quds? They've been fighting ... ISIS. Damn, that's terrifying. Oh wait, it's not.
That's always the Republican Party plan for any problem: Don't offer up an alternative, and attack the other guy's plan.

That's the tactic of the worst breed of coward.
Republicans DID offer a plan.
At least try to be that honest.
The House wanted more sanctions but The Obama didn't want to scare them away from the table.
So, instead, he chooses to Lift sanctions that will give the regime easy access to the money they need to do whatever they want
ah. so we'll have less inspections in iran after the implementation of the agreement than we have now... is that right?


Where did you get that idea?

But, they could continue building on military bases, and inspectors would be non the wiser.

Is there something about that you dont' understand?

The truth...they will do whatever they want, there is no way to stop them once they get their money. This was a joke, obama planned on giving them everything and now they have it.
What did Iran give us?

They gave up their stockpiles of depleted Uranium, their centerfuges and at least ten years of their nuclear program

We allowed them to have their own money back
They have?
Who has their stockpiles now?
I have reached the conclusion that the conservatives here are simply too frightened to think like rational adults. Their leaders make it a point to constantly terrify them to the point of incontinence. Now, those conservatives have learned to enjoy sitting in a puddle of their own urine, and their leaders have told them that everyone does it.

That's no way to live, conservatives. It's not normal to be constantly hysterical. Put on some dry pants and try joining the adult world.

Oh, those Quds? They've been fighting ... ISIS. Damn, that's terrifying. Oh wait, it's not.

Try reading history....say....World history 1930s through 1946......you might learn something, but since you are a liberal you will just decide that whatever happened back then...it was Bush's fault....
Yes, paid it down, but it doesn't make any difference since projections say it will take 398,000 years to pay off the debt.. The IMF just published a statement that says in effect that best way to handle the economy is to let the economy grow and let the debt become a smaller and smaller percentage of GDP. But noooo, you guys needed tax cuts that haven't done a thing for the economy for 15 years. So whenever there has been money you have opted to put it in your pocket rather than confront your debts, but put the blame on Obama.

Which president since Ike has 'paid down' the debt?

Clinton had a chance, but decided not to.
There wasn't a problem until Reagan went nuts with spending a left a two trillion dollar hit on the budget. Successive presidents couldn't address the debt with GHWB losing his job because Republicans were pissed at him trying to raise taxes to address it. It only got worse when GWB put the wars on the country's credit card and passed Medicare Part D without a plan to pay for it caused the current problems. History will address the facts surrounding our debt and colorizing the facts won't help.

Still waiting for the name of that person you claimed was lowering the debt.
The Secretary of the Treasury signs all checks but I imagine it was simply a fund transfer or a simple bookkeeping adjustment. That said, I would really like to return to the thread topic. We can talk on another thread if you like.

Just want an answer to the first question I asked.

You stated 'we seem to be the only ones paying it down'.

Who is this 'we' you are referring to?

The last time any of it was 'paid down' was under Ike, I believe in 1957, possibly 1958.

You could have answered the question half an hour ago, instead you get further and further from it.

It really is a simple question, right?

I thought, mistakenly it seems, that you were bright enough to know the answers to those questions. If you are looking to get into a vocabulary fight you picked the wrong person. I try to argue with thinking individuals not people looking to mince the definition of words.
Which president since Ike has 'paid down' the debt?

Clinton had a chance, but decided not to.
There wasn't a problem until Reagan went nuts with spending a left a two trillion dollar hit on the budget. Successive presidents couldn't address the debt with GHWB losing his job because Republicans were pissed at him trying to raise taxes to address it. It only got worse when GWB put the wars on the country's credit card and passed Medicare Part D without a plan to pay for it caused the current problems. History will address the facts surrounding our debt and colorizing the facts won't help.

Still waiting for the name of that person you claimed was lowering the debt.
The Secretary of the Treasury signs all checks but I imagine it was simply a fund transfer or a simple bookkeeping adjustment. That said, I would really like to return to the thread topic. We can talk on another thread if you like.

Just want an answer to the first question I asked.

You stated 'we seem to be the only ones paying it down'.

Who is this 'we' you are referring to?

The last time any of it was 'paid down' was under Ike, I believe in 1957, possibly 1958.

You could have answered the question half an hour ago, instead you get further and further from it.

It really is a simple question, right?

I thought, mistakenly it seems, that you were bright enough to know the answers to those questions. If you are looking to get into a vocabulary fight you picked the wrong person. I try to argue with thinking individuals not people looking to mince the definition of words.

In other words, you made a statement you can't back up, and you've run out of deflection room, so you've decided to attack, and see if that solves your problem.

Too Bad, So Sad

Won't work
Try reading history....say....World history 1930s through 1946......you might learn something, but since you are a liberal you will just decide that whatever happened back then...it was Bush's fault....

Try growing up, and then growing a pair.

Every threat is not Hitler, and only the profoundly gutless declare every threat is just like Hitler. It's the tactic of an intellectual coward, and rightfully gets laughed at.

Oh, you blaming everything on Bush is also kind of cowardly. If you can't discuss any actual issues, why not just admit it? It's not like you're fooling anyone.
Why are Dembulbs so eager to trust Iran
Because they can help us fight ISIS, which we can't do alone without huge expenditures of money and treasure. This is a chance to rebuild the Middle East and solve the drain of money going to the military industrial complex, while we get nothing in return except more debt and more trouble.
There wasn't a problem until Reagan went nuts with spending a left a two trillion dollar hit on the budget. Successive presidents couldn't address the debt with GHWB losing his job because Republicans were pissed at him trying to raise taxes to address it. It only got worse when GWB put the wars on the country's credit card and passed Medicare Part D without a plan to pay for it caused the current problems. History will address the facts surrounding our debt and colorizing the facts won't help.

Still waiting for the name of that person you claimed was lowering the debt.
The Secretary of the Treasury signs all checks but I imagine it was simply a fund transfer or a simple bookkeeping adjustment. That said, I would really like to return to the thread topic. We can talk on another thread if you like.

Just want an answer to the first question I asked.

You stated 'we seem to be the only ones paying it down'.

Who is this 'we' you are referring to?

The last time any of it was 'paid down' was under Ike, I believe in 1957, possibly 1958.

You could have answered the question half an hour ago, instead you get further and further from it.

It really is a simple question, right?

I thought, mistakenly it seems, that you were bright enough to know the answers to those questions. If you are looking to get into a vocabulary fight you picked the wrong person. I try to argue with thinking individuals not people looking to mince the definition of words.

In other words, you made a statement you can't back up, and you've run out of deflection room, so you've decided to attack, and see if that solves your problem.

Too Bad, So Sad

Won't work
No, as I explained in an earlier post this thread is not about the economy beyond a comment about it. You can drag it out if you want to, just know that you will be doing it alone.
Try reading history....say....World history 1930s through 1946......you might learn something, but since you are a liberal you will just decide that whatever happened back then...it was Bush's fault....

Try growing up, and then growing a pair.

Every threat is not Hitler, and only the profoundly gutless declare every threat is just like Hitler. It's the tactic of an intellectual coward, and rightfully gets laughed at.

Oh, you blaming everything on Bush is also kind of cowardly. If you can't discuss any actual issues, why not just admit it? It's not like you're fooling anyone.

This one is....and is as bad....they will start with a nuclear weapon and the will to use it. It is called understanding history and evil. You apparently don't understand either one....

The middle east arms race just started......
Why are Dembulbs so eager to trust Iran
Because they can help us fight ISIS, which we can't do alone without huge expenditures of money and treasure. This is a chance to rebuild the Middle East and solve the drain of money going to the military industrial complex, while we get nothing in return except more debt and more trouble.

Yes...and when hitler sent his minions to fight in Spain before World War 2 no one thought anything of it.....
Still waiting for the name of that person you claimed was lowering the debt.
The Secretary of the Treasury signs all checks but I imagine it was simply a fund transfer or a simple bookkeeping adjustment. That said, I would really like to return to the thread topic. We can talk on another thread if you like.

Just want an answer to the first question I asked.

You stated 'we seem to be the only ones paying it down'.

Who is this 'we' you are referring to?

The last time any of it was 'paid down' was under Ike, I believe in 1957, possibly 1958.

You could have answered the question half an hour ago, instead you get further and further from it.

It really is a simple question, right?

I thought, mistakenly it seems, that you were bright enough to know the answers to those questions. If you are looking to get into a vocabulary fight you picked the wrong person. I try to argue with thinking individuals not people looking to mince the definition of words.

In other words, you made a statement you can't back up, and you've run out of deflection room, so you've decided to attack, and see if that solves your problem.

Too Bad, So Sad

Won't work
No, as I explained in an earlier post this thread is not about the economy beyond a comment about it. You can drag it out if you want to, just know that you will be doing it alone.

You spent what, an hour? deflecting from the question.

You made 4-5 posts about your comment, without answering it.

Thanks for proving you were talking out your ass
Which president since Ike has 'paid down' the debt?

Clinton had a chance, but decided not to.
There wasn't a problem until Reagan went nuts with spending a left a two trillion dollar hit on the budget. Successive presidents couldn't address the debt with GHWB losing his job because Republicans were pissed at him trying to raise taxes to address it. It only got worse when GWB put the wars on the country's credit card and passed Medicare Part D without a plan to pay for it caused the current problems. History will address the facts surrounding our debt and colorizing the facts won't help.

Still waiting for the name of that person you claimed was lowering the debt.
The Secretary of the Treasury signs all checks but I imagine it was simply a fund transfer or a simple bookkeeping adjustment. That said, I would really like to return to the thread topic. We can talk on another thread if you like.

Just want an answer to the first question I asked.

You stated 'we seem to be the only ones paying it down'.

Who is this 'we' you are referring to?

The last time any of it was 'paid down' was under Ike, I believe in 1957, possibly 1958.

You could have answered the question half an hour ago, instead you get further and further from it.

It really is a simple question, right?

I thought, mistakenly it seems, that you were bright enough to know the answers to those questions. If you are looking to get into a vocabulary fight you picked the wrong person. I try to argue with thinking individuals not people looking to mince the definition of words.
So, in other words, you refuse to answer a simple question and go into attack mode. Libs seem to buy that shit. Hell they bought "I did not have sex with that woman..." They bought that Mrs clinton couldn't find billing records for 2 years and that she came under fire in a war zone. Hell! They even believed that they could keep their doctor and their health plan.

But no! They won't believe that a regime that has violated every agreement they have ever signed will likely violate another

Blind faith in habitual liars is a sure sign of insanity.
Why are Dembulbs so eager to trust Iran
Because they can help us fight ISIS, which we can't do alone without huge expenditures of money and treasure. This is a chance to rebuild the Middle East and solve the drain of money going to the military industrial complex, while we get nothing in return except more debt and more trouble.

Yes...and when hitler sent his minions to fight in Spain before World War 2 no one thought anything of it.....
I understand that the Republicans and Netanyahu would have never settled on anything that didn't include turning Iran into a sea of radioactive glass. Indeed, those billionaires with deals in Alberta and North Dakota must be having fits that the price of oil will drop further and the interest in their holdings hovers near zero. The fact remains we have more in common with Iran politically, militarily and economically than many would like to accept and it is going to get in the way of how we both approach and deal with this problem. Some people are going to get left out and the louder Republicans scream the easier it will be to see how mad those billionaires are.
There wasn't a problem until Reagan went nuts with spending a left a two trillion dollar hit on the budget. Successive presidents couldn't address the debt with GHWB losing his job because Republicans were pissed at him trying to raise taxes to address it. It only got worse when GWB put the wars on the country's credit card and passed Medicare Part D without a plan to pay for it caused the current problems. History will address the facts surrounding our debt and colorizing the facts won't help.

Still waiting for the name of that person you claimed was lowering the debt.
The Secretary of the Treasury signs all checks but I imagine it was simply a fund transfer or a simple bookkeeping adjustment. That said, I would really like to return to the thread topic. We can talk on another thread if you like.

Just want an answer to the first question I asked.

You stated 'we seem to be the only ones paying it down'.

Who is this 'we' you are referring to?

The last time any of it was 'paid down' was under Ike, I believe in 1957, possibly 1958.

You could have answered the question half an hour ago, instead you get further and further from it.

It really is a simple question, right?

I thought, mistakenly it seems, that you were bright enough to know the answers to those questions. If you are looking to get into a vocabulary fight you picked the wrong person. I try to argue with thinking individuals not people looking to mince the definition of words.
So, in other words, you refuse to answer a simple question and go into attack mode. Libs seem to buy that shit. Hell they bought "I did not have sex with that woman..." They bought that Mrs clinton couldn't find billing records for 2 years and that she came under fire in a war zone. Hell! They even believed that they could keep their doctor and their health plan.

But no! They won't believe that a regime that has violated every agreement they have ever signed will likely violate another

Blind faith in habitual liars is a sure sign of insanity.
I'm doing my best to stay out of attack mode, you wouldn't survive. I merely told the gentleman if he wanted to continue the discussion elsewhere I would be happy to. He took that opportunity to jump on and it has been downhill ever since. Now, if you want to talk about Iran and the treaty I'd be happy to, otherwise you need to run along.

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