Why do Republicans support a nuclear Iran?

Why does Obama want to grant them any and all concessions meanwhile we still have innocent Americans in their prisons?
Because they are two separate issues

This one is about getting Iran to disarm
According to your logic Iran will be a nuclear power in 6 months if republicans have their way.
Or 8 years if we follow the Obama.

I say Iran has nukes in a year regardless.
They've already said no one will be able to inspect their military bases.

To think that Iran will honor any deal or treaty is naive.
And that's not a cut against Obama. It doesn't matter who tries
for crying out loud

Obama can't make a deal without it being approved by Congress

so you Obots are going to need something else to accuse the Republicans of.

what a joke you all have become. IF THIS was a republican make SECRET DEALS behind the peoples backs. you all would be out in the streets

freaking losers
Why does Obama want to grant them any and all concessions meanwhile we still have innocent Americans in their prisons?
Because they are two separate issues

This one is about getting Iran to disarm
According to your logic Iran will be a nuclear power in 6 months if republicans have their way.
Or 8 years if we follow the Obama.

I say Iran has nukes in a year regardless.
They've already said no one will be able to inspect their military bases.

To think that Iran will honor any deal or treaty is naive.
And that's not a cut against Obama. It doesn't matter who tries

Rush, and the others have been reading the deal....one day obama will be the most hated man in the world......
for crying out loud

Obama can't make a deal without it being approved by Congress

so you Obots are going to need something else to accuse the Republicans of.

what a joke you all have become. IF THIS was a republican make SECRET DEALS behind the peoples backs. you all would be out in the streets

freaking losers
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the only power congress has on this issue is the ability to continue/stop sanctions? And even then we need democrats to override a veto.

We are in murky waters
for crying out loud

Obama can't make a deal without it being approved by Congress

so you Obots are going to need something else to accuse the Republicans of.

what a joke you all have become. IF THIS was a republican make SECRET DEALS behind the peoples backs. you all would be out in the streets

freaking losers

If it wasn't so horrible, it would be funny.....these leftards actually think something good was done here. No wonder we ended up with World War 2, these are the same people that negotiated with hitler, just the younger model.......and this time the monsters will have nuclear weapons at the start of the war.
Why does Obama want to grant them any and all concessions meanwhile we still have innocent Americans in their prisons?
Because they are two separate issues

This one is about getting Iran to disarm
According to your logic Iran will be a nuclear power in 6 months if republicans have their way.
Or 8 years if we follow the Obama.

I say Iran has nukes in a year regardless.
They've already said no one will be able to inspect their military bases.

To think that Iran will honor any deal or treaty is naive.
And that's not a cut against Obama. It doesn't matter who tries

Rush, and the others have been reading the deal....one day obama will be the most hated man in the world......
When did Rush learn how to read?
for crying out loud

Obama can't make a deal without it being approved by Congress

so you Obots are going to need something else to accuse the Republicans of.

what a joke you all have become. IF THIS was a republican make SECRET DEALS behind the peoples backs. you all would be out in the streets

freaking losers
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the only power congress has on this issue is the ability to continue/stop sanctions? And even then we need democrats to override a veto.

We are in murky waters

I pulled this up. it is slightly confusing
Foreign Policy Roles of the President and Congress

all of it
Foreign Policy Roles of the President and Congress
Why does Obama want to grant them any and all concessions meanwhile we still have innocent Americans in their prisons?
Because they are two separate issues

This one is about getting Iran to disarm
According to your logic Iran will be a nuclear power in 6 months if republicans have their way.
Or 8 years if we follow the Obama.

I say Iran has nukes in a year regardless.
They've already said no one will be able to inspect their military bases.

To think that Iran will honor any deal or treaty is naive.
And that's not a cut against Obama. It doesn't matter who tries

Rush, and the others have been reading the deal....one day obama will be the most hated man in the world......
so the brain trust is on it, huh?
Why does Obama want to grant them any and all concessions meanwhile we still have innocent Americans in their prisons?
Because they are two separate issues

This one is about getting Iran to disarm
According to your logic Iran will be a nuclear power in 6 months if republicans have their way.
Or 8 years if we follow the Obama.

I say Iran has nukes in a year regardless.
They've already said no one will be able to inspect their military bases.

To think that Iran will honor any deal or treaty is naive.
And that's not a cut against Obama. It doesn't matter who tries

Rush, and the others have been reading the deal....one day obama will be the most hated man in the world......
so the brain trust is on it, huh?

Yes...because no one with a brain was involved when it came to giving iran a nuclear weapon.
The President as Initiator

Following are six basic ways the President or executive branch can originate or initially shape foreign policy. In these circumstances, Congress is put in the position of either responding positively to the President's initiative or seeking to adjust or reverse the impact of his position.

much more at:
Foreign Policy Roles of the President and Congress
Why does Obama want to grant them any and all concessions meanwhile we still have innocent Americans in their prisons?
Because they are two separate issues

This one is about getting Iran to disarm
According to your logic Iran will be a nuclear power in 6 months if republicans have their way.
Or 8 years if we follow the Obama.

I say Iran has nukes in a year regardless.
They've already said no one will be able to inspect their military bases.

To think that Iran will honor any deal or treaty is naive.
And that's not a cut against Obama. It doesn't matter who tries

Rush, and the others have been reading the deal....one day obama will be the most hated man in the world......
so the brain trust is on it, huh?

Yes...because no one with a brain was involved when it came to giving iran a nuclear weapon.
Who gave Iran a nuclear weapon?
Because they are two separate issues

This one is about getting Iran to disarm
According to your logic Iran will be a nuclear power in 6 months if republicans have their way.
Or 8 years if we follow the Obama.

I say Iran has nukes in a year regardless.
They've already said no one will be able to inspect their military bases.

To think that Iran will honor any deal or treaty is naive.
And that's not a cut against Obama. It doesn't matter who tries

Rush, and the others have been reading the deal....one day obama will be the most hated man in the world......
so the brain trust is on it, huh?

Yes...because no one with a brain was involved when it came to giving iran a nuclear weapon.
Who gave Iran a nuclear weapon?

Obama just did.
Why does Obama want to grant them any and all concessions meanwhile we still have innocent Americans in their prisons?
Because they are two separate issues

This one is about getting Iran to disarm
According to your logic Iran will be a nuclear power in 6 months if republicans have their way.
Or 8 years if we follow the Obama.

I say Iran has nukes in a year regardless.
They've already said no one will be able to inspect their military bases.

To think that Iran will honor any deal or treaty is naive.
And that's not a cut against Obama. It doesn't matter who tries

Rush, and the others have been reading the deal....one day obama will be the most hated man in the world......
so the brain trust is on it, huh?

Yes...because no one with a brain was involved when it came to giving iran a nuclear weapon.
good god you could try to say something dumber but you'd be hard pressed to be able to actually do it.

the deal requires a reduction in enriched uranium and centrifuges and requires verification inspections.

how the fuck do you twist that into 'handing iran a nuclear weapon'

try, for once, to join us in reality.
According to your logic Iran will be a nuclear power in 6 months if republicans have their way.
Or 8 years if we follow the Obama.

I say Iran has nukes in a year regardless.
They've already said no one will be able to inspect their military bases.

To think that Iran will honor any deal or treaty is naive.
And that's not a cut against Obama. It doesn't matter who tries

Rush, and the others have been reading the deal....one day obama will be the most hated man in the world......
so the brain trust is on it, huh?

Yes...because no one with a brain was involved when it came to giving iran a nuclear weapon.
Who gave Iran a nuclear weapon?

Obama just did.
Then I think you are very confused about what is going on.
Iran's nuclear pact: Deal of the century?

Updated 1:13 PM ET, Tue July 14, 2015


(CNN)After 20 months of negotiations, a deal has been announced over Iran's nuclear program. But is it a good deal? And if so, for whom? CNN asked a range of contributors for their take on what it means, and what to expect next. The views expressed are the writers' own.

Aaron David Miller: The deal of the century -- for Iran

There's no question the Obama administration got what it wanted out of this deal: a slower, smaller Iranian nuclear program more easily monitored and constrained for at least a decade. No chance now of a pre-emptive Israeli strike, and no need for an American one. For now, a putative nuclear crisis has been defused and kicked down the road.

Aaron David Miller
But if the President got the deal he wanted, Iran got a better one. In exchange for a nuclear weapon it doesn't possess and a decision to weaponize it hasn't yet made, Iran will get billions of dollars in sanctions relief, an open for business sign in Teheran that will bring it much more,the satisfaction of sticking it to Israel and Saudi Arabia, and the West's willingness to at least tolerate Iran's support for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Hezbollah and some nasty Iraqi Shiite militias.And to boot, Iran will be left with enough of a residual nuclear infrastructure -- as the President himself readily admitted -- that will give it the capacity to break out should it choose to do so.

all of it here:
Iran nuclear deal Deal of the century - CNN.com
The far right are absolutely loopy on this subject.

The mainstream GOP broke the back of the TP social cons over the flag. Now we need to break the back of the neo-cons who want war at any cost. They sound as stupid as Goldwater and the John Birch Society more than fifty years ago.
Because they are two separate issues

This one is about getting Iran to disarm
According to your logic Iran will be a nuclear power in 6 months if republicans have their way.
Or 8 years if we follow the Obama.

I say Iran has nukes in a year regardless.
They've already said no one will be able to inspect their military bases.

To think that Iran will honor any deal or treaty is naive.
And that's not a cut against Obama. It doesn't matter who tries

Rush, and the others have been reading the deal....one day obama will be the most hated man in the world......
so the brain trust is on it, huh?

Yes...because no one with a brain was involved when it came to giving iran a nuclear weapon.
good god you could try to say something dumber but you'd be hard pressed to be able to actually do it.

the deal requires a reduction in enriched uranium and centrifuges and requires verification inspections.

how the fuck do you twist that into 'handing iran a nuclear weapon'

try, for once, to join us in reality.

Because they are restricting where inspections can take place.
Iran's nuclear pact: Deal of the century?

Updated 1:13 PM ET, Tue July 14, 2015

(CNN)After 20 months of negotiations, a deal has been announced over Iran's nuclear program. But is it a good deal? And if so, for whom? CNN asked a range of contributors for their take on what it means, and what to expect next. The views expressed are the writers' own.

Aaron David Miller: The deal of the century -- for Iran

There's no question the Obama administration got what it wanted out of this deal: a slower, smaller Iranian nuclear program more easily monitored and constrained for at least a decade. No chance now of a pre-emptive Israeli strike, and no need for an American one. For now, a putative nuclear crisis has been defused and kicked down the road.

Aaron David Miller
But if the President got the deal he wanted, Iran got a better one. In exchange for a nuclear weapon it doesn't possess and a decision to weaponize it hasn't yet made, Iran will get billions of dollars in sanctions relief, an open for business sign in Teheran that will bring it much more,the satisfaction of sticking it to Israel and Saudi Arabia, and the West's willingness to at least tolerate Iran's support for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Hezbollah and some nasty Iraqi Shiite militias.And to boot, Iran will be left with enough of a residual nuclear infrastructure -- as the President himself readily admitted -- that will give it the capacity to break out should it choose to do so.

all of it here:
Iran nuclear deal Deal of the century - CNN.com

Just read that.
Thank you

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