Why do Republicans support a nuclear Iran?

According to your logic Iran will be a nuclear power in 6 months if republicans have their way.
Or 8 years if we follow the Obama.

I say Iran has nukes in a year regardless.
They've already said no one will be able to inspect their military bases.

To think that Iran will honor any deal or treaty is naive.
And that's not a cut against Obama. It doesn't matter who tries

Rush, and the others have been reading the deal....one day obama will be the most hated man in the world......
so the brain trust is on it, huh?

Yes...because no one with a brain was involved when it came to giving iran a nuclear weapon.
good god you could try to say something dumber but you'd be hard pressed to be able to actually do it.

the deal requires a reduction in enriched uranium and centrifuges and requires verification inspections.

how the fuck do you twist that into 'handing iran a nuclear weapon'

try, for once, to join us in reality.

Because they are restricting where inspections can take place.
ah. so we'll have less inspections in iran after the implementation of the agreement than we have now... is that right?
Well, the little Iranian midget woman Jarrett got what she wanted for Iran

at the EXPENSE of us and Israel. they played Obama like a fine tuned fiddle. and some of you sit here applauding it.

Rush, and the others have been reading the deal....one day obama will be the most hated man in the world......
so the brain trust is on it, huh?

Yes...because no one with a brain was involved when it came to giving iran a nuclear weapon.
good god you could try to say something dumber but you'd be hard pressed to be able to actually do it.

the deal requires a reduction in enriched uranium and centrifuges and requires verification inspections.

how the fuck do you twist that into 'handing iran a nuclear weapon'

try, for once, to join us in reality.

Because they are restricting where inspections can take place.
ah. so we'll have less inspections in iran after the implementation of the agreement than we have now... is that right?

Who says Iran will allow any inspections at all?
Obama gave his brothers in Jihad Libya, Syria, most of Iran and now nuclear weapons. I'm sure ISIS is going to start erecting statues of Obama and Val Jarrett
so the brain trust is on it, huh?

Yes...because no one with a brain was involved when it came to giving iran a nuclear weapon.
good god you could try to say something dumber but you'd be hard pressed to be able to actually do it.

the deal requires a reduction in enriched uranium and centrifuges and requires verification inspections.

how the fuck do you twist that into 'handing iran a nuclear weapon'

try, for once, to join us in reality.

Because they are restricting where inspections can take place.
ah. so we'll have less inspections in iran after the implementation of the agreement than we have now... is that right?

Who says Iran will allow any inspections at all?
so then the deal falls apart and we aren't any worse off than we are today.
Rush, and the others have been reading the deal....one day obama will be the most hated man in the world......
so the brain trust is on it, huh?

Yes...because no one with a brain was involved when it came to giving iran a nuclear weapon.
good god you could try to say something dumber but you'd be hard pressed to be able to actually do it.

the deal requires a reduction in enriched uranium and centrifuges and requires verification inspections.

how the fuck do you twist that into 'handing iran a nuclear weapon'

try, for once, to join us in reality.

Because they are restricting where inspections can take place.
ah. so we'll have less inspections in iran after the implementation of the agreement than we have now... is that right?


Where did you get that idea?

But, they could continue building on military bases, and inspectors would be non the wiser.

Is there something about that you dont' understand?
The far right are absolutely loopy on this subject.

The mainstream GOP broke the back of the TP social cons over the flag. Now we need to break the back of the neo-cons who want war at any cost. They sound as stupid as Goldwater and the John Birch Society more than fifty years ago.

Make sure you don't hurt yourself with all that back breaking
so the brain trust is on it, huh?

Yes...because no one with a brain was involved when it came to giving iran a nuclear weapon.
good god you could try to say something dumber but you'd be hard pressed to be able to actually do it.

the deal requires a reduction in enriched uranium and centrifuges and requires verification inspections.

how the fuck do you twist that into 'handing iran a nuclear weapon'

try, for once, to join us in reality.

Because they are restricting where inspections can take place.
ah. so we'll have less inspections in iran after the implementation of the agreement than we have now... is that right?

Who says Iran will allow any inspections at all?

We'll see the same games Saddam Hussain played for YEARS. and in the mean time Iran will attack Israel and us
so the brain trust is on it, huh?

Yes...because no one with a brain was involved when it came to giving iran a nuclear weapon.
good god you could try to say something dumber but you'd be hard pressed to be able to actually do it.

the deal requires a reduction in enriched uranium and centrifuges and requires verification inspections.

how the fuck do you twist that into 'handing iran a nuclear weapon'

try, for once, to join us in reality.

Because they are restricting where inspections can take place.
ah. so we'll have less inspections in iran after the implementation of the agreement than we have now... is that right?


Where did you get that idea?

But, they could continue building on military bases, and inspectors would be non the wiser.

Is there something about that you dont' understand?
i'm trying to understand your point of view. you somehow think some inspections are worse than no inspections. how so?
Rush, and the others have been reading the deal....one day obama will be the most hated man in the world......
so the brain trust is on it, huh?

Yes...because no one with a brain was involved when it came to giving iran a nuclear weapon.
good god you could try to say something dumber but you'd be hard pressed to be able to actually do it.

the deal requires a reduction in enriched uranium and centrifuges and requires verification inspections.

how the fuck do you twist that into 'handing iran a nuclear weapon'

try, for once, to join us in reality.

Because they are restricting where inspections can take place.
ah. so we'll have less inspections in iran after the implementation of the agreement than we have now... is that right?
We will play the same game we did with Iraq & North Korea.

How many times are you gonna let Lucy pull the ball away before you try to stop kicking it?
Iran got a good deal and they have much motivation to abide by the deal. Eighty million Iranians stand to profit from an oil industry that will once more compete in the world market and America wins with lower oil prices. Iran also knows that diplomacy prevailed this time around and any failure will be met with very hard consequences. This is a winner folks, letting the hatred for Obama get in the way is more destructive than you know.
The Iranians have screwed us on inspections every time we've tried them, and now they have some hogwash that we owe them $50 billion that they can hold over our heads while they chant "Death to America "....

And the Libs celebrate the fact that Obama is willing to make sure they have the money for a bomb...
When did we try inspections in Iran before?
Your problem is you are stupid and ignorant. That explains 99% of your posts.
The truth is the Iranians have lied about every aspect of their program. It is stupidity on steroids to think a piece of paper signed by a lame duck president will deter them from doing anything,
Yes...because no one with a brain was involved when it came to giving iran a nuclear weapon.
good god you could try to say something dumber but you'd be hard pressed to be able to actually do it.

the deal requires a reduction in enriched uranium and centrifuges and requires verification inspections.

how the fuck do you twist that into 'handing iran a nuclear weapon'

try, for once, to join us in reality.

Because they are restricting where inspections can take place.
ah. so we'll have less inspections in iran after the implementation of the agreement than we have now... is that right?


Where did you get that idea?

But, they could continue building on military bases, and inspectors would be non the wiser.

Is there something about that you dont' understand?
i'm trying to understand your point of view. you somehow think some inspections are worse than no inspections. how so?

it's obvious you don't understand.

The deal doesn't go far enough.

What good is having inspections of 95% of the country, that would prove they are in compliance, while they are building what ever WMD in areas that are off limits?

If THEY wanted this deal, no areas would be off limits.

If WE wanted this deal, we wouldn't allow any areas to be off limits.

For me, that one item is a deal breaker
I think the first thing is the understand the concept of the deal is that the world eases restrictions on Iran, Iran then is allowed to use nuclear for power but at the same time allows the U.N inspectors in to make sure that I ran is not creating or obtaining nuclear weapons.
The shoe shine boy in the white house threatened to veto anything that came across his desk that would block the Iran deal. as usual, republicans folded.
the reality is that Iran is going to aquire nuclear weapons, the U.N inspectors are on the side of Iran having them.
but, as far as blaming congress, (which I do) I find it telling that the left would put this on the republican congress when their leader and all of the anti-Americans (pronounced democrats) wanted it. Yet, when there was a Democrat controlled congress, all the blame for the bailouts fell directly on President Bush, because, He was the sitting president and he signed off on it.
Does Sambo Shoe Shine get any blame since he not only signed off on this, but said he would veto anything that blocked it?
The real Republicans who understand geo-politics will accept the deal with no problem.

The far reactionary nut cases, the neo-cons, and the far fringe among Israel's supporters are running around with their eyes rolling in their heads.

I'm still looking for what alternatives republicans are suggesting
Numerous more sanctions, seal them off from everybody, and cripple their economy.
Russia is tossing their salad for them with inbound flights every day.
They're funding terrorists all over the region.
Shut their asses down.
98% reduction in fisionable material and a dismantling of centerfuges capable of making nuclear material

Why do Republicans want to maintain the old levels?

and various areas of the country completely off limits.

how do you verify the reduction of fissionable material and centrifuges?


We monitor the dismantling and destruction of the materail

and how do we monitor the dismantling in areas WE ARENT' ALLOWED TO SEARCH?
Oh you waskally wabbit

You have been getting you talking points from Fox again haven't you?

Lifting of sanctions are tied to verified destruction of nuclear material and centerfuges. No destruction...no lifting of sanctions
Who moves first?
You trust that Iran will?
Yes...because no one with a brain was involved when it came to giving iran a nuclear weapon.
good god you could try to say something dumber but you'd be hard pressed to be able to actually do it.

the deal requires a reduction in enriched uranium and centrifuges and requires verification inspections.

how the fuck do you twist that into 'handing iran a nuclear weapon'

try, for once, to join us in reality.

Because they are restricting where inspections can take place.
ah. so we'll have less inspections in iran after the implementation of the agreement than we have now... is that right?

Who says Iran will allow any inspections at all?
so then the deal falls apart and we aren't any worse off than we are today.

So when Iran gets the bomb we won't be any worse off?

The only thing Iran wants is a nuclear weapon.

Iran has a history of violating the Nuclear Non proliferation treaty that it signed.

Our record of "verifying" nuclear capabilities and activity is piss poor at best

So what will happen is Iran will take advantage of billions of dollars in sanctions relief while refusing inspections as it is allowed under the new deal. It will still conduct nuclear research in secret as it is now. Do you really think we know all of Iran's nuclear research sites?

How many times does a dog have to bite you before you admit it can't be trusted?
We can't control the Russians, hortysir, without some kind of Iranian deal first.

They are not going to be happy to have Iranian oil on the market, because that hurts Russia's economy even more.

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