Why do Republicans support a nuclear Iran?

If Iran decides to go back on or cheat on this deal what's the back up plan? No one outside of Israel will use military force it took years to get the original sanctions in place so you won't just snap your fingers and put those back something to consider.

What is our backup plan now?

We don't like their compliance, nothing stops us from reinstating sanctions
As I pointed out it took years to get the existing sanctions in place and with Russia and China being less cooperative now than they were then that makes the possibility of getting sanctions reinstated even less likely.
Russia and China can drop sanctions right now...where will that leave you?
How about you address the point you claim sanctions can be reinstated I have pointed out how long it took to originally get them so how will you get them reinstated again? The reality is your chances of doing so are slim if that.
Sanctions are only as strong as your coalition

If we are not happy with irans compliance, we can put them back or make them more severe
Staying the course and maintaining existing sanctions will result in Iran having the capability to produce eight nuclear weapons within six months

Under the new agreement, Iran would not have the ability to produce one warhead in the next ten years

Is Republican hatred of Obama so great that they would rather have a nuclear Iran than for Obama to get credit for disarming them?

Oh and you actually believe Iran will abide by an agreement?

An Iran which has never abided by any agreement its ever made is now going to abide by this one??

LMAO never going to happen and anyone who thinks it is a fucking moron.
they are SO desperate to give Obambam something to hang his hat on that nasty head of his

they don't care he SELLS us out along with it. the same thing he's doing in cahoots with Mexico, Honduras, etc etc

the man is a DANGER to us but it's too late now. just get prepared
Still looking for a republican position on what we should be doing instead of this deal
The Iranians have screwed us on inspections every time we've tried them, and now they have some hogwash that we owe them $50 billion that they can hold over our heads while they chant "Death to America "....

And the Libs celebrate the fact that Obama is willing to make sure they have the money for a bomb...
When did we try inspections in Iran before?
Your problem is you are stupid and ignorant. That explains 99% of your posts.
The truth is the Iranians have lied about every aspect of their program. It is stupidity on steroids to think a piece of paper signed by a lame duck president will deter them from doing anything,

wrongwhiner doesn't care. HE'S all down for anything Obama wants from him. he's a good little useful tool
Staying the course and maintaining existing sanctions will result in Iran having the capability to produce eight nuclear weapons within six months

Under the new agreement, Iran would not have the ability to produce one warhead in the next ten years

Is Republican hatred of Obama so great that they would rather have a nuclear Iran than for Obama to get credit for disarming them?

Oh and you actually believe Iran will abide by an agreement?

An Iran which has never abided by any agreement its ever made is now going to abide by this one??

LMAO never going to happen and anyone who thinks it is a fucking moron.
They will destroy weapons grade plutonium and centerfuges before sanctions are lifted

What does the republican plan get us
We can't control the Russians, hortysir, without some kind of Iranian deal first.

They are not going to be happy to have Iranian oil on the market, because that hurts Russia's economy even more.
good god you could try to say something dumber but you'd be hard pressed to be able to actually do it.

the deal requires a reduction in enriched uranium and centrifuges and requires verification inspections.

how the fuck do you twist that into 'handing iran a nuclear weapon'

try, for once, to join us in reality.

Because they are restricting where inspections can take place.
ah. so we'll have less inspections in iran after the implementation of the agreement than we have now... is that right?


Where did you get that idea?

But, they could continue building on military bases, and inspectors would be non the wiser.

Is there something about that you dont' understand?
i'm trying to understand your point of view. you somehow think some inspections are worse than no inspections. how so?

it's obvious you don't understand.

The deal doesn't go far enough.

What good is having inspections of 95% of the country, that would prove they are in compliance, while they are building what ever WMD in areas that are off limits?

If THEY wanted this deal, no areas would be off limits.

If WE wanted this deal, we wouldn't allow any areas to be off limits.

For me, that one item is a deal breaker
so you think we're better off with no deal and no inspections. i don't see how you could possibly believe that, and i'm glad that the six negotiating countries felt the same.

also, there are no off-limits areas.

Obama’s Nuke Deal Makes Israel The Enemy And Iran Our Ally
You can pick the Islamic Republic or the Jewish State. You can't pick both.
By David Harsanyi

By David Harsanyi
July 14, 2015

deal that’s allegedly going to help protect the Jewish State from the threat of nuclear Iran?

All the peacemongers love it.

TWEETS at the site

The above tweet from the Iranian president was sent out after the deal was reached, by the way. Yet, many in the media have already framed Obama’s Iranian deal like so: Are you with the United States or are you with Israel? (When a confused chief foreign correspondent for NBC News asks whether it is even legal for Israel to lobby congress on the deal, you’re getting a taste of the underlying antagonism the press often has towards Israel.)

The real question, as Rouhani understand well, is this one: Is the United States going to stand with the Jewish State or with Iran. We know where Obama stands.

Obama is now locked in no matter how poorly implementation goes, no matter how uncooperative Iran is. Otherwise, it is another political failure. And most Democrats are probably locked in to supporting the deal for a number of partisan and ideological reasons. Signing it, they will argue, proves that diplomacy, not war, can work. Liberals have been offering this false choice for so many years, so it’s doubtful they can back away from it now. Others will claim that conservatives have an ideological predisposition to opposing any foreign policy agreements, as Jon Chait and others have already done, so this hostility can only be vacuous, as well. That sure makes debate easy.

Or maybe, it’ll be Netanyahu’s fault for opposing an Iranian deal that pushed the president to allow Iran to become a nuclear power.

Let me get this straight. Is it possible that progs really think that no nuclear deal with Iran will result in Iran having nukes but a nuclear treaty with Iran has nothing to do with with ...well....nuclear capability? Proof that the world is upside down and bass-ackward to the useful idiots on the left.
Staying the course and maintaining existing sanctions will result in Iran having the capability to produce eight nuclear weapons within six months

Under the new agreement, Iran would not have the ability to produce one warhead in the next ten years

Is Republican hatred of Obama so great that they would rather have a nuclear Iran than for Obama to get credit for disarming them?

Oh and you actually believe Iran will abide by an agreement?

An Iran which has never abided by any agreement its ever made is now going to abide by this one??

LMAO never going to happen and anyone who thinks it is a fucking moron.
They will destroy weapons grade plutonium and centerfuges before sanctions are lifted

What does the republican plan get us

Oh and you believe that?? WOW are you an idiot.

Iran will continue its work on a nuclear weapon in secret and will do exactly as they wish.
Here's something to ponder Republicans, Let's lock down Israel's nuclear stockpile and make them subject to inspection. A nuclear free Middle East is a good thing to work toward and ensures continuing peace as well.
Staying the course and maintaining existing sanctions will result in Iran having the capability to produce eight nuclear weapons within six months

Under the new agreement, Iran would not have the ability to produce one warhead in the next ten years

Is Republican hatred of Obama so great that they would rather have a nuclear Iran than for Obama to get credit for disarming them?

Oh and you actually believe Iran will abide by an agreement?

An Iran which has never abided by any agreement its ever made is now going to abide by this one??

LMAO never going to happen and anyone who thinks it is a fucking moron.
They will destroy weapons grade plutonium and centerfuges before sanctions are lifted

What does the republican plan get us

Oh and you believe that?? WOW are you an idiot.

Iran will continue its work on a nuclear weapon in secret and will do exactly as they wish.
You seem to have comprehension problems
We lift sanctions AFTER we have verified destruction

If they want to restart in secret it will take ten years to get where we are today
If Iran decides to go back on or cheat on this deal what's the back up plan? No one outside of Israel will use military force it took years to get the original sanctions in place so you won't just snap your fingers and put those back something to consider.

What is our backup plan now?

We don't like their compliance, nothing stops us from reinstating sanctions
As I pointed out it took years to get the existing sanctions in place and with Russia and China being less cooperative now than they were then that makes the possibility of getting sanctions reinstated even less likely.
Russia and China can drop sanctions right now...where will that leave you?
How about you address the point you claim sanctions can be reinstated I have pointed out how long it took to originally get them so how will you get them reinstated again? The reality is your chances of doing so are slim if that.
Sanctions are only as strong as your coalition

If we are not happy with irans compliance, we can put them back or make them more severe
Only if you can get everyone to agree to that once those sanctions are gone or eased and countries start making money dealing with Iran good luck getting the current sanctions reimposed much less more severe ones.

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