Why do Repubs bitch so much about SNAP if the cost is a fraction of the overall welfare budget?

...and most people receiving SNAP benefits are families with children, disabled, retired, or working families. And those are the people that the Republicans dislike.

All people that republicans want DEAD!!!! It puts a shiver up their leg when a child, disabled person or a poor family dies!!!! It makes them so happy.

The republican party is the party of scrooge! Remember that and don't expect any kind of help when you're down.

I don't need your help, son. That's the typical doom and gloom of the left. I am capable and have been willing and capable of doing for myself longer than your simple mind can fathom.

If any of those folks die because they won't do for themselves, it's your fault. You think one person deserves what another person has earned yet you do nothing about it but complain someone else isn't willing to be forced to do what you won't voluntarily do.

When you give something that is yours to someone because you believe they need help, that's how it's supposed to work. When you won't do yourself what you think should be done yet supporting forcing others to do it your way, that's socialism.
The rich are taking all the profit and forcing the worker to use food stamps to feed their families. Guess who you side with??? The 1%!


When those you call rich pay a wage equivalent to the skills provided, it's not robbing. When those making low wages because of their low skills protest because someone won't give them more than they're worth, it's called whining.

Spending on education in my state has gone up and up and up for years. If you're talking about the free college bullshit plan, it's not the responsibility of someone that isn't a kid's parent to pay for something that the parents of the kid refuse to do.
Laziness casts one into a deep sleep
And an idle person will suffer hunger

Proverbs 19:15

Go to the ant you sluggard!
Consider her ways and be wise
Which having no captain,
Overseer or ruler
Provides her supplies in the summer
And gathers her food in the harvest
How long will you slumber, O sluggard?
When will you rise from your sleep?
A little sleep, a little slumber
A little folding of the hands to sleep-
So shall your poverty come on you like a prowler
And your need like an armed man

Proverbs 6:6-11

Helping the poor and enabling laziness and irresponsibility
are 2 totally different things...
...and most people receiving SNAP benefits are families with children, disabled, retired, or working families. And those are the people that the Republicans dislike.

All people that republicans want DEAD!!!! It puts a shiver up their leg when a child, disabled person or a poor family dies!!!! It makes them so happy.

The republican party is the party of scrooge! Remember that and don't expect any kind of help when you're down.
All people that republicans want DEAD!!!! It puts a shiver up their leg when a child, disabled person or a poor family dies!!!! It makes them so happy
If you were any more of a dick,
gay guys would be trying to suck your forehead.
Just what we needed, another dunce insult poster.
Just what we needed, another dunce insult poster.
Nice "cumback"!
Did you scrape it from the back of your throat?
I've explained this to your whiny ass a zillion times already Billy000. I want you to ask an adult to read this to you and explain it to you:

We hate SNAP because it is a violation of the U.S. Constitution. The federal government is explicitly restricted by the constitution to 18 enumerated powers and feeding the hungry is not one of those powers.

The answer will be the same when you ask an equally stupid question again tomorrow.
Let me ask you this; because wages are so behind on the rising cost of inflation, how can children in poor families eat if they are not the primary beneficiaries of SNAP?
Answer: Family (grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc.)
If 5 safety nets aren't enough for someone - then they can go hunt deer and duck to put food on the table. Their own determination and self-reliance becomes a sixth safety net. If you can't put food on the table after six levels of safety nets then you were meant to not eat. Accept God's will and live with it.
Awwww.....look at the sappy, tear-jerking platitude from the selfish, greedy, progressive. I can't tell you how much your pathetic, disingenuous meme has changed my entire view. Thanks to you Matthew - I now realize that we should piss on the U.S. Constitution, become a lawless nation, and simply do whatever Matthew deems "good" for society. All hail our altruistic leader....King Matthew!

The rich are robbing us blind!!! The poor need help just to stay alive.
ROFLMMFAO....Tell me... which companies do you boycott?

Watch out folks, internet commando tough guy posting from Mommies basement.
Watch out folks, internet commando tough guy posting from Mommies basement
Bitch, my mother passed away 2 years ago,
I'm not a guy and I live in an apartment with my son.

DO NOT bring up my mother ever again!

Answer the fucking question...
Which companies do you boycott?
A negative comment or insult was not made about your mother. Your faux outrage seems to indicate a touch of mental illness. That you sound like a basement dwelling kid in Mommies basement is your problem, not mine.
The answer to your foul mouthed question is that I do not do boycott companies and never have.
“I am for doing good to the poor, but...I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. I observed...that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.”

Benjamin Franklin

Guess Ben Franklin was an asshole Republican. Hope you don't mind I accept his opinion over a hyper-sensitive snowflake.

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