Why do Repubs bitch so much about SNAP if the cost is a fraction of the overall welfare budget?


Your entire mindset is to force people to do for others what YOU want done. If you think someone that won't do for themselves deserves something, give them YOUR money voluntarily.
because once they force women to bear unwanted children......they do not want another damn thing to do with that child.....we go from pro life....to if you can feed 'em dont breed 'em...
anyone bitching about the cost of having a ny white house with melania ......dont see any bitching about that....
because once they force women to bear unwanted children......they do not want another damn thing to do with that child.....we go from pro life....to if you can feed 'em dont breed 'em...

No such thing as an unwanted child. That excuse doesn't fly when people know the possible result of doing what it takes to produce a child.
o here we go...are you gonna make it illegal for men to walk away from pregnant women...of course not...and if these kids are not unwanted how does one account for the growing child abuse and murder of kids in this country and lets not even go into the sexual abuse for a society that claims to value our children we do a damn poor job of showing it...
curtail birth control and outlaw abortion and see what hell that will bring....they did that in romania i do believe......
I honestly think it is because they like feeling righteous and superior to people who they perceive to be "losers". I don't feel superior to you, but I do feel sorry.

It gives them a hard-on to say to themselves "yeah! I'm a self-made man! I'm tougher than nails! I provide for my family! I don't need hand-outs!" Sure, conservatives have never used food stamps. Could be you're on a rant, still butt- hurt over the election.

The truth is I can't wait.

that republicans don't even know who is on food stamps. Yep, you got us. Good work.

The large majority of households on food stamps have children in them, for instance. I guess we didn't know that. You're smart dude. Superior Republicans for sure. You really showed us.

Even then these people get peanuts in benefits. Appears you're exaggerating to make up a story. But you're way more smarter than us, so I may be missing the "point": A Quick Guide to SNAP Eligibility and Benefits | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Oh, and any head of the household on food stamps has a job. This makes a lot of sense. Guess I was wrong about your rant.

Also, did you notice how I said "households"? I sure as fuck did dude. Good job.

The job income eligibility is based on the total income that household makes. Neat. Just to make something of nothing because this isn't going anywhere, happen to know what qualifies as a "household" member?

It isn't based on an individual's income alone. Wow......You mean to tell me one household member earning zero while another earning a million makes a difference? Who'd have saw that coming?

A household would have to make 130% of the poverty line at the most to qualify. No shit, they have limitations. How much are you getting per month?

Now this may sound like a lot, Which part?

but it is a figure that has not kept up with the rise in inflation the last couple of decades. They raise the poverty level all the time dip shit, and 130% poverty is not a figure.

BTW: SNAP benefits cost $70.9 billion in fiscal year 2016 and supplied roughly 44.2 million Americans with an average of $125.51 for each person per month in food assistance.
lol you're funny dude. You think your desperate attempt at wit is supposed to make me not notice that you didn't make an actual factual rebuttal. In fact, you provided a source for all of my information. Thanks!
What is factual about your op, you start it with the words I think. It's your nasty opinion only.
No, my opinion is based on objective facts about food stamps.
I honestly think it is because they like feeling righteous and superior to people who they perceive to be "losers". I don't feel superior to you, but I do feel sorry.

It gives them a hard-on to say to themselves "yeah! I'm a self-made man! I'm tougher than nails! I provide for my family! I don't need hand-outs!" Sure, conservatives have never used food stamps. Could be you're on a rant, still butt- hurt over the election.

The truth is I can't wait.

that republicans don't even know who is on food stamps. Yep, you got us. Good work.

The large majority of households on food stamps have children in them, for instance. I guess we didn't know that. You're smart dude. Superior Republicans for sure. You really showed us.

Even then these people get peanuts in benefits. Appears you're exaggerating to make up a story. But you're way more smarter than us, so I may be missing the "point": A Quick Guide to SNAP Eligibility and Benefits | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Oh, and any head of the household on food stamps has a job. This makes a lot of sense. Guess I was wrong about your rant.

Also, did you notice how I said "households"? I sure as fuck did dude. Good job.

The job income eligibility is based on the total income that household makes. Neat. Just to make something of nothing because this isn't going anywhere, happen to know what qualifies as a "household" member?

It isn't based on an individual's income alone. Wow......You mean to tell me one household member earning zero while another earning a million makes a difference? Who'd have saw that coming?

A household would have to make 130% of the poverty line at the most to qualify. No shit, they have limitations. How much are you getting per month?

Now this may sound like a lot, Which part?

but it is a figure that has not kept up with the rise in inflation the last couple of decades. They raise the poverty level all the time dip shit, and 130% poverty is not a figure.

BTW: SNAP benefits cost $70.9 billion in fiscal year 2016 and supplied roughly 44.2 million Americans with an average of $125.51 for each person per month in food assistance.
lol you're funny dude. You think your desperate attempt at wit is supposed to make me not notice that you didn't make an actual factual rebuttal. In fact, you provided a source for all of my information. Thanks!
What is factual about your op, you start it with the words I think. It's your nasty opinion only.
No, my opinion is based on objective facts about food stamps.

Unless the entire budget is spent on one line item, everything in the budget is a fraction of it.

That you think food stamp spending is only a small fraction isn't objective. A lot or a little are subjective terms.
Over the last three decades U.S. parents have committed filicide — the killing of one’s child — about 500 times every year. The horrifying instances are often poorly understood, but a recent study provides the first comprehensive statistical overview of the tragic phenomenon. The authors also suggest underlying hypotheses of motives with the hope of spurring research on filicide prevention.

Analysis: 32 years of U.S. filicide arrests

do people murder wanted children?
If the cost is so nominal Billy000 - why don't you pick up the tab for it? :dunno:
That's a stupid question. Obviously i can't alone. I can only provide my own revenue contribution like any other citizen of a country.

It's a valid question. If you and the rest of those that believe like you can't do entirely what you think should be done, you have no leg to stand on demanding others do it.
I've explained this to your whiny ass a zillion times already Billy000. I want you to ask an adult to read this to you and explain it to you:

We hate SNAP because it is a violation of the U.S. Constitution. The federal government is explicitly restricted by the constitution to 18 enumerated powers and feeding the hungry is not one of those powers.

The answer will be the same when you ask an equally stupid question again tomorrow.
Let me ask you this; because wages are so behind on the rising cost of inflation, how can children in poor families eat if they are not the primary beneficiaries of SNAP?

They have people like you that CLAIM to care. If you care as much as you claim, why haven't you gone and found all the poor families, taken them to the store, and bought their groceries with your money?
Mayor de Blasio is sending the Obama administration a $35 million bill for the cost of securing Trump Tower from the time President-elect Donald Trump won the race through Jan. 20 — an average of over $400,000 a day, officials said on Monday.
If the cost is so nominal Billy000 - why don't you pick up the tab for it? :dunno:
That's a stupid question. Obviously i can't alone. I can only provide my own revenue contribution like any other citizen of a country.
Why? Pick up a second job. Sell your possessions. You could do it if you really wanted to. You don't care nearly as much as you are desperate for people to believe.
That'a dumb. This isn't even about me. You know that right?

It's about you claiming you care then not being willing to prove that you do.
Mayor de Blasio is sending the Obama administration a $35 million bill for the cost of securing Trump Tower from the time President-elect Donald Trump won the race through Jan. 20 — an average of over $400,000 a day, officials said on Monday.

Good luck getting it.
You fucking asshole, they use a blue link card...
If they get cash assistance, it's also on the link card

If they are swiping the link card, it's paying for the food...
If they use it immediately after that, they're using
the cash on the card to pay for the cash purchases...
I'm also a cashier...THATS HOW I FUCKING KNOW!


I know facts lol. You just know what you pretend to be true about SNAP users.

No. You THINK you know facts.
My facts are objective. The RW is emotionally charged by comparison.

You are so blind you can't see that you describe yourself.
Who I am and what I accept is irrelevant if I've given you objective information.

Saying something is a little or a lot is subjective.

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