Why do RWs make no effort in defending the GOP while they are demonizing democrats?

When was the last time a con on this board made an effort to defend republican polices and make an argument as to why we should all vote republican? It's because they secretly know the GOP has NOTHING to offer the middle class and poor. They are just too immature to admit it. It's just easier for them to invest all their energy into arguing why we shouldn't vote democrat. Of course even then they fail to come up with real specifics.

Why does this intellectual dishonesty persist?
Back in your cage.

You remind me of a Chimp who spends his days periodically jacking off in front of people at the zoo. You make a spectacle of yourself and everyone just points at you and laughs.
I remind you of a monkey jacking off? You got problems, man.
What a fucking stupid, ignorant post. The republicans don't need or want to offer anybody a damn thing, dumass. Why do governments have to "offer" something to you leftists for you to appreciate what's going on around you? This huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government needs to get the fuk out of our way. There's your offer.
and my offer is to stfu and take the fu train.......your republican nitwits brought america to it's knees and refuse to do a damn thing about it ,,,,keep sitting on your hands

Government trying to fix problems is the #1 cause of problems. The best thing they can do is sit on their hands. Stop asking other people to give you free shit. That isn't solving problems, that's just feeding your dependency
Oh so we shouldn't have any laws? We should let people do what ever the fuck they want? You do know that basic laws like robbery come from government right?

Laws that benefit all are good laws. Laws that benefit some groups of people at the expense of others are bad laws. Example: Commie Care.
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When was the last time a con on this board made an effort to defend republican polices and make an argument as to why we should all vote republican? It's because they secretly know the GOP has NOTHING to offer the middle class and poor. They are just too immature to admit it. It's just easier for them to invest all their energy into arguing why we shouldn't vote democrat. Of course even then they fail to come up with real specifics.

Why does this intellectual dishonesty persist?
Back in your cage.

You remind me of a Chimp who spends his days periodically jacking off in front of people at the zoo. You make a spectacle of yourself and everyone just points at you and laughs.
I remind you of a monkey jacking off? You got problems, man.
The point is you have a problem.........so get help.
I made the mistake of assuming you wanted to have an intelligent conversation.

First; never assume. (You know the rest of the saying?)

Secondly; it would be good to have an intelligent conversation with an intelligent right winger.

You know where I can find one?

Problem you got is action speaks louder than words. And republicans (from what I see) have nothing to (no actions) show for their supposed leadership but words and weird promises that they can't deliver on.

I like to see actions. Actions that benefit ALL of us. Not just a few of us.
What a fucking stupid, ignorant post. The republicans don't need or want to offer anybody a damn thing, dumass. Why do governments have to "offer" something to you leftists for you to appreciate what's going on around you? This huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government needs to get the fuk out of our way. There's your offer.
and my offer is to stfu and take the fu train.......your republican nitwits brought america to it's knees and refuse to do a damn thing about it ,,,,keep sitting on your hands

Government trying to fix problems is the #1 cause of problems. The best thing they can do is sit on their hands. Stop asking other people to give you free shit. That isn't solving problems, that's just feeding your dependency
Oh so we shouldn't have any laws? We should let people do what ever the fuck they want? You do know that basic laws like robbery come from government right?

Laws that benefit all are good laws. Laws that benefit some groups of people at the expense of others are bad laws. Example: Commie Care.
how about clean air and water laws....benefit all except a very few republicans aren't so happy about those laws
Why do RWs make no effort in defending the GOP while they are demonizing democrats?

Because they are indefensible.
What a fucking stupid, ignorant post. The republicans don't need or want to offer anybody a damn thing, dumass. Why do governments have to "offer" something to you leftists for you to appreciate what's going on around you? This huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government needs to get the fuk out of our way. There's your offer.
and my offer is to stfu and take the fu train.......your republican nitwits brought america to it's knees and refuse to do a damn thing about it ,,,,keep sitting on your hands

Government trying to fix problems is the #1 cause of problems. The best thing they can do is sit on their hands. Stop asking other people to give you free shit. That isn't solving problems, that's just feeding your dependency
Oh so we shouldn't have any laws? We should let people do what ever the fuck they want? You do know that basic laws like robbery come from government right?
He didn't say anything even remotely similar to what you accused him of saying.
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What a fucking stupid, ignorant post. The republicans don't need or want to offer anybody a damn thing, dumass. Why do governments have to "offer" something to you leftists for you to appreciate what's going on around you? This huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government needs to get the fuk out of our way. There's your offer.
and my offer is to stfu and take the fu train.......your republican nitwits brought america to it's knees and refuse to do a damn thing about it ,,,,keep sitting on your hands

Government trying to fix problems is the #1 cause of problems. The best thing they can do is sit on their hands. Stop asking other people to give you free shit. That isn't solving problems, that's just feeding your dependency
Oh so we shouldn't have any laws? We should let people do what ever the fuck they want? You do know that basic laws like robbery come from government right?

I'd say hyperbole is a great argument, except it's not, it's eight year old
What a fucking stupid, ignorant post. The republicans don't need or want to offer anybody a damn thing, dumass. Why do governments have to "offer" something to you leftists for you to appreciate what's going on around you? This huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government needs to get the fuk out of our way. There's your offer.
and my offer is to stfu and take the fu train.......your republican nitwits brought america to it's knees and refuse to do a damn thing about it ,,,,keep sitting on your hands

Government trying to fix problems is the #1 cause of problems. The best thing they can do is sit on their hands. Stop asking other people to give you free shit. That isn't solving problems, that's just feeding your dependency
Oh so we shouldn't have any laws? We should let people do what ever the fuck they want? You do know that basic laws like robbery come from government right?

Laws that benefit all are good laws. Laws that benefit some groups of people at the expense of others are bad laws. Example: Commie Care.
how about clean air and water laws....benefit all except a very few republicans aren't so happy about those laws

Making up shit, another brainiac on the prowl
What a fucking stupid, ignorant post. The republicans don't need or want to offer anybody a damn thing, dumass. Why do governments have to "offer" something to you leftists for you to appreciate what's going on around you? This huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government needs to get the fuk out of our way. There's your offer.
He asked Republicans to argue WHY anyone should vote for the party. Learn to listen dumb dumb.

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Why do RWs make no effort in defending the GOP while they are demonizing democrats?

Because they are indefensible.

You and the Republicans are virtually identical, Holmes. It's funny how the more alike you are, the more you have to shriek how completely different you are. LOL.
What a fucking stupid, ignorant post. The republicans don't need or want to offer anybody a damn thing, dumass. Why do governments have to "offer" something to you leftists for you to appreciate what's going on around you? This huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government needs to get the fuk out of our way. There's your offer.
Lol so you vote republican for no apparent reason? Got it.
I vote Republican to stop rapacious looters like you.
So again, you make no mention of actual republican policies you like.

Rescinding Obamacare.
Abolishing the EPA
Abolishing the Dept of Education
Supporting the 2nd Amendment
Cutting spending
Cutting taxes
Following the Constitution.
No party spends more than the Republican party.

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I can easily do that. I like all of these policies:

Raising the minimum wage
Expanding over time pay
Investing infrastructure
Investing in education
Closing tax loopholes for corporations and top earners
Addressing Wall Street crime
Strengthening the EPA and FDA
Making healthcare more affordable
If you have an economy that is barly creating jobs raising the minimum wage does nothing. Anything over 40 hours a week is overtime how would that be exanpded? I guess getting the money for more infrastructure and education will come form taxing the rich which seems to be the lefts standard answer to pay for all that. Why hasn't Obama already closed those loopholes you think it might be because he and the Democrats get as much money from them as Republicans? You have a Justice Departement and courts to address crime which includes those by Wall Street and have had them for a very long time. What power should the EPA and FDA have that they don't already? Obamacare was supposed to make healthcare more affordable it hasn't.
Lol barely creating jobs?! We have had 73 months of private sector Job growth! We are up to 14-15 million private jobs created since Obama started office.

Many workers with a certain wage mimimum were not qualified for OT pay. Obama changed this with executive order.

Taxing the rich is the ONLY way to pay for it without putting the burden on our shrinking middle class.

There are many Wall Street execs that should be in prison but aren't. At best, all we are getting is the companies paying petty fines as punishment.

We need to do more to prevent what happened in Flint. We need better regulations to protect our water supply. We need to keep practices like fracking from fucking up our water supply. Believe it or not, regulations do serve a purpose.

Lol millions more people are insured under ObamaCare. That's affordability. People are actually getting access to healthcare. Now granted ACA has failed in some respects and hasn't gone far enough, but it's a start.

ObamaCare, yeah it's great that now people have to pay more for health care... That's affordability!

Talk for yourself, I don't need more regulation to protect my water supply. Government regulation is garbage anyway... right now Greece debt obligations are considered tier one risk-less capital by regulators, because regulators obviously know best what is best for safety (and would never regulate anything based on political purpose, ever).
I don't need more regulation to protect my water supply.
do you have your own well?.....just askin....
I have my own well.
tests out much cleaner than the county/state supplied sludge they provide.
Should everyone have their own well?
Can everyone have their own well?
What happens to those without their own well?

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The R Party is business focused and believes in the trickle down theory.

The D Party is people focused and believes in fairness and equal rights and opportunity for all.

Then there is the Crazy Right Wing, the lunatics who hate government and believe every man and women is an island unto his or her self.

The answer though is that the D Party seeks change; and the far RW is composed of racists, bigots and the 2nd A. lunatic fringe which has been manipulated by the R Party by using wedge issues and false pathos to garner the vote from these lunatics.

What a fucking stupid, ignorant post. The republicans don't need or want to offer anybody a damn thing, dumass. Why do governments have to "offer" something to you leftists for you to appreciate what's going on around you? This huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government needs to get the fuk out of our way. There's your offer.
Lol so you vote republican for no apparent reason? Got it.
I vote Republican to stop rapacious looters like you.
So again, you make no mention of actual republican policies you like.

Rescinding Obamacare.
Abolishing the EPA
Abolishing the Dept of Education
Supporting the 2nd Amendment
Cutting spending
Cutting taxes
Following the Constitution.
No party spends more than the Republican party.

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Lol did Rachel tell you that, moron?
The R Party is business focused and believes in the trickle down theory.

The D Party is people focused and believes in fairness and equal rights and opportunity for all.

Then there is the Crazy Right Wing, the lunatics who hate government and believe every man and women is an island unto his or her self.

The answer though is that the D Party seeks change; and the far RW is composed of racists, bigots and the 2nd A. lunatic fringe which has been manipulated by the R Party by using wedge issues and false pathos to garner the vote from these lunatics.

Absolute garbage. MSNBC'D again.
When was the last time a con on this board made an effort to defend republican polices and make an argument as to why we should all vote republican? It's because they secretly know the GOP has NOTHING to offer the middle class and poor. They are just too immature to admit it. It's just easier for them to invest all their energy into arguing why we shouldn't vote democrat. Of course even then they fail to come up with real specifics.

Why does this intellectual dishonesty persist?
republicans are all about the me factor ... its ok for them to get a benefit from the government, but to see a liberal or a dem get a benefit they're all up in arms ... when they see a tax run government helping the poor its now their money and nobody else pays like they do ...
When was the last time a con on this board made an effort to defend republican polices and make an argument as to why we should all vote republican? It's because they secretly know the GOP has NOTHING to offer the middle class and poor. They are just too immature to admit it. It's just easier for them to invest all their energy into arguing why we shouldn't vote democrat. Of course even then they fail to come up with real specifics.

Why does this intellectual dishonesty persist?

They sure proved the OP wrong

We know the left is irrational .

What a fucking stupid, ignorant post.

The leftist douche bags can't imagine politicians doing anything other than
When was the last time a con on this board made an effort to defend republican polices and make an argument as to why we should all vote republican? It's because they secretly know the GOP has NOTHING to offer the middle class and poor. They are just too immature to admit it. It's just easier for them to invest all their energy into arguing why we shouldn't vote democrat. Of course even then they fail to come up with real specifics.

Why does this intellectual dishonesty persist?

You're joking, right?
he a republican ... he thinks all his tax money is going for welfare, food stamps, and abortions ... I wonder how hard would it be if he didn't have sewer line coming to his how ... would he like pooping out in the cold again ???where he would he have to dig a well to get water to his house ... what if that wells water was contaminated with cancer causing chemicals .... cause the government got out of the pollution laws ... so now he gets in his truck and can't seem to find a road that hasn't washed out or are full of pot wholes ... cause hew feels he doesn't need to have his tax dollars wasted on government... the problem with this idiot he too suffers with the me syndrome too
The R Party is business focused and believes in the trickle down theory.

The D Party is people focused and believes in fairness and equal rights and opportunity for all.

Then there is the Crazy Right Wing, the lunatics who hate government and believe every man and women is an island unto his or her self.

The answer though is that the D Party seeks change; and the far RW is composed of racists, bigots and the 2nd A. lunatic fringe which has been manipulated by the R Party by using wedge issues and false pathos to garner the vote from these lunatics.

Absolute garbage. MSNBC'D again.

You're welcome to offer a rebuttal, or you can continue to be a nitwit.

BTW, my main source of information comes from "The Economist", "TIme", NPR and PBS, BBC, local TV and National Network News. I watch a bit of FOX to see what the nitwits on this message board will echo and a bit of MSNBC 'cause Matthews and Maddow provide contrast.

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