Why do RWs make no effort in defending the GOP while they are demonizing democrats?

When was the last time a con on this board made an effort to defend republican polices and make an argument as to why we should all vote republican? It's because they secretly know the GOP has NOTHING to offer the middle class and poor. They are just too immature to admit it. It's just easier for them to invest all their energy into arguing why we shouldn't vote democrat. Of course even then they fail to come up with real specifics.

Why does this intellectual dishonesty persist?

democrats are scum.

You know this, I mean, you're scum.

These facts don't mean the GOP is any great shakes.

It's like saying dog shit is not healthy to eat. That does not mean I must defend cat shit as healthy to eat.

democrats are worse than Republicans, but that doesn't make Republicans good.
When was the last time a con on this board made an effort to defend republican polices and make an argument as to why we should all vote republican? It's because they secretly know the GOP has NOTHING to offer the middle class and poor. They are just too immature to admit it. It's just easier for them to invest all their energy into arguing why we shouldn't vote democrat. Of course even then they fail to come up with real specifics.

Why does this intellectual dishonesty persist?
So you are upset because they are not party loyal hacks? lol ok
then why do republicans bark so loudly when the gov't tries to regulate ,.to make sure you're not breathing or drinking poison?

You mean like Marijuana, sploogy?
Marijuana damages the brain. I would think that the left would be all for doing everything they can to get rid of it.
Normal brain PET scan VS the scan of a Marijuana user
Government trying to fix problems is the #1 cause of problems. The best thing they can do is sit on their hands. Stop asking other people to give you free shit. That isn't solving problems, that's just feeding your dependency
Oh so we shouldn't have any laws? We should let people do what ever the fuck they want? You do know that basic laws like robbery come from government right?

Laws that benefit all are good laws. Laws that benefit some groups of people at the expense of others are bad laws. Example: Commie Care.
how about clean air and water laws....benefit all except a very few republicans aren't so happy about those laws

Correct, because we don't care about clean air or water. We breathe and drink different stuff than you. :banana::banana::banana:
then why do republicans bark so loudly when the gov't tries to regulate ,.to make sure you're not breathing or drinking poison?

Because you use it to enact socialism, not protect the environment. Even my left wing, tree hugging sister who was a treasurer for her local Audubon Society chapter quit because they wouldn't stop wanting to protest windmills because they killed birds. She said if you look at the causes of bird deaths, they are tiny. Not that she disagreed with them so much as it was a lack of perspective. She quit the organization when they wouldn't stop obsessing on it.

That's what leftists do, you have no sense of perspective and zero interest in learning anything. You just have a vague idea in the back of your mind there's some noble goal and you're off to the races
Oh so we shouldn't have any laws? We should let people do what ever the fuck they want? You do know that basic laws like robbery come from government right?

Laws that benefit all are good laws. Laws that benefit some groups of people at the expense of others are bad laws. Example: Commie Care.
how about clean air and water laws....benefit all except a very few republicans aren't so happy about those laws

Correct, because we don't care about clean air or water. We breathe and drink different stuff than you. :banana::banana::banana:
then why do republicans bark so loudly when the gov't tries to regulate ,.to make sure you're not breathing or drinking poison?

Because you use it to enact socialism, not protect the environment. Even my left wing, tree hugging sister who was a treasurer for her local Audubon Society chapter quit because they wouldn't stop wanting to protest windmills because they killed birds. She said if you look at the causes of bird deaths, they are tiny. Not that she disagreed with them so much as it was a lack of perspective. She quit the organization when they wouldn't stop obsessing on it.

That's what leftists do, you have no sense of perspective and zero interest in learning anything. You just have a vague idea in the back of your mind there's some noble goal and you're off to the races
I can't disagree ......both parties take things too far ,,,,and neither can ever compromise
Government trying to fix problems is the #1 cause of problems. The best thing they can do is sit on their hands. Stop asking other people to give you free shit. That isn't solving problems, that's just feeding your dependency
Oh so we shouldn't have any laws? We should let people do what ever the fuck they want? You do know that basic laws like robbery come from government right?

Laws that benefit all are good laws. Laws that benefit some groups of people at the expense of others are bad laws. Example: Commie Care.
how about clean air and water laws....benefit all except a very few republicans aren't so happy about those laws

Correct, because we don't care about clean air or water. We breathe and drink different stuff than you. :banana::banana::banana:
then why do republicans bark so loudly when the gov't tries to regulate ,.to make sure you're not breathing or drinking poison?

Because that's not what government does. Let me explain how this works:

Green and clean is a bottomless money pit. No matter how much money you put into it, it will never get full.

We've been trying to make environmentalists happy nearly my entire life. Trillions of dollars poured into their efforts, and they are less happy today than they were 30 years ago.

That being a FACT, then the next question is when does it all stop? When will the environment be clean enough to make them happy? The answer: never.

You see, there is no way to make our environment pristine. It doesn't exist and there is nothing we can do to make it happen. But because this is all about politics and vote buying, they keep taking our money and wasting it on the most useless projects.

For instance I live in Cleveland obviously, and I've been drinking the water here all of my life. All of a sudden the EPA says our water here in Cleveland is not clean enough--not safe enough. Therefore we have to dump millions of dollars into it; not to make us happy, but to make some bureaucrats happy. So now water and sewer costs are going through the roof.

I have several other personal examples, but I don't want to make a three page post. The bottom line is that we all pay for this nonsense indirectly. It's intrinsic in every product we buy. Nobody gets a "clean" anything bill through the mail. It's in our cars, in our gasoline, in our bread, in our living room furniture, in our yard care items, it's a cost that's in each and every product we buy and own today, it's just you don't know it.
Oh so we shouldn't have any laws? We should let people do what ever the fuck they want? You do know that basic laws like robbery come from government right?

Laws that benefit all are good laws. Laws that benefit some groups of people at the expense of others are bad laws. Example: Commie Care.
how about clean air and water laws....benefit all except a very few republicans aren't so happy about those laws

Correct, because we don't care about clean air or water. We breathe and drink different stuff than you. :banana::banana::banana:
then why do republicans bark so loudly when the gov't tries to regulate ,.to make sure you're not breathing or drinking poison?

Because that's not what government does. Let me explain how this works:

Green and clean is a bottomless money pit. No matter how much money you put into it, it will never get full.

We've been trying to make environmentalists happy nearly my entire life. Trillions of dollars poured into their efforts, and they are less happy today than they were 30 years ago.

That being a FACT, then the next question is when does it all stop? When will the environment be clean enough to make them happy? The answer: never.

You see, there is no way to make our environment pristine. It doesn't exist and there is nothing we can do to make it happen. But because this is all about politics and vote buying, they keep taking our money and wasting it on the most useless projects.

For instance I live in Cleveland obviously, and I've been drinking the water here all of my life. All of a sudden the EPA says our water here in Cleveland is not clean enough--not safe enough. Therefore we have to dump millions of dollars into it; not to make us happy, but to make some bureaucrats happy. So now water and sewer costs are going through the roof.

I have several other personal examples, but I don't want to make a three page post. The bottom line is that we all pay for this nonsense indirectly. It's intrinsic in every product we buy. Nobody gets a "clean" anything bill through the mail. It's in our cars, in our gasoline, in our bread, in our living room furniture, in our yard care items, it's a cost that's in each and every product we buy and own today, it's just you don't know it.
read about flint mich?? read about or see the pictures on tv where half of china are wearing masks because of pollution?
Laws that benefit all are good laws. Laws that benefit some groups of people at the expense of others are bad laws. Example: Commie Care.
how about clean air and water laws....benefit all except a very few republicans aren't so happy about those laws

Correct, because we don't care about clean air or water. We breathe and drink different stuff than you. :banana::banana::banana:
then why do republicans bark so loudly when the gov't tries to regulate ,.to make sure you're not breathing or drinking poison?

Because that's not what government does. Let me explain how this works:

Green and clean is a bottomless money pit. No matter how much money you put into it, it will never get full.

We've been trying to make environmentalists happy nearly my entire life. Trillions of dollars poured into their efforts, and they are less happy today than they were 30 years ago.

That being a FACT, then the next question is when does it all stop? When will the environment be clean enough to make them happy? The answer: never.

You see, there is no way to make our environment pristine. It doesn't exist and there is nothing we can do to make it happen. But because this is all about politics and vote buying, they keep taking our money and wasting it on the most useless projects.

For instance I live in Cleveland obviously, and I've been drinking the water here all of my life. All of a sudden the EPA says our water here in Cleveland is not clean enough--not safe enough. Therefore we have to dump millions of dollars into it; not to make us happy, but to make some bureaucrats happy. So now water and sewer costs are going through the roof.

I have several other personal examples, but I don't want to make a three page post. The bottom line is that we all pay for this nonsense indirectly. It's intrinsic in every product we buy. Nobody gets a "clean" anything bill through the mail. It's in our cars, in our gasoline, in our bread, in our living room furniture, in our yard care items, it's a cost that's in each and every product we buy and own today, it's just you don't know it.
read about flint mich?? read about or see the pictures on tv where half of china are wearing masks because of pollution?

Yes, but we are far from China; nowhere close. As for Flint, thats once in how many years? And remember that it was government that created that problem--not fixed it.

But as long as you bring up China, they are manufacturing most of our products now, and one of the reasons they can produce so much cheaper than we can is because of pollution controls that they don't have. As long as we keep burdening our manufacturing with more pollution regulations, we distance ourselves even further from our ability to compete with them.
You're welcome to offer a rebuttal, or you can continue to be a nitwit.

BTW, my main source of information comes from "The Economist", "TIme", NPR and PBS, BBC, local TV and National Network News. I watch a bit of FOX to see what the nitwits on this message board will echo and a bit of MSNBC 'cause Matthews and Maddow provide contrast.
I don't rebuttal garbage. You're a leftist socialist communist society sucker with no worth whatsoever. You're a traitor to this country, just as is your entire democratic party.

Let's parse your remarks:

I don't rebuttal garbage; LOL, I don't rebut garbage [rebut is to to prove (something) is false by using arguments or evidence]
I'm a Democrat, socially liberal, fiscally responsible (note fiscal conservatism is foolish);
I'm a Navy Vet (AD in 1967, '68 & '69)
Retired LE (32 year career with two agencies)
Married since 1974, two sons both gainfully employed
One dog, one mini van (2016) and one hybird (2013) both free and clear of loans
One home, paid for.
A second home, small load lived in by one son, his wife and son)
In process of selling a third home, 1800 a (half ownership with my sister) set to close in 25 days located half way between San Francsco and Silicon Valley, five minutes from SFO, CAL train, Bart, Hwy 101 and Hwy 280
As a navy vet, you should be ashamed of yourself. What a sad old man you must be.

Is that your rebutt? It does seem to come from your ass, sense you have no evidence to support your biased opinions, They are not only foolish and incorrect but they lack substance (unless one considers substance the smell of bullshit).
Since you're in the mood to give us all your resume, why haven't you given it all away to the poor as your party dictates?
It's their premier program: cutting taxes for the rich.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
What a fucking stupid, ignorant post. The republicans don't need or want to offer anybody a damn thing, dumass. Why do governments have to "offer" something to you leftists for you to appreciate what's going on around you? This huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government needs to get the fuk out of our way. There's your offer.
and my offer is to stfu and take the fu train.......your republican nitwits brought america to it's knees and refuse to do a damn thing about it ,,,,keep sitting on your hands

I'm curious, Eddie...when you progressives were running the entire show...the Oval Office...the House...and the Senate...what did you do for America? The Obama Stimulus...something that spent so much money and created so few jobs that the Obama Administration came up with "jobs created or saved" to hide how bad it was? ObamaCare...probably the worst piece of legislation ever passed by Congress...something that even it's proponents admit they lied about to get passed and now need someone to revamp or it will not work? Is that what you Democratic "geniuses" can get done when you've got political power? And then you're mystified why the electorate voted more Democrats out of office in 2010 than at any time in modern political history? Hate to break this to you, little buddy but you're the "conductor" on the "fu train"!
Citizens United is absolutely THEE worst legislation passed. Get it right.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
What a fucking stupid, ignorant post. The republicans don't need or want to offer anybody a damn thing, dumass. Why do governments have to "offer" something to you leftists for you to appreciate what's going on around you? This huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government needs to get the fuk out of our way. There's your offer.
and my offer is to stfu and take the fu train.......your republican nitwits brought america to it's knees and refuse to do a damn thing about it ,,,,keep sitting on your hands

I'm curious, Eddie...when you progressives were running the entire show...the Oval Office...the House...and the Senate...what did you do for America? The Obama Stimulus...something that spent so much money and created so few jobs that the Obama Administration came up with "jobs created or saved" to hide how bad it was? ObamaCare...probably the worst piece of legislation ever passed by Congress...something that even it's proponents admit they lied about to get passed and now need someone to revamp or it will not work? Is that what you Democratic "geniuses" can get done when you've got political power? And then you're mystified why the electorate voted more Democrats out of office in 2010 than at any time in modern political history? Hate to break this to you, little buddy but you're the "conductor" on the "fu train"!
Citizens United is absolutely THEE worst legislation passed. Get it right.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Funny...they didn't have to lie about Citizens United to get it passed. Why do you think you progressives had to lie your asses off to get ObamaCare passed? Because it was such "good" legislation?
What a fucking stupid, ignorant post. The republicans don't need or want to offer anybody a damn thing, dumass. Why do governments have to "offer" something to you leftists for you to appreciate what's going on around you? This huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government needs to get the fuk out of our way. There's your offer.
and my offer is to stfu and take the fu train.......your republican nitwits brought america to it's knees and refuse to do a damn thing about it ,,,,keep sitting on your hands

I'm curious, Eddie...when you progressives were running the entire show...the Oval Office...the House...and the Senate...what did you do for America? The Obama Stimulus...something that spent so much money and created so few jobs that the Obama Administration came up with "jobs created or saved" to hide how bad it was? ObamaCare...probably the worst piece of legislation ever passed by Congress...something that even it's proponents admit they lied about to get passed and now need someone to revamp or it will not work? Is that what you Democratic "geniuses" can get done when you've got political power? And then you're mystified why the electorate voted more Democrats out of office in 2010 than at any time in modern political history? Hate to break this to you, little buddy but you're the "conductor" on the "fu train"!

1. There was no playbook for the Obama Administration to follow given the foreign and domestic issues facing them in January 2009

2. You're parroting the dishonest meme that the American Recovery and Restoration Act of 2009 was a failure. It wasn't and the evidence suggests we are much better off now than we were before such measures took place.

3. Health insurance and costs to local government and workers was in need of reform and had been for decades. Is the PPACA perfect, nope, but its effect is better than what preceded it.

4. The D's lost the Congress do to a full court press by those who benefited before passage of the PPACA, and R's who support corporations over people.
I'm afraid you've just been diagnosed with "Maddow On The Brain Disease". Corporations over people? Really? How about Corporations over Governments. You government leeches are sickening. So those big bad corporations hire taxpayers to pay for your freebies and utter government waste, and you criticize the source? Let's shut down all these corporations, genius, and see how long your handouts last then.

Where should I start?

Maddow is a Rhodes Scholar and a graduate of Stanford University; she earned a Doctor of Philosophy in Politics at Oxford University.

Corporations are not people and yet CU & McCutcheon seem to give them that status. Today, Plutocrats are a greater threat to our country than Communists (do any still exist? Do you still look for them under your bed, before you can go to sleep?).
how about clean air and water laws....benefit all except a very few republicans aren't so happy about those laws

Correct, because we don't care about clean air or water. We breathe and drink different stuff than you. :banana::banana::banana:
then why do republicans bark so loudly when the gov't tries to regulate ,.to make sure you're not breathing or drinking poison?

Because that's not what government does. Let me explain how this works:

Green and clean is a bottomless money pit. No matter how much money you put into it, it will never get full.

We've been trying to make environmentalists happy nearly my entire life. Trillions of dollars poured into their efforts, and they are less happy today than they were 30 years ago.

That being a FACT, then the next question is when does it all stop? When will the environment be clean enough to make them happy? The answer: never.

You see, there is no way to make our environment pristine. It doesn't exist and there is nothing we can do to make it happen. But because this is all about politics and vote buying, they keep taking our money and wasting it on the most useless projects.

For instance I live in Cleveland obviously, and I've been drinking the water here all of my life. All of a sudden the EPA says our water here in Cleveland is not clean enough--not safe enough. Therefore we have to dump millions of dollars into it; not to make us happy, but to make some bureaucrats happy. So now water and sewer costs are going through the roof.

I have several other personal examples, but I don't want to make a three page post. The bottom line is that we all pay for this nonsense indirectly. It's intrinsic in every product we buy. Nobody gets a "clean" anything bill through the mail. It's in our cars, in our gasoline, in our bread, in our living room furniture, in our yard care items, it's a cost that's in each and every product we buy and own today, it's just you don't know it.
read about flint mich?? read about or see the pictures on tv where half of china are wearing masks because of pollution?

Yes, but we are far from China; nowhere close. As for Flint, thats once in how many years? And remember that it was government that created that problem--not fixed it.

But as long as you bring up China, they are manufacturing most of our products now, and one of the reasons they can produce so much cheaper than we can is because of pollution controls that they don't have. As long as we keep burdening our manufacturing with more pollution regulations, we distance ourselves even further from our ability to compete with them.

Which is another example of how the rules of "Free Trade" are set up to screw US.
The R Party is business focused and believes in the trickle down theory.

The D Party is people focused and believes in fairness and equal rights and opportunity for all.

Then there is the Crazy Right Wing, the lunatics who hate government and believe every man and women is an island unto his or her self.

The answer though is that the D Party seeks change; and the far RW is composed of racists, bigots and the 2nd A. lunatic fringe which has been manipulated by the R Party by using wedge issues and false pathos to garner the vote from these lunatics.

Absolute garbage. MSNBC'D again.

You're welcome to offer a rebuttal, or you can continue to be a nitwit.

BTW, my main source of information comes from "The Economist", "TIme", NPR and PBS, BBC, local TV and National Network News. I watch a bit of FOX to see what the nitwits on this message board will echo and a bit of MSNBC 'cause Matthews and Maddow provide contrast.
I don't rebuttal garbage. You're a leftist socialist communist society sucker with no worth whatsoever. You're a traitor to this country, just as is your entire democratic party.

Let's parse your remarks:

"I don't rebuttal garbage"; LOL, I don't rebut garbage [rebut is to to prove (something) is false by using arguments or evidence]
I'm a Democrat, socially liberal, fiscally responsible (note, fiscal conservatism is foolish);
I'm a Navy Vet (AD in 1967, '68 & '69)
Retired LE (32 year career with two agencies)
Married since 1974, two sons both gainfully employed
One dog, one van (2016 Odyssey) and one hybrid (2013 Prius, soon to be traded in for a Chevy Bolt) both free and clear of loans
Three single family residences, two without outstanding mortgages.

Looks like these facts puts your remarks in the garbage where they belong.

What is a Chevy Bolt? Lots of Chevy Bolts are found on all Chevy cars. Lots of them are found in the service department of Chevy dealerships.
Last edited:
The R Party is business focused and believes in the trickle down theory.

The D Party is people focused and believes in fairness and equal rights and opportunity for all.

Then there is the Crazy Right Wing, the lunatics who hate government and believe every man and women is an island unto his or her self.

The answer though is that the D Party seeks change; and the far RW is composed of racists, bigots and the 2nd A. lunatic fringe which has been manipulated by the R Party by using wedge issues and false pathos to garner the vote from these lunatics.

Absolute garbage. MSNBC'D again.

You're welcome to offer a rebuttal, or you can continue to be a nitwit.

BTW, my main source of information comes from "The Economist", "TIme", NPR and PBS, BBC, local TV and National Network News. I watch a bit of FOX to see what the nitwits on this message board will echo and a bit of MSNBC 'cause Matthews and Maddow provide contrast.
I don't rebuttal garbage. You're a leftist socialist communist society sucker with no worth whatsoever. You're a traitor to this country, just as is your entire democratic party.

Let's parse your remarks:

"I don't rebuttal garbage"; LOL, I don't rebut garbage [rebut is to to prove (something) is false by using arguments or evidence]
I'm a Democrat, socially liberal, fiscally responsible (note, fiscal conservatism is foolish);
I'm a Navy Vet (AD in 1967, '68 & '69)
Retired LE (32 year career with two agencies)
Married since 1974, two sons both gainfully employed
One dog, one van (2016 Odyssey) and one hybrid (2013 Prius, soon to be traded in for a Chevy Bolt) both free and clear of loans
Three single family residences, two without outstanding mortgages.

Looks like these facts puts your remarks in the garbage where they belong.

What is a Chevy Bolt? Lots of Chevy Bolts are found on all Chevy cars. Lots of them are found in the service department of Chevy dealerships.

It is greener than the Chevy Volt:

Chevrolet Bolt EV - Car and Driver
Correct, because we don't care about clean air or water. We breathe and drink different stuff than you. :banana::banana::banana:
then why do republicans bark so loudly when the gov't tries to regulate ,.to make sure you're not breathing or drinking poison?

Because that's not what government does. Let me explain how this works:

Green and clean is a bottomless money pit. No matter how much money you put into it, it will never get full.

We've been trying to make environmentalists happy nearly my entire life. Trillions of dollars poured into their efforts, and they are less happy today than they were 30 years ago.

That being a FACT, then the next question is when does it all stop? When will the environment be clean enough to make them happy? The answer: never.

You see, there is no way to make our environment pristine. It doesn't exist and there is nothing we can do to make it happen. But because this is all about politics and vote buying, they keep taking our money and wasting it on the most useless projects.

For instance I live in Cleveland obviously, and I've been drinking the water here all of my life. All of a sudden the EPA says our water here in Cleveland is not clean enough--not safe enough. Therefore we have to dump millions of dollars into it; not to make us happy, but to make some bureaucrats happy. So now water and sewer costs are going through the roof.

I have several other personal examples, but I don't want to make a three page post. The bottom line is that we all pay for this nonsense indirectly. It's intrinsic in every product we buy. Nobody gets a "clean" anything bill through the mail. It's in our cars, in our gasoline, in our bread, in our living room furniture, in our yard care items, it's a cost that's in each and every product we buy and own today, it's just you don't know it.
read about flint mich?? read about or see the pictures on tv where half of china are wearing masks because of pollution?

Yes, but we are far from China; nowhere close. As for Flint, thats once in how many years? And remember that it was government that created that problem--not fixed it.

But as long as you bring up China, they are manufacturing most of our products now, and one of the reasons they can produce so much cheaper than we can is because of pollution controls that they don't have. As long as we keep burdening our manufacturing with more pollution regulations, we distance ourselves even further from our ability to compete with them.

Which is another example of how the rules of "Free Trade" are set up to screw US.

Have you guys seen the result of the lack of regulation in China? Do you want your kids and theirs to live like this:

Absolute garbage. MSNBC'D again.

You're welcome to offer a rebuttal, or you can continue to be a nitwit.

BTW, my main source of information comes from "The Economist", "TIme", NPR and PBS, BBC, local TV and National Network News. I watch a bit of FOX to see what the nitwits on this message board will echo and a bit of MSNBC 'cause Matthews and Maddow provide contrast.
I don't rebuttal garbage. You're a leftist socialist communist society sucker with no worth whatsoever. You're a traitor to this country, just as is your entire democratic party.

Let's parse your remarks:

"I don't rebuttal garbage"; LOL, I don't rebut garbage [rebut is to to prove (something) is false by using arguments or evidence]
I'm a Democrat, socially liberal, fiscally responsible (note, fiscal conservatism is foolish);
I'm a Navy Vet (AD in 1967, '68 & '69)
Retired LE (32 year career with two agencies)
Married since 1974, two sons both gainfully employed
One dog, one van (2016 Odyssey) and one hybrid (2013 Prius, soon to be traded in for a Chevy Bolt) both free and clear of loans
Three single family residences, two without outstanding mortgages.

Looks like these facts puts your remarks in the garbage where they belong.

What is a Chevy Bolt? Lots of Chevy Bolts are found on all Chevy cars. Lots of them are found in the service department of Chevy dealerships.

It is greener than the Chevy Volt:

Chevrolet Bolt EV - Car and Driver

Marketing should have come up with a better name.

The Bolt won't work for me. I want a cheap small car for work and then we need a mid size car to take my parents to their appointments and to travel. The Volt works well for us, the Bolt is too expensive and small for commuting to work. Also in this area you need a four wheel drive in the winter. Let me know how it works out.
Last edited:
then why do republicans bark so loudly when the gov't tries to regulate ,.to make sure you're not breathing or drinking poison?

Because that's not what government does. Let me explain how this works:

Green and clean is a bottomless money pit. No matter how much money you put into it, it will never get full.

We've been trying to make environmentalists happy nearly my entire life. Trillions of dollars poured into their efforts, and they are less happy today than they were 30 years ago.

That being a FACT, then the next question is when does it all stop? When will the environment be clean enough to make them happy? The answer: never.

You see, there is no way to make our environment pristine. It doesn't exist and there is nothing we can do to make it happen. But because this is all about politics and vote buying, they keep taking our money and wasting it on the most useless projects.

For instance I live in Cleveland obviously, and I've been drinking the water here all of my life. All of a sudden the EPA says our water here in Cleveland is not clean enough--not safe enough. Therefore we have to dump millions of dollars into it; not to make us happy, but to make some bureaucrats happy. So now water and sewer costs are going through the roof.

I have several other personal examples, but I don't want to make a three page post. The bottom line is that we all pay for this nonsense indirectly. It's intrinsic in every product we buy. Nobody gets a "clean" anything bill through the mail. It's in our cars, in our gasoline, in our bread, in our living room furniture, in our yard care items, it's a cost that's in each and every product we buy and own today, it's just you don't know it.
read about flint mich?? read about or see the pictures on tv where half of china are wearing masks because of pollution?

Yes, but we are far from China; nowhere close. As for Flint, thats once in how many years? And remember that it was government that created that problem--not fixed it.

But as long as you bring up China, they are manufacturing most of our products now, and one of the reasons they can produce so much cheaper than we can is because of pollution controls that they don't have. As long as we keep burdening our manufacturing with more pollution regulations, we distance ourselves even further from our ability to compete with them.

Which is another example of how the rules of "Free Trade" are set up to screw US.

Have you guys seen the result of the lack of regulation in China? Do you want your kids and theirs to live like this:


Yet we import tons from them. If America was smart they would toughen trade laws with China until they put standards into place. Wall Street and Congress won't do that.
Because that's not what government does. Let me explain how this works:

Green and clean is a bottomless money pit. No matter how much money you put into it, it will never get full.

We've been trying to make environmentalists happy nearly my entire life. Trillions of dollars poured into their efforts, and they are less happy today than they were 30 years ago.

That being a FACT, then the next question is when does it all stop? When will the environment be clean enough to make them happy? The answer: never.

You see, there is no way to make our environment pristine. It doesn't exist and there is nothing we can do to make it happen. But because this is all about politics and vote buying, they keep taking our money and wasting it on the most useless projects.

For instance I live in Cleveland obviously, and I've been drinking the water here all of my life. All of a sudden the EPA says our water here in Cleveland is not clean enough--not safe enough. Therefore we have to dump millions of dollars into it; not to make us happy, but to make some bureaucrats happy. So now water and sewer costs are going through the roof.

I have several other personal examples, but I don't want to make a three page post. The bottom line is that we all pay for this nonsense indirectly. It's intrinsic in every product we buy. Nobody gets a "clean" anything bill through the mail. It's in our cars, in our gasoline, in our bread, in our living room furniture, in our yard care items, it's a cost that's in each and every product we buy and own today, it's just you don't know it.
read about flint mich?? read about or see the pictures on tv where half of china are wearing masks because of pollution?

Yes, but we are far from China; nowhere close. As for Flint, thats once in how many years? And remember that it was government that created that problem--not fixed it.

But as long as you bring up China, they are manufacturing most of our products now, and one of the reasons they can produce so much cheaper than we can is because of pollution controls that they don't have. As long as we keep burdening our manufacturing with more pollution regulations, we distance ourselves even further from our ability to compete with them.

Which is another example of how the rules of "Free Trade" are set up to screw US.

Have you guys seen the result of the lack of regulation in China? Do you want your kids and theirs to live like this:


Yet we import tons from them. If America was smart they would toughen trade laws with China until they put standards into place. Wall Street and Congress won't do that.
you mean the republican congress? the morons that have sat on their hands for 8 years?

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