Why do RWs make no effort in defending the GOP while they are demonizing democrats?

a budget bill was passed, where have you been? Its a bad budget that will increase our debt, but it was passed.

That wasn't a budget, it was a gap stop measure to allow the government to borrow more money to finish out this fiscal year

How many budgets has Obama passed during his 8 years? He had both houses of congress his first two years------------no budgets. the next 6-----no budgets. Unless you consider the one just passed to be a budget, even though you said it wasn't.

Why are you asking me to defend Obama?

By the way the POTUS does not pass budgets anyway.

correct, but the president tells congress what kind of budget he will sign. He is supposed to work with congress to get the job done, obozo has never even tried. He does not understand the JOB of president. all he wants to do is preach left wing crap and cry about how evil the USA is.
and the job of the republican congress WAS NOT to get along with obama but to make him a one term president,,,,,and repubs did a grand job of shitting on america while trying to take obama down We thank you and Hill thanks you

Maybe you don't understand why we put Republicans back into leadership: TO stop Obama--not get along with him.
That wasn't a budget, it was a gap stop measure to allow the government to borrow more money to finish out this fiscal year

How many budgets has Obama passed during his 8 years? He had both houses of congress his first two years------------no budgets. the next 6-----no budgets. Unless you consider the one just passed to be a budget, even though you said it wasn't.

Why are you asking me to defend Obama?

By the way the POTUS does not pass budgets anyway.

correct, but the president tells congress what kind of budget he will sign. He is supposed to work with congress to get the job done, obozo has never even tried. He does not understand the JOB of president. all he wants to do is preach left wing crap and cry about how evil the USA is.
and the job of the republican congress WAS NOT to get along with obama but to make him a one term president,,,,,and repubs did a grand job of shitting on america while trying to take obama down We thank you and Hill thanks you

Maybe you don't understand why we put Republicans back into leadership: TO stop Obama--not get along with him.
Well ray I don't agree with that tatic at all It did no good for America imo..BUT in any case your repub friends vastly overdid their hate for him,,,,at a cost to america ,,,,,and now the worm turns ,,you're going down in nov
How many budgets has Obama passed during his 8 years? He had both houses of congress his first two years------------no budgets. the next 6-----no budgets. Unless you consider the one just passed to be a budget, even though you said it wasn't.

Why are you asking me to defend Obama?

By the way the POTUS does not pass budgets anyway.

correct, but the president tells congress what kind of budget he will sign. He is supposed to work with congress to get the job done, obozo has never even tried. He does not understand the JOB of president. all he wants to do is preach left wing crap and cry about how evil the USA is.
and the job of the republican congress WAS NOT to get along with obama but to make him a one term president,,,,,and repubs did a grand job of shitting on america while trying to take obama down We thank you and Hill thanks you

Maybe you don't understand why we put Republicans back into leadership: TO stop Obama--not get along with him.
Well ray I don't agree with that tatic at all It did no good for America imo..BUT in any case your repub friends vastly overdid their hate for him,,,,at a cost to america ,,,,,and now the worm turns ,,you're going down in nov

Well.......everybody has a dream I guess. But the Republicans greatly reduced the deficit which adds less to the 20 trillion dollar debt thanks to DumBama. Once we get a Republican that will sign a balanced budget, then we can look forward to possibly paying down this debt.
Why are you asking me to defend Obama?

By the way the POTUS does not pass budgets anyway.

correct, but the president tells congress what kind of budget he will sign. He is supposed to work with congress to get the job done, obozo has never even tried. He does not understand the JOB of president. all he wants to do is preach left wing crap and cry about how evil the USA is.
and the job of the republican congress WAS NOT to get along with obama but to make him a one term president,,,,,and repubs did a grand job of shitting on america while trying to take obama down We thank you and Hill thanks you

Maybe you don't understand why we put Republicans back into leadership: TO stop Obama--not get along with him.
Well ray I don't agree with that tatic at all It did no good for America imo..BUT in any case your repub friends vastly overdid their hate for him,,,,at a cost to america ,,,,,and now the worm turns ,,you're going down in nov

Well.......everybody has a dream I guess. But the Republicans greatly reduced the deficit which adds less to the 20 trillion dollar debt thanks to DumBama. Once we get a Republican that will sign a balanced budget, then we can look forward to possibly paying down this debt.
how did bill clinton do with paying down our debt Ray?? and then along came george...and your pub friends are making obama pay for the shit bush forgot to flush
then why do republicans bark so loudly when the gov't tries to regulate ,.to make sure you're not breathing or drinking poison?

Because that's not what government does. Let me explain how this works:

Green and clean is a bottomless money pit. No matter how much money you put into it, it will never get full.

We've been trying to make environmentalists happy nearly my entire life. Trillions of dollars poured into their efforts, and they are less happy today than they were 30 years ago.

That being a FACT, then the next question is when does it all stop? When will the environment be clean enough to make them happy? The answer: never.

You see, there is no way to make our environment pristine. It doesn't exist and there is nothing we can do to make it happen. But because this is all about politics and vote buying, they keep taking our money and wasting it on the most useless projects.

For instance I live in Cleveland obviously, and I've been drinking the water here all of my life. All of a sudden the EPA says our water here in Cleveland is not clean enough--not safe enough. Therefore we have to dump millions of dollars into it; not to make us happy, but to make some bureaucrats happy. So now water and sewer costs are going through the roof.

I have several other personal examples, but I don't want to make a three page post. The bottom line is that we all pay for this nonsense indirectly. It's intrinsic in every product we buy. Nobody gets a "clean" anything bill through the mail. It's in our cars, in our gasoline, in our bread, in our living room furniture, in our yard care items, it's a cost that's in each and every product we buy and own today, it's just you don't know it.
read about flint mich?? read about or see the pictures on tv where half of china are wearing masks because of pollution?

Yes, but we are far from China; nowhere close. As for Flint, thats once in how many years? And remember that it was government that created that problem--not fixed it.

But as long as you bring up China, they are manufacturing most of our products now, and one of the reasons they can produce so much cheaper than we can is because of pollution controls that they don't have. As long as we keep burdening our manufacturing with more pollution regulations, we distance ourselves even further from our ability to compete with them.

Which is another example of how the rules of "Free Trade" are set up to screw US.

Have you guys seen the result of the lack of regulation in China? Do you want your kids and theirs to live like this:


Or we could put a tariff on Chinese goods so we can have jobs and clean air.
correct, but the president tells congress what kind of budget he will sign. He is supposed to work with congress to get the job done, obozo has never even tried. He does not understand the JOB of president. all he wants to do is preach left wing crap and cry about how evil the USA is.
and the job of the republican congress WAS NOT to get along with obama but to make him a one term president,,,,,and repubs did a grand job of shitting on america while trying to take obama down We thank you and Hill thanks you

Maybe you don't understand why we put Republicans back into leadership: TO stop Obama--not get along with him.
Well ray I don't agree with that tatic at all It did no good for America imo..BUT in any case your repub friends vastly overdid their hate for him,,,,at a cost to america ,,,,,and now the worm turns ,,you're going down in nov

Well.......everybody has a dream I guess. But the Republicans greatly reduced the deficit which adds less to the 20 trillion dollar debt thanks to DumBama. Once we get a Republican that will sign a balanced budget, then we can look forward to possibly paying down this debt.
how did bill clinton do with paying down our debt Ray?? and then along came george...and your pub friends are making obama pay for the shit bush forgot to flush

How did Clinton do that? He had a Republican Congress making out the budget, that's how.
Because that's not what government does. Let me explain how this works:

Green and clean is a bottomless money pit. No matter how much money you put into it, it will never get full.

We've been trying to make environmentalists happy nearly my entire life. Trillions of dollars poured into their efforts, and they are less happy today than they were 30 years ago.

That being a FACT, then the next question is when does it all stop? When will the environment be clean enough to make them happy? The answer: never.

You see, there is no way to make our environment pristine. It doesn't exist and there is nothing we can do to make it happen. But because this is all about politics and vote buying, they keep taking our money and wasting it on the most useless projects.

For instance I live in Cleveland obviously, and I've been drinking the water here all of my life. All of a sudden the EPA says our water here in Cleveland is not clean enough--not safe enough. Therefore we have to dump millions of dollars into it; not to make us happy, but to make some bureaucrats happy. So now water and sewer costs are going through the roof.

I have several other personal examples, but I don't want to make a three page post. The bottom line is that we all pay for this nonsense indirectly. It's intrinsic in every product we buy. Nobody gets a "clean" anything bill through the mail. It's in our cars, in our gasoline, in our bread, in our living room furniture, in our yard care items, it's a cost that's in each and every product we buy and own today, it's just you don't know it.
read about flint mich?? read about or see the pictures on tv where half of china are wearing masks because of pollution?

Yes, but we are far from China; nowhere close. As for Flint, thats once in how many years? And remember that it was government that created that problem--not fixed it.

But as long as you bring up China, they are manufacturing most of our products now, and one of the reasons they can produce so much cheaper than we can is because of pollution controls that they don't have. As long as we keep burdening our manufacturing with more pollution regulations, we distance ourselves even further from our ability to compete with them.

Which is another example of how the rules of "Free Trade" are set up to screw US.

Have you guys seen the result of the lack of regulation in China? Do you want your kids and theirs to live like this:


Or we could put a tariff on Chinese goods so we can have jobs and clean air.

Yes, we could, and who do you suppose would ultimately pay that tariff? If you guessed the consumer, then you guessed correctly. Well what if the tariff pressured or forced us to purchase US goods instead of China's? It's called the Internet, and because of the internet, brick-and-mortor stores are losing customers all the time.
you mean the republican congress? the morons that have sat on their hands for 8 years?

Uhhh, the GOP led house passed over 300 bills that Reid never let reach the floor of the senate for discussion or a vote. You have the "sitting on their hands" backwards.

Methinks Redfish is challenged by reality. McConnell has set the Agenda in the Senate since Jan. 2015. He has yet to pass a budget even though the H. or Rep is still under R leadership.

a budget bill was passed, where have you been? Its a bad budget that will increase our debt, but it was passed.

That wasn't a budget, it was a gap stop measure to allow the government to borrow more money to finish out this fiscal year

How many budgets has Obama passed during his 8 years? He had both houses of congress his first two years------------no budgets. the next 6-----no budgets. Unless you consider the one just passed to be a budget, even though you said it wasn't.

Why not admit you lied? It's easy, simply be honest and when in doubt, tell the truth. This post ^^^ by the way is a Red Herring.
Lol so you vote republican for no apparent reason? Got it.
I vote Republican to stop rapacious looters like you.
So again, you make no mention of actual republican policies you like.

Rescinding Obamacare.
Abolishing the EPA
Abolishing the Dept of Education
Supporting the 2nd Amendment
Cutting spending
Cutting taxes
Following the Constitution.

Rescind ObamaCare. AND THEN WHAT?!?

When the GOP controlled the House, the Senate, the White House, and the Supreme Court, on what date did they abolish the Dept of Education?

On what date did they cut spending?

Did you every notice the Tax Pledge doesn't say a word about promising to not increase spending?

On what date did they abolish the EPA?

"Following the Constitution". That's one of those meaningless feel-good phrases tossed out to the rubes to tickle their gonads. Just like those promises to cut spending.

the house has passed legislation to repeal Obamacare over 30 times.

The H. or Rep. has been mentally masturbating since Boehner got the Speaker's seat. That kinda funny, mental masturbation with a boehner.
read about flint mich?? read about or see the pictures on tv where half of china are wearing masks because of pollution?

Yes, but we are far from China; nowhere close. As for Flint, thats once in how many years? And remember that it was government that created that problem--not fixed it.

But as long as you bring up China, they are manufacturing most of our products now, and one of the reasons they can produce so much cheaper than we can is because of pollution controls that they don't have. As long as we keep burdening our manufacturing with more pollution regulations, we distance ourselves even further from our ability to compete with them.

Which is another example of how the rules of "Free Trade" are set up to screw US.

Have you guys seen the result of the lack of regulation in China? Do you want your kids and theirs to live like this:


Or we could put a tariff on Chinese goods so we can have jobs and clean air.

Yes, we could, and who do you suppose would ultimately pay that tariff? If you guessed the consumer, then you guessed correctly. Well what if the tariff pressured or forced us to purchase US goods instead of China's? It's called the Internet, and because of the internet, brick-and-mortor stores are losing customers all the time.

"TIME" April 11, 2016 has an article, "Has free trade made us better off?" A good basic article for those who hate it and don't know why (and those who like it and don't know why).
That wasn't a budget, it was a gap stop measure to allow the government to borrow more money to finish out this fiscal year

How many budgets has Obama passed during his 8 years? He had both houses of congress his first two years------------no budgets. the next 6-----no budgets. Unless you consider the one just passed to be a budget, even though you said it wasn't.

Why are you asking me to defend Obama?

By the way the POTUS does not pass budgets anyway.

correct, but the president tells congress what kind of budget he will sign. He is supposed to work with congress to get the job done, obozo has never even tried. He does not understand the JOB of president. all he wants to do is preach left wing crap and cry about how evil the USA is.
and the job of the republican congress WAS NOT to get along with obama but to make him a one term president,,,,,and repubs did a grand job of shitting on america while trying to take obama down We thank you and Hill thanks you

Maybe you don't understand why we put Republicans back into leadership: TO stop Obama--not get along with him.

"we" = the biddable, single issue and uninformed set.
read about flint mich?? read about or see the pictures on tv where half of china are wearing masks because of pollution?

Yes, but we are far from China; nowhere close. As for Flint, thats once in how many years? And remember that it was government that created that problem--not fixed it.

But as long as you bring up China, they are manufacturing most of our products now, and one of the reasons they can produce so much cheaper than we can is because of pollution controls that they don't have. As long as we keep burdening our manufacturing with more pollution regulations, we distance ourselves even further from our ability to compete with them.

Which is another example of how the rules of "Free Trade" are set up to screw US.

Have you guys seen the result of the lack of regulation in China? Do you want your kids and theirs to live like this:


Or we could put a tariff on Chinese goods so we can have jobs and clean air.

Yes, we could, and who do you suppose would ultimately pay that tariff? If you guessed the consumer, then you guessed correctly. Well what if the tariff pressured or forced us to purchase US goods instead of China's? It's called the Internet, and because of the internet, brick-and-mortor stores are losing customers all the time.

So, instead you want Chinese businesses to benefit at the expense of American workers and Chinese citizens who breath that crap?

American consumers won't die if they have slightly less cheap crap to buy.

American workers would benefit greatly from having more manufacturing jobs back in this country.

China has been fucking US and deserves to get the short end of the stick for a couple of decades.
What a fucking stupid, ignorant post. The republicans don't need or want to offer anybody a damn thing, dumass. Why do governments have to "offer" something to you leftists for you to appreciate what's going on around you? This huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government needs to get the fuk out of our way. There's your offer.
Lol so you vote republican for no apparent reason? Got it.
I vote Republican to stop rapacious looters like you.
So again, you make no mention of actual republican policies you like.

Rescinding Obamacare.
Abolishing the EPA
Abolishing the Dept of Education
Supporting the 2nd Amendment
Cutting spending
Cutting taxes
Following the Constitution.

Rescind ObamaCare. AND THEN WHAT?!?

When the GOP controlled the House, the Senate, the White House, and the Supreme Court, on what date did they abolish the Dept of Education?

On what date did they cut spending?

Did you every notice the Tax Pledge doesn't say a word about promising to not increase spending?

On what date did they abolish the EPA?

"Following the Constitution". That's one of those meaningless feel-good phrases tossed out to the rubes to tickle their gonads. Just like those promises to cut spending.

The establishment Republicans haven't done any of those things. That's why they are on the way out.
Lol so you vote republican for no apparent reason? Got it.
I vote Republican to stop rapacious looters like you.
So again, you make no mention of actual republican policies you like.

Rescinding Obamacare.
Abolishing the EPA
Abolishing the Dept of Education
Supporting the 2nd Amendment
Cutting spending
Cutting taxes
Following the Constitution.

Rescind ObamaCare. AND THEN WHAT?!?

When the GOP controlled the House, the Senate, the White House, and the Supreme Court, on what date did they abolish the Dept of Education?

On what date did they cut spending?

Did you every notice the Tax Pledge doesn't say a word about promising to not increase spending?

On what date did they abolish the EPA?

"Following the Constitution". That's one of those meaningless feel-good phrases tossed out to the rubes to tickle their gonads. Just like those promises to cut spending.

the house has passed legislation to repeal Obamacare over 30 times.

Yes, but they haven't done the one thing they had the power to do: use the power of the purse to defund it. Those 30 attempts were not serious. They were lip service to keep their constituents from an outright revolt.
When was the last time a con on this board made an effort to defend republican polices and make an argument as to why we should all vote republican? It's because they secretly know the GOP has NOTHING to offer the middle class and poor. They are just too immature to admit it. It's just easier for them to invest all their energy into arguing why we shouldn't vote democrat. Of course even then they fail to come up with real specifics.

Why does this intellectual dishonesty persist?

Why do RWs make no effort in defending the GOP while they are demonizing democrats?

There's no need to extol the virtues of good when denigrating evil. Simple as that.
a budget bill was passed, where have you been? Its a bad budget that will increase our debt, but it was passed.

That wasn't a budget, it was a gap stop measure to allow the government to borrow more money to finish out this fiscal year

How many budgets has Obama passed during his 8 years? He had both houses of congress his first two years------------no budgets. the next 6-----no budgets. Unless you consider the one just passed to be a budget, even though you said it wasn't.

Why are you asking me to defend Obama?

By the way the POTUS does not pass budgets anyway.

correct, but the president tells congress what kind of budget he will sign. He is supposed to work with congress to get the job done, obozo has never even tried. He does not understand the JOB of president. all he wants to do is preach left wing crap and cry about how evil the USA is.
and the job of the republican congress WAS NOT to get along with obama but to make him a one term president,,,,,and repubs did a grand job of shitting on america while trying to take obama down We thank you and Hill thanks you

How did the Republicans "shit" on America? If anyone shit on America, it's Obama. Obamacare was one great big shit on America, and his amnesty and deliberate refusal to control the border is another.
Yes, but we are far from China; nowhere close. As for Flint, thats once in how many years? And remember that it was government that created that problem--not fixed it.

But as long as you bring up China, they are manufacturing most of our products now, and one of the reasons they can produce so much cheaper than we can is because of pollution controls that they don't have. As long as we keep burdening our manufacturing with more pollution regulations, we distance ourselves even further from our ability to compete with them.

Which is another example of how the rules of "Free Trade" are set up to screw US.

Have you guys seen the result of the lack of regulation in China? Do you want your kids and theirs to live like this:


Or we could put a tariff on Chinese goods so we can have jobs and clean air.

Yes, we could, and who do you suppose would ultimately pay that tariff? If you guessed the consumer, then you guessed correctly. Well what if the tariff pressured or forced us to purchase US goods instead of China's? It's called the Internet, and because of the internet, brick-and-mortor stores are losing customers all the time.

So, instead you want Chinese businesses to benefit at the expense of American workers and Chinese citizens who breath that crap?

American consumers won't die if they have slightly less cheap crap to buy.

American workers would benefit greatly from having more manufacturing jobs back in this country.

China has been fucking US and deserves to get the short end of the stick for a couple of decades.

Agreed, we should all be buying American, but of course, we already know that.

But.......we don't. We don't care about those manufacturing jobs you mentioned. We don't care about putting Americans out of work. We don't care about how low wages are or will go.

The solution (according to you) is force Americans to buy American. Is that what this country is all about?

And what about our Chinese exports? Think they won't tax our goods coming into their country as retaliation?

My earlier point is that Americans will find a way to get cheaper goods. The internet will be the most valuable tool for such people. In short, I don't think your tariff idea will work. Just ask GW when he taxed imported steel when he was President.
How many budgets has Obama passed during his 8 years? He had both houses of congress his first two years------------no budgets. the next 6-----no budgets. Unless you consider the one just passed to be a budget, even though you said it wasn't.

Why are you asking me to defend Obama?

By the way the POTUS does not pass budgets anyway.

correct, but the president tells congress what kind of budget he will sign. He is supposed to work with congress to get the job done, obozo has never even tried. He does not understand the JOB of president. all he wants to do is preach left wing crap and cry about how evil the USA is.
and the job of the republican congress WAS NOT to get along with obama but to make him a one term president,,,,,and repubs did a grand job of shitting on america while trying to take obama down We thank you and Hill thanks you

Maybe you don't understand why we put Republicans back into leadership: TO stop Obama--not get along with him.
Well ray I don't agree with that tatic at all It did no good for America imo..BUT in any case your repub friends vastly overdid their hate for him,,,,at a cost to america ,,,,,and now the worm turns ,,you're going down in nov
What was the cost to America, douche bag? What good did Obama do for America? It's all bad, as far as I can see. The main problem with the Republicans is that they didn't try hard enough to stop Obama.
Which is another example of how the rules of "Free Trade" are set up to screw US.

Have you guys seen the result of the lack of regulation in China? Do you want your kids and theirs to live like this:


Or we could put a tariff on Chinese goods so we can have jobs and clean air.

Yes, we could, and who do you suppose would ultimately pay that tariff? If you guessed the consumer, then you guessed correctly. Well what if the tariff pressured or forced us to purchase US goods instead of China's? It's called the Internet, and because of the internet, brick-and-mortor stores are losing customers all the time.

So, instead you want Chinese businesses to benefit at the expense of American workers and Chinese citizens who breath that crap?

American consumers won't die if they have slightly less cheap crap to buy.

American workers would benefit greatly from having more manufacturing jobs back in this country.

China has been fucking US and deserves to get the short end of the stick for a couple of decades.

Agreed, we should all be buying American, but of course, we already know that.

But.......we don't. We don't care about those manufacturing jobs you mentioned. We don't care about putting Americans out of work. We don't care about how low wages are or will go.

The solution (according to you) is force Americans to buy American. Is that what this country is all about?

And what about our Chinese exports? Think they won't tax our goods coming into their country as retaliation?

My earlier point is that Americans will find a way to get cheaper goods. The internet will be the most valuable tool for such people. In short, I don't think your tariff idea will work. Just ask GW when he taxed imported steel when he was President.

That fact that a population will operate differently than the rules that they want enforced is an interesting fact of mass psychology.

But it does not take away from

1. The fact that Trade Policy is a normal basic government function.

2. That the Chinese are using "Free Trade" to screw US.

3. That we can and should, imo, craft policy to benefit American workers at the expense of CHinese business and government, and to a lesser and short term extent, the American Consumer.

4. The internet is not magic. If large loophole develop that are hindering a popular and beneficial policy, those loopholes can be dealt with as they develop.
Laws that benefit all are good laws. Laws that benefit some groups of people at the expense of others are bad laws. Example: Commie Care.

There are no expenditures that the federal government makes which benefit all citizens, but a program like the ACA comes closest.

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