Why do RWs make no effort in defending the GOP while they are demonizing democrats?

What a fucking stupid, ignorant post. The republicans don't need or want to offer anybody a damn thing, dumass. Why do governments have to "offer" something to you leftists for you to appreciate what's going on around you? This huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government needs to get the fuk out of our way. There's your offer.
and my offer is to stfu and take the fu train.......your republican nitwits brought america to it's knees and refuse to do a damn thing about it ,,,,keep sitting on your hands

I'm curious, Eddie...when you progressives were running the entire show...the Oval Office...the House...and the Senate...what did you do for America? The Obama Stimulus...something that spent so much money and created so few jobs that the Obama Administration came up with "jobs created or saved" to hide how bad it was? ObamaCare...probably the worst piece of legislation ever passed by Congress...something that even it's proponents admit they lied about to get passed and now need someone to revamp or it will not work? Is that what you Democratic "geniuses" can get done when you've got political power? And then you're mystified why the electorate voted more Democrats out of office in 2010 than at any time in modern political history? Hate to break this to you, little buddy but you're the "conductor" on the "fu train"!

1. There was no playbook for the Obama Administration to follow given the foreign and domestic issues facing them in January 2009

2. You're parroting the dishonest meme that the American Recovery and Restoration Act of 2009 was a failure. It wasn't and the evidence suggests we are much better off now than we were before such measures took place.

3. Health insurance and costs to local government and workers was in need of reform and had been for decades. Is the PPACA perfect, nope, but its effect is better than what preceded it.

4. The D's lost the Congress do to a full court press by those who benefited before passage of the PPACA, and R's who support corporations over people.
I'm afraid you've just been diagnosed with "Maddow On The Brain Disease". Corporations over people? Really? How about Corporations over Governments. You government leeches are sickening. So those big bad corporations hire taxpayers to pay for your freebies and utter government waste, and you criticize the source? Let's shut down all these corporations, genius, and see how long your handouts last then.

Where should I start?

Maddow is a Rhodes Scholar and a graduate of Stanford University; she earned a Doctor of Philosophy in Politics at Oxford University.

Corporations are not people and yet CU & McCutcheon seem to give them that status. Today, Plutocrats are a greater threat to our country than Communists (do any still exist? Do you still look for them under your bed, before you can go to sleep?).

ok, one more time on the "corporations are not people" bullshit.

the law says that corporations are legal "persons". That was done to protect employees and shareholders from legal liability for the acts of the corporation. If a corporation commits an illegal act, the corporation is held liable, not the employees or shareholders. If you ever had a job you would appreciate that protection.

you assholes try to take it literally--------------"oh corporations are PEOPLE" Your ignorance never ceases to amaze.
read about flint mich?? read about or see the pictures on tv where half of china are wearing masks because of pollution?

Yes, but we are far from China; nowhere close. As for Flint, thats once in how many years? And remember that it was government that created that problem--not fixed it.

But as long as you bring up China, they are manufacturing most of our products now, and one of the reasons they can produce so much cheaper than we can is because of pollution controls that they don't have. As long as we keep burdening our manufacturing with more pollution regulations, we distance ourselves even further from our ability to compete with them.

Which is another example of how the rules of "Free Trade" are set up to screw US.

Have you guys seen the result of the lack of regulation in China? Do you want your kids and theirs to live like this:


Yet we import tons from them. If America was smart they would toughen trade laws with China until they put standards into place. Wall Street and Congress won't do that.
you mean the republican congress? the morons that have sat on their hands for 8 years?

Uhhh, the GOP led house passed over 300 bills that Reid never let reach the floor of the senate for discussion or a vote. You have the "sitting on their hands" backwards.
Yes, but we are far from China; nowhere close. As for Flint, thats once in how many years? And remember that it was government that created that problem--not fixed it.

But as long as you bring up China, they are manufacturing most of our products now, and one of the reasons they can produce so much cheaper than we can is because of pollution controls that they don't have. As long as we keep burdening our manufacturing with more pollution regulations, we distance ourselves even further from our ability to compete with them.

Which is another example of how the rules of "Free Trade" are set up to screw US.

Have you guys seen the result of the lack of regulation in China? Do you want your kids and theirs to live like this:


Yet we import tons from them. If America was smart they would toughen trade laws with China until they put standards into place. Wall Street and Congress won't do that.
you mean the republican congress? the morons that have sat on their hands for 8 years?

Uhhh, the GOP led house passed over 300 bills that Reid never let reach the floor of the senate for discussion or a vote. You have the "sitting on their hands" backwards.
how many of those called for tax cuts?
Which is another example of how the rules of "Free Trade" are set up to screw US.

Have you guys seen the result of the lack of regulation in China? Do you want your kids and theirs to live like this:


Yet we import tons from them. If America was smart they would toughen trade laws with China until they put standards into place. Wall Street and Congress won't do that.
you mean the republican congress? the morons that have sat on their hands for 8 years?

Uhhh, the GOP led house passed over 300 bills that Reid never let reach the floor of the senate for discussion or a vote. You have the "sitting on their hands" backwards.
how many of those called for tax cuts?

I have no idea, do you?
and my offer is to stfu and take the fu train.......your republican nitwits brought america to it's knees and refuse to do a damn thing about it ,,,,keep sitting on your hands

I'm curious, Eddie...when you progressives were running the entire show...the Oval Office...the House...and the Senate...what did you do for America? The Obama Stimulus...something that spent so much money and created so few jobs that the Obama Administration came up with "jobs created or saved" to hide how bad it was? ObamaCare...probably the worst piece of legislation ever passed by Congress...something that even it's proponents admit they lied about to get passed and now need someone to revamp or it will not work? Is that what you Democratic "geniuses" can get done when you've got political power? And then you're mystified why the electorate voted more Democrats out of office in 2010 than at any time in modern political history? Hate to break this to you, little buddy but you're the "conductor" on the "fu train"!

1. There was no playbook for the Obama Administration to follow given the foreign and domestic issues facing them in January 2009

2. You're parroting the dishonest meme that the American Recovery and Restoration Act of 2009 was a failure. It wasn't and the evidence suggests we are much better off now than we were before such measures took place.

3. Health insurance and costs to local government and workers was in need of reform and had been for decades. Is the PPACA perfect, nope, but its effect is better than what preceded it.

4. The D's lost the Congress do to a full court press by those who benefited before passage of the PPACA, and R's who support corporations over people.
I'm afraid you've just been diagnosed with "Maddow On The Brain Disease". Corporations over people? Really? How about Corporations over Governments. You government leeches are sickening. So those big bad corporations hire taxpayers to pay for your freebies and utter government waste, and you criticize the source? Let's shut down all these corporations, genius, and see how long your handouts last then.

Where should I start?

Maddow is a Rhodes Scholar and a graduate of Stanford University; she earned a Doctor of Philosophy in Politics at Oxford University.

Corporations are not people and yet CU & McCutcheon seem to give them that status. Today, Plutocrats are a greater threat to our country than Communists (do any still exist? Do you still look for them under your bed, before you can go to sleep?).

ok, one more time on the "corporations are not people" bullshit.

the law says that corporations are legal "persons". That was done to protect employees and shareholders from legal liability for the acts of the corporation. If a corporation commits an illegal act, the corporation is held liable, not the employees or shareholders. If you ever had a job you would appreciate that protection.

you assholes try to take it literally--------------"oh corporations are PEOPLE" Your ignorance never ceases to amaze.

I understand, you're a concert thinker and that is sad.
I'm curious, Eddie...when you progressives were running the entire show...the Oval Office...the House...and the Senate...what did you do for America? The Obama Stimulus...something that spent so much money and created so few jobs that the Obama Administration came up with "jobs created or saved" to hide how bad it was? ObamaCare...probably the worst piece of legislation ever passed by Congress...something that even it's proponents admit they lied about to get passed and now need someone to revamp or it will not work? Is that what you Democratic "geniuses" can get done when you've got political power? And then you're mystified why the electorate voted more Democrats out of office in 2010 than at any time in modern political history? Hate to break this to you, little buddy but you're the "conductor" on the "fu train"!

1. There was no playbook for the Obama Administration to follow given the foreign and domestic issues facing them in January 2009

2. You're parroting the dishonest meme that the American Recovery and Restoration Act of 2009 was a failure. It wasn't and the evidence suggests we are much better off now than we were before such measures took place.

3. Health insurance and costs to local government and workers was in need of reform and had been for decades. Is the PPACA perfect, nope, but its effect is better than what preceded it.

4. The D's lost the Congress do to a full court press by those who benefited before passage of the PPACA, and R's who support corporations over people.
I'm afraid you've just been diagnosed with "Maddow On The Brain Disease". Corporations over people? Really? How about Corporations over Governments. You government leeches are sickening. So those big bad corporations hire taxpayers to pay for your freebies and utter government waste, and you criticize the source? Let's shut down all these corporations, genius, and see how long your handouts last then.

Where should I start?

Maddow is a Rhodes Scholar and a graduate of Stanford University; she earned a Doctor of Philosophy in Politics at Oxford University.

Corporations are not people and yet CU & McCutcheon seem to give them that status. Today, Plutocrats are a greater threat to our country than Communists (do any still exist? Do you still look for them under your bed, before you can go to sleep?).

ok, one more time on the "corporations are not people" bullshit.

the law says that corporations are legal "persons". That was done to protect employees and shareholders from legal liability for the acts of the corporation. If a corporation commits an illegal act, the corporation is held liable, not the employees or shareholders. If you ever had a job you would appreciate that protection.

you assholes try to take it literally--------------"oh corporations are PEOPLE" Your ignorance never ceases to amaze.

I understand, you're a concert thinker and that is sad.

no, doofus, I understand the law, you don't.
Yes, but we are far from China; nowhere close. As for Flint, thats once in how many years? And remember that it was government that created that problem--not fixed it.

But as long as you bring up China, they are manufacturing most of our products now, and one of the reasons they can produce so much cheaper than we can is because of pollution controls that they don't have. As long as we keep burdening our manufacturing with more pollution regulations, we distance ourselves even further from our ability to compete with them.

Which is another example of how the rules of "Free Trade" are set up to screw US.

Have you guys seen the result of the lack of regulation in China? Do you want your kids and theirs to live like this:


Yet we import tons from them. If America was smart they would toughen trade laws with China until they put standards into place. Wall Street and Congress won't do that.
you mean the republican congress? the morons that have sat on their hands for 8 years?

Uhhh, the GOP led house passed over 300 bills that Reid never let reach the floor of the senate for discussion or a vote. You have the "sitting on their hands" backwards.

Methinks Redfish is challenged by reality. McConnell has set the Agenda in the Senate since Jan. 2015. He has yet to pass a budget even though the H. or Rep is still under R leadership.
Which is another example of how the rules of "Free Trade" are set up to screw US.

Have you guys seen the result of the lack of regulation in China? Do you want your kids and theirs to live like this:


Yet we import tons from them. If America was smart they would toughen trade laws with China until they put standards into place. Wall Street and Congress won't do that.
you mean the republican congress? the morons that have sat on their hands for 8 years?

Uhhh, the GOP led house passed over 300 bills that Reid never let reach the floor of the senate for discussion or a vote. You have the "sitting on their hands" backwards.

Methinks Redfish is challenged by reality. McConnell has set the Agenda in the Senate since Jan. 2015. He has yet to pass a budget even though the H. or Rep is still under R leadership.

a budget bill was passed, where have you been? Its a bad budget that will increase our debt, but it was passed.
read about flint mich?? read about or see the pictures on tv where half of china are wearing masks because of pollution?

Yes, but we are far from China; nowhere close. As for Flint, thats once in how many years? And remember that it was government that created that problem--not fixed it.

But as long as you bring up China, they are manufacturing most of our products now, and one of the reasons they can produce so much cheaper than we can is because of pollution controls that they don't have. As long as we keep burdening our manufacturing with more pollution regulations, we distance ourselves even further from our ability to compete with them.

Which is another example of how the rules of "Free Trade" are set up to screw US.

Have you guys seen the result of the lack of regulation in China? Do you want your kids and theirs to live like this:


Yet we import tons from them. If America was smart they would toughen trade laws with China until they put standards into place. Wall Street and Congress won't do that.
you mean the republican congress? the morons that have sat on their hands for 8 years?

You idiot, this goes back decades, it's both sides, I hate dealing with you partisan nut jobs that blame the other guy. Democrats had Congress from 2006- 2010 and did nothing. Pull your head out of your ass and hold both parties responsible, otherwise nothing gets done.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Have you guys seen the result of the lack of regulation in China? Do you want your kids and theirs to live like this:


Yet we import tons from them. If America was smart they would toughen trade laws with China until they put standards into place. Wall Street and Congress won't do that.
you mean the republican congress? the morons that have sat on their hands for 8 years?

Uhhh, the GOP led house passed over 300 bills that Reid never let reach the floor of the senate for discussion or a vote. You have the "sitting on their hands" backwards.

Methinks Redfish is challenged by reality. McConnell has set the Agenda in the Senate since Jan. 2015. He has yet to pass a budget even though the H. or Rep is still under R leadership.

a budget bill was passed, where have you been? Its a bad budget that will increase our debt, but it was passed.

Really, how do you explain this:

The GOP's budget fail
Yes, but we are far from China; nowhere close. As for Flint, thats once in how many years? And remember that it was government that created that problem--not fixed it.

But as long as you bring up China, they are manufacturing most of our products now, and one of the reasons they can produce so much cheaper than we can is because of pollution controls that they don't have. As long as we keep burdening our manufacturing with more pollution regulations, we distance ourselves even further from our ability to compete with them.

Which is another example of how the rules of "Free Trade" are set up to screw US.

Have you guys seen the result of the lack of regulation in China? Do you want your kids and theirs to live like this:


Yet we import tons from them. If America was smart they would toughen trade laws with China until they put standards into place. Wall Street and Congress won't do that.
you mean the republican congress? the morons that have sat on their hands for 8 years?

You idiot, this goes back decades, it's both sides, I hate dealing with you partisan nut jobs that blame the other guy. Democrats had Congress from 2006- 2010 and did nothing. Pull your head out of your ass and hold both parties responsible, otherwise nothing gets done.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Therein lies the problem. Partisan politics.by people who are too dishonest to address a corrupt system.
Have you guys seen the result of the lack of regulation in China? Do you want your kids and theirs to live like this:


Yet we import tons from them. If America was smart they would toughen trade laws with China until they put standards into place. Wall Street and Congress won't do that.
you mean the republican congress? the morons that have sat on their hands for 8 years?

Uhhh, the GOP led house passed over 300 bills that Reid never let reach the floor of the senate for discussion or a vote. You have the "sitting on their hands" backwards.

Methinks Redfish is challenged by reality. McConnell has set the Agenda in the Senate since Jan. 2015. He has yet to pass a budget even though the H. or Rep is still under R leadership.

a budget bill was passed, where have you been? Its a bad budget that will increase our debt, but it was passed.

That wasn't a budget, it was a gap stop measure to allow the government to borrow more money to finish out this fiscal year
Yet we import tons from them. If America was smart they would toughen trade laws with China until they put standards into place. Wall Street and Congress won't do that.
you mean the republican congress? the morons that have sat on their hands for 8 years?

Uhhh, the GOP led house passed over 300 bills that Reid never let reach the floor of the senate for discussion or a vote. You have the "sitting on their hands" backwards.

Methinks Redfish is challenged by reality. McConnell has set the Agenda in the Senate since Jan. 2015. He has yet to pass a budget even though the H. or Rep is still under R leadership.

a budget bill was passed, where have you been? Its a bad budget that will increase our debt, but it was passed.

That wasn't a budget, it was a gap stop measure to allow the government to borrow more money to finish out this fiscal year

How many budgets has Obama passed during his 8 years? He had both houses of congress his first two years------------no budgets. the next 6-----no budgets. Unless you consider the one just passed to be a budget, even though you said it wasn't.
Yet we import tons from them. If America was smart they would toughen trade laws with China until they put standards into place. Wall Street and Congress won't do that.
you mean the republican congress? the morons that have sat on their hands for 8 years?

Uhhh, the GOP led house passed over 300 bills that Reid never let reach the floor of the senate for discussion or a vote. You have the "sitting on their hands" backwards.

Methinks Redfish is challenged by reality. McConnell has set the Agenda in the Senate since Jan. 2015. He has yet to pass a budget even though the H. or Rep is still under R leadership.

a budget bill was passed, where have you been? Its a bad budget that will increase our debt, but it was passed.

Really, how do you explain this:

The GOP's budget fail

It was written by politico, no further explanation needed. said another way, its bullshit.
What a fucking stupid, ignorant post. The republicans don't need or want to offer anybody a damn thing, dumass. Why do governments have to "offer" something to you leftists for you to appreciate what's going on around you? This huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government needs to get the fuk out of our way. There's your offer.
Lol so you vote republican for no apparent reason? Got it.
I vote Republican to stop rapacious looters like you.
So again, you make no mention of actual republican policies you like.

Rescinding Obamacare.
Abolishing the EPA
Abolishing the Dept of Education
Supporting the 2nd Amendment
Cutting spending
Cutting taxes
Following the Constitution.

Rescind ObamaCare. AND THEN WHAT?!?

When the GOP controlled the House, the Senate, the White House, and the Supreme Court, on what date did they abolish the Dept of Education?

On what date did they cut spending?

Did you every notice the Tax Pledge doesn't say a word about promising to not increase spending?

On what date did they abolish the EPA?

"Following the Constitution". That's one of those meaningless feel-good phrases tossed out to the rubes to tickle their gonads. Just like those promises to cut spending.
you mean the republican congress? the morons that have sat on their hands for 8 years?

Uhhh, the GOP led house passed over 300 bills that Reid never let reach the floor of the senate for discussion or a vote. You have the "sitting on their hands" backwards.

Methinks Redfish is challenged by reality. McConnell has set the Agenda in the Senate since Jan. 2015. He has yet to pass a budget even though the H. or Rep is still under R leadership.

a budget bill was passed, where have you been? Its a bad budget that will increase our debt, but it was passed.

That wasn't a budget, it was a gap stop measure to allow the government to borrow more money to finish out this fiscal year

How many budgets has Obama passed during his 8 years? He had both houses of congress his first two years------------no budgets. the next 6-----no budgets. Unless you consider the one just passed to be a budget, even though you said it wasn't.

Why are you asking me to defend Obama?

By the way the POTUS does not pass budgets anyway.
Uhhh, the GOP led house passed over 300 bills that Reid never let reach the floor of the senate for discussion or a vote. You have the "sitting on their hands" backwards.

Methinks Redfish is challenged by reality. McConnell has set the Agenda in the Senate since Jan. 2015. He has yet to pass a budget even though the H. or Rep is still under R leadership.

a budget bill was passed, where have you been? Its a bad budget that will increase our debt, but it was passed.

That wasn't a budget, it was a gap stop measure to allow the government to borrow more money to finish out this fiscal year

How many budgets has Obama passed during his 8 years? He had both houses of congress his first two years------------no budgets. the next 6-----no budgets. Unless you consider the one just passed to be a budget, even though you said it wasn't.

Why are you asking me to defend Obama?

By the way the POTUS does not pass budgets anyway.

correct, but the president tells congress what kind of budget he will sign. He is supposed to work with congress to get the job done, obozo has never even tried. He does not understand the JOB of president. all he wants to do is preach left wing crap and cry about how evil the USA is.
What a fucking stupid, ignorant post. The republicans don't need or want to offer anybody a damn thing, dumass. Why do governments have to "offer" something to you leftists for you to appreciate what's going on around you? This huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government needs to get the fuk out of our way. There's your offer.
Lol so you vote republican for no apparent reason? Got it.
I vote Republican to stop rapacious looters like you.
So again, you make no mention of actual republican policies you like.

Rescinding Obamacare.
Abolishing the EPA
Abolishing the Dept of Education
Supporting the 2nd Amendment
Cutting spending
Cutting taxes
Following the Constitution.

Rescind ObamaCare. AND THEN WHAT?!?

When the GOP controlled the House, the Senate, the White House, and the Supreme Court, on what date did they abolish the Dept of Education?

On what date did they cut spending?

Did you every notice the Tax Pledge doesn't say a word about promising to not increase spending?

On what date did they abolish the EPA?

"Following the Constitution". That's one of those meaningless feel-good phrases tossed out to the rubes to tickle their gonads. Just like those promises to cut spending.

the house has passed legislation to repeal Obamacare over 30 times.
Methinks Redfish is challenged by reality. McConnell has set the Agenda in the Senate since Jan. 2015. He has yet to pass a budget even though the H. or Rep is still under R leadership.

a budget bill was passed, where have you been? Its a bad budget that will increase our debt, but it was passed.

That wasn't a budget, it was a gap stop measure to allow the government to borrow more money to finish out this fiscal year

How many budgets has Obama passed during his 8 years? He had both houses of congress his first two years------------no budgets. the next 6-----no budgets. Unless you consider the one just passed to be a budget, even though you said it wasn't.

Why are you asking me to defend Obama?

By the way the POTUS does not pass budgets anyway.

correct, but the president tells congress what kind of budget he will sign. He is supposed to work with congress to get the job done, obozo has never even tried. He does not understand the JOB of president. all he wants to do is preach left wing crap and cry about how evil the USA is.
and the job of the republican congress WAS NOT to get along with obama but to make him a one term president,,,,,and repubs did a grand job of shitting on america while trying to take obama down We thank you and Hill thanks you

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