Why do so many atheist scientists believe in aliens when there's no proof for them either?

I don’t know how ancient men didn’t look up at the stars and assume there was other humans circling every star.
Because ancient man had no concept of those little points of lihht beings stars like our sun. They had no concept that we were even circling the Sun.
Because ancient man had no concept of those little points of lihht beings stars like our sun. They had no concept that we were even circling the Sun.

that's not entirely true -


ancient Egyptian and Greek astronomical tables ... every ancient civilization on Earth on every continent have some form of detailed astronomical depictions found in their historical remains. the Greek table has the planets circling the sun.
And they also have the stars as points of light in the heavens, and the sun as a flat disc. They had zero concept that these were huge,spheroid balls of gas at various distances from the earth.

The Greeks never described the phases of venus and used them to dedicate rhe sxiatence od spheroid planets and a spheroid sun.
The answer should be you. Today, none of us are perfect, but we all can strive for perfection. How can you be perfect? Who are the people you admire? How can you be more like them? How can you make your life better in order to reach perfection? How can you make yourself more perfect? Can I get to work on time every day? Can I give up my bad habits? It's different for everyone, so you have to find what works for you.

You're doing a poor job communicating your point. You seem to be saying people should strive for perfection, but you said that people achieve perfection today.

Perfection is a journey. Not a destination. You still do not get it. All Adam and Eve had to do was obey God. Otherwise, their lives were perfect. We would have had the same perfect lives had it not been for their sin. Today, we can strive to be perfect by following Jesus. I think you're doing a poor job of being perfect or striving to be perfect. Many people do not even try to be perfect. Once they strive to be perfect, then their lives change for the better in being perfect. How can anyone be perfect if they do not strive to be perfect? Since you do not believe in Jesus, then your perfection would have to be following someone you admire. You could not even figure this out.

Perfection is a journey? Don't strain yourself moving those goalposts.


Sure it is. Perfection is a moment in time. It happens and becomes part of history. Most people's perfection may not be recognized by the media as those of superstars are, but that's okay. Not everyone is a superstar. Even stars are not a superstar. What's the opposite? It's being a Montrovant I suppose. People would rather be perfect and a winner than a loser.

Now perfection is a moment in time? Just one post ago it was a journey.

Are you confusing yourself? :lol:

I'm not confused. You are. We live moment by moment in our journey through life.

While some strive for perfection. Others do not even try because they have given up hope. Are you one of those who are hopeless? Yes, you are.
Perfection is a journey. Not a destination. You still do not get it. All Adam and Eve had to do was obey God. Otherwise, their lives were perfect. We would have had the same perfect lives had it not been for their sin. Today, we can strive to be perfect by following Jesus. I think you're doing a poor job of being perfect or striving to be perfect. Many people do not even try to be perfect. Once they strive to be perfect, then their lives change for the better in being perfect. How can anyone be perfect if they do not strive to be perfect? Since you do not believe in Jesus, then your perfection would have to be following someone you admire. You could not even figure this out.

Perfection is a journey? Don't strain yourself moving those goalposts.
Perfection is a destination you strive for but never arrive.

Life is amazing but not perfect.

"Perfection is a destination you strive for but never arrive."

as evidenced by my inability to master "sweep picking" on guitar.....


Maybe it's time to take up some other instrument or doing your best may be as perfect as you can get as a guitar player.

"Maybe it's time to take up some other instrument or doing your best may be as perfect as you can get as a guitar player."

not a bad idea.
i am still a pretty good guitar player and I have been accused of "shredding" by some....

I just can't master sweep picking.....

at 66 I have definitely gotten better over the past 6 months...

That was when I started working on shredding (what an embarrassment I was then!)....

but....week by week....
i got better....

still....."time to take up another instrument" is not a bad idea....synth/keys....maybe

That's great. You keep it up if that's how you express yourself. I'm not musical at all. I've tried, but realized my talents lie elsewhere.
Montrovant @#472 hits upon a major contradiction of religious reasoning. In Radical Atheism, Haegglund lays out Derrida's concept of autoimmunity. This is prime reading for those who question professional protection-racketism.

Post #474 shows too much ignorance that it defeats itself.
I don’t know how ancient men didn’t look up at the stars and assume there was other humans circling every star.
Because ancient man had no concept of those little points of lihht beings stars like our sun. They had no concept that we were even circling the Sun.
Because ancient man had no concept of those little points of lihht beings stars like our sun. They had no concept that we were even circling the Sun.

that's not entirely true -


ancient Egyptian and Greek astronomical tables ... every ancient civilization on Earth on every continent have some form of detailed astronomical depictions found in their historical remains. the Greek table has the planets circling the sun.

Finally, you found someone who is more ignorant than you.
I don’t know how ancient men didn’t look up at the stars and assume there was other humans circling every star.
Because ancient man had no concept of those little points of lihht beings stars like our sun. They had no concept that we were even circling the Sun.
Because ancient man had no concept of those little points of lihht beings stars like our sun. They had no concept that we were even circling the Sun.

that's not entirely true -


ancient Egyptian and Greek astronomical tables ... every ancient civilization on Earth on every continent have some form of detailed astronomical depictions found in their historical remains. the Greek table has the planets circling the sun.

Finally, you found someone who is more ignorant than you.
Finally, you found someone who is more ignorant than you.

I lived once in Indiana, fort fun is not alone ...

I'm not confused. You are. While some strive for perfection. Others do not even try because they have given up hope. Are you one of those who are hopeless? Yes, you are.

Others do not even try because they have given up hope ...

* clue: giving up hope is writing, reading and believing a 4th century political agenda disguised as a religion.

While some strive for perfection ...

wasn't this already discussed, christians can not strive for perfection because they tell everyone they are hopeless sinners and there is nothing they can do about it - except worship their false idle - that they happen to have made into their own political worldview.

here is the example of acquired perfection over time - evolution:


the metaphysical world is perfection, nothing less is possible as prescribed by the Almighty.
We point to James Bond at post #466. However, we are still looking for the Curt Cobain quote in this forum before we can go further. It is located on one of these threads,
We point to James Bond at post #466. However, we are still looking for the Curt Cobain quote in this forum before we can go further. It is located on one of these threads,
We point to James Bond at post #466.

are you still on windows 95 - maybe you should upgrade, now there is a quote function that allows others to know what you are talking about ... new is better.
#488: we allow others to know by mentioning the post #. This also is an alternative to laziness. We continue the search for the USMB Curt Cobain quote which links to post #466
I don’t know how ancient men didn’t look up at the stars and assume there was other humans circling every star.
Because ancient man had no concept of those little points of lihht beings stars like our sun. They had no concept that we were even circling the Sun.
Because ancient man had no concept of those little points of lihht beings stars like our sun. They had no concept that we were even circling the Sun.

that's not entirely true -


ancient Egyptian and Greek astronomical tables ... every ancient civilization on Earth on every continent have some form of detailed astronomical depictions found in their historical remains. the Greek table has the planets circling the sun.

Finally, you found someone who is more ignorant than you.
Finally, you found someone who is more ignorant than you.

I lived once in Indiana, fort fun is not alone ...

I'm not confused. You are. While some strive for perfection. Others do not even try because they have given up hope. Are you one of those who are hopeless? Yes, you are.

Others do not even try because they have given up hope ...

* clue: giving up hope is writing, reading and believing a 4th century political agenda disguised as a religion.

While some strive for perfection ...

wasn't this already discussed, christians can not strive for perfection because they tell everyone they are hopeless sinners and there is nothing they can do about it - except worship their false idle - that they happen to have made into their own political worldview.

here is the example of acquired perfection over time - evolution:


the metaphysical world is perfection, nothing less is possible as prescribed by the Almighty.

I keep telling BreezeWood metamorphis is not macroevo... oh never mind ha ha.
#488: we allow others to know by mentioning the post #. This also is an alternative to laziness. We continue the search for the USMB Curt Cobain quote which links to post #466

Do you strive for perfection? Did Kurt Cobain? I rode the light rail today (public transportation) and one woman with purple hair got on and started talking on her cell to complain about some poor service she got for her gynecology appointment. Both women and men were getting grossed out because we could hear every single complaint. I kinda ignored her and smiled and did my stretch exercise. It was like I am having a perfect day and you're not. She got off at the next stop. Perfection works. It honors God's work.
I don’t know how ancient men didn’t look up at the stars and assume there was other humans circling every star.
Because ancient man had no concept of those little points of lihht beings stars like our sun. They had no concept that we were even circling the Sun.
Because ancient man had no concept of those little points of lihht beings stars like our sun. They had no concept that we were even circling the Sun.

that's not entirely true -


ancient Egyptian and Greek astronomical tables ... every ancient civilization on Earth on every continent have some form of detailed astronomical depictions found in their historical remains. the Greek table has the planets circling the sun.

Finally, you found someone who is more ignorant than you.
Finally, you found someone who is more ignorant than you.

I lived once in Indiana, fort fun is not alone ...

I'm not confused. You are. While some strive for perfection. Others do not even try because they have given up hope. Are you one of those who are hopeless? Yes, you are.

Others do not even try because they have given up hope ...

* clue: giving up hope is writing, reading and believing a 4th century political agenda disguised as a religion.

While some strive for perfection ...

wasn't this already discussed, christians can not strive for perfection because they tell everyone they are hopeless sinners and there is nothing they can do about it - except worship their false idle - that they happen to have made into their own political worldview.

here is the example of acquired perfection over time - evolution:


the metaphysical world is perfection, nothing less is possible as prescribed by the Almighty.

I keep telling BreezeWood metamorphis is not macroevo... oh never mind ha ha.
I keep telling BreezeWood metamorphis is not macroevo... oh never mind ha ha.

metamorphis is not macroevo...


metamorphosis is metaphysical -

metamorphosis (proves) = metaphysical = evolution

irregardless whatever is micro / macro evolution they both are accomplished from the metaphysical existence that is only slightly understood by bonds 4th century book of forgeries ... ha ha is brain dead -

It was like I am having a perfect day and you're not.

their day is about 6 minutes long, time enough for them to feel goody about themselves after clocking in their mindless publication they stopped writing to simply worship their madeup idol. nothing more there.

evolution, the metaphysical is the Religion of Antiquity as prescribed from there to the physiological beings of planet Earth.

* never mind their idol ways, the metaphysical is immune to stupidity. their best can only be to ruin it for everyone else.
I don’t know how ancient men didn’t look up at the stars and assume there was other humans circling every star.
Because ancient man had no concept of those little points of lihht beings stars like our sun. They had no concept that we were even circling the Sun.
Because ancient man had no concept of those little points of lihht beings stars like our sun. They had no concept that we were even circling the Sun.

that's not entirely true -


ancient Egyptian and Greek astronomical tables ... every ancient civilization on Earth on every continent have some form of detailed astronomical depictions found in their historical remains. the Greek table has the planets circling the sun.

Finally, you found someone who is more ignorant than you.
Finally, you found someone who is more ignorant than you.

I lived once in Indiana, fort fun is not alone ...

I'm not confused. You are. While some strive for perfection. Others do not even try because they have given up hope. Are you one of those who are hopeless? Yes, you are.

Others do not even try because they have given up hope ...

* clue: giving up hope is writing, reading and believing a 4th century political agenda disguised as a religion.

While some strive for perfection ...

wasn't this already discussed, christians can not strive for perfection because they tell everyone they are hopeless sinners and there is nothing they can do about it - except worship their false idle - that they happen to have made into their own political worldview.

here is the example of acquired perfection over time - evolution:


the metaphysical world is perfection, nothing less is possible as prescribed by the Almighty.
If it is perfection, then why is every organism changing? That insect you picture...it was different, 2 million years ago. Was it perfect then?

You have this all backwards. The universe is not fine tuned to the life in it. The life in it is fine tuned to the universe in which it evolves. Otherwise, the extant organisms would not exist, and others would, instead.
I don’t know how ancient men didn’t look up at the stars and assume there was other humans circling every star.
Because ancient man had no concept of those little points of lihht beings stars like our sun. They had no concept that we were even circling the Sun.
Because ancient man had no concept of those little points of lihht beings stars like our sun. They had no concept that we were even circling the Sun.

that's not entirely true -


ancient Egyptian and Greek astronomical tables ... every ancient civilization on Earth on every continent have some form of detailed astronomical depictions found in their historical remains. the Greek table has the planets circling the sun.

Finally, you found someone who is more ignorant than you.
Finally, you found someone who is more ignorant than you.

I lived once in Indiana, fort fun is not alone ...

I'm not confused. You are. While some strive for perfection. Others do not even try because they have given up hope. Are you one of those who are hopeless? Yes, you are.

Others do not even try because they have given up hope ...

* clue: giving up hope is writing, reading and believing a 4th century political agenda disguised as a religion.

While some strive for perfection ...

wasn't this already discussed, christians can not strive for perfection because they tell everyone they are hopeless sinners and there is nothing they can do about it - except worship their false idle - that they happen to have made into their own political worldview.

here is the example of acquired perfection over time - evolution:


the metaphysical world is perfection, nothing less is possible as prescribed by the Almighty.
If it is perfection, then why is every organism changing? That insect you picture...it was different, 2 million years ago. Was it perfect then?

You have this all backwards. The universe is not fine tuned to the life in it. The life in it is fine tuned to the universe in which it evolves. Otherwise, the extant organisms would not exist, and others would, instead.

BreezeWood lives in his own metaphysical world. He even admitted it. What a nut jobber. We live in the physical world for now.

To his chat room buddy, there was no two million years ago. The answer to your question is no. We lost perfection due to sin. However, we do have moments of perfection which we admire. This is remnants of our past and evidence for God. We live for these perfect moments and our journey is constantly expressing ourselves in order to achieve perfection. Sadly, it's not the case for most people or else they would be happy.
I don’t know how ancient men didn’t look up at the stars and assume there was other humans circling every star.
Because ancient man had no concept of those little points of lihht beings stars like our sun. They had no concept that we were even circling the Sun.
Because ancient man had no concept of those little points of lihht beings stars like our sun. They had no concept that we were even circling the Sun.

that's not entirely true -


ancient Egyptian and Greek astronomical tables ... every ancient civilization on Earth on every continent have some form of detailed astronomical depictions found in their historical remains. the Greek table has the planets circling the sun.

Finally, you found someone who is more ignorant than you.
Finally, you found someone who is more ignorant than you.

I lived once in Indiana, fort fun is not alone ...

I'm not confused. You are. While some strive for perfection. Others do not even try because they have given up hope. Are you one of those who are hopeless? Yes, you are.

Others do not even try because they have given up hope ...

* clue: giving up hope is writing, reading and believing a 4th century political agenda disguised as a religion.

While some strive for perfection ...

wasn't this already discussed, christians can not strive for perfection because they tell everyone they are hopeless sinners and there is nothing they can do about it - except worship their false idle - that they happen to have made into their own political worldview.

here is the example of acquired perfection over time - evolution:


the metaphysical world is perfection, nothing less is possible as prescribed by the Almighty.
If it is perfection, then why is every organism changing? That insect you picture...it was different, 2 million years ago. Was it perfect then?

You have this all backwards. The universe is not fine tuned to the life in it. The life in it is fine tuned to the universe in which it evolves. Otherwise, the extant organisms would not exist, and others would, instead.
If it is perfection, then why is every organism changing? That insect you picture...it was different, 2 million years ago. Was it perfect then?

You have this all backwards. The universe is not fine tuned to the life in it. The life in it is fine tuned to the universe in which it evolves. Otherwise, the extant organisms would not exist, and others would, instead.

If it is perfection, then why is every organism changing?

physiology is not a basic element those came first the periodic table and likewise are products of the metaphysical forces their existence does not evolve and are finite in the purity they posses.

physiology is a metaphysical substance and disappears when its spiritual component is removed. the initial template derived after the elements of the periodic table is the example of initial perfection for physiology that itself through its spiritual content continues to evolve into however many beings achieve success and adapts to their environment. a perfect organism might occur at the furthest spectrum of evolution whether necessary or not. the Almighty, metaphysical forces would be the spectrum of unchanging perfection in existence.

That insect you picture...it was different, 2 million years ago. Was it perfect then?

metamorphosis is the means by which organisms evolve through the metaphysical from one generation to the next and is the spiritual component of the physiological being. the metamorphosis is perfection irregardless the organism. the organism to continue to exist must maintain the metaphysical Triumph required or perish.

The life in it is fine tuned to the universe in which it evolves.

very much so however do not forget an element, its composition -


is the initial stage of life that evolved next to the compounds -


then to physiology, what evolves as life in the universe is the universe from the beginning.
Because ancient man had no concept of those little points of lihht beings stars like our sun. They had no concept that we were even circling the Sun.
Because ancient man had no concept of those little points of lihht beings stars like our sun. They had no concept that we were even circling the Sun.

that's not entirely true -


ancient Egyptian and Greek astronomical tables ... every ancient civilization on Earth on every continent have some form of detailed astronomical depictions found in their historical remains. the Greek table has the planets circling the sun.

Finally, you found someone who is more ignorant than you.
Finally, you found someone who is more ignorant than you.

I lived once in Indiana, fort fun is not alone ...

I'm not confused. You are. While some strive for perfection. Others do not even try because they have given up hope. Are you one of those who are hopeless? Yes, you are.

Others do not even try because they have given up hope ...

* clue: giving up hope is writing, reading and believing a 4th century political agenda disguised as a religion.

While some strive for perfection ...

wasn't this already discussed, christians can not strive for perfection because they tell everyone they are hopeless sinners and there is nothing they can do about it - except worship their false idle - that they happen to have made into their own political worldview.

here is the example of acquired perfection over time - evolution:


the metaphysical world is perfection, nothing less is possible as prescribed by the Almighty.
If it is perfection, then why is every organism changing? That insect you picture...it was different, 2 million years ago. Was it perfect then?

You have this all backwards. The universe is not fine tuned to the life in it. The life in it is fine tuned to the universe in which it evolves. Otherwise, the extant organisms would not exist, and others would, instead.
If it is perfection, then why is every organism changing? That insect you picture...it was different, 2 million years ago. Was it perfect then?

You have this all backwards. The universe is not fine tuned to the life in it. The life in it is fine tuned to the universe in which it evolves. Otherwise, the extant organisms would not exist, and others would, instead.

If it is perfection, then why is every organism changing?

physiology is not a basic element those came first the periodic table and likewise are products of the metaphysical forces their existence does not evolve and are finite in the purity they posses.

physiology is a metaphysical substance and disappears when its spiritual component is removed. the initial template derived after the elements of the periodic table is the example of initial perfection for physiology that itself through its spiritual content continues to evolve into however many beings achieve success and adapts to their environment. a perfect organism might occur at the furthest spectrum of evolution whether necessary or not. the Almighty, metaphysical forces would be the spectrum of unchanging perfection in existence.

That insect you picture...it was different, 2 million years ago. Was it perfect then?

metamorphosis is the means by which organisms evolve through the metaphysical from one generation to the next and is the spiritual component of the physiological being. the metamorphosis is perfection irregardless the organism. the organism to continue to exist must maintain the metaphysical Triumph required or perish.

The life in it is fine tuned to the universe in which it evolves.

very much so however do not forget an element, its composition -

View attachment 223748

is the initial stage of life that evolved next to the compounds -

View attachment 223749

then to physiology, what evolves as life in the universe is the universe from the beginning.
That's a horseshit answer. You say the organism is perfect, then say the change itself is perfection. This demonstrates quite well the fact that this metaphysical nonsense can be poured over anything. And yet it explains nothing at all. It provides no useful predictions and explains nothing to us about the mechanics or substance of anything. It is a useless, unnecessary veneer of magical hooha.

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