Why do so many conservatives support secession?

I'm super-conservative but i don't get it. If Texas secedes and china decides to invade the state, who is gonna stop them?

Why would China invade?

Is China threatening to invade Spain? Texas has roughly the equivalent GNP to Spain. I don't reckon China has any interest in conquering Spain, do you?


Comparison between U.S. states and countries by GDP in 2012.

Do you know why China supports North Korea?

One simple reason. They don't want the US on their doorstep. Having US troops in Japan and South Korea is bad enough, having them on their border is even worse, so they prevent it happening.

If China could invade a country next to the US, it would. Right now they don't have the strength to do so. However with somewhere like Mexico they're more likely, now, to use diplomatic means. But Texas might be a different matter.
Reality? When you have to find words in something that simply don't exist, that's not reality.

Yes really.

Does a right to a fair trial exist?

Of course it does, but you go find words of that exact meaning in Constitution.

The right does.

The problem is lefties use whether or not they agree with the results as to whether or not it was a fair trial. If you agree, it was. If you don't, it wasn't.
So you want Texas to be free and secede, while continuing to be a welfare whore? Explain ...

I dont care about welfare.
I care about SS taxes thats been taken out of my checks.

You paid for defense too, that was an investment, right? Shouldn't today's taxpayers pay you back for that?

Stupid is as stupid does. You want freedom, but you want a check for it. I pity the fool. The fool is you

Nah...they can keep that.
As long as they dont mind Texas keeping all military hardware within Texas borders.

Now you're talking

I'm not unreasonable...but I wont be ripped off either.

I'm not sure what that means. How is anyone not giving you taxes you paid back ripping you off?

I'd take freedom from our oppressive government any way I can get it. Wanting a parting check from them is the last thing I'd be worried about. If Texas were able to escape the tyranny of our government, I'd move there and just be glad to be out
Lol what a load of bullshit.
Indeed. Everything you say is a "load of bullshit". But we've all become accustomed to it now.
You right wing nutters just can't stand that Supreme Court, the interpreters of Constitution, the referees on what Constitution means and allows, says that you self-proclaimed Constitution lovers are off your fucking rocker.
Please show me the exact section in the U.S. Constitution that grants the Supreme Court the power to "interpret" the Constitution itself and be the "referee" on what the Constitution "means and allows".

The fact is, you bat-shit crazy libtards hate the U.S. Constitution. You love the Supreme Court because you believe it is your way around the Constitution to the control and oppression you desire.
Just to tally up:

Supreme Court rejects your Constitutional arguments.
Economists reject your economic arguments.
Scientists reject your evolution and global warming arguments.

In short - you fellas are naturally born rejects.
Just to tally up:

You libtards can't show us where in the U.S. Constitution it grants the Supreme Court power over the U.S. Constitution itself

You libtards have crashed every economy you've ever touched (Cuba, U.S.S.R., Cambodia, Ethiopia, Greece, etc.). Actual economists (not libtards) like Milton Friedman rejected your idiocy.

You libtards have been caught lying about "Global Warming". And after colder than usual weather proved you wrong, you idiots had to do damage control and rebrand it to "Climate Change". :lmao:
I'm super-conservative but i don't get it. If Texas secedes and china decides to invade the state, who is gonna stop them?


The place will be overrun by South American narcos and crime gangs in a week and every blonde cheerleader trophy wife will be turning tricks.

Hopefully we'll be able to get a wall around Austin and it will be like Berlin after ww II.
Please show me the exact section in the U.S. Constitution that grants the Supreme Court the power to "interpret" the Constitution itself and be the "referee" on what the Constitution "means and allows".

Holy smokes you are out of your fucking mind.

What you say is so fucking stupid, so detached from reality, so unworkable in real world that I don't even know where to begin to fix that kind of stupid.

SOMEONE HAS TO BE the final arbiter of Constitutionality. It's not YOU, it's not the president, it's not the Congress, it is THE SUPREME COURT dumb-ass.
I dont care about welfare.
I care about SS taxes thats been taken out of my checks.

You paid for defense too, that was an investment, right? Shouldn't today's taxpayers pay you back for that?

Stupid is as stupid does. You want freedom, but you want a check for it. I pity the fool. The fool is you

Nah...they can keep that.
As long as they dont mind Texas keeping all military hardware within Texas borders.

Now you're talking

I'm not unreasonable...but I wont be ripped off either.

I'm not sure what that means. How is anyone not giving you taxes you paid back ripping you off?

I'd take freedom from our oppressive government any way I can get it. Wanting a parting check from them is the last thing I'd be worried about. If Texas were able to escape the tyranny of our government, I'd move there and just be glad to be out

Because there would be zero reason for them not to honor the debt owed me.
People leave the country and still collect on their SS all the time,this would be no different.
You paid for defense too, that was an investment, right? Shouldn't today's taxpayers pay you back for that?

Stupid is as stupid does. You want freedom, but you want a check for it. I pity the fool. The fool is you

Nah...they can keep that.
As long as they dont mind Texas keeping all military hardware within Texas borders.

Now you're talking

I'm not unreasonable...but I wont be ripped off either.

I'm not sure what that means. How is anyone not giving you taxes you paid back ripping you off?

I'd take freedom from our oppressive government any way I can get it. Wanting a parting check from them is the last thing I'd be worried about. If Texas were able to escape the tyranny of our government, I'd move there and just be glad to be out

Because there would be zero reason for them not to honor the debt owed me.
People leave the country and still collect on their SS all the time,this would be no different.

I still don't get this think where you think when you pay taxes someone owes you something. That isn't how taxes work. You pay them, government spends them, the money is gone.

What other taxes do you imagine government owes paying you back?
Nah...they can keep that.
As long as they dont mind Texas keeping all military hardware within Texas borders.

Now you're talking

I'm not unreasonable...but I wont be ripped off either.

I'm not sure what that means. How is anyone not giving you taxes you paid back ripping you off?

I'd take freedom from our oppressive government any way I can get it. Wanting a parting check from them is the last thing I'd be worried about. If Texas were able to escape the tyranny of our government, I'd move there and just be glad to be out

Because there would be zero reason for them not to honor the debt owed me.
People leave the country and still collect on their SS all the time,this would be no different.

I still don't get this think where you think when you pay taxes someone owes you something. That isn't how taxes work. You pay them, government spends them, the money is gone.

What other taxes do you imagine government owes paying you back?

Because thats how the system works.
Now you're talking

I'm not unreasonable...but I wont be ripped off either.

I'm not sure what that means. How is anyone not giving you taxes you paid back ripping you off?

I'd take freedom from our oppressive government any way I can get it. Wanting a parting check from them is the last thing I'd be worried about. If Texas were able to escape the tyranny of our government, I'd move there and just be glad to be out

Because there would be zero reason for them not to honor the debt owed me.
People leave the country and still collect on their SS all the time,this would be no different.

I still don't get this think where you think when you pay taxes someone owes you something. That isn't how taxes work. You pay them, government spends them, the money is gone.

What other taxes do you imagine government owes paying you back?

Because thats how the system works.

The system works that you pay taxes and they are gone. You're hallucinating that your paying taxes means that later you get something back later. That is NOT how the system works
I'm not unreasonable...but I wont be ripped off either.

I'm not sure what that means. How is anyone not giving you taxes you paid back ripping you off?

I'd take freedom from our oppressive government any way I can get it. Wanting a parting check from them is the last thing I'd be worried about. If Texas were able to escape the tyranny of our government, I'd move there and just be glad to be out

Because there would be zero reason for them not to honor the debt owed me.
People leave the country and still collect on their SS all the time,this would be no different.

I still don't get this think where you think when you pay taxes someone owes you something. That isn't how taxes work. You pay them, government spends them, the money is gone.

What other taxes do you imagine government owes paying you back?

Because thats how the system works.

The system works that you pay taxes and they are gone. You're hallucinating that your paying taxes means that later you get something back later. That is NOT how the system works

It works that way everyday. Unless of course while I was sleeping they stopped all SS payments.
I'm not sure what that means. How is anyone not giving you taxes you paid back ripping you off?

I'd take freedom from our oppressive government any way I can get it. Wanting a parting check from them is the last thing I'd be worried about. If Texas were able to escape the tyranny of our government, I'd move there and just be glad to be out

Because there would be zero reason for them not to honor the debt owed me.
People leave the country and still collect on their SS all the time,this would be no different.

I still don't get this think where you think when you pay taxes someone owes you something. That isn't how taxes work. You pay them, government spends them, the money is gone.

What other taxes do you imagine government owes paying you back?

Because thats how the system works.

The system works that you pay taxes and they are gone. You're hallucinating that your paying taxes means that later you get something back later. That is NOT how the system works

It works that way everyday. Unless of course while I was sleeping they stopped all SS payments.

When you make SS payments, the government spends the money as it comes in as they do for other taxes. You aren't getting taxes you paid back, keep dreaming
Because there would be zero reason for them not to honor the debt owed me.
People leave the country and still collect on their SS all the time,this would be no different.

I still don't get this think where you think when you pay taxes someone owes you something. That isn't how taxes work. You pay them, government spends them, the money is gone.

What other taxes do you imagine government owes paying you back?

Because thats how the system works.

The system works that you pay taxes and they are gone. You're hallucinating that your paying taxes means that later you get something back later. That is NOT how the system works

It works that way everyday. Unless of course while I was sleeping they stopped all SS payments.

When you make SS payments, the government spends the money as it comes in as they do for other taxes. You aren't getting taxes you paid back, keep dreaming

So you're telling me they've stopped paying out SS?

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