Why Do So Many Hardcore Racists Deny It When Called Out?

You mean like you do?
The new racism is to deny the existence of racism and then accuse those who call you out on your racism ….racists - even us white people. You motorically .claim the we hate our own race That is how stupid and despicable, dishonest and idiotic you people are. It's not so easy to get away with blatant, obvious racism anymore so you resort to dog whistle rhetoric and other tactics that you know will get your message across to your ilk while giving you-what you think is- plausible deniability- but it is not at all plausible. It is painfully obvious.
No, the new racism is to claim that non-white people can't be racist towards white people and to then deny white people the ability to protect themselves from the very real racism they suffer by seeking to destroy and outlaw pro-white organizations.

And yes, brainless inbred white trash like you are perfectly capable of contributing to this phenomenon.

This country and all the rest of the western world isn't 100% white anymore, your idea of what racism is and who qualifies as racist is literally racist in and of itself.
Perhaps to your surprise and chagrin there are far fewer racists of any stripe than you fantisize.

There is no acceptable number of racists that we must accept in order to be happy.

And what about those who are not racist? Must they accept this unjust indictment and just be happy?

No one is suggesting you accept a certain level of racism, we're suggesting that people be a little more discerning and sensible before labeling someone racist. If we didn't have the witch-hunt paranoia gripping the country the way it is, you'd find there are far fewer racists than you thought.
Why Whites Call People Of Colour “Racist”

There’s two reasons why Whites call people of colour (especially Black people) “racist.” First of all, it comes from a lack of understanding of the term (through ignorance or willful ignorance and hatred), its history and its consequences. As long as “racism” is viewed solely as “one person being mean to another person because of their race” or basically solely as an individual and arbitrary instance of prejudice with equal social capital between the individuals, Whites can obscure or ignore the ramifications of the historical (whether implied, microaggressions or overt racism), institutional, structural and systemic manifestations of White supremacy (which does NOT require extremism to exist) and racism.

A Black person being insulted based on slurs that facilitate(d)(s) oppression and genocide for centuries and that same sentiment behind that slur facilitates the denial of a plethora of opportunities as well as supports a plethora of types of discrimination and punishment represents a different magnitude and scope of an insult versus a Black person “hurting” a White person’s feelings, even if the former is rude.

Many times an insult is not occurring—it’s just a Black person adamantly rejecting White supremacy. The rejection of White supremacy and racism themselves is not “reverse racism.” Rejecting White supremacy is not then telling Whites to be “ashamed” of Whiteness, as they should be able to live and thrive without the lie that is the claim of inherent superiority.

The second reason why Whites call people of colour “racist” is quite different. I’ve been in several graduate-level psychology classes where White students stated that being called “racist” is the absolute worse thing that could happen to them. I always wondered why saying or doing a racist thing didn’t scare them more than being called “racist.” What I realized is that some Whites will call a person of colour who called out their racism “racist” in an “I know you are but what am I” reductionist retreat. The defense mechanisms of projection and denial are to protect their egos. If there’s nothing they fear more than being called “racist,” then the best thing to do is to get that label “away” from them as soon as possible. By deciding that a person of colour rejecting racism is the “real” “racist” act, not the racist act that they or another White person was called out on, they can deflect and derail. A common derailment tactic is to assert in a whiny voice “all Whites aren’t like this.”

As Mychal Denzel Smith writes In White People Have To Give Up Racism:

"Not every white person is a racist, but the genius of racism is that you don’t have to participate to enjoy the spoils. If you’re white, you can be completely oblivious, passively accepting the status quo, and reap the rewards."

A lack of understanding regarding what racism actually is, the belief that White supremacy is “normal” in society, the inability to see the manifestations of racism because they do not experience them and are shielded by White privilege, as well as self-protection from the label that they fear most is why Whites call people of colour “racist” and from my experience, seem to take great pleasure in doing so when that person of colour is Black.

Gradient Lair - Why Whites Call People Of Colour “Racist”
^This is literally made by the black equivalent of the Klan.

A mirror image of the ideology expressed by "Birth of a Nation".

"Black people are angels and white people are demons"
"Even the seemingly friendly and docile white person you know is destined to be a monster"
The new racism is to deny the existence of racism and then accuse those who call you out on your racism ….racists - even us white people. You motorically .claim the we hate our own race That is how stupid and despicable, dishonest and idiotic you people are. It's not so easy to get away with blatant, obvious racism anymore so you resort to dog whistle rhetoric and other tactics that you know will get your message across to your ilk while giving you-what you think is- plausible deniability- but it is not at all plausible. It is painfully obvious.

What would happen to you, if you started to just assume that every republican or conservative, who told you he was not racist,

was not racist?

What would that mean to your life or world view?
If you have to tell people that you are not a racist, you probobly are a racist.

So what are we supposed to do when somebody calls us racist and we know we are not, hmm? Did you even think of that? Did it also not occur to you that people wouldn't have to deny being racist if they were not unjustly called one?
Perhaps I should have been more clear. I'm referring to situations where someone feels compelled-unsolicited - to state that that they are no racists . Case in point-when trump declared before an audience " I am the least racist person that you will ever know" or something to that effect.

I know what you meant. My point is that everybody is being called racist these days, especially anyone who is a conservative.

People are being labeled racist for the most ridiculous reasons and it has generated an atmosphere of fear and paranoia on both sides. This is perhaps why some folks feel the need to declare their non-racism so as to preemptively forestall the accusation.

As for Trump, he has been called racist pretty much since the beginning of his campaign when he started talking about illegal immigration. So did he say this before or after the campaign?
I completely agree that the charge of "racist" is used to often without good cause, but from my perspective, it is misused far more often by those on the right. The fact that I have ben called a racist who hates my own race because I decry the racism of others is the most fucking ridiculous thing imaginable!
What would happen to you, if you started to just assume that every republican or conservative, who told you he was not racist,

was not racist?

What would that mean to your life or world view?
If you have to tell people that you are not a racist, you probobly are a racist.

So what are we supposed to do when somebody calls us racist and we know we are not, hmm? Did you even think of that? Did it also not occur to you that people wouldn't have to deny being racist if they were not unjustly called one?
Perhaps I should have been more clear. I'm referring to situations where someone feels compelled-unsolicited - to state that that they are no racists . Case in point-when trump declared before an audience " I am the least racist person that you will ever know" or something to that effect.

I know what you meant. My point is that everybody is being called racist these days, especially anyone who is a conservative.

People are being labeled racist for the most ridiculous reasons and it has generated an atmosphere of fear and paranoia on both sides. This is perhaps why some folks feel the need to declare their non-racism so as to preemptively forestall the accusation.

As for Trump, he has been called racist pretty much since the beginning of his campaign when he started talking about illegal immigration. So did he say this before or after the campaign?
I completely agree that the charge of "racist" is used to often without good cause, but from my perspective, it is misused far more often by those on the right. The fact that I have ben called a racist who hates my own race because I decry the racism of others is the most fucking ridiculous thing imaginable!
You are a black supremacist.

You are just too stupid to understand why.
If you have to tell people that you are not a racist, you probobly are a racist.

So what are we supposed to do when somebody calls us racist and we know we are not, hmm? Did you even think of that? Did it also not occur to you that people wouldn't have to deny being racist if they were not unjustly called one?
Perhaps I should have been more clear. I'm referring to situations where someone feels compelled-unsolicited - to state that that they are no racists . Case in point-when trump declared before an audience " I am the least racist person that you will ever know" or something to that effect.

I know what you meant. My point is that everybody is being called racist these days, especially anyone who is a conservative.

People are being labeled racist for the most ridiculous reasons and it has generated an atmosphere of fear and paranoia on both sides. This is perhaps why some folks feel the need to declare their non-racism so as to preemptively forestall the accusation.

As for Trump, he has been called racist pretty much since the beginning of his campaign when he started talking about illegal immigration. So did he say this before or after the campaign?
I completely agree that the charge of "racist" is used to often without good cause, but from my perspective, it is misused far more often by those on the right. The fact that I have ben called a racist who hates my own race because I decry the racism of others is the most fucking ridiculous thing imaginable!
You are a black supremacist.

You are just too stupid to understand why.
:abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg: That is just to stupid to respond to
I don't get it. So many die hard racist have engaged id, currently engage in and will engage in racist rhetoric and behavior, but when called out, always seem to slink away from it.

Why? Aren't they supposed to be proud of their stance? They should be proud.

I see it right here on USMB practically every day I post. Why hold a position that you're ashamed to stand by publicly?

Anyone have any thoughts on this phenomenon?

Would you mind listing the "racists" maybe two or three so we have a baseline. I agree with you that King is racist and an asshole.
So what are we supposed to do when somebody calls us racist and we know we are not, hmm? Did you even think of that? Did it also not occur to you that people wouldn't have to deny being racist if they were not unjustly called one?
Perhaps I should have been more clear. I'm referring to situations where someone feels compelled-unsolicited - to state that that they are no racists . Case in point-when trump declared before an audience " I am the least racist person that you will ever know" or something to that effect.

I know what you meant. My point is that everybody is being called racist these days, especially anyone who is a conservative.

People are being labeled racist for the most ridiculous reasons and it has generated an atmosphere of fear and paranoia on both sides. This is perhaps why some folks feel the need to declare their non-racism so as to preemptively forestall the accusation.

As for Trump, he has been called racist pretty much since the beginning of his campaign when he started talking about illegal immigration. So did he say this before or after the campaign?
I completely agree that the charge of "racist" is used to often without good cause, but from my perspective, it is misused far more often by those on the right. The fact that I have ben called a racist who hates my own race because I decry the racism of others is the most fucking ridiculous thing imaginable!
You are a black supremacist.

You are just too stupid to understand why.
:abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg: That is just to stupid to respond to

He wasn't talking to you. So why would you respond? Looking for trouble just for the sake of looking for trouble? And we wonder why our country is so divided.
Why Whites Call People Of Colour “Racist”

There’s two reasons why Whites call people of colour (especially Black people) “racist.” First of all, it comes from a lack of understanding of the term (through ignorance or willful ignorance and hatred), its history and its consequences. As long as “racism” is viewed solely as “one person being mean to another person because of their race” or basically solely as an individual and arbitrary instance of prejudice with equal social capital between the individuals, Whites can obscure or ignore the ramifications of the historical (whether implied, microaggressions or overt racism), institutional, structural and systemic manifestations of White supremacy (which does NOT require extremism to exist) and racism.

A Black person being insulted based on slurs that facilitate(d)(s) oppression and genocide for centuries and that same sentiment behind that slur facilitates the denial of a plethora of opportunities as well as supports a plethora of types of discrimination and punishment represents a different magnitude and scope of an insult versus a Black person “hurting” a White person’s feelings, even if the former is rude.

Many times an insult is not occurring—it’s just a Black person adamantly rejecting White supremacy. The rejection of White supremacy and racism themselves is not “reverse racism.” Rejecting White supremacy is not then telling Whites to be “ashamed” of Whiteness, as they should be able to live and thrive without the lie that is the claim of inherent superiority.

The second reason why Whites call people of colour “racist” is quite different. I’ve been in several graduate-level psychology classes where White students stated that being called “racist” is the absolute worse thing that could happen to them. I always wondered why saying or doing a racist thing didn’t scare them more than being called “racist.” What I realized is that some Whites will call a person of colour who called out their racism “racist” in an “I know you are but what am I” reductionist retreat. The defense mechanisms of projection and denial are to protect their egos. If there’s nothing they fear more than being called “racist,” then the best thing to do is to get that label “away” from them as soon as possible. By deciding that a person of colour rejecting racism is the “real” “racist” act, not the racist act that they or another White person was called out on, they can deflect and derail. A common derailment tactic is to assert in a whiny voice “all Whites aren’t like this.”

As Mychal Denzel Smith writes In White People Have To Give Up Racism:

"Not every white person is a racist, but the genius of racism is that you don’t have to participate to enjoy the spoils. If you’re white, you can be completely oblivious, passively accepting the status quo, and reap the rewards."

A lack of understanding regarding what racism actually is, the belief that White supremacy is “normal” in society, the inability to see the manifestations of racism because they do not experience them and are shielded by White privilege, as well as self-protection from the label that they fear most is why Whites call people of colour “racist” and from my experience, seem to take great pleasure in doing so when that person of colour is Black.

Gradient Lair - Why Whites Call People Of Colour “Racist”
POW. ER. FUL!!!!


The best paragraph was this...

The Article:White People Have to Give Up Racism said:
Before that, though, the chief job should be admitting there is a problem. White people have to name it, and it can’t be a cutesy euphemism that dodges the issue. We don’t have a “race problem,” we aren’t struggling with “race relations,” no one has been a victim of “reverse racism.” Let’s try this: “The United States is a racist country and because of that, I, as a white person, am the beneficiary of power and privileges that have an adverse effect on citizens of color.” There’s no shame in admitting such. It’s just a necessary starting point.
He considers anyone to the Right of Mitt Romney (and probably including Mitt Romney) "hard core racists"

Real hard core racists are the ones who admit it freely, and there are several on this board.
Please list the ones you've identified thus far.
Perhaps to your surprise and chagrin there are far fewer racists of any stripe than you fantisize.
Just because most are afraid to speak up, we still see their support of racist politicians. I predicted a white backlash after Obama. I was right. Most whites are racist.
Van Jones called it a Whitelash. We saw that whitelash manifested clearly in the so-called and self-professed "Tea Party Movement."
I don't get it. So many die hard racist have engaged id, currently engage in and will engage in racist rhetoric and behavior, but when called out, always seem to slink away from it.

Why? Aren't they supposed to be proud of their stance? They should be proud.

I see it right here on USMB practically every day I post. Why hold a position that you're ashamed to stand by publicly?

Anyone have any thoughts on this phenomenon?

It has to do with you looking at a skunk and accusing it of being Uncommitted. In other words your definition of racism is about as useful as a naked women in a gay nudist camp and people know that. See it comes from making the accusation too many times in too many ways with too many applications and too many targets.
After a while people just laugh at the functional irrelevance of your position.

I don't get it. So many die hard racist have engaged id, currently engage in and will engage in racist rhetoric and behavior, but when called out, always seem to slink away from it.

Why? Aren't they supposed to be proud of their stance? They should be proud.

I see it right here on USMB practically every day I post. Why hold a position that you're ashamed to stand by publicly?

Anyone have any thoughts on this phenomenon?

It has to do with you looking at a skunk and accusing it of being Uncommitted. In other words your definition of racism is about as useful as a naked women in a gay nudist camp and people know that. See it comes from making the accusation too many times in too many ways with too many applications and too many targets.
After a while people just laugh at the functional irrelevance of your position.

Yep, the little boy that cried "wolf" too often.
He considers anyone to the Right of Mitt Romney (and probably including Mitt Romney) "hard core racists"

Real hard core racists are the ones who admit it freely, and there are several on this board.
Please list the ones you've identified thus far.

I usually don't give them the time of day, but Odium is one. There are others, I just don't have the time to search for them.
I know what you meant. My point is that everybody is being called racist these days, especially anyone who is a conservative.

People are being labeled racist for the most ridiculous reasons and it has generated an atmosphere of fear and paranoia on both sides. This is perhaps why some folks feel the need to declare their non-racism so as to preemptively forestall the accusation.

As for Trump, he has been called racist pretty much since the beginning of his campaign when he started talking about illegal immigration. So did he say this before or after the campaign?
How is this "fear on both sides" manifested in the Republican Party as you've seen it?

Can you recount how Trump introduced himself to the world as a candidate? If so, please do.
And what about those who are not racist? Must they accept this unjust indictment and just be happy?

No one is suggesting you accept a certain level of racism, we're suggesting that people be a little more discerning and sensible before labeling someone racist. If we didn't have the witch-hunt paranoia gripping the country the way it is, you'd find there are far fewer racists than you thought.
The question was posited many times, and I've even made a thread about it...

What Constitutes Racism To You?

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