Why Do So Many White Americans Practically Hate Malcolm X?

See, that's where the wheels fall off your tricycle. Who do you think rounded up African slaves to sell to Europeans? Who do you think kept African slaves in Africa in the first place? Slavery was quite common in the world in those days, and in some of those areas, still is. Not in European areas, however.

I don't have to tell you anything because:

1. I know myself and your opinion means nothing. You cannot point to anything I have written that indicates I hate Black people. Please feel free to try and be laughed at. Then, after failing, feel free to play in traffic.
2. You are quite impervious to facts. Once you come to an emotional conclusion, you refuse to move from it.

When I pointed out quite truthfully that most whites don't care enough about X to hate him, you insisted that they don't care about him because they hate him. Interesting, no?

Most whites simply don't care about X, much less hate him in any fashion.
Not too sure what you are trying to accomplish? I said I despise chattel slave owners. No one in Africa was a chattel slave owner. Are you stupid or did you think I wouldnt notice your attempt to lie?

I know you dont have to tell me anything. I said dont try to. I dont believe you.

No I said whites hate him because he is significant. Interesting no?

I dont believe you. If whites didnt care about Malcolm X they wouldnt hate him and what he stood for.

Like I said, you're impervious to fact once you come to an emotional conclusion. You can't point to anything I've written that indicates I hate black people. You believe it because you want to believe it.

You're asserting without evidence that white people hate X, then constructing your entire argument on that false premise.

Ask any 100 white people why they hate X and see if I'm right. Go ahead, I'll wait.

I know you won't, for the following reasons:

1. You've arrived at your emotional conclusion and fact won't move you.
2. You sense that I'm right and don't want it proved to you.
3. You want to spout unsupported opinions and don't want to put any effort into validating them.

You guys talk a lot of shit. Why don't you do what we are doing? Take your ass into an all black forum, then tell blacks what you say to each other here about what black people need to do. Go explain to them how X is insignificant and how not many people pay attention to him, or how he is unimportant.

You seem to be angry about something. What exactly have I said black people need to do? Or is this all just about random "you guys"?

As for X, the issue here is accusations of hatred where there is none. People don't care enough about X to hate him.

Not angry. Blunt and not PC. All words have a meaning and the craft is in using those words to allow you to understand. What you say is not the issue, the issue is what was presented by the OP. You guys always want to tell us how things we say is made up. A does not make up his opinion. Why is it so important for you to signify that no one cares about X. If that's the case, why are you in this thread?.
You're correct, words do mean things, and you're switching back and forth between "you guys" and "you", which is disengenuous. I've been accused of being a racist, so understanding that words mean things, I asked for specifics. What exactly did I say that makes you think I am a racist? Not "you guys", not "You guys always want to tell us how things we say is made up", not "I know you're a racist because you guys are always racists and facts don't deter me". You made a valiant effort that unfortunately fell short. I still have seen nothing I've written that would indicate I am a racist.

I'm in this thread because the OP is based on a false premise, that white people hate X. They simply don't, because most don't care enough about him to hate him.

Now, do you want to complain about "you guys", or do you have something concrete that I've said? Because, quite frankly, I don't speak for anyone else, only myself.

Who does this sound more like? Barack Hussein or Donald Trump?
So, after all this, where's the hate for Malcolm? It's been alluded to multiple times, but it's not evident.
Its evident in every post by a white person claiming Malcolm isnt relevant.
Malcolm is dead, he is irrelevant, especially to white people. He did nothing for them and said nothing positive about them. Why should whites have any feelings toward him? I neither like or dislike him, he is irrelevant to me.
So, after all this, where's the hate for Malcolm? It's been alluded to multiple times, but it's not evident.
Its evident in every post by a white person claiming Malcolm isnt relevant.

He isn't relevant to the majority of people.
I disagree. He isnt relevant to poor uneducated people but to everyone else he is very relevant. There is a reason his ideology proliferates to this day.

The Impact of Malcolm X in the Human Rights Movement | NewsActivist

It's still not hate to say he's not relevant. You can live an entire lifetime and neither hate nor find him relevant. You just have no reason to think about him.
Of course its deep seated hatred to say he isnt relevant. Hatred combined with ignorance but hatred all the same.
There are alot of people of all races who are irrelevant to others, that doesn't mean they hate them, it means their existence has not impacted their lives.
I liked him. He was a close minded bigot for much of his life, filled with hate.

then he went on his muslim pilgrimage, realized just how wrong being hateful was.

that's what got him murdered, he didn't preach hate anymore.

If that's your thoughts on Minister Malcolm X, then what's your thoughts on the extremely bigoted anti-black environment, practiced by the majority of whites in America, that Malcolm X was born into?

How do you practice an environment?
your practices creates an environment -- nothing exists in a vacuum -- people's ideologies are often shaped by their environment -- so for a black man back then to be highly resentful of whites is not shocking.

What is shocking is certain white people's assumption that all blacks during that time were all born with a super gene that made them 100% benevolent and forgiving of everyone who is ACTIVELY oppressing them --that delusion is foolish -- however, that is why people like King and others are so admired -- they practiced this forgiveness, but don't believe everyone else is as forgiving of their oppressors.

Because you have white folks TODAY -- who still have a grudge against people from the south or people from the north -- because of a war that ended 160 years ago
There are many blacks who have grudges against the same people, who are not responsible for the past.
And whites don't like this man either.

Full Marcus Garvey Speech

A Great Jamaican IM2...Im fe real ting...moreover a National Hero in JA,some of you should read all you can on this Great Man
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QUOTE="Indeependent, post: 20566117, member: 46133"]I get what you’re talking about.
Malcolm was murdered when he accepted Martin Luther King’s suggestion of education to advancement.
You go to too many community meetings.

I understand that facing the truth is hard for whites.
Not at all.
That’s why we’re still running things.
And you still have food to eat.
Because we don’t burn things down.

I know the truth is hard for whites. You gave yourselves a 188 year head start and did not let anyone else have the same chances. Then you act like you've done something. And you whites burn things down. We blacks can testify to that.
More like a 300 year headstart. We didnt get civil rights until the 60's and thats being generous.
All this "head start" shit is just that. None of us have been here 188 or 300 years to get that head start. WE arent holding you back from anything. Live in the present, the past is gone.
You dont have to be here for 300 years. All you have to do is pick up the baton your ancestors have been passing down to you when youre ready. I know you arent holding me back. I cant be stopped. Youre trying your hardest to though and thats what I resent. No the past isnt gone. Its relevant and affects the present and the future. Thats why they teach you history. If what you thought was correct then they would never make history a required course.[/QUOTE]
How am I trying my hardest to hold you back? I love to see everyone succeed. Learning history is great, the good and the bad. Don't dwell on it and blame those not responsible for it. Don't ASSume that all whites were related to slave holders or agreed with slavery.
All this "head start" shit is just that. None of us have been here 188 or 300 years to get that head start. WE aren't holding you back from anything. Live in the present, the past is gone.

Really? Let us now talk about the present for this young man.


View attachment 215875

African Americans are better off in many ways but are still disadvantaged by racial inequality

Report • By Janelle Jones, John Schmitt, and Valerie WilsonFebruary 26, 2018

Following are some of the key findings:

  • African Americans today are much better educated than they were in 1968 but still lag behind whites in overall educational attainment. More than 90 percent of younger African Americans (ages 25 to 29) have graduated from high school, compared with just over half in 1968—which means they’ve nearly closed the gap with white high school graduation rates. They are also more than twice as likely to have a college degree as in 1968 but are still half as likely as young whites to have a college degree.
  • The substantial progress in educational attainment of African Americans has been accompanied by significant absolute improvements in wages, incomes, wealth, and health since 1968. But black workers still make only 82.5 cents on every dollar earned by white workers, African Americans are 2.5 times as likely to be in poverty as whites, and the median white family has almost 10 times as much wealth as the median black family.
  • With respect to homeownership, unemployment, and incarceration, America has failed to deliver any progress for African Americans over the last five decades. In these areas, their situation has either failed to improve relative to whites or has worsened. In 2017 the black unemployment rate was 7.5 percent, up from 6.7 percent in 1968, and is still roughly twice the white unemployment rate. In 2015, the black homeownership rate was just over 40 percent, virtually unchanged since 1968, and trailing a full 30 points behind the white homeownership rate, which saw modest gains over the same period. And the share of African Americans in prison or jail almost tripled between 1968 and 2016 and is currently more than six times the white incarceration rate.
High school graduation rates. Over the last five decades, African Americans have seen substantial gains in high school completion rates. In 1968, just over half (54.4 percent) of 25- to 29-year-old African Americans had a high school diploma. Today, more than nine out of 10 African Americans (92.3 percent) in the same age range had a high school diploma. (See Table 1 for all data presented in this report.)

The large increase in high school completion rates helped to close the gap relative to whites. In 1968, African Americans trailed whites by more than 20 percentage points (75.0 percent of whites had completed high school, compared with 54.4 percent of blacks). In the most recent data, the gap is just 3.3 percentage points (95.6 percent for whites versus 92.3 percent for African Americans).

The unemployment rate for African Americans in 2017 (the last full year of data) was 7.5 percent, 0.8 percentage points higher than it was in 1968 (6.7 percent). The unemployment rate for whites was 3.8 percent in 2017 and 3.2 percent in 1968.3

The unemployment data for these two years, almost 50 years apart, demonstrate a longstanding and unfortunate economic regularity: the unemployment rate for black workers is consistently about twice as high as it is for white workers.

The inflation-adjusted hourly wage of the typical black worker rose 30.5 percent between 1968 and 2016, or about 0.6 percent per year. This slow rate of growth is particularly disappointing given the large increase in educational attainment among African Americans over these decades.

Even slower real wage growth (about 0.2 percent per year) for the typical white worker—albeit starting from a higher initial wage—meant that African Americans did modestly close the racial wage gap over the last five decades. But, in 2016, by the hourly wage measure used here, the typical black worker still only made 82.5 cents on every dollar earned by the typical white worker.

50 years after the Kerner Commission: African Americans are better off in many ways but are still disadvantaged by racial inequality

Be careful what you ask for because you will get it.

More cut and paste instead of thinking for yourself. Who do you suppose I am holding back? I would love for everyone to succeed.
Most white people think Malcom X is a rap artist.

Most people would need to be 70-75 years old to even remember MX


Not really, I'm 57 and he was around when I was a kid. However why is it these excuses are being made for X when you guys can remember everything about George Washington you choose to and you weren't even close to being thought about? I probably know the answer I am going to get but …
Because Washington was taught in school, he was our first president. Malcolm X was not a school subject.
Then there are a lot of black Africans you must despise.

Me hating black people would only be accurate if I expressed a standard that meant that. I not only haven't expressed such a standard, I haven't expressed one at all. You have been insisting that people hate X because they don't think he's significant. The fact is, they don't, any more than you hate any random historical figure about whom you care very little.
I wouldnt call it a lot. Just the ones that break their necks to make whites happy.

See, that's where the wheels fall off your tricycle. Who do you think rounded up African slaves to sell to Europeans? Who do you think kept African slaves in Africa in the first place? Slavery was quite common in the world in those days, and in some of those areas, still is. Not in European areas, however.

You've expressed your opinion which tells me you hate Blacks. I dont mind but dont try and tell me you dont.

I don't have to tell you anything because:

1. I know myself and your opinion means nothing. You cannot point to anything I have written that indicates I hate Black people. Please feel free to try and be laughed at. Then, after failing, feel free to play in traffic.
2. You are quite impervious to facts. Once you come to an emotional conclusion, you refuse to move from it.

I've never said people hate Malcolm X because they dont think he is significant.

When I pointed out quite truthfully that most whites don't care enough about X to hate him, you insisted that they don't care about him because they hate him. Interesting, no?

The opposite is the truth. Whites hate Malcolm X due to him being very significant. If not for him they would have never been forced into civil rights.

Most whites simply don't care about X, much less hate him in any fashion.
Not too sure what you are trying to accomplish? I said I despise chattel slave owners. No one in Africa was a chattel slave owner. Are you stupid or did you think I wouldnt notice your attempt to lie?

I know you dont have to tell me anything. I said dont try to. I dont believe you.

No I said whites hate him because he is significant. Interesting no?

I dont believe you. If whites didnt care about Malcolm X they wouldnt hate him and what he stood for.

Like I said, you're impervious to fact once you come to an emotional conclusion. You can't point to anything I've written that indicates I hate black people. You believe it because you want to believe it.

You're asserting without evidence that white people hate X, then constructing your entire argument on that false premise.

Ask any 100 white people why they hate X and see if I'm right. Go ahead, I'll wait.

I know you won't, for the following reasons:

1. You've arrived at your emotional conclusion and fact won't move you.
2. You sense that I'm right and don't want it proved to you.
3. You want to spout unsupported opinions and don't want to put any effort into validating them.

You guys talk a lot of shit. Why don't you do what we are doing? Take your ass into an all black forum, then tell blacks what you say to each other here about what black people need to do. Go explain to them how X is insignificant and how not many people pay attention to him, or how he is unimportant.
All you do is post negative things about whites. I have no idea what blacks need to do. As far as I am concerned, all people need to live their lives and let others do the same, quit bitching and moaning about the past, there is too much to look forward to in the future.
What is it that he did that brings out the hatred of white people so?

He didn't kill anyone, he didn't steal from anyone, he didn't commit any crimes, in his life that he's known for as a Minister and thought-leader of his time.

All he did was speak the raw, unadulterated and unfiltered truth about the state of affairs in this country.

I suppose that's why so many whites couldn't stand him.

The truth shouldn't be an offense.

Malcom X was assasinated, by it is thought forces of Elija Muhammad, 53 years ago. If you asked 100 Americans what they thought of Malcom X 13 might have an opinion 85 would say who? and 2 would have a vague opinion maybe.

I doubt that.
Put your big boy pants on and offer credible sources that prove your point. By the way I think Malcom X program viable and an excellent tool for his constituency. He was sadly killed by his own community before he had the chance to make an impression.

Put on your big boy pants infant and speak correctly when you talk about X. He was killed by 2 black men paid by the FBI and white ass J Edgar Hoover. Every president that has been assassinated was assassinated by whites. President Kennedy had a good program until he was killed by a member of his own communiy. Catch my drift?

X made an impression. A big and historical one. That's why we are here today over 50 years after he's gone talking about him.

So you present credible evidence to support the things you say. Don't ask me to do what you don't.
LOL now look who is changing history. A black man who hated Malcolm killed him yet you prefer to blame white FBI agents. You are pathetic
See, that's where the wheels fall off your tricycle. Who do you think rounded up African slaves to sell to Europeans? Who do you think kept African slaves in Africa in the first place? Slavery was quite common in the world in those days, and in some of those areas, still is. Not in European areas, however.

Here is a classic example of your racism hadit. This tale as you tell it, is a lie. And I was created by white racists but you repeat this ad nauseum like the other racists. We do not see the non racist whites here doing this.
What lie? Where do you think the Europeans got their slaves? Do you REALLY think they would go to all the trouble, expense, and loss of life to waltz down to Africa, fight wars against the native Africans, and haul millions of them off on slave ships? Seriously? And you think that's racist. Odd.

Okay, so what is your tale about how the Europeans so easily got so many African slaves if not from the locals?
Some blacks really believe that the Egyptians didn't have slaves, they had indentured servants LOL.
Actually he can be and is that misinformed. Read enough of his post and it becomes just how ignorant he truly is.

He's not as misinformed as you. You guys will gladly point out that X went to prison BEFORE he became a leader. You racists look to discredit anything blacks have done. But will you point out that 12 presidents conducted the business of slavery in the white house? You will deny that, which shows just how ignorant and misinformed you are.

Find one racist post of mine or shut your sissy mouth.

I won't shut up and you are a racist.

I’m not near as racist as you, but then you set a very high bar in the racist category. Like I have said before.....you lead a very sad and pitiful life because you don’t have the intestinal fortitude of heroic black Americans like MLK. Few of us do to be sure, but you have been told you’re a victim and all you can do is whine about it.

I'm not racist and you knw nothing about King. If King lived today you'd be calling him a racist. The problem with you is that you don't know what I have done during the 30 plus years I worked in the black community. I haven't been told shit But you've been told that we get told we are victims not that we experience racism, and you are just enough of a dumb ass to believe that.

Last those like you whine forever about the government. Yet not one of you white racists here tell each other you are whining. Do the same here. You are the one living in misery, because you have to lie to yourself every day about your life.
YOU whine more than any other poster on here.YOU call all of us white posters racists, those are lies.
Not too sure what you are trying to accomplish? I said I despise chattel slave owners. No one in Africa was a chattel slave owner. Are you stupid or did you think I wouldnt notice your attempt to lie?

I know you dont have to tell me anything. I said dont try to. I dont believe you.

No I said whites hate him because he is significant. Interesting no?

I dont believe you. If whites didnt care about Malcolm X they wouldnt hate him and what he stood for.

Like I said, you're impervious to fact once you come to an emotional conclusion. You can't point to anything I've written that indicates I hate black people. You believe it because you want to believe it.

You're asserting without evidence that white people hate X, then constructing your entire argument on that false premise.

Ask any 100 white people why they hate X and see if I'm right. Go ahead, I'll wait.

I know you won't, for the following reasons:

1. You've arrived at your emotional conclusion and fact won't move you.
2. You sense that I'm right and don't want it proved to you.
3. You want to spout unsupported opinions and don't want to put any effort into validating them.

You guys talk a lot of shit. Why don't you do what we are doing? Take your ass into an all black forum, then tell blacks what you say to each other here about what black people need to do. Go explain to them how X is insignificant and how not many people pay attention to him, or how he is unimportant.

You seem to be angry about something. What exactly have I said black people need to do? Or is this all just about random "you guys"?

As for X, the issue here is accusations of hatred where there is none. People don't care enough about X to hate him.

Not angry. Blunt and not PC. All words have a meaning and the craft is in using those words to allow you to understand. What you say is not the issue, the issue is what was presented by the OP. You guys always want to tell us how things we say is made up. A does not make up his opinion. Why is it so important for you to signify that no one cares about X. If that's the case, why are you in this thread?.
You're correct, words do mean things, and you're switching back and forth between "you guys" and "you", which is disengenuous. I've been accused of being a racist, so understanding that words mean things, I asked for specifics. What exactly did I say that makes you think I am a racist? Not "you guys", not "You guys always want to tell us how things we say is made up", not "I know you're a racist because you guys are always racists and facts don't deter me". You made a valiant effort that unfortunately fell short. I still have seen nothing I've written that would indicate I am a racist.

I'm in this thread because the OP is based on a false premise, that white people hate X. They simply don't, because most don't care enough about him to hate him.

Now, do you want to complain about "you guys", or do you have something concrete that I've said? Because, quite frankly, I don't speak for anyone else, only myself.
He does this on all his replies to white posters.
See, that's where the wheels fall off your tricycle. Who do you think rounded up African slaves to sell to Europeans? Who do you think kept African slaves in Africa in the first place? Slavery was quite common in the world in those days, and in some of those areas, still is. Not in European areas, however.

Here is a classic example of your racism hadit. This tale as you tell it, is a lie. And I was created by white racists but you repeat this ad nauseum like the other racists. We do not see the non racist whites here doing this.
What lie? Where do you think the Europeans got their slaves? Do you REALLY think they would go to all the trouble, expense, and loss of life to waltz down to Africa, fight wars against the native Africans, and haul millions of them off on slave ships? Seriously? And you think that's racist. Odd.

Okay, so what is your tale about how the Europeans so easily got so many African slaves if not from the locals?
Some blacks really believe that the Egyptians didn't have slaves, they had indentured servants LOL.
You do realized they call them indentured servants specifically to differentiate them from slaves right? The fact is that they had both but most whites are too stupid to understand the difference between slavery and chattel slavery.
What is it that he did that brings out the hatred of white people so?

He didn't kill anyone, he didn't steal from anyone, he didn't commit any crimes, in his life that he's known for as a Minister and thought-leader of his time.

All he did was speak the raw, unadulterated and unfiltered truth about the state of affairs in this country.

I suppose that's why so many whites couldn't stand him.

The truth shouldn't be an offense.
I think he was the one who suggested that whites be killed and the state of Alabama be given to all black people. I think all black people would be forced to move there from all of the other states. I for one do not think many of the people that are black would give up what they have just to start over.
That was a agreement between the KKK and the NOI that Malcolm X had nothing to do with. No there was no forcing. It was to be a voluntary separation. Black people gave up what they have many times. Usually due to the white recessives that were jealous of what they have built. However, some of the greatest voluntary migrations inside the US were done by Blacks. The exodus of Blacks from the south to the north for instance probably remains the largest voluntary relocation in the history of the US by one racial demographic.
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I’m not near as racist as you, but then you set a very high bar in the racist category. Like I have said before.....you lead a very sad and pitiful life because you don’t have the intestinal fortitude of heroic black Americans like MLK. Few of us do to be sure, but you have been told you’re a victim and all you can do is whine about it.
Just like how t-Rump responds w/the "I'm the LEAST racist person you know!" response every time, instead of out rightly saying, "I'm not a racist."
I don't know much about Malcolm X other than he was assassinated. So, I don't have an opinion of him whatsoever.

What makes you think white people hate him?
The legion of comments I've received here on USMB over the years referring to "the person in [my] avatar" as a racist.
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